- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Awwww …Adam …Don’t be hard on yourself.
It’s all in fun, fun, fun … from the beginning to the end.
Adam can dress beautifully, sharply and stylishly if he wants to. But I think the jumpsuit and the Kabalah robe are just for fun and to create the talk at the water cooler the next day.
When I first saw the Red Dragon Attack jacket on him, I thought WTH … but now it’s my fav outfit.
He is a genious!!!
Thank you ladynorth, that is awesome! I did download two of those ‘change your IP’ programmes, and neither did me any good
Love the opening.
Hope you sleep/slept well!
I loaded the whole show here. It was over 1Gb but didn’t take that long – it took longer to watch one performance earlier today!
Some screen caps that I pulled from last night’s opening.
Thanks for the link to the show LadyNorth!
Diva in Training – Pillow Talk1
Diva in Training – Pillow Talk2
Let’s Dance – Red Frame
Adam in silhouette is just the best!
When Adam’s voice was in auto-tune right at the beginning did any of you think that was pre-recorded? Then suddenly as he stepped out of the frame to head down the stairs he went live.
Loved, loved, loved his DS performance – the pure joy of performing was so evident. Wished it had been longer – have watched it at least twenty times and still going strong.
And beautiful Jordin – my fav female Idol – everytime I see her she gets better – her smile is stunning – and the girl can sing and move like crazy. Sorry she didn’t duet with Adam – what a gorgeous pair they would make. Maybe in the future – hope so.
mieps, I am glad someone else needed it too (smile). I haven’t got into bed yet, too excited day I guess.
About Adam’s reaction to his performance of ROL, it’s good that he takes it partly with humor, not too seriously. But after watching it couple of times, I don’t feel it’s that bad at all! The beginning is too quiet and lacks energy, but from the middle to the end it grows great (vocals & power) and has interesting vibe. I didn’t know the song, so I listened to the original. I like Adam’s version more, was not at all inspired of that song. But maybe some other song would have been better – Vogue with sexy moves? I don’t know Madonna’s newer stuff much. My faves are La Isla Bonita, Like a Prayer and older stuff but they don’t feel Adam…
Anyway, I don’t know what you think but I am very happy for Adam that he got such a treat in the spotlight (The Diva’s thing) – maybe now he will be better approved and appreciated? I feel that this opportunity gave Adam his own accepted category, he is not one of those great dancy female singers (because he’s not a woman), he is pretty far from other male artists today because of his different personality, voice and style. For the first time I feel there might be a category “Adam Lambert” also for the others than just glamberts.
Does anyone else feel like this or is this just my own enthusiasm? But he seemed very happy afterwards, maybe that happiness made him show his feelings for Sauli so openly (and vice versa). Happy day for glamberts (big smile).
I have managed to download all the Adam bits in HD (including bloopers and AdamisaDiva clips) from a link on Lambrits website. Fantastic! I tried a couple mentioned here but needed to download programmes to get them. I loved it all! No I don’t think the auto-tune start to ROL was pre-recorded. That can be done with the microphone, then switched to normal. Yes the outfit looked odd, but who cares! Adam was much, much better than I originally thought from the livestream. I just love that crazy guy! Please give him more TV…even an old fashioned music special to begin with!
kiwi…I didn’t hear auto-tune in Ray of Light. It was the very beginning…Let’s Dance.
From Shosh’s tweet, do have a feeling Adam may have finally passed the “joke” stage into that of “legitimate” performer (in the eyes of the music biz and its critics). There’s simply no denying his massive talent (in all its varieties) now. A million thanks to VH1 for helping to bring him there.
Luval, of course you’re right…I knew that (smacks her own head) Just put it down to lack of sleep. Adam’s fault!!!
Oh my, Fashion Police this Friday night. Should be a hoot!
I knew you meant Let’s Dance, kiwi. Just wanted to wake you up!
Almost a wardrobe malfunction here, settle down, not Adam’s lol
I can’t stop watching that opening comedy skit! I love NeNe too. And from what I know of her she is just like that in real life. Crass, outspoken, funny, irreverent, always has a quick comeback to anything one says.
What does he mean by this.
Glambotgram, I was just going to post that tweet. Wonder what he’s talking about?
Will there be a Trespassing bump? Probably not.
I’m not sure exactly what Adam is referring to with the ‘lame ass’ comment. Yes, I agree that his ‘costume’ was lulz worthy. However in my opinion, he looked adorable and did an awesome job with this Madonna song. He merely did what he always does — matches his wardrobe to his performance. I love the way he
obsessesthinks through each and every performance both before and after — the sign of a true professional.Thank you luval, *yawn* ,wide awake now. Time to watch it all again on large(-ish) TV screen. Even more of Adam to brighten my day!
Apart from the very beginning I thought ROL was great. Don’t think I’ve ever heard the song before…apart from at Adams soundcheck, but then I’m not a big Madonna fan. And it seems I’m in the minority, but I liked the tunic, I can’t imagine anyone else wearing it, but I thought Adam looked great, definitly gave him a medieval look, and he stills are perfect.
Thanks for trying ladynorth, couldn’t get that link to work, had to download something, and although I tried couldn’t seem to get it to work…so still haven’t seen the skit
HK fan, can you download MediaFire files? If so, I can email you a link to the files that kiwi mentioned from the Lambrits.
Someone said a Crusader vibe.
There’s a great vid – live performance with Monte – of Madonna doing ROL. Love the song.
(Drowned World Tour)
I am at LAX heading home! I can not believe my phone died and at the worst possible time. If my flight was on time it would have been fully charged.
Okay, so the after party. Not expecting much but an open bar and the possibility to meet Jordin. Well, we were in there for a bit maybe 20 minutes and I needed to find the restroom. I was walking out not paying attention and wham slammed into someone. I started to say I am so sorry then saw it was Adam. I said “i am sor….f word.” Did I mention there were drinks? Graceful, no? That made him laugh. Good thing neither of us had drinks. I told him I thought the show was great and he is such a natural or something to that extent. He said aw thanks! Sauli, Neil and his girlfriend walked in I said hi then started to leave. Adam said I like your boots. (The are tall furry wedges.). The whole thing was less than a minute. So, I almost knocked him over then cussed at him. I was kind of mortified but he was very sweet. I got back from the restroom and he was still standing by the front door kissing Sauli. They were very touchy and very cute. His mom was there now and some security. I did mange to get a couple of seconds of video of him, Sauli and Leila outside the after party.
I spoke briefly to Tommy, Terrance and Johnny or (ie?) They were in front of me in the drink line. The girl I went up to the bar with had to tell me it was them. Clueless! Terrance had on really tight leather outfit with chains and spikes. He looked damn good! Johnny has a very beautiful face, more exotic than I thought.
Need to go to my flight! More later. That was the important part. No time to proof. Sorry if typos but I am on my tablet!
I was thrilled to see Paula in the skit.
aely – I literally laughed out loud at your story! That is so funny! And congrats on your Adam encounter!! Memorable!
aely: Woohoo! Too funny. Way to get up close and personal. Too bad be was not carrying a drink, you could have helped him mop up the spill!
I too don’t know what exactly Adam is referring to by his “lame ass,” “shenanigans,” “OTT holiday gift,” and “f*n shameless.”
I’m guessing the latter three refer to his total embrace of his moment on Divas and being fabulous without fear. But I’m not sure what was “lame ass” about Ray of Light. I thought it was great! Really enjoyed it. But he is a harsh critic of himself, so he’s probably nitpicking his performance and/or staging.
He’s not nitpicking his outfit, though – that part he liked! I did too – I thought it was wonderfully outrageous and arresting.
haha oops – awkward! LOL I love how he has such a great sense of humor and fun about everything. He makes me smile.
Way to go aely!!!

I am kicking myself for being responsible and thinking about my family and not going to LA with you!
Being a good wife, mom, daughter-in-law is way overrated!
Had a very busy day today. Came home and watched the comedy bits again. I just can’t get enough of the bloopers and outtakes and the real sketch. My absolute favorite moment is at the end with Paula. “I’m a Diva. Cooool.” With feathers hanging off the scruff. LOLOLOLOL Love that face and attitude. Nobody laughs at Adam harder than he laughs at himself. That is one of the main reasons for my love and respect for him.
aely, what can I even say except OMG???
Not only did you get to see Divas, but you had a real Adam encounter and got to meet so much of the Glamily, and family. And see {{ kissing }}.
Not jealous, just happy for you. And so glad you can recap some more later.
eywflyer and AL, could one of you pretty please post the blooper/out-takes videos, both of them, at the top of the thread????
They are so freaking funny. I am addicted to watching them.
I didn’t go to bed last night until 5:15am!! Woke up at 12:45pm!! I was just so elated that Adam went beyond being good or beyond being excellent. I think he did a fantastic job as host. Uncharted waters, first time out and he hit a home run! I hope the big-wigs sitting in the audience or sitting at home in their pajamas thought so too and that this will open many new doors for him! So smooth … a natural!
I was happy to see nkd back me up last night.
Adam is in show business but he wasn’t showing his “business” on the Red Carpet.
Hi mils!!
That was great but my absolute favorite moment was when NeNe said, with the attitude, “He didn’t WIN???! I’m out of here”. Laugh out loud moment for me.
So now can Adam be called an A-List celebrity?? Now maybe he doesnt have to think hes not the cool kid anymore, because now he IS the cool kid. Tell anyone else that could have pulled that off? MAYBE David Cook, Certainly not any of the AI winners, I am talking guys here, then on to some of the singers on the charts, Bruno,no, Beiber ROTFL, he cant even speak, Adam Levine? Well maybe, who else?
yay, I just got to watch the opening sketch, sooo good, laughed out loud….here’s the link for all adams bits..for those scorned from vh1 if you need it.
I agree Ron! All of this stuff is just comedy gold!
Was this posted? So darn sweet. From Adam’s twitter. http://instagram.com/p/TW2m2BuNOw/
Miss Chaos, I politely disagree about Bruno. He was incredible on SNL.
So, I and many others, would just die hoping to get Adam on SNL.
The sketch I would fall over and fall down laughing would be if he did that sketch with Timberlake where they are in stuffed costume ads outside stores trying to lure customers in and competing with each other.
To me, Adam is a much better comedic actor than a dramatic actor. It seems like he tries too hard to be dramatic, but, comedy comes easier for him. And is more believable.
For example, his fake crying for this opening sketch was much more believable than his fake crying for BTIKM.
Capitol Official asked him if he had any New Years Resoluions.
What or who is Capitol Official?
Capitol records maybe.
haha Home Planet is funny. Here is the glam janitor jumpsuit meets top gun.
The description of the other outfits is a hoot too.
Capitol FM in the UK, the big station there that was playing Adam’s music.
Capital (not capitol), is one of the main radio stations in the UK.
I’ve been listening to Ray of Light, not looking at it.
His vocal was fantastic. He was lost for a second or two at the very start, but found himself and stayed with the song so very well.
I have always loved Ray of Light, it’s one of my Madonna favorites. She has spoken quite a bit about writing it because of her Kaballah learning, and views of the universe.
I’m interpreting the costume as Adam over-thinking it. What a surprise? Nope. I think he found those gloves in Japan, and just loooved them. Maybe he researched the symbols and looked for something to match them. This song opportunity presented itself, and between knowing so much about Madge, and his views on the universe and universal love and harmony, and maybe even the Mayan end of the world concept being next week, and well, isn’t it cool and futuristic to have this costume and the dancers looking so space-age? And, oh, my cool boots from Australia would match, but we need to add some spikes to them, and now I’m over-thinking, but the song is a go, so here goes…
Hi Miss Chaos!!
At one point last night Adam said, “Now that I’m legit” … he was of course playfully referring to being given Diva status by NeNe … but my hope is that he will now be looked upon as a “legit” entertainer within the music industry and by the public in general. Not someone who was once on some karaoke TV show.
David Cook? I like him very much. I think he’s too soft-spoken and laid back. Not a forceful enough personality.
Bruno? Yes. I think he’d do a wonderful job.
Bieber? Much too young/immature. Adam has ‘class’ and is ‘polished’. Bieber doesn’t have those qualities … yet. Shouldn’t say this but I kinda doubt that he ever will. He’s too full of himself but, again, he’s very young.
Adam Levine? I kind of like him and I’m not sure why. He could do a hosting gig but I wouldn’t be very interested.
Who else?
I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to come up with someone (there’s gotta be someone!) and I honestly can’t think of anyone who could have done a better job than Adam Lambert did last night.
what I really funny about the jumpsuit/flightsuit, is that ROL tunic was so over the top that the flightsuit hardly gets mentioned. LOL
Someone last night asked if it was the flightsuit he wears to get to Planet Fierce.
MTV Style called it a Utilitarian Onesie
Hmmm? At the end of Miley’s song she said, “That’s for you Leila”.
Adam’s mom?!
No, I guess not.
VH1 Divas: 20 Smoldering Photos
I believe she said “Lila”. That was the name of her dog that recently passed away. Maybe it was for her?
But I can Google with the best of them!
(And no, I don’t follow Miley.