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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Sheri R @Adamlyn 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @adamlambert
So many Queen fans over the past few concerts raving about #TwoFux. A guy last night couldn’t stop telling me how much he loved it.
L&SA Magazine @LSAOnline 26s26 seconds ago
Queen + Adam Lambert Tours with STUFISH Set Design http://plasa.me/zyg7i @StufishStudio
milkywayfairy @milkywayfairy 2m2 minutes ago
Adam Lambert Is Having A Really Good Month http://jd.fo/QVkI via @jdforward
Gelly @14gelly 5m5 minutes ago
I made a compilation all ig stories from Adam’s friends LA 1 cheering up for him, showing their love and pride
Adam Lambert IG https://www.instagram.com/p/BV5tYQyACDn/ ” Dream come true! Hollywood Bowl” DL https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436933_145613326007117_5932488109483622400_n.jpg …
OT but did anyone see AGT on Monday? This guy is amazing!
Lilybop @lilybop2010 9m9 minutes ago
? Adam Lambert’s trainer Seth G was at the Hollywood Bowl #queenadamlambert trainersethg – 12 nice ig story videos.
?? @ScorpioBert Jun 26
I have one ticket for Queen and Adam Lambert in Chicago Sec 112, Row 1, Seat 16, Hot Seat Vip. I can email it
my cost $395
So funny, luval – Seth on that vid – “Me on the way to the club.”
Yes, I watched AGT, that guy could be the winner, he’s simply fantastic.
Just watched a bunch of episodes of Queer as Folk, on Showtime, forgot how great that show was, (and how hot, ahem ), and then got lost in riddle’s vids from Hollywood 2. Wow AM I grateful for that quality of vid. Film queen too.
If I may, I just have few Debbie Downer comments about the new show so far.
Don’t get me wrong, it is epic, wonderful, funny and campy, and my first set of shows is in 2 weeks, but, if I may :
The lighting is so bright it detracts from actually seeing Adam, much less Brian.
The bright lights are blinding, in the vids you can see fans covering their eyes and looking away.
I don’t like the robot. I know, I know, it’s from News of the World, I just think it’s creepy.
The song choices don’t lend our guy to really wail, to really cut loose vocally. I almost think some choices and arrangements were made to preserve the voice for this long, 64 show tour. Especially, the re-arrangement of STL. There’s no Love Kills, no Save Me, no Show Must Go On. Even, I Was Born to Love You , was such a dynamite vocal. And let’s not ever ever ever forget Dragon Attack.
Again, don’t get me wrong, he’s spot on perfect in this tour, I’m just waiting for him to realllly let loose and just wail.
I do looove Get Down Make Love and how he goes right into the groans and moans for I Want It All. That’s sweet!! The backdrop looks like Cell Block Tango from Chicago.
I guess I miss the fringes, the sexy costumes, the Tina Turner dance moves, the chez lounge, etc.
Speaking of which, the Head and even the bike are so funny and campy, but not the sexy show we had before.
On another note, I have a feeling that Brian and Roger were influenced by Adam’s TOH show when they saw it in London. The use of visuals is similar.
Now, about the hair and makeup. OMG.
Ok have never been a fan of the severe side shaving. He’s been doing it since Glamnation. I get he gets hot onstage, I kinda got over it because his hair was dark and high on top. But now, the red blends in the lighting, and detracts from his facial beauty. He is a stunning ly gorgeous man, but it’s hard to tell with that hair.
The makeup is so severe in comparison with the shaved sides and the neon red hair. It’s finally just too much for me. I can see he’s going for an androgynous look, like that bearded made up look he likes. He is pushing limits, I understand, but I don’t like it on him.
These are all my own thoughts, I will duck the rotten tomatoes, and will prolly be singing a different tune after I actually see the show.
mils, agree with you on his outfits. They’re just things out of his closet. Am really surprised.
All you said on the makeup and hair I agree with.
Maybe as the shows progress he’ll get a little crazier with his dance moves.
I miss the chair and lounge too. Thought it might be a bed this time. Him sitting on Frank’s head is odd. He certainly can’t be sexy with his moves except when he licks the mic.
Haven’t paid attention much to the lighting but I really miss the disco ball drama in WWTLF. And sooooo many lasers!
Show to me seems a little “dark”. Guess it’s the cold steel vibe the robot gives off.
But I can’t wait till Toronto!
I have to add that every single tweet I’ve seen is overwhelming positive about the show. Probably most have never seen the other tour so they’ve got nothing to compare it to. And young people mostly need things bigger, better and more technology bent than an amazing, spectacular voice.
WBC at it again.
I love the new show! Definitely a different vibe than before. It’s fantastic! But I do agree that I miss the energy and feel of the previous shows. I suppose you can’t do the same thing over and over. I do miss the disco ball for WWTLF. It made it extra special. Still incredible but somewhat less memorable.
All that being said, I’m trying to fit more shows in!!
Don’t get me started on the hair and outfits.
I do like the first outfit, the all red leather and the silver at the end.
I’ll add that up close he’s his gorgeous self, it’s when you look at the pictures you took that the red glares at you!
Hate the pink suit with the huge platform shoes! And I know Adam don’t give Two Fux what I think!
Queen + Adam Lambert – VR The Champions (Trailer)
Queen Official
Had the best night with @adamlambert and Queen at their epic concert & after party last night. AL you are truly a star. Wow and thank you #afterparty #hollywoodbowl #queenandadamlambert #QAL
Nkd, I’m up late, what shows are you thinking of adding???
Chicago??? ST Paul?
Unfortunately mils those are two I can’t do. Family obligations.
I PROMISE IM NOT CRYING RIGHT NOW ????❤️❤️❤️ Love them so Much
This one got me –
This is just so great –
cocoo @cocooyau
[New additional clips 1:32] Last year this week; Done with #QALEurope tour. Miss this black swan a lot ??
Another brill pic of Queen + Adam Lambert by @deathfieldrocks #QueenForever #QAL2017 @OIQFC
Another sweet one of Brian and Adam –
Another thing I miss are the risers. Gives Adam (Brian too), another spot to run to & do his crazy things…fringe flying, legs up on railings, spotlight on him. He needs room to fly about…not more technology bells & whistles!!
To be honest, if it wasn’t for the hair I wouldn’t care what else was or wasn’t on stage.
Hair is so distracting.
Oh well, it is what it is now & I’m anxious to see the show.
Was this posted? Tyler’s IG. His remarks. He is in heaven.
Maria @captainscholar 4h4 hours ago
@14gelly ppl from Walk Me Home Rescue Group went to see QAL. Pics from when Pharaoh was adopted ☺️ https://www.instagram.com/msantiagoherrera/ …
This is a good edit
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
What if they edit it for radio as “I don’t really really care that much”
QueenVerified account @QueenWillRock 5h5 hours ago
THAT @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert stage! The Facts! http://www.queenonline.com/en/news-archive/queen-adam-lambert-stage-the-facts/ …
Watching TV
Gelly @14gelly 7h7 hours ago
Adam Lambert’s snapchat 6/28/17 (4 snaps) https://youtu.be/tK0N7Mz0d0U via Kathy Katz
one more day
Hoopla Magnet @hooplamagnet 7h7 hours ago
adamlambert’s video https://instagram.com/p/BV6clj2A1Sr/
Katie Purvis @katiemelb 10h10 hours ago
@14gelly FB friend who went to Q+AL in LA posted this. ?
Gelly @14gelly 7h7 hours ago
likestonehurstjk Had the best night with @adamlambert and Queen at their epic concert & after party last night. https://www.instagram.com/p/BV50XdhlqQu/
Alexander Parlee @alexanderparlee 13h13 hours ago
Had an awesome night yesterday at the Hollywood Bowl and the after party with @adamlambert… https://www.instagram.com/p/BV5v7-4gaF1/
Ok..this happened…
So I guess it’s out…somewhere
Luke Easton @3ku1
Just had a full Listin to @adamlambert #TwoFux. Worth the wait. Brilliant. Just Brilliant. Radio all over it. Minus the Fux
OZ should be getting it in less that 15 minutes.
I posted another review on the Phoenix thread. I believe it’s the newspaper where Spike lives…in the desert.
PattiHum @PattiHum 11h11 hours ago
US Glamberts! Tomorrow night, do not DL #TwoFuxs until midnight Eastern time. Important!! Even if it is on iTunes early! ?
pic from day he adopted Pharaoh
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
Look at THAT!! Via @captainscholar Adam, when he adopted Pharaoh! People went to QAL show!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BV6ZlDMFK_M/
the hair………….
Miss this face & hair! Hair today gone tomorrow.
I’m having a hard time, with the realization that Adam’s ‘red tour hair’ may be on his head until next February?
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 13m13 minutes ago
Two Fux! But don’t download until after midnight tonight
If interested, posted bunch of pics on HB2 –
.@adamlambert posing for free ?. Queen + Adam Lambert, HB2
Ulti, live that pic at 1226.
Can’t wait to get home for a listen to Two Fux
Wonder what the radio edit will be.
Two F’s?
Like it’ll play….#ignored superstar…..
Not sure where Sauli is now.
Lilybop @lilybop2010 1m1 minute ago
? Sauli’s umbrella hat – saaraslvn ig story
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/15249225_454510021576521_7184221319624392704_n.mp4 …
Love Two Fux but it is just a little slow-ish, pauses that make me a little itchy. He sings it much faster live. The ending is so Adam, so great! This is not an edit so don’t know if & how they can bring it to radio.
So true.
Youtube of TF
I don’t remember this tweet about Adam from the rescue but it’s so cute
Congrats to Pharaoh Lambert and his new Dad. GOLDEN TICKET winner! A new life of traveling the globe. ❤️RESCUE DOGS!!!
OMGOMGOMG! Love Two Fux! Love that it’s chill!

That’s a lotta Fux to edit for radio!
PattiHum @PattiHum 3h3 hours ago
One more US thing about #TwoFuxs. There might be 2 versions, one with FUXS & one w/o the word Fuxs. DL both!! Both will count!
Lilybop @lilybop2010 5m5 minutes ago
☺️ Mason: “I’m trying to look like Adam.” iam_alisanporter ig story
I posted this on the LA thread but now I realized this is the guy who designed Adam’s pool.
Lilybop @lilybop2010 5m5 minutes ago
?? Adam Lambert’s guest at the Hollywood Bowl, Justin Krzyston designed Adam’s pool – stonehurstjk ig story https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15
That says “server error,” luval – just me?