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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Star Wars: Making ponchos cool since 1977
Where’s Adam – lol –
And, of course –
Sauli – Arriving in Paris – 5.6.2017
Published 6/5/17
Gelly @14gelly 19m19 minutes ago
Grayjoey posted a photo https://www.instagram.com/p/BU-LvjbllXR/
HARDY Vol.2 will b released this week re :
https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/868755063635943424 …
Lol that greyjoey is naked at cherry studios, and Adam is in a suit.
Adam IG
Adam has a nice comment on grayjoey’s IG
Gelly @14gelly 10h10 hours ago
Lilybop @lilybop2010 26s27 seconds ago
Gray Joey’s ✿ HARDY zine Vol. 2 “We Are Family” coming soon!
Adam: https://www.instagram.com/p/BU-yDZSBNNL/
Sauli on his way to Italy
sjg66 @sjg66
Italy here he comes! ????
Gelly @14gelly 37m37 minutes ago
much bigger pic of that awesome pic photographers ig thezucrew @adamlambert for Billboard https://www.instagram.com/p/BVAGkMgARKQ/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18948208_1901803180071701_7097158754826715136_n.jpg …
He’s attending Glamour awards right now. Here is live facebook event. Red Carpet
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
Adam is with Shosh
TALCvids Retweeted
Hana Frisons @HanaFris 2m2 minutes ago
.@adamlambert – Glamour Awards – screencaps 1/3
Adam! The reporter talked about how he smelled
Interview should be coming up. They talk about his hair (natural). He promotes Queen a little.
After they left lady in pink couldn’t stop talking about how handsome he was and couldn’t believe his beautiful eyelashes.
emma @funkypunky479 6m6 minutes ago
Adam in background of @steveaoki Snapchat Steve Aoki
Are those nose rings through the collar button holes???? Lololol
Love him.
Nathan James Sykes @NathanSykesClub 4m4 minutes ago
Nathan and Adam Lambert met again after a couple of years!
Quick glimpse of Adam from glamouruk ig story
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 3m3 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – When you BREAK WIND, it travels out at about 10 feet per second . . . that’s about seven miles-an-hour. ?
Interesting earring in his right ear.
emma @funkypunky479 43m43 minutes ago
Looks like he’s with Anna Kendrick
An example of things on twitter.
includes short interview RT @HanaFris: .@adamlambert – Red Carpet Glamour Awards 2017 – just Adam ambert
New fan video (we seem to get many of these lately)
That ring!
I don’t understand the wank about the hair and Shosh.
Honestly, it’s still HIM.
His hair was GREEN last year on tour with Queen.
I don’t care , I just want to see him, hear him, be close enough to smell him again.
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 16m16 minutes ago
Replying to @AdamL_Daily
VIDEO|@AdamLambert on Instagram story, posted 2 hours ago. #GlamourAwards
Heather ♎ ?47? @heathermarie_87 12m12 minutes ago
Adam presented an award-from glamouruk ig story
PattiHum @PattiHum 2m2 minutes ago
If anyone didn’t buy a GREAT seat for Phoenix QAL because of the price, there are some excellent seats right now with a price drop to $170!
mils, I think the snark about Shosh was that it seemed like she didn’t do a thing for him. I believe they are just friends now. Here’s her tweet:
Am sure referring to Adam. He keeps mostly everyone in his life (except Monte).
As far as the hair…and you know I’m all about the hair lol…my thought is many fans know all of the gorgeous dark haired looks he’s had over the years and may be disappointed with this latest one. I can remember freaking when he started shaving his head! I remember thinking “that’s not the same guy I started to follow” and was very upset. Stupid. Yup, it’s still him and the voice, of course.
Ahhh. this look
Baby face.
Great hair.
Yeah. Not directed at you, just the wank overall.
His hair changes daily.I’m in it for the long haul, eyes on the prize.
Some looks I don’t care for, but he is such a chameleon, it’s not forever.
Glad to see him connecting with old friends, like Anna Kendrick.
And his Pharoah ring
HK fan Thank you very much for your treat at the lovely lunchchat yesterday… Really loved the Palak Paneer (=Indian cottage cheese in spinach gravy) and the garlic naan (leavened ovenbaked flatbread). Didn’t expect to eat indian food in Hong Kong though…
Never in my life I imagined I would meet you for a second time in person but it happened…Life can be strange, beautiful and Glambertian glamorous… Glad to be able to catch up with you….
milwlovesadam I am with you, for the long haul !!
Neil Fairclough and Tyler the new drummer.
Two nice pics of Adam presenting the Trailblazer Award to JHud. Milk Management I think is that modelling agency he’s signed with.
Lol him walking around NOW with red hair is no guarantee he’ll tour with it IMHO. 50/50 chance…and I think he’s lovely to have Shoshanna as his date, even if no longer working for him. She was with him for a long time. He’s smart, only burns bridge when justified. He looks gorgeous, that interviewer was smitten!
OOH I see he is out and about and there are new pictures. I will have to catch up.
I just came to post I got a surprise today, I came home from taking my granddaughter to Brownies, and there was a present on the table from my husband. He told me a couple of weeks ago that I had something coming for my birthday, but it was going to come late. It came today and I had never even mentioned it to him. So funny I had to cancel my pre-order.
Very nice, glambotgram!
luval The book is beautiful, lots of reading too!
I like the natural hair so much better than the white, or green, but as long as he doesn’t shave the sides again, like EMA’s, I am in. Well really I am in no matter what but if the sides are shaved I’ll just squint a little. Or look down a little lower.
I never could figure out why people hated Shoshanna so much. She said some strange things sometimes but she put up with a lot of crap from micro-managing fans. I think her biggest mistake was interacting with fans, it is a no win situation with some of Adam’s followers.
Yes mils I do believe those are nose rings in his shirt.
So wonderful that two of ours got together, HK and AXXEL, so sweet! !!
Happy B Day Glambot!!!! What a great gift!
Agree about Shosh.
Those nose rings are hilarious. Reminds me of the cockring on his thumb, so many years ago….lololol.
Glambot, I do look forward to seeing you again sometime. We had a lot of laughs in Chicago and Toronto.
Adam and JHUD do seem to cross paths a lot…
At lunch today, I opened up the blog , and the photo up top loomed large bold and stunningly handsome. …and the gal next to me said “oh!!! Whoooo is thaaaat? ”
I said, Adam Lambert, and she said “oh, realllly? ?” He’s f-ing gorgeous! !!
All I could do was grin and smile.
mils me too, I wish I could manage more than just the DC concert, maybe next time around.
You’re welcome Axxxel…lovely seeing you again.
Such an unusual hair color – almost looks un-natural – surprised how vivid it is – assumed it would have darkened more over the years. As a personal preference, normally like his hair back from his forehead. But didn’t someone say it makes his vivid pale eyes even more striking? Well, regardless of whatever he does with his mop, he is definitely an extraordinarily handsome man – and fun, with his transformations –
GLAMOUR AWARDS 2017: All the red carpet action
My favorite redhead on the red carpet … #AdamLambert ❤️❤️❤️
#AdamLambert @adamlambert
“Adam Lambert. I Turn To You”
Have probably seen – but wonderful old fan vid with some beautiful pics that bring back memories –
(There was another vid, using “I Turn to You,” but can’t find it. When I updated iTunes, it erased all my ripped vids, among other things.)
“Zoom edit Adam Lambert Selfie Glamour Awards 2017 HD”
Even though Adam said its his natural colour….I don’t think it is…reckon he means, ‘its more his natural colour’…with a bit of help…that close up pic ulti posted..it certainly doesn’t look natural compared to the sides and beard…
still its fine…I reckon his natural colour is much more of a strawberry blond…