- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
They’re messin’ with his hair again
2m2 minutes ago
~(˘▾˘~) Soho House Berlin simon_jay_hiddinger Had some fun with @adamlambert today and pimp his hair a bit for the Berlin show tomorrow. #rowdybarbers #rowdybarbershop #berlin #menshair #menshairstyle #adamlambert #queen #QALBerlin
Wish they’d trim the tip of his beard about 1/2 inch.
Adam Lambert on ‘Organic’ New Music & the ‘Double Standard’ Outcry Over His 2009 AMAs Performance
German Hace Música
11h11 hours ago
Queen truck spotted!!
This oh so much!!
Sorry i’ve been quite lately…moving today so have been busy packing and making curtains!!
Adam at a Camila Cabello concert in Berlin. Shoshanna is her publicist too.
Tyler Warren
Verified account @tylerwarrenrock
7h7 hours ago
Spooky in Berlin.
@queenwillrock @adamlambert… https://www.instagram.com/p/BkLL4tnAOrg/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1i18hixg0wza5 …
Adam Lambert is ♔
The QAL jet…ready for take-off. Check the call letters…prophetic! 9H-JOY ♥
Photo Credit ~ Inger Bjørndal Foss
https://www.flickr.com/photos/ingerbf/42809992272/in/photostream/ …
https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambertFanClub/posts/10155893314544091 …
Terrance is at Broadway sings
Boy, he’s gonna make so many connections!
This is what happens when you read comments. On that Billboard article. Said Adam was “dropped” by Warner and no longer on their site. I checked, and he is no longer there.
Oh, well. He has plenty of $$$$$, he’ll figure it out, I guess.
On the 3rd anniversary of TOH???? Was it that a$$hole RCA guy? Or was this Adam’s doing? Gaahhhhhhhhhhh.
I thought I heard he has a new label… with Demi L. and the Jonas guy? Don’t remember which one, though…
That’s his new management, Philymack. Same as Demi and Nick.
This is out of the blue.
Happy packing and moving … HK fan!
mmm222 … AAH … We missed each other for a few days. I had a great time and had a lot of good food in New Orleans. At French Market we went to the famous Café Du Monde and had their famous coffee and beignets. King Filipe and his Queen were there last Thursday and Friday too.
THIS!!! … I had to chuckle with this photo … the shadow of the hands are at the right place.
-Lein Verheij
Completely unintentional
@adamlambert in Oslo June 17th 2018
“learn the alphabet with Adam Lambert”
riskylady – I noticed a couple of comments on twitter a few weeks ago (I think it was late May or early June) about Adam not being listed on the WBR site anymore. This was a short time before the Queen tour started, when the publicity with Adam was really starting to heat up, with the Build interview, etc. Everyone I follow on twitter was excited about all of the interviews, and there wasn’t really any general or wide discussion about the change on the WBR site, so I wondered if people knew something that I didn’t, or maybe there had been a mistake or WBR was updating something… who knows. I also found it curious that WBR wasn’t retweeting any of the articles with Adam talking about his new music. At that time, Adam was not listed on WBR’s artists page, but they did still have a playlist of his on their playlist page. I thought I’d give it some time to see if he reappeared on the artists page. Well, now there is no mention of him anywhere on the entire WBR site (even his playlist is now gone), so I think it must be true that he is no longer on their roster. I honestly don’t understand why they would let him go. And it may explain in part why he doesn’t know exactly when his new album will be released – because he may be transitioning to a new label or to independent status.
The only thing about WBR that still remains is that Adam’s official website (adamofficial.com) does still include mention of WBR at the bottom on the home page.
So, I don’t know. I guess we await an announcement one way or another at some point, probably when all of the details are worked out. He does seem to be in solid with his new management, Philymack, so I imagine they’re making something new happen for him.
What have I been missing? I thought we already knew he wasn’t with WBR anymore. From months ago.

Verified account @adamlambert
11h11 hours ago
Replying to @xtina @FallonTonight
Bam!!! Voice and look on point!
That’s not what I heard lol.
Jun 15
ZeuledaSpace Retweeted ADAM LAMBERT
You say “showman” is NOT @adamlambert’s middle name? When “showman” is defined as “a notably spectacular, dramatic, or effective performer”, it probably should be. I mean, yo …
Over the last several years I’ve grown to love @adamlambert, and through him, Queen … but I’ll fully admit that my imagination doesn’t follow quite the same lines as theirs do. I don’t even try to guess at Adam’s or Q+AL’s creative paths, I just expect ingenuity & awesomeness.
I feel more accepted in my few years as a glambert than I have anywhere else, ever. Bringing people together in love & understanding is not a small thing, by any means, but @adamlambert does it, and he does it, literally, all over the world. That’s a gift to rival his singing.
I love this person’s tweets
Thanks, cwm. Well, I attribute it to that RCA jerk who was hired by Warner Music and took over in January, same one who didn’t like FYE cover. And I remember a couple of weeks before the tour when he instagrammed something like “ugh biz meetings.” There are plenty others on their site less productive than Adam, so maybe it’s creative differences – again, RCA. Anyway, nowadays he can do it without them and has the money. And has Bri and Roger.
Three years ago, yesterday, I met the angel of voice, @adamlambert , for the first time. Also met my glamsisters for the first time. @PerkiKat @FlyinBlackHorse @Marvel_DCgirl . A very special day indeed!
“Michael Jackson Musical Coming to Broadway in 2020”
Doody Giuliani @DoodyGiuliani1
Replying to @Variety @RockyMntnMike
I heard it will star Adam Lambert.
We are delighted to announce that we will be back in the saddle this year at GLive and The Brook, to kick-start the Christmas season! To become a “Friend of the SAS Band” and receive priority booking info, sign-up for our newsletter at http://www.sasband.com
Whatcha think –
Etro Spring 2019 Menswear Collection
neilmfaircloughSelfie of a selfie!!? @tyler_fn_warren #queen#adamlambert Xx
on Oslo thread too
Kathy Katz
13h13 hours ago
Adam’s wardrobe in Oslo. Huge iron. Hand gloves and accessories
https://scontent-sit4-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/ff132f05283f6a61d71a388fcaca004f/5BEBC3D2/t51.2885-15/e35/35176591_923473194491769_7213089581527203840_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=AeFfZklhy3IFwuMwhRIMz7MEgB91zm68hgDLNB45ee2sYtkhou7tJO5GHNLg_w4AQDQ4a-RM3tcjlE1la3ofTDV7YUcvchFT-MvTqP3kdf3uTw …
Had to post this here too from the berlin thread
5m5 minutes ago
VIDEO @adamlambert instagram story backstage from Berlin WOW
Can’t understand what he says at the end.
5h5 hours ago
Hello @Adam_Tickets in desperate need of @adamlambert @QueenWillRock #Vegas 9/5 show tix in sec 101 or 102. Pref on catwalk. Need 2 and don’t have to be together. Will pay face + fees. Thanks <3
0 replies 4 retweets 0 likes
luval – Think he says “I love you all” – Ich liebe dich alle –
Brought these over, too – wow is so right –
Have to bring this here from Denmark thread. She must have had an on-stage ticket.
Jo Adams
This is so hauntingly beautiful – Denmark 2018 @adamlambert @QueenWillRock vid by me.
Beyond beautiful, luval –
Adam with Camila
Verified account @adamlambert
8m8 minutes ago
So nice to finally meet u @Camila_Cabello !
So it sounds like the Berlin show was the best so far of this tour. Maybe it’s happened in the past but I can’t remember Adam talking backstage after a show (other than with friends, etc)and being so passionate on “what just happened”. I would ask how they could muster up the same energy for the show today but I always remember what Adam says. That he knows that there are people seeing them for the first time and he wants to perform especially for them.
This gif from Berlin says everything
10h10 hours ago
Look at them . All 3 . Just look ❤️❤️
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-pTBzAiqdQ …
One day left. $2,7050
Artist Alena Galayko
38m38 minutes ago
Completed pencil drawing on paper! ✌? @adamlambert #adamlambert #drawing #graphitedrawing #charcoaldrawing
Roger has a book out
ER Productions
30m30 minutes ago
The amazing @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert are currently on their EU leg of their 2018 World Tour and ER Productions are very proud to be supplying the stunning Laser Production! #laserlightdisplay #laserproduction #laserdesign #makinglightwork #lasersupplier
Verified account @adamlambert
21m21 minutes ago
Berlin @QueenWillRock
Alisan’s birthday today
Tyler’s video leaving Berlin
Adam Lambert is ♔
Jun 18
The very coolest thing for me is how times change, Adam used to get soooo much flak about his eyeliner, his nail polish. Some comments were borderline bullying, some were def OVER that line.
NOW, he’s his own man, his own rock star. He can wear WTF he wants! #LOVEit ???️?️
Saw this on IG. Such an amazing description! Thank you, andy4dandy!
Reuters Top News
Verified account @Reuters
1m1 minute ago
Instagram expands into long videos, will compete with YouTube
Jun 19
.@Adam_Tickets Selling one Floor Standing GA ticket for each of the two #QAL shows in London: July 1st @ the SSE Wembley Arena (£79) and July 2nd @ The O2 arena (£80). Electronic delivery. Please RT!
Elton John biopic
Looks like Sauli is back home in Helsinki
BWW Interview: Patrick Myers Lead Singer of KILLER QUEEN-National Tour
Nice Adam mention
Tom Ford Spring collection
From Berlin thread
2h2 hours ago
DED https://www.instagram.com/p/BkQoC35HDRd/?tagged=adamlambert …