- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Lilybop @lilybop2010 1m1 minute ago
??? Sauli in London saaraslvn ig story
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/14608570_148774132332007_671000094954225664_n.mp4 …
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15/e35/14814070_1294207637345091_3550884351069650944_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 30m30 minutes ago
FILM Captain Underpants soundtrack w awesome rendition of Aretha Franklin’s Think by @adamlambert!
https://www.facebook.com/rayjsreviews/posts/1928001904149419?match=YWRhbSBsYW1iZXJ0 …
The Lambrits @LambritsUK 43m43 minutes ago
And now for something completely different. QUEEN and ADAM LAMBERT rehearsals Day 1 !!! That’s… https://www.instagram.com/p/BU10inAjpht/
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
▲iamwillxdx◢◤ @will_sanchz04 53m53 minutes ago
Think by Adam Lambert is #8 on iTunes soundtrack songs chart. http://www.popvortex.com/music/charts/top-soundtrack-songs.php … #iTunes
The Lambrits @LambritsUK
I am very sorry to let everyone on Twitter know that Mandy who runs @LambritsUK And also known as @PassionateSkate as suddenly passed away
Paul RodgersVerified account @_paulrodgers Jun 1
Visiting with @OfficialRMT before he and @QueenWillRock set off on tour. – Paul
Rahul Modasia BSc @RahulModasia 8h8 hours ago
Last night fun #SomiHanLondon her new fashionline for men! Sizing up #RogerTaylor
#SomiHan #Fashion #Queen #rock #NatWest #Support #Banking
Roger is cool!
Gelly @14gelly
Gelly Retweeted Touch of Sparkle
That’s awesome! And a great shout out to @adamlambert fans and their great charity work <33
Touch of Sparkle @_touchofsparkle
Touch of Sparkle featured on local TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11HfnKlDboQ&feature=youtu.be …
I listened to “THINK” on Spotify—free version!!
Lilybop @lilybop2010 6m6 minutes ago
✊ LA Pride’s #ResistMarch w Adam Lambert #LoveisLove #pridemonth #pride2017 @creativesharka https://www.resistmarch.org/
http://www.losangelesblade.com/2017/05/31/what-are-you-doing-for-pride/ …
So he probably misses Pharaoh too so may fly in for this.
The soundtrack for the Captain Underpants film adaptation is as outrageous and silly as the movie it accompanies. There are original compositions from Lil Yachty, Adam Lambert, and, of course, “Weird Al” Yankovic’s absurd theme song for the tidy whitey crimefighter. —E.R.B.
Sandy @heretohearyou
“Everyone gets a copy of ‘Captain Underpants’ soundtrack” on @TheTalkCBS (Make sure you check out Track 4-“Think” by Adam Lambert !)
Think on YouTube
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 9m9 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – If you had $1 billion and spent $1,000 a day, it would take you about 2,740 years to run out of money.
I’m going to see “Captain Underpants” on Monday. It will be less crowded then. I’d like to see where the song “Think” is in the movie.
Happy Pride month
This Sunday at 7:00 pm Central on AXS TV they’ll show Queen Hungarian Rhapsody Concert. DVR just in case.
I have that concert in full from youtube and watch it during my treadmill quite often for 3 years now. It’s professionally filmed and has the beautiful Budapest scenery.
Queen: Hungarian Rhapsody – Live In Budapest 1986 (Full HD 1080p) Complete Show

Rotten Tomatoes gave CU a betters score than the audience.
If I had $1 billion I would charter buses and airplanes to travel everywhere (NA, Europe &UK, Asia) to attend Queen+AL with ALL friends and their families. I would include Sauli, his friends and Pharaoh as well.
We all are going to have amazeballs times!!!
And I don’t care if I don’t live to 2,740 years.
Asif, …lol…luv ya bunches!!! $$$$$$$$$
asif…and you’d still have tons of money left over! Thanks for thinking of the rest of us!
BTW if any of you remember @scubadan from the UK who with his wife follows QAL all over the place…they’ll be coming to the U.S. for several shows with 25 people!!!
Asif…always such a cosmic mystery why we don’t have a world where cool peeps like you are just handed a billion bucks and told to go forth make some happy, lol. Seems you’d do a much better job than a large percentage of the current billionaires!
Aww from Nancy Sinatra
Adam Lambert Nation @AdamLambNation
” Thank you ALL for inspiring and supporting my journey. I promise to keep doing the same for all of you.” – Adam
I ❤️ you.
asif, thank you so much for the handy links to those Queen songs!! Saved me lots of research. Getting to know them now.
Aww .. Thanks … guys … for your kind words. Love you back!
Wish I were real billionaire.
.. pennies .. (Please read this word carefully.)
All I have are these.
Yes! I’m that pervert!!
Here is what the real billionaires are doing!!!
14 more billionaires to give away half their money
Lilybop @lilybop2010
One Weibo post of THINK has over a million views already. @adamlambert
You’re welcome … riskylady!!
Actually it’s my pleasure to look for Queen songs, save them and download them.
Now I’m listening more of “News Of The World”, 1977 album.
Here are more songs from the album with lyrics.
Queen – Sheer Heart Attack (Official Lyric Video)
Queen – Who Needs You (Official Lyric Video)
Queen – Sleeping On the Sidewalk (Official Lyric Video)
Queen – All Dead, All Dead (Official Lyric Video)
Queen – My Melancholy Blues (Official Lyric Video)
Queen – Fight From The Inside (Official Lyric Video)
Queen – Spread Your Wings (Lyrics)
And here is the whole NEWS OF THE WORLD (Full album playlist 11 videos)
Thanks, asif – you’re a gem!
Haha ..
.. ulti … If I’m a gem you’re the diamond!!
You, AL and luval have done so much for us!
Three weeks from today … Friday 23 June, Queen + Adam Lambert in Phoenix, AZ at Gila River Arena.
Can’t wait. Hope to get to watch the streams. I’ll be in DC and be busy though.
Dadbert is taking care of Pharaoh while Adam is gone.
Queenie of Norway @QueenieOfNorway
BREAKING @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert will probably tour Australia in the new year – announced by @DrBrianMay on @LBC this morning @OIQFC
Queenie of Norway @QueenieOfNorway
Tune into @steveallenshow #InConversationWith @DrBrianMay now (from 6-7 am GMT) and on Sunday from 9 pm on @LBC @OIQFC
Females must mean Eber’s dog & Eber’s girlfriend
Whatever this is, Adam is one of the winners
TALCvids and Dr Judy A liked
STAR-Bazaar SHOW @starbazaarshow Jun 1
All the winners ? #SpringAwards
Adamismyhigh @TracyWiseman2 20m20 minutes ago
In London and who do we bump into! @adamlambert So polite. Took time to have photos and a chat. #mademyyear
LOL, asif, remember back when we were all on mjsbigblog? We had a plan to charter a plane to the UK if Adam ever sang with Queen. We developed a whole set of tasks that would have to be undertaken to make sure that Adam was okay (because of course he would fly with us
) People came up with some very creative tasks. Now that Sauli and Pharaoh are part of the trip we will have a whole new set of jobs!
What the heck, we can put all of Queen on the plane (I wouldn’t mind polishing Brian’s guitar
In my dreams, I would win only $30 million but, in hindsight, I can see the wisdom of winning $1 billion instead. We could stay at the Ritz! We could inscribe the jet with a special logo: “Glamberts for QAL” or, in the interest of world peace, “Glamberts and Queen Fans Forever Together”. GAQFFT, for short. (Catchy, eh?)
Plus we could do all of Adam’s tours for many years – and we could be even more delightfully wacky on those tours (‘cos look at the Trespassing Bumblebees.)
Hmmmmmm…knowing Eber’s fondness for double-entendres, that doesn’t sound promising.
OTOH, it’s not like Eber to spell “boys” as “boy’s” in that context. Maybe he was distracted or not-thinking when he typed it.
Oh. The list of jobs. Lolol. I Remember. I think I was the pillow fluffer and the gum unwrapper. Boy loves his gum . Haha.
This time, I’d keep those jobs, plus, I do believe I would like to be an official “listener inner onner”, you know, to overhear all the convos about science and old time rock and roll stories. Roger and Brian have many many tales to tell. And not just about Freddie.
Yup. Listener inner onner.
Lol TLKC, your acronym would be pronounced “gack fffft” . Love ya!!!
You only get that “listener-inner-onner” job if you are prepared to write down everything you learn for posterity, mils, except for those choice few things that only the Glambert cognoscenti (i.e. ALL-ers) can be privy to.
See I told ya! “Gack fffft!” Catchy.
tlkc…you forgot to add that we’d book Adam for a private show!. And now, of course, we can add the rest of QAL to that.
Wonder Woman is killing it at the box office. People are seeing it more than once.
~Megs Koskibert~ @IDontNeedAMap82 2h2 hours ago
Sauli ALSO today in London!!! Figure later on after Adam’s finished rehearsals is possibly when they will get a chance to see one another?❤️
PattiHum @PattiHum
Take note! For Hollywood Bowl QAL people!
milkywayfairy @milkywayfairy 2m2 minutes ago
Activist Musician Adam Lambert Will Be A Featured Speaker At Los Angeles #ResistMarch Event 6-11-17 #AdamLambert
IOwnYourHeart? @jessierichie194 2h2 hours ago
ok this is amazing, but what is wrong with this picture? can i please move to where is his apprecated more?? good grief!! makes me sick! ?