- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
2h2 hours ago
From @adamlambert instagram story
You are The Light!
13h13 hours ago
You are The Light!
✨ Retweeted Javier Vega
?”No, Adam Lambert is not Freddie, but fuck, long live the mother who gave birth to him. It has been up to this great group”
8h8 hours ago
OK fandom, this is exciting, Introducing YouTube Artist Insights for @adamlambert #stream, stream, stream! Please read the explanation below
Looks like Roger’s. Here’s a comparison.
Gorgeous smile!!!!
LOVE those IG’s! And that smile…so natural…no duck lips
. What a life!! ILH!
Eric Alper
Verified account @ThatEricAlper
8m8 minutes ago
Old habits are hard to break, and they set in by age 30. According to a new survey by Deezer that asked 1,000 Britons about their listening habits, at 30, most begin to stop absorbing new music and only listen to the same artists and genres.
Pretty picture of Saara
11m11 minutes ago
??☀️⛵️ Saara Silvennoinen 6/11 saara_silvennoinen
“adam lambert, the only man i’ve ever loved”
3h3 hours ago
VIDEO Adam hugging a fan today, so cute! allira666
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj4rfyeADrT/?hl=en&tagged=adamlambert …
Shirt has big fringes!
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
12m12 minutes ago
With my dear friend – and almost perfect bass… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj5F_CVBnPt/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=i189xxkd5rgk …
2m2 minutes ago
MusicTramp Retweeted
You have to be a fan to recognize Sauli’s forehead and Adam’s arm, lol! https://twitter.com/xkinkykale/status/1006232178617970689 …
3m3 minutes ago
ADAM on Sauli’s instagram stories
I don’t think Adam wore any rings in Barcelona
I wear the smile that you gave
8h8 hours ago
One cut, three completely different styles.
Brian’s still in Barcelona. Guess they have to pretty much stay in the same place so as to take the jet together.
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
1h1 hour ago
Holà !!! Barsalona Rocks !!! And. Ow I get to… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj5FyIfhjGF/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=755kucr6pvra …
I have a feeling Adam is on vocal rest for a couple of days.
11m11 minutes ago
No words left – perfection ?
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj5ME1kDh56/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=c90b6gl0xxws …
tyler_fn_warren’s IG post: “Nice, beautiful afternoon off on the sea. ?☀️” https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj5MWb3gsD3/
Neil must be with tyler
What body of water are they sailing on?
I believe Barcelona is on the Mediterranean Sea. They could sail to Cannes or Italy from there.
Thanks, AL
You don’t see Adam photo with Neil/Tyler that often
5h5 hours ago
Lovely picture by nicolechristophe
@adamlambert @tylerwarrenrock and Neil
4m4 minutes ago
PHOTOS|@AdamLambert with a fan last night and today in Barcelona. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj5ZArolWsx/
Mosaic Centre
50m50 minutes ago
We are please to announced that thanks to generosity @adamlambert @Glambert_Angels we are holding a silent auction of autographed vinyl and CD: https://buff.ly/2MjAcwj raising funds for #LGBT #youth #adamlambert
Bringing over this lovely tweet from a previously doubting fan:
“Video From Queen Tour Kick Off Goes Online”
Lov these legs. Period. Basta. And everything that’s connected to them. ? #qual #glamberts
I love dying and being dead
Posted on Barcelona too. Review
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[Queen and Adam Lambert are crowned in Barcelona]
June 11, 2018 Currents First
Queen and Adam Lambert are crowned in Barcelona
Has a point here:
Adam Lambert, Queen (Photo: Sergi Ramos)
It was sad to see the Palau with a half entrance, where the front steps were blocked and the track was not completely full. After all, the binomial Queen + Adam Lambert had passed through the same venue almost exactly two years ago and despite the renewed setlist, the curiosity of a large segment of the public had already been satiated. There is another issue, as a fellow journalist pointed out: musical entertainment is so saturated with tributes to Queen, Queen musicals, thematic nights of Queen and Queen, Queen, Queen that perhaps the legacy of the group is being overexploited. Not counting the impending film that will arrive on October 31 and whose trailer already has all the fans on edge. “
3m3 minutes ago
Congrats @AdamLambert with 7⃣0⃣ million streams on @Spotify for your #1 album #Trespassing (Deluxe Version)! ? Now 70,001,968 streams! ? #NowPlaying ? (10 June 2018) https://open.spotify.com/album/5rPJM6RayMaqtseiNvhGqv?si=M8hUOuXkQZ-2PBQ13YAidg …
18h18 hours ago
Top Tracks (remember this is streaming total for the past 4 weeks, not overall view total)
Dorky Adam, so cute. Not sure which concert lol.
Teachers Rock®
We had a great rehearsal today #WeWillRockYou @QueenWillRock @adamlambert
Apparently that reviewer can’t recognize camp, confusing it with “gay.” The Bicycle song is pure camp, as is Killer Queen. Duh.
Just like some people always equate flamboyance with gay…….
Also, I don’t know where he got 9 thousand. The venue was certainly more than half full. I think a lot of people skipped that unnecessary and unwise opener that Live Nation stuck in, and came in from the hallways etc later. They also unwisely were portraying the gig with the Crown Jewels image. Doubt if Queen was pleased about that.
Plus, Barcelona is going thru some difficult times right now.
Posted another very nice review on Barcelona thread. They loved Adam.
I can’t get over that TSMGO. It was just perfect in every way, and being noted in reviews. Glad he saved for those biggg notes, “I’ll face it with a grin, never giving in” – notoriously difficult i vowel words at that level. Schooled that crowd as to why he wears crown and cape!
So there was an opening act in Barcelona? I didn’t know that! And yes, I hear Barcelona is really having problems now. Not sure if they’re having demonstrations now but it was going on for a bit recently.
Off topic
Watching the David Cassidy thing
How pathetic
He was such an icon
Here, luval, from that same review you posted. Plus, we saw it listed on the adverts where they were using the purple Vegas Crown Jewels foto. Not proper.
“The show, which lasted two hours and twenty minutes, began somewhat later than expected. The election of several participants of “Operación Triunfo” as opening act was not very successful and highly criticized in the networks, but the world of the promotion of concerts is what it has ( Live Nation , promoter of the concert of Queen in Barcelona , is responsible for the tour of the television program throughout Spain, that’s the reason). A few minutes after ten o’clock at night the band came on stage with a renewed and spectacular stage and a contagious energy.”
?✨?✨? Queen + Adam Lambert at Lanxess Arena Cologne, Germany Wednesday, June 13, 2018. Capacity 20,000.
Last I read Spain had quashed the Catalan try at independence/secession –
Yes, they did, quite brutally. My two sisters-in-law who live there have been sending me videos and articles. There were many arrests, beatings, and now a state of siege of sorts. The EU did nothing to enforce the EU rules on civil rights.
Slay babe
New @adamlambert IG stories
Has it settled down, riskylady – haven’t read anything about it recently –
So the show didn’t start until 10:00pm? Sheesh I’d be ready for bed by then and what about people having to go to work?
In response to numerous inquiries…..
Some IG’s of Adam. Not sure which show
Will post on Madrid too
51m51 minutes ago
YAYY Here is a video from Madrid where Adam is holding a black fan in his hands during Play The Game
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQW931yCZas&index=32&list=PLTVnxS3gL5BczvDFMLtF57FORyz_LA7L8&t=21s …
Is this where he got his “hair” or did Adam have it first. They all copy each other or the stylists know what the hair trend is and talk the client into getting it.
1h1 hour ago
#AdamLambert instagram story