- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oh, it sounds as though it was an absolutely perfect Adam experience. So happy that you all got to partake from the 2nd row. What a treat!!!! Adam is definitely coming into his own. Having someone love you, loosing weight, singing with Queen, having a part on a tv show. All good reasons for feeling happy and confident.
As Kradamour so eloquently stated, it was a hard decision for us but it probably was the right one given all the factors we were weighing. I think it was a blessing in disguise that we stuck with our decision to see Lindsey. I was feeling so poorly that by the time we had our M&G, that I didn’t dare get too close. Once seated at our table I was able to drink lots of cool water and was relatively comfortable. I don’t think I could have made it during the wait at the 9:30 club plus I would have felt really guilty being that close to everyone with all my germs. Feeling a bit better but not back to normal yet. The timing really is awful. My sister comes in tomorrow and we are heading to NJ for a weekend of activities. CRAP!
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Heading off to bed.
Yes, thanks for all your recaps! The fun and excitement you all had is palpable.
adamized: Get better soon. Somewhere on the other side of the states, I have a stupid bug too, so I’ll keep you company in your misery.
riskylady– Adam was wearing a belt. It was thin and very classy looking.
And the belt had two rows of rhinestones on part of it – sparkles! (Of course, I am tuned in to all sparkly things). I promise, my recap is coming! (Although I’m not sure I have anything to add to the eloquent comments of my wonderful companions for the evening, mmm222, dcglam and ultimathule!!!)
sparkle..No matter what, all details count!
“And the belt had two rows of rhinestones on part of it – sparkles! (Of course, I am tuned in to all sparkly things).”
Loved it!
alternate videos with good sound:
OOL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw21im-ZVWY
SHADY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ3lloHr1r0&feature=channel&list=UL
(I need a new camera, I can’t believe what that zoom can do!)
Loving all the recaps and vids that I have seen so far. OMG what a show. Oh. How I wish I had been there!!! And I’ve had wonderful Adam experiences. I have never had “loosy- goosey” Adam. No wild antics in person for Mils.
Love that mmmm thought of me though, what a hoot!
In Des Moines the girls sounded fine. In some of the vids for some of the shows, they do seem to not blend vocally. Maybe it’s the sound mixing and the venues.
And, hey, not to nit-pick, but that new drummer pounds his drums hard. When my son had a band, the drummer used to do that, and everybody complained. Just saying.
And. Hey, new drummer guy: When the guitarist is spot-lighted for his SOLO, that means you stop playing. It’s a guitar solo. Not a duet. I couldn’t hear TJR over your loud drum banging dude!!!!!
ETA: I guess I did witness the stairs, but that was so quick. I wanna see him cut loose, and be up close for it!!
Neon Trees guy does the skinny pants and shoes with no socks thing.
I think Adam is wearing his Grammy beaded necklace.
I just love his skinny suit look. So classy and sophisticated looking.
It seems that it actually is quite trendy right now. I love our boy’s edginess and boldness when it comes to fashion.
The set list: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maz8cjLyNY1qec814o1_1280.jpg
Looks like Chokehold and Broken English were originally on the list but got skipped for whatever reason.
Also, here is a great review of the show, from Fashion Maniac.
An excerpt:
Would have loved to hear either Chokehold or Broken English!
Thanks, people – about the belt. I really admire the presence of mind and focus of those who were there to actually determine the presence of a belt, because there was sooooo much else goin’ on with those pants……you know, with the talkin’ and the singin’ and the DANCIN’ ….but I did focus after your recaps and yes, very classy belt.
Really great recaps on all counts!
cwm, have to say I did not agree with this line from that review by fashionmaniac: “Rocking a spiky silver coiffure and guyliner so heavy it could’ve probably been seen outside the venue,..” Really? Didn’t seem to me like he was wearing much at all. I think she/he just threw in that cliche because they just can’t seem to get over it.
ITA, riskylady, with your assessment about the guyliner line!
TALC – Cuckoo
Okay, this will make the second night in a row that I’m up until after 2 am but let me give you my recap, or at least part of it, before I head to bed.
On Sunday, just as I finally decided to go to the concert (mainly due to mmm222’s emails), I went to buy a VIP ticket and they were sold out. I took that as a sign that my going wasn’t meant to be and emailed mmm. She emailed me Monday night that more VIP tickets were now available and to call her if I was coming. I work at home on Tuesdays so I spent the morning checking emails, etc. I talked to my ever so patient and understanding son about my dilemma about whether to go or not. He had me about 80% convinced to go so I started packing. It took me a long time to decide what I’d wear if I went. The reviews of the club said it was usually chilly inside so I decide on a jacket with sleeves to my elbows and patterned top underneath. I went downstairs and my son said Go! I went upstairs to order a ticket but I didn’t want to take the time and figured I could buy a ticket at the club. It was already 2:30 and I was afraid that I’d hit traffic and not get to mmm’s house in time or that for some reason, I’d have to turn around and come back. So I took off, sans ticket, and sped down to Annapolis. I called mmm when I was near Baltimore at around 3:30 and with her directions (I don’t need no GPS), got to her house in record time.
When we got to the club, we joined ulti in line. A thousand thank-yous, ulti, because there is no way we would have ended up in the second row if we had had to go to the back of the line! I ended up lucking out by buying someone’s extra ticket.
We positioned ourselves in the second row and settled in for the inevitable wait for Adam. The hour went quickly because we were surrounded by other Glamberts. It seemed like every cellphone I saw has Adam’s picture on it. At one point, I looked at the mic stand on the stage right in front of us and pictured Adam there. It was enough to make me feel a little light-headed.
End of Part 1 (I know – just when I’m finally getting to the good part!)
Thank u for the recaps dcglam, sparkle, mmm222 and UT! I’m so happy you all made it. Unlike the unhappiness at the Rove thing where many people who had tickets didn’t get in earlier tonight because VIPs WTH?? had priority. Bummer.

CWM, think we’re gonna appoint you to the post of National Glambert Reporter!! Thanks for all the links!
Early morning here heading to work. Totally agree with mils about Mr. Drummer. Too hard, loud and no finesse. I wanted to smack him on OOL. I remember this from when Adam had him the first time.
sparkle, that’s hilarious!!!
Thanks to everyone who went – the recaps are fabulous!
Some more gifs
I don’t know much about V
@_ninni has been busy making gifs! Here are a bunch more wonderful gifs. This show was particularly gif-worthy!
Cuckoo – another “I don’t know much about V”
Cuckoo – hip action *fans self*
Cuckoo – more hip action and cracking himself up
Cuckoo – Tigger dance
Cuckoo – cocked and ready to go
Different angle on the twirling
More beautiful photos from the show are being posted to this account:
She takes really gorgeous photos.
Fun review from someone at the show:
luval, the damn cymbals, right? Adam’s ears must have been ringing! I noticed little head-shakes while he was singing, and gestures, also when the girls literally rang out at one point. Maybe he needs to do a little cracking down in favor of his own voice? I wish there were a way to give Brian London some comments without the world of Twitter exploding. Can one DM someone who doesn’t follow one?
OMG, gif heaven!
I want to go take a peek at the videos again, riskylady. I think I saw Adam too taking notice of the LOUD cymbals & girls! How could he not?
I think you have to follow someone & they have to follow you to DM. I could be wrong. I follow Brian & will try to think of a tactful way to put it! lol
Thanks for all the ladies for the wonderful recaps
I can only imagine what it’s like to be in the second row on the venue like that – you were immediately in front of the stage, not any empty area between!
I noticed in London, even from the distance (with binoculars) that Adam was very slim. I guess video and camera makes person look wider?
LadyNorth, it was totally amazing to the point where it was out of this world — an incredible experience that I will never forget. The problem is that it totally spoiled me for future concerts. It is now difficult to imagine being (haha) a few rows back. However, I am very resilient and will make the necessary adjustments next time around. Can’t wait!!!!
Thanks for posting T.C. Blue’s terrific review, cwm.
Loved it and thought she was spot on!
TALC – Thank you for letting me be myself plus banter.
Don’t think this has been up.
I have laughed my ass off listening to all the banters between the songs
Most of the TALCvids are done now. Listen to this talking before Naked love – a longer version than in previous vids (faggot talk too). I’d love to have all those chats on one video! “Adam’s best”… He really had a need to talk to his fans this time 
What happens around 2:40???
Ladies in the concert, did you manage to touch Adam’s hands
? He was interacting so much with the first rows…
Part 2 of my recap:
I could see the band offstage and then they started coming on thhe stage almost in a line. Adam came on last and the band started right into Kickin’ In. To me, this was the perfect song to start the show with because it matched the club’s atmosphere. I had a perfect, unobstructed view of Adam and I felt like our eyes met several times during the night. I took in what Adam was wearing (I remember saying to mmm “Chest hair!” in a loud excited whisper) and I felt good about my jacket choice because he too was wearing a jacket that stopped at the elbows. I felt compelled to sing and dance along to every song and “live” the show to its fullest! It was at times a surreal experience because when Adam was right in front of me, the rest of the world faded away and it was just Adam singing to me and me singing to him (Yes, I know, delusions of grandeur!). Adam and the whole crowd seemed “lighter than air”. I was high on the adrenaline that exploded in the air between Adam and his adoring fans and, three days later, I honestly am still not over the effects. During naked love, Adam kept asking folks to take their clothes off and I was going to take my jacket off and throw it up on stage when a good looking guy with a great body took his shirt off and threw it up to Adam, who twirled it around a bit and then threw it back at the end of the song.
One of my favorite moments of the concert was when Adam took a break and let the band play. Brian was great at keeping the crowd going and I looked over to see Adam watching his band, happy that they were entertaining the fans so he could take it all in. His smile said it all.
I noticed that the new drummer was smiling from ear to ear at Adam and the fans. I’d love to hear his take of the experience!
Part of the reason that this concert was so special was that everyone there was there because they loved Adam, his music or both. At a minimum of $125 a ticket, on a Tuesday night, you had to really want to be there to be there. The result was just mind-blowing. Because of all that love, Adam was so relaxed and excited and said and did whatever he wanted to in the moment. I never thought any concert experience could top Wilkes-Barre but this one did easily.
And I will be forever grateful to mmm for encouraging me to come and dcglam and ulti for making it such a wonderful experience. Thank you kradamour and adamized too – your agonizing about what concert to attend played a role. I had regretted not joining the original fab four for the DC radio shows and felt that I must attend so that a new fab four would be created for this event.
After the concert, I wanted to hang around to see Adam when he came out but mmm and I decided he would probably jump right in a vehicle and leave, given the area of town and all. mmm had invited me to stay the night but I was so on an adrenaline rush that I knew it would take me hours before I could sleep. After talking about the concert and checking ALL, I left a few minutes before midnight and got home about 1:45 am.
I feel like I have made a miraculous drug discovery. Adam is an appetite suppressant! I have been wanting to lose a few pounds and on Tuesday I found that I wasn’t hungry all day, even though I had had very little to eat. At the concert, I got to see how thin yet healthy Adam is and I decided to focus on eating only when I am hungry. It is day 3 and I’m still going strong!
Adam knew we paid big bucks for this show, and he made sure to make it worth every freaking penny!!! Amazing man…..
sparkle, you put it so well into words
Thanks for giving me the experience! I bet you are happy that you went, as I am so happy that I took the chance and went for London Queenbert. I hope some day I’ll see Adam close… Row T at the balcony is not the same but anyway it was an experience of a life time (I just watched again Kiev DVD and am flying…)
Nice pics in here
OMG…Can he possibly be any happier?!?!

And yet…many of us have paid far more on stubhub for tickets to see glamnation performances, and the only people who benefited were the scalpers.
LOVED the pics and article that cher posted just above!
And you know what I really loved about the article? It never once referred to Adam as “openly gay artist Adam Lambert” as so many do. Makes one wonder if on his birth certificate it has Openly Gay Artist Adam Lambert for his name.

In fact, the author never even assigned the label “gay” to him at all. He was a great performer at a fundraiser for gay civil rights. Period. No need for a label. I liked that a lot. It was, as Adam puts it, almost “post gay”.
As Sauli would put it, “yay!”.
Wow, we are amazing, aren’t we?!?!?! LOL

Wonder what he found more “shocking” – the number over 40 women or the fact that they knew the lyrics.
Haha… Probably both, ultimathule!!
Thanks, LadyNorth! Yes, I am very happy that I went, although this one will be very hard to top. London Queenbert must have been totally amazing too. I think performing with Queen has made Adam a better entertainer, if that is possible. He now understands that fans love to sing along if they love your music and it is the highest compliment when they do. riskylady – thanks for the compliment but it really wasn’t hard to focus on Adam’s belt since it was sparkly and right in front of me!
I find it great that the fab four was a bit shocking. I shocked myself by having the hutzpah (sp.?) to go!
Photos from mmm222 that she sent to me to post:
and the poster with his signature in the upper left-hand corner