- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Just met the lovely #adamlambert. . such a beautiful man and took time with us. Thank you @adamlambert ❤
sjg66 @sjg66
Waterloo Carousel ???
New movies mean new soundtracks!! Got to sing with some of my friends behind @adamlambert on his version of THINK & it’s out now!!!! Go listen. Thank you @i_am_adamanders @loudmouthmuch #nikkiandersneedsinstagram
Full speed ahead! #QAL #nosleepstill
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise
Billboard has Adam’s as 1 of their 4 featured letters today on their main page if you want to give it another click! billboard.com
Brandon Croker @huttohippos1449
Just heard the new @adamlambert tune from the #CaptainUnderpants soundtrack! Man, what a funky track!
From Billboard:
Critic’s Picks: 10 LGBTQ Musicians to Worship for Pride Month
OOOH … Sauli is like a little kid .. riding a carousel.
OH .. NO! Incident at London Bridge. It could be an accident .. drunk driver.
Think of Adam and Sauli and everybody there.
QAL spreadsheet updated
Sales inching up a little.
There’s actually two incidences going on. The London Bridge one & a stabbing at a bistro at the Borough Market (which is near London Bridge).
Metropolitan PoliceVerified account @metpoliceuk 5m5 minutes ago
Replying to @metpoliceuk
Officers are now responding to an incident in the #Vauxhall area. 3/3 (far from first two incidences)
Replying to @BBCBreaking
Police now reporting to incident in #Vauxhall, as well as earlier incidents in #LondonBridge and #BoroughMarket http://bbc.in/2qMeZ2M
Just waking up to the London news….the areas are all close, London Bridge is in Vauxhall (I think)…sounds similar so far to the other one on westminster bridge…van driving into people, then running off stabbing …so scary …it just takes a split second to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
Lilybop @lilybop2010 2m2 minutes ago
I think Adam’s hotel is around 1.2 miles from London Bridge, a 22 min walk, and a bit closer to Borough Market, and far from Vauxhall
Not sure how she knows which hotel he’s staying.
BBC Breaking NewsVerified account @BBCBreaking 12m12 minutes ago
Replying to @BBCBreaking
Met Police now saying that #Vauxhall incident is not related to terror incidents at #LondonBridge and #BoroughMarket http://bbc.in/2qLNUNg
Can’t edit my last post…..but my London geography is obviously not great…London bridge is not in Vauxhall….
Watching BBC news, and am speechless , again.
I don’t see how that concert in Manchester can take place tomorrow. …it’s not right to give in to terrorism, but safety is of the utmost these days.
Terrible news from London. I feel guilty that I’m glad to be living in such a remote place.
I’ve just noticed an ad for the live broadcast of the Manchester concert on our TV. Is it being broadcast everywhere?
“Adam Lambert releases a love letter for the LGBTQ community” [TR]
IslandGirl @islandgirljams
Wooot! @AdamGlam2015 Trespasser just uploaded QAL RIR 2015 full set list in HD
Adam’s IG message about London
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
From @adamlambert ig
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18812513_804791209668881_3951983723276140544_n.jpg …
News outlets are saying the safest places to be right now are airports, stadiums, arenas…where there is so much security. It’s the soft targets that are impossible to protect…malls, restaurants, etc etc. You just have to live you lives.
Right luval.
Hoping to watch or record the show tonight.
Who has info on channels and times?
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
Here is the HQ VERSION the new @adamlambert photo open to see it it’s GORGEOUS! D/L https://scontent.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18836871_10154755578848651_3125225932779446671_o.jpg?oh=d9809995393a08af31c3cd725374971d&oe=59E1C9D3 …
https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/871281619264471042 …
Scooter Braun statement regarding concert today.
Scooter BraunVerified account @scooterbraun 4h
Isaiah is getting more beautiful as time goes on. And he’s only 17!
Entertainment WeeklyVerified account @EW
Here’s how you can watch Ariana Grande’s #Manchester benefit concert today: http://share.ew.com/OMunxid
Alisan’s ig story
#OneLoveManchester (Live)
Ariana Grande

Thanks, asif!
Looks like another stream –
I’m watching on tv. Would love to see QAL…radio gaga or WWTLF. Pretty sure they won’t be there. We would have heard something by now.
Sky looks iffy. Hope it doesn’t rain.
luval .. What channel on TV? I tried to find but couldn’t find one.
Or you watch YouTube channel through TV. I don’t get my YouTube on TV either.
asif, it’s the Freeform Channel. Used to be called the Family Channel.
Here is the list of guests & their songs
Connecticut’s KC101 @KC1013 31m31 minutes ago
Here is the song list for #OneLoveManchester
Thanks … luval.
Yay!!! Now I can watch it on TV. It’s 1178 FRFM channel for me.
This concert is so well organized. Amazing.
IMO Katy Perry just cannot sing.
Today at 7:00 Central Time AXS TV 1106 (U-VERSE) will show
It will be only 1 hr. They’ll repeat it again at 10:00.
Here it goes Queen -Live in Budapest.
Hubby and I are watching, Sistasif!!
Yay!!! sistasparkle!!! ..

Asif, yer new avi is gorgeous.
Came home hot sticky sweaty sunscreeny and Sandy from a day at my beloved beach, so grateful to have thus natural beauty so close to home, and turned on Queen on 1106 just in time for Love of My Life. Will record the 10 PM broadcast.
So relieved the Manchester show came off without a hitch.
Adam Lambert opened Glam Nation Tour Kirby Center Wilkes Barre
Photo @LightLoveAdam
Saw this on twitter yesterday & to me it sums up what happened in the last couple of weeks in the UK.
This is how I feel… especially with the concert season starting. Be vigilant. Moving on…
Mariana @_swoosh14 1h1 hour ago
? In the shop at the museum of photography in Stockholm #adamlambert #americanmale
PattiHum @PattiHum 13h13 hours ago
5 yr old grandson who saw #CaptainUnderpants Friday is walking around singing “Freedom Freedom!” ???
3 replies 10 retweets 38 likes
Byron CookeVerified account @Byroncooke 7h7 hours ago
Replying to @remavineyard @KevinHart4real and
YES! “Think” kicks in twice during the movie and the kids in the cinema go off to it! Adam does it again haha
VIDEO|@AdamLambert on Snapchat. ?
Screenshots from Adam Lambert’s snapchat video
VarietyVerified account @Variety 18h18 hours ago
Box Office: #CaptainUnderpants is No. 2 to #WonderWoman this weekend. http://bit.ly/2rSXmCw