- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Whew. One of the roughest choices of my life, and that isn’t an exaggeration. (And THAT is a symptom of my addiction to Adam!)

Adamized and I already had m&g tickets for Lindsey Stirling when this concert was announced. We both spent days checking ticket availability and trying to decide what to do. Lindsey has never toured before and this was her only accessible venue, and I absolutely adore her spirit and passion and overcoming of odds (remind us of anyone?) Adamized had just discovered her and was excited about going.
We were still agonizing and emailing the other ALLers as late as early evening, and dcglam was to text me when they knew when Adam was coming on (and she was as good as her word!)
Our thought was that Lindsey would not have a long set and we could catch a cab to the 930 for at least part of Adam’s gig.
Alas! Lindsey had two opening acts! So it couldn’t happen.
Are there regrets? Of course, but it is impossible to be in two places at one time. We knew that we could count on TALC vids to be amazing ( those ladies are a national treasure, IMHO) and that Lindsey has no such permanent videographers. Adamized and I have seen Adam three times in the last few months, including the amazing Wilkes Barre concert, and we both had Ste Agathe also. Adamized is going to Phoenix next month…plus she has a terrible cold today, and Lindsey’s concert was a seated event.
I can’t help but feel a little bit defensive about passing up Adam for Lindsey Sterling – bad fan! – as well as feeling truly a sense of loss that we mssed the opportunity not only to see Adam, but also to reconnect with ulti and dcglam and mmm.
It was a modern (and fortunately less catastrophic) Sophie’s Choice…
But Lindsey’s concert was AMAZING and inspiring, and the two opening acts were def woth seeing, and that won’t be on youtube. Regrets? Of course. But there would have been regrets regardless of the choice.
And the best thing is that we can live vicariously through the generously shared vids and recaps and pics and tweets and twats of the awesome glambert community! Is it as good as being there? Alas, no, but it is a darn good second place!
So hugs to all who share, and love to those friends we missed tonight!
Just saw that Sparkle made it to DC for the show! Yay!
A blogpost review from someone who was there:
More good pics:
It’s kind of amazing how much his hair color changes, depending on the lighting and reflections.
Awww Kradamour and adamized – I felt for you and your difficult choice! It sounds like you both really agonized over it. But you made the choice that felt right to you given the circumstances. And like you said, you would have had regrets either way. It’s just unfortunate that you were forced to choose between them.
And adamized I hope you feel better soon!
Good quality vids, good sound! From HannaBec.
Banter and WWFM: (so funny, Mary)
Naked Love: (check out his reaction at :40 when someone in the audience flashed him – so funny!)
TALC vids have started coming in!
The Speech and Outlaws of Love:
banter and pop that lock
banter about question 6
Outlaws of love
I didn’t like the notes the Vjj’s were singing at the end of OOL.
Kradamour, my comment was never meant to make you feel bad or like a bad fan. I was caught up in the moment of the live stream and the crazy fun that was happening. I know that your decision was a difficult one, and I do hope that you enjoyed your evening. It certainly sounds as if you did. My apologies. It’s all love, Nekkid love!

adamized, I hope you feel better soon!
I didn’t like those notes either HK Fan. They were too overpowering over Adam’s vocals.
That Cuckoo is the best! I laughed so hard! I guess the band is divided into the v’s and the cocks!
So crazy!
AWWW Krad Don’t feel guilty at all! We all know how hard that decision was for you and adamized
) in concerts. I only hope he heads in my direction soon enough. I’m having Adam withdrawal since mid-July.
These vids help a lot.
So glad you enjoyed the other concert. As said before, Adam’s still new in his career, so there’ll be many other opportunities to see him (please Queen come on over here
Just sort of consoled myself by buying Aerosmith tix for November and also Lady Gaga for March of next year. The good thing about the Gaga tix was the ability to get good seats in the presale because they’re doing the same as the Adele tix…thwarting the scalpers by forcing the buyers to pick up the tickets at Will Call before the concert with the same credit card used to pay for them and a picture ID. Hope they start doing that for Adam’s concerts.
I just heard from cher via e-mail that attendance for the fundraiser concert was poor and peeps are saying that it is because it was last minute and that there wasn’t very much advertizing for it. I have to say that whoever chose this date was an idiot. It pretty much precluded the vast majority of Jews from coming. Even if people aren’t particularly observant, if there is one night in the year that they go to synagogue, it is this night. And even if, like me, they don’t go to Services, they wouldn’t go out to a concert. I am very sure that Adam has a lot of fans in the Washington area who would have loved to go to the concert, but just felt that they couldn’t. On the other hand, I am also sure that there are many supporters of Question 6 who would have loved to go to a fundraiser and would have become Adam fans, but also stayed home because of the date of the concert. Like I said, Idiot!
It’s funny that you mentioned this, cher, because we had to pick up these fundraiser tix at Will Call last night with an ID. I thought the reason had to do with the fact that it was such a last minute event without time to mail tix, but hopefully they are moving in this direction for all of Adam’s concerts as well.
Beautiful post, Kradamour….
When you get a chance, e-mail me your address. I have a little something for you that I think might make you feel a whole lot betterer!
Rest up that cold, adamized, and feel better very soon!
These videos are awesome and Adam was so articulate and positive and appealing in his talk about Question 6. It would be amazing if the people of Maryland became the first in the nation to actually vote for SSM.
BTW, I now know what the dc in dcglam stands for LOL!
My heart goes out to kradamour and adamized. To be so near and yet so far. I don’t know what I would do in that situation.
It’s too bad this event didn’t sell-out but it was put together quickly. C’est la vie. Maybe Adam and the Question 6 supporters will open up a link to donate in his name so that we can support this from around the country.
After going over the videos I am going to venture an opinion that this was the best Shady Adam and the band have every done. Am I nuts? Still want to see Adam perform this song with Nile.
So sads that the sound for OOL comes across as “fuzzy” on all the videos I have seen. It would be amazing if a truly great version of that song followed Adam’s heartfelt and thoughtful speech. It’s going to get a lot of hits, (I hope.)
Overall, the sound was much better than most people who know that venue had predicted.
So Adam is in New Zealand on October 10 and 11. The OZ date is the 13th. What is he doing between the Sept. 30th and then? Promoting in China for a few days? Holidaying in between? Back to the US for a week to promote Trespassing?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Jealous of everyone that went to the show,looked like a real good time. It does seem like Adam is getting better and better at talking to the crowds. I know this isn’t a popular opinion, and it’s just mine, but to my ear the ladies voices just seem to clash with Adams voice. I don’t know if they are too loud, but also the tone. I don’t think it complements his voice too well. Please be gentle with me, it’s only my opinion, like I said, but I noticed it at the Wilkesbarre show that I was lucky to attend, and when I listen back to all these shows, I hear the same thing. It’s probably just my hearing. P.S I did wear earplugs, that someone here suggested, so maybe its just me.
ladyh, I agree with you about the ladies voices, and have commented several times that I thought they sounded off at times, or maybe it is that they just do not blend well with Adams voice. I loved the male backup singers he had in London, I thought they sounded great with him.
HKfan…agree… Did not like the voices at the end of OOL either. I do think it is time for Adam to check the voices/harmony of the background singers. a guy voice would be welcome. Maybe ok for these one-off things but if there is a tour hopefully this will be addressed IMO of course.
Looking forward to mini reviews!
I,too, am jealous of everyone who got to go and see this fabulous concert. Would love to have reconnected with my Wilkes Barre buddies sparkle and mmm2!! What fun it would’ve been!and to see ulti and dcglam again! DC was doable from FL with more notice! Wishing with,Cher and RiskyLady and missdfyedand the rest of the Florida orphans for something in FL sometime!
Can’t wait to really watch the vids later today after work.
I didn’t manage to watch the dinner, but have to warm it up as soon as have had the rl meal! For the appetizer I had OLL and Cuckoo. I wasn’t sure what he was saying in it – did my ears hear it right – apparently yes
HK fan and others, I felt the same about the end lady screams in OLL. It was too loud compared to Adam’s soft ending…
About last night….
First of all and most important, what a great group of gals to spend the evening with – mmm222, ultimathule, and sparkle! You are all so amazing and such fun “party animals”. Thank you for making this such a special night to remember.
Then there is our incredible boy! He was introduced on stage by Tommy McFly from FRESH 94.7, the radio station we won tix to in March. I love that station as they are always so supportive of Adam. As mmm222 mentioned last night, we had perfect viewing spots – up close and very personal. Adam seemed genuinely happy and in high spirits. He was totally in his element – very comfortable, chatty, funny, and just plain on FIRE!! Of course, there is no way to talk about Adam without mentioning his gorgeous looks. His suit was classy and stunning, and fit the occasion perfectly. He looked so skinny! Yes, I have to admit that those patent leather shoes with no socks were a bit lulz worthy, but so Adam. The “new” hair was no less than spectacular.
I saw the GNT at this same venue in 2010. I remember this also being a great show. I think Adam as a whole feels comfortable with the DC crowd (very liberal for the most part) and likes this venue. Ha, this was the place where he kicked the security guard. LOL, why did I happen to think of that last night while I was there??? If and when the Trespassing tour happens, I’ll bet he will be back at the 9:30 Club.
I think the part that always stands out in my mind each time I attend an Adam event has to do with his devoted Glamberts. What a ball everyone had together! While we were waiting for the show to begin, peeps were passing around cell phone pics of Adam’s new hair color. Yep, we were all flailing together – so funny! It seemed as though we were all one big happy family and not strangers at all. The bonding experience at these concerts is incredible. We struck up a conversation with a gal behind us who was also from Pennsylvania, like sparkle. By the way, thank you mmm222 for “alerting” me and sharing stories regarding a special SPG on the premises.
I had soooooooo much fun last night and am still beaming. Next time it will be even more fun because Kradamour and adamized will be with us, and hopefully many others from ALL as well.
What a great concert! Adam is really getting into a groove interacting with the crowd; he seems to love these types of venues.
I don’t know if it’s the videos or what, but a lot of the time it seems like the band is too loud, especially the drums and keyboard. When he introduced Ashley and Tommy, I could barely hear the bass and guitar. Anyone else have that feeling, or is it just me??
Also, the backup singers seem to sing over Adam’s high notes a lot, almost drowning him out. I think that needs to change too, but don’t know if they are being given any feedback…..
His voice, though, was just AMAZING….and what a goofy fun guy. How did we get so lucky to get all of that in one package (and I do mean package)!
Thanks for that recap, Dcglam! I thought he had yellow socks on! Did his hair look dark at the roots in person? And did the vajayjay’s sound off to you?
I’m glad I got the first taste of crazy, wild, confident, talky Adam in Fantasy Springs. It was so different but exciting. Really was not a good thing to not give more advance notice. I would have gone in a heartbeat.
I still think he’s got a secret or two. Something is making him deliriously happy and it continues.
Thank you for the recap dcglam. That was a gem of a concert! So glad you all had a great time.
A beautiful laughing gif
Adorable politics gif:
Another smiling/laughing gif (during his speech): http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc435/adam-pictures/Various/OOL-DC-1.gif
Some good new pics have popped up:
There’s more!
More good concert pics:
with Ashley: http://twitpic.com/ayexu0
with Tommy (this should keep the Adommy shippers going for a while): http://twitpic.com/ayg1lr
VJJ sandwich: http://instagram.com/p/QCrQJqlmpz/
Ankle porn: http://twitpic.com/ayg4d8
Aerial view: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151074570772219&set=p.10151074570772219&type=1&theater
And more!
Collections of photos here:
With Tuke: http://twitpic.com/ayg0jp
with fans: https://twitter.com/brianbailone/status/250918378980663296
Adam went out to Cobalt last night after the show:
And now he’s headed back home. Pic from Dulles airport today:
The video of Adam’s speech and OOL performance is being picked up very favorably by gay sites…
GLAAD: http://www.glaad.org/news/adam-lambert-outlaw-love-marriage-equality-maryland-video
Instinct magazine: http://instinctmagazine.com/blogs/blog/video-adam-lambert-performs-outlaws-of-love-at-maryland-marriage-equality-benefit?directory=100011
Huff Post Gay Voices: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/26/adam-lambert-maryland-gay-marriage-outlaws-of-love_n_1916719.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
On Top magazine: http://www.ontopmag.com/article.aspx?id=13092&MediaType=1&Category=22#.UGMzgakY3Vw.twitter
Gay Star News: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gay-singer-adam-lambert-fights-gay-marriage260912
Towleroad: http://www.towleroad.com/2012/09/lambertmd.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=spreadtwitter&utm_content=%3C$MTEntryPermalink$%3E
And now this post ho needs to stop and go get some other things done!
Just added “Kickin’ In” videos from HannaB20 and TALCvids above.
luval, I feel it too. Adam’s confident level is totally up a few notches, and that is saying something.
So many equations, to the secrets.
I am saving my money for Queenbert.
There is no way, that Brian & Roger would stop this fabulous collaboration. The whole band loves Adam.
Maybe new Queen music?
Maybe he is the new mentor on Idol?
More acting roles?
Another video?
Super Bowl?
Grammy Nom inside news?
The intrigue is quite suspenseful.
What ever it is, he seems super HAPPY!
Of all the pictures I think the best is the laughing gif that nkd posted at 12:52pm. His hair is gorgeous, face & smile are amazing.
hmmm..my buttons are missing. Hasn’t happened for quite a while. Thought it was just this thread but on the September one too.
Hi luval~

Up close, I think you may be able to notice a bit of darkness at the roots — nothing really uber apparent, in my opinion. As for the vajayjays…. I am probably not the best judge here. I have a condition called selective hearing — only listen to Adam.
I will say though that often times the YouTube vids come through a bit differently than on stage. Adam sounded wonderful to me.
You are so funny, TLKC!
Oh my.
Thanks for posting the link to Marylanders for Marriage Equality in the thread heading post, AL.
Just for convenience’s sake, I’ll post it here again.
Those of us who couldn’t go to the show can still donate to this important cause here:
Adam said in an interview that he wanted to alert and galvanize his “amazing fanbase” to the cause.
I watched all the videos, such an amazing time. I so wish I was there. He just keeps getting better.
I’m not sure if he has a secret or if he is just loving life and his place in it. We said that after Fantasy Springs and nothing really came to pass, except he just seems so happy all the time. Maybe it is just Sauli
The girls were too loud at the end of OOL but so was the guitar all the way thru, it overpowered instead of enhanced.
I wonder if Tommy has been reading some people’s criticism LOL He was moving all over last night.
Can’t wait for what’s next.
It was a wonderful late night last night and a busy day for me today. I just watched some of the videos was laughing again just like I did last night Thank you TALC for your efforts and fabulous videos. Now it’s time for my recap.
I was getting ready to meet up with ulti and dcglam at the venue when sparkle called me to say she had decided at the last minute to come, was on her way from Pa., and would be at my house in 30 minutes. After she arrived, we drove into DC where we joined dcglam and ulti in the VIP line. We were close to the front of the line and decided to get a good spot on the floor rather than go to the VIP area on the balcony. The spot we had was just amazing…2nd row, dead center right in front of Adam in all his glory. The crowd was a very enthusiastic mix including Glamberts, gay couples and only 1 child: a cute, excited 12 year old girl. The venue was at least 2/3 full which was good considering the short notice and the price of the tickets at $125-$250. We weren’t sure what to expect with respect to political speeches, but aside from the brief introduction by the DJ, there was just Adam at his best.
First of all, he looked fabulous!!! Just breathtakingly gorgeous…and to think we were only a few feet from him! There is nothing quite like a tall, slender, handsome man in a well tailored suit. The shirt was very nice, too, partially unbuttoned with some chest hair showing. The dressy shoes without socks were funny…Adam’s twist on an otherwise very classy oufit. He claimed that he forgot to bring socks, but really, they do sell socks in DC. His hair was dark at the roots and a dark gray, like a pewter, on top. The color really changes a lot with the light. Tommy’s hair is now purple. Ashley looked great in her outfit with the high boots and garters. The new drummer, Rick, was really good. He also seemed like a very personable, fun, friendly guy.
The concert was just amazing! Adam just thrives in these smaller intimate venues. He hasn’t had a concert in a month and was just bursting with pent up energy and love for his audience. He was relaxed, chatty, hilarious and all over the stage. He was really feeding off the crowd and interacting with us. His vocals were perfect as always, and the dance moves were totally crazy. Again, watching them from the 2nd row was a sight to behold. At one point toward the end he did a few hip swivels at the edge of the stage right in front of me, as in a few feet away from me with me looking up at him. My eyeballs nearly popped out of my head! (And I thought of how much mils would have enjoyed that sight.) He really was funny with all of his banter. When he was singing the lines about, “I don’t know much about V…”, I thought at first, “Is he really saying what I think he’s saying?” Yes, he was. What a nut! As for the VJJ’s, they are fun and add to the energy of the dance songs. However, they really need to keep quiet during the softer songs. Their voices don’t blend with Adam’s and they sound off and out of tune. That was really apparent during OOL as some of you mentioned.
And last but not least, it was a great evening and sharing it with ulti, dcglam and sparkle made it that much better. What a wonderful group of ladies!
Wonderful recaps mmm222 and dcglam! Thank you so much for sharing your details. It sounds like it was simply a fabulous night. And congratulations on your awesome spot! Wow!
Great recaps mmm222 and dcglam! It makes it so much more personal to hear from people we know.
But mmm222 you really don’t have to rub it in.
Catchy tune!
Thank you mmm222 for your recap. What a night!
Your viewing position sounds amazing!
First of all – my undying thanks to mmm222, dcglam, and sparkle for being the utterly terrific women they are. They were so good to me – this vertically-challenged fan – and managed to squeeze me into the second row where I could look directly up at the mic (I had previously been behind a giant of a guy with a hat on – would you believe – lol – in the first row).
And talk about riveting – when Adam arrived on stage all hell broke loose – absolutely marvelous. I, for one, like starting off with KI – gets the party going – and happy about Shady and Pop that Lock, which is one of my big favorites.
What can I add to what’s already been said. Adam has one of the finest voices in music today – maybe the finest, actually. His stage presence is irresistible – funny, sweet, off-color (so cute) and totally worth the four-plus hours I stood on line.
And, I, too, was taken aback by how thin he is – no wonder he wears clothes so beautifully – he’s built like a clothes-rack. Beautiful suit, silky shirt, smashing belt, sleeves rolled up, hair gorgeous – kept changing color because of the lights.
So – thanks to my three girls from last night – I appreciated your being there more than I can say.
You and Adam made my night.
Adam was wearing a belt?