- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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This has got to be the busiest we have ever seen Kashmir Cafe tent @IsleOfWightFest Dodgy just sound checking.
WC QAL: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=QAL+-+Isle+of+Wight&iso=20160612T21&p1=2478&ah=2
“Thousands pay tribute to Bowie at Isle of Wight festival”
Interesting –
Queen Facts @QueenFacts1991
Queen didn’t get on with David Bowie for ‘Under Pressure’. Brian said: “I think it was the only time in Queen history where I’ve bowed out.”
Made it to Isle of Wight! At the pier on our way there…our view in cute Aqua Hotel. ?????
Watching @richardashcroft on the main stage #IsleOfWightFestival and no rain… yet!
Read where, ‘The Isle of Wight’ concerts are going to be televised. Will this be like the televised, Live in Kiev, Ukraine? Anyone?
twilightmagic8, I found some info at these links ->
It does not seem that there will be a live television feed. Just 2 nights of highlights a week later.
Info about streams and radio feeds ->
Thanks AL, just trying to be prepared for tomorrows excitement!

I am really not liking these reviews on this leg of the tour. Several have referred to this as a tribute act. No it is not a tribute act with original band members. They act like the only member of Queen was Freddie. He has been so built up and practically canonized it’s ridiculous.
I loved the original Queen, I love this Queen too, why do they have to always compare. I am so over it.
Calling Adam and CO a tribute act is insulting to all of them.
A radio station’s failed attempt to get Adam on. DJ’s are J.C and Mercedes. Funny because Adam thinks it’s a car dealership calling him. (They never actually get him on air)
Well, glambotgram, I feel exactly the same way. Too many reviewers think of Queen as Freddie’s backup band, not realizing that, without Brian and Roger (the original nucleus of the band), FM would not be the famous front man he is – and judging from FM’s solo efforts, unlikely he would have made it on his own. It was the collab that was so great.
Little confession here – if I can’t find a way to comment on these reviews, I sometimes seek out the writer and have a “discussion.” And have to agree with one reviewer’s email – that the comparison is inevitable because of how the show is structured. And Adam’s encomiums to FM certainly emphasize that. Nevertheless, it’s dispiriting when Adam comes out on the short side of the comparison when he’s so obviously a brilliant vocalist.
Nevertheless, QAL is still an enormous plus for the boy – so much good has come out of it for him.
Oh I wholeheartedly agree. I think Adam and Queen is nothing but positives for all of them. I just am so sick of the FM comparisons, and he is No FM crap. No he is not He is Adam Fu**ing Lambert, and every bit as good as FM, if not better!!
Rant Over, I’ll go back to the corner now and look at all the new decorations mils has put up.
Second that, glambotgram!
Love that boy –
I third that, glambotgram!
Maybe I should figure this out but how do the buses get to the Isle of Wight? There are no bridges that I know of. Do they drive them on to those ferrys?
Kyle Le Moigne @kylelemoigne
Just saw 6 lorries emblazoned with “Queen with Adam Lambert” followed by a blacked out Land Rover with a bloke with an Afro in the back..
TALCvids @TALCvids
JC calls Adam Lambert on his cell phone(&he says Adam says he’s on a private jet w Queen).Segment starts 107:00.
Mix 94.1 @Mix941
If JC gets @adamlambert on the phone during @MercedesInTheAM, but no one gets to hear it, does it really count? cbsloc.al/1YcCmyO
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
I did an edit of that radio station’s ‘failed attempt to put Adam on the air’…. Listen to or download…
This is what the one ferry says luval
Hmm with those weight restrictions I wonder if Adam was able to take his hoarding chest.
Thanks for that info, glambotgram!
hmmm –
A out and about.
Where he was: sink the pink, club
“The Who brings down the curtain on the second day of the Isle of Wight Festival”
Cute –
@adamlambert Good Morning #colorful World of #Glamily <3
Crops –
DianaK @dianakat13
Thank you!! @mmadamimadamm: QAL – TICKETS SALES CHART HAS BEEN UPDATED BY @Shadowmusic17
His new T shirt he’s wearing tonight
(great pieces for summer
Very lovely profile sketch –
Why don’t #Queen just announce Adam Lambert as their permanent New singer. He’s perfect for the Job.
Here we go again. Orlando mass shooting at “Pulse”gay night club. Supposed to be premier club there. News conference on now. Approx 20 dead. Might be act of international terrorism. FBI involved. This is absolutely horrible.
Next update around 9:30am EDT
They weren’t going to tour. Bri to do a personal tribute to David Bowie.
Adam on my Yahoo home page https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/proud-hollywood-232519784.html
Gelly @14gelly 29s30 seconds ago
markfarrant party girls #sinkthepink https://www.instagram.com/p/BGjjLAXCBCv/
https://instagram.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/13391134_555822337930987_852363520_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI3MTAxNDIwNzc3NzE0OTEwMw%3D%3D.2 …
Gorgeous Adam
omg 50 deaths confirmed now. Orlando in a state of emergency.
TALCvids @TALCvids 3h3 hours ago
Celebrating the 1 year anniversary of @adamlambert’s amaze The Original High album.Music still fresh&close to our ?
I know I’ve been AWOL for a while.
I’ve been fine, busy after NY. Blah blah.
Leaving for my beautiful beach , with tears running down my face.
Hate on hate on hate.
Sick to my stomach.
No words.
How are our Florida friends taking this news?
Jeez. How CAN they be taking this????
Horrific .
50 .
Maybe higher.
I’ll see ya’all later.
I can only imagine how Adam feels.
Gelly @14gelly 6m6 minutes ago
https://instagram.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/12107661_1218117941545154_1119012025_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI3MTA2MjM5OTQ3NDkyMzcyMg%3D%3D.2 …
Am trying to keep it “light” here but having a hard time. But will still post Adam/QAL, etc news.
Just coming here to say how sorry I am to hear the terrible news out of Florida. My heart goes out to the LGBT community, everyone in Florida and to the whole United States. How tragic and how sad. Love to everyone here.
The celebration of sweet and simple fun in Sink the Pink tweets coming at the same time as the news at PULSE is unfolding. Every single one of the kids at PULSE was looking forward to a wonderful night out. Some may have been planning their night for the entire week.
How fragile our life is and how little we get it.
Thinking of rs right now, too. The attack in Tel Aviv this week claimed 4 lives as well.