- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
IMO Two Fux has the same vibe as Play The Game. I predict it will be the song prior to Killer Queen. I can see him coming out from back stage and singing a short version of TF.
Radio play? doubt it. Even with edits. It does not have a current sound. Has anyone listened to radio lately? My 107.9 station is playing mostly all dance. Even total Spanish lyric dance music. It’s the rage now.
I think this was written as a personal song on how he feels about the industry, haters, etc. Why should he give even one fux what they think. He’s a millionaire touring with Queen. Hell yeah!
Am ever so slightly warming up to this song. But it’s like 3 songs put together, kind of what I thought about Broken. Guess when there are several writers each has to get their part in.
This doesn’t sound like something off of his new album. The reason I think this is because when asked what the vibe will be on era 4, he had mentioned more of a bluesy sound, and this song really does not fit with that vibe. Anyone else have a take on this?
AL has already put the thread up for Phoenix show related posts.
Adam Lambert – Two Fux Lyrics
You have a point leoblueeys. Sounds like a one off. But as I said in the past. Don’t know if he’ll really put out an album. Maybe an EP. Music industry is a mess. Only streaming counts now.
Pandora BoxxVerified account @ThePandoraBoxx 13h13 hours ago
It took me awhile too meet him but I finally met @adamlambert ❤️❤️ I adore him and his music! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Off to work but had to drop in and say that I loved the concert. Not so sure about Adam’s hair, lol! The new song is very Queen-like – YAY!
I hope Adam does a CD and I so hope you are right about Adam’s next CD?EP?, leoblueeys. I love the blues and Adam has plenty to mine in that vein.
Can’t wait to see tonight’s opening. Bye y’all!
Oh boy, Cher coming to Broadway “The Cher Show”.
Gelly @14gelly 7h7 hours ago
From the producer of TWO FUX – ig story VIDEO bigtastexxl “Yep Queen playing our song with @adamlambert” https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/18117157_1771212673168769_7942635140197384192_n.mp4 …
loha @lohablondie 2m2 minutes ago
does he have a security guy? a new carlos lol
(some things I’m putting on both threads)
From this picture it really looks like red powder on his head that actors use. If so, it can be washed out.
LISTEN: Adam Lambert Announces New Single
And we’ve got the track’s teaser right here
Our artist of the month @brianmaycom is celebrating the start of his tour with @adamlambert and @Queen. Check out the sched on their site!
So hubby and I are already in LA, doing a little touristing before the concerts, and had a late dinner at the nearby Hard Rock Cafe, 9:30ish. They had a cute young rock band live, the Decadent Decades (lol) but did some great covers. The kid who brought our excellent burgers out saw my AL shirt, and said he was with the caterers at Adam’s NYE party! Loved the house and pool, and said what a nice guy A is. LOL, said, not a pool for swimming.
ALSO: Broke a tooth 2 weeks ago, so ran to my dentist for a temporary crown because of travel. She asked where to, I said going to see Queen in LA (not wearing Adam shirt). SHE immediately said, oh, they’re with Adam Lambert now! Wished she could go, loves him. Who knew??? Getting this more and more, YAY!
Love your stories, riskylady – serendipity rules for Glamberts –
Eileen ಠ_ಠ @TrespassMyAss
I’m amazed that after three albums, Adam can still come up with a song that sounds totally unlike his others.
αℓєкѕ @aleks_kv 6h6 hours ago
And his flaming red hair is nothing else but a physical manifestation of #TwoFux Adam Lambert, making statements via hair since… forever?
If he is indeed putting out a complete album, of course this is on it.
The hair definitely makes a statement!
Two Fux is so Adam! Always been his attitude.
It’s sure making its way into my head! And staying there!
From mj’s. Not one negative comment so far & most people think it could be on the radio
VarietyVerified account @Variety 7m7 minutes ago
Queen and Adam Lambert Dedicate New Song to Freddie Mercury Ahead of U.S. Tour
finding zen within @open2itnow 2h2 hours ago
Seattle QAL! Need 2 sell my ticket Floor sec 3 row 22 seats 13 or 14 my cost $198, incl of taxes & fees. E-ticket Can’t attend! Help! & Tx!
Pure ginger beauty ?
Hope you like it ✌
I hope everyone is doing okay? Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a happy time going to the shows, listening/watching the streams, enjoying the pics and vids.
It is finally time again…
I am trying to get my head back into the Glambert-zone. Real life worries took over my life for the last few months. First the health of my grandad and for the last nine weeks worrying about one of my best friends and fellow GlamSis who suffered from a bad autoimmune disease. I tried to hang on to everything what was going on but it got pushed into the back…head full of fear, anger, bad thoughts, busy with finding hope and strength. I think I couldnt to anything Glambert-related because of how much I missed her. And I am still missing her so bad…she will kick my ass for sure for the last few months…
Anyway just wanted to drop by, lurking in the concert threads and maybe getting back into it all very soon. Miss it.
Take care everyone and maybe see you all later
Cait!!! I still listen to your special CD, it is such a great collection of live performances.
Glad to hear from you, hope the new shows are uplifting for you!
TLKC, I will probably be having Friday night dinner with family, so we will have to take that into consideration when planning A Friday afternoon get-together.
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
They arrived in Vegas from Adam’s assistant ig story
Cecy @Cecycat1 4h4 hours ago
PEOPLE ARE NOTICING BRIAN AND ADAM HAVE ONE NAIL PAINTED RED…it might have something to do with Polished…
Substitute red for blue here & I’d be in heaven!!
Two Fux ? @sandyzzzen 1m1 minute ago
?Two Fux ? Retweeted ?Two Fux
I think when he tweeted that Bowie look alike emoji was a hint
Amy @NurseBerter 17m17 minutes ago
HUUUUGE sign in Vegas airport
(I’ll move Vegas posts when thread is up)
Review of Phoenix show on that thread.
Hi Cait! So glad to see you here. I am sorry about the rough time you are having. Hopefully things will get better soon.
Las Vegas thread is up.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY … sweet rs!!!
Have a wonderful day and may all your dreams and wishes come true!
May it be your best year to celebrate QAL and Adam’s music with ALL the glamberts.
Have a safe trip!!!
Can’t wait to meet you.
Hi Cait!!!
Have been thinking of you. Glad to hear from you. Hope things are getting betterer and bettererr for you.
You know that Adam’s love and music and this place are always here for you. Some times we need a lala land to break away from the real life.
Send our love to you.

My sweet people at ALL … Thanks for all of the concert goodies. I’m out of the loop now. Haven’t watch much of anything.
Being in the deep of helping a friend pack and move. So crazy time. Trying to peek in during a short break.
I’ll be back home July 3rd …. Yay …. then I will join you here everyday.
Hi Asif,thanks for the birthday wishes. Had a lovely day with cousins at an incredible museum exhibition. I know exactly how hard packing for a move is. I did it a few months ago. Some things still aren’t finished. So your friend is lucky to have you to help her.
I can’t wait to meet you either! And I will be home on August third, too!
Adam’s IG on photographs & copyright violations.
Dopes –
Tea with the Queen: PART TWO
Coming Soon!
If you’ve already picked up a copy of HARDY Vol. 2 “We Are Family,” then by now you’ve sipped some tea with Adam Lambert, in our candid chat about everything from coming out, to gay bars, drag, and chosen family. PART TWO will continue right here.
Check back on Friday 6/30, the same day that Adam’s new single “TWO FUX” is out!
Looks like TALC is doing what suz526 used to do regarding videos. Fix the title so location of video is unavailable to certain people and groups.
Marianne @mimmikki 15m15 minutes ago
Awww my sister from another mother Emma met Sauli at festival ?sent me this sc
Daniel Ostrowski @DaniOstr5 6h6 hours ago
@adamlambert After all those amazing. @QueenWillRock hits, Two Fux is somehow the one still stuck in my head. Impressive. #QAL
Amy @NurseBerter 1h1 hour ago
I saw Two Fux being accepted with absolute joy by diehard Queen fans both nights. Rapt attention to lyrics onscreen, laughing, cheering.???
Anyone familiar with British comedienne Mr. Bean?
Mark A. Cooper @JasonSteed007 22m22 minutes ago
I last saw Queen in 1986 at Wembley London, Freddy was awesome back then. I was happily surprised by Adam Lambert… http://fb.me/3tykWc9YJ
Today (soon)
omg 80 floats, 350 groups, 2 million people expected
Michelle Visage (from RuPaul drag race) is one of the hosts
elle @superfinemedia 3m3 minutes ago
the red hair works on stage. I mean he is less “handsome” but he’s more theatrical and visually compelling. I get it.
That word cisgender is being used quite a bit at NYC Pride