- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
“Queen + Adam Lambert, Kylie Minogue Would Enliven F1 Singapore” [TR]
Adam snapchat pic 6/9/16
Great review of Kris’s concert, adamized –
Snapped by the papz before the show with this group of beauties
So Sauli’s in London. Probably will go to Isle of Wight.
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise
6/12 Newport http://www.adamlambertmedia.com/index.php/event/concert-qal-tour-isle-of-wight-festival-seaclose-park/
6/15 Brussels http://www.adamlambertmedia.com/index.php/event/concert-qal-tour-brussels-palais12/
6/17 Hinwil http://www.adamlambertmedia.com/index.php/event/concert-qal-tour-rock-the-ring-festival-autobahnkreisel/
Some fun photos here of the festival goers. Gonna be huge!
I figured it was some sort of scam.
Ulti– thanks for posting that great review of Kris’ concert. It described the show perfectly. It really was a great show. I haven’t seen Kris perform live since the Idol Tour seven years ago. I was distracted by another performer then and still am for that matter. But since Adam is in Europe and Kris was in DC last night, I was happy to have the chance to see Kris’ show. I was so impressed. Kris is such a nice guy…charming, humble and funny. He had great rapport with the audience. I can see why he and Adam got along so well. Kris writes and chooses songs that suit his voice and he sings them beautifully live. His band is also impressive and sings back up in perfect harmony. It was a very enjoyable evening.
It was hard for me not to think of Adam while Kris was performing. But that really isn’t fair. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Kris is a very talented guy and deserves more recognition than he gets for it. And Adam is, of course, Adam and in a class of his own.
Very glad you went, mmm222 – sorry I missed it – really love a good deal of Kris’s music and have dl’d a number of tracks – good man –
Adam Lambert Snapchat 10/06/2016
Caption to video: “3am ride home from airport ?”
Two years old, but love the top pic –
Chris Evans describes Adam Lambert as awesome & Roger calls him wonderful. Post Isle of Wight gig drinks & curry party at the Taylors. : D
Starts at about 1:50
“Pack your brolly and wellies: Rain to muddy Isle of Wight, Download festivals this weekend”
“Isle of Wight Festival 2016: Queen, The Who and more are ready to rock”
this is what i call perfection ?❤️
Tim Tronckoe
Nijmegen, Netherlands ·
Finally I’ll be shooting Queen with Adam Lambert next week! Any other accredited photographers wanna tag along? Let me know.
Gelly @14gelly 14m14 minutes ago
The co behind the new set design for
http://www.stufish.com/project/summer-festival-tour …
0 retweets 0 likes
So the “Q” does have a tail.
eta: This company’s clients
Their clients. Pretty impressive http://www.stufish.com/clients Queen don’t fuck around
Miachihu @Miachihu 2m2 minutes ago
Sauli cycling in London. ☺?
Adam & Sauli are both in London doing the tourist thing. So they took the public bikes and they are playing tourists.
Mariana @_swoosh14 53m53 minutes ago
The singer of a Finnish metal band Sonata Arctica: “Pretty much a religious experience!” https://www.instagram.com/p/BGdWJkKH-vu/?taken-by=tonykakko_official …
DSMN official video has over 200,000 views
I don’t remember seeing this
mmadamimadamm Retweeted
Queen Facts @QueenFacts1991 34m34 minutes ago
Today in 2012, Queen + Adam Lambert began rehearsing for their first ever tour together.
@ AdamLambertSwe
Evening papers are rarely pleasant reading today, the accolades! ???? ???
I remember those rehearsal pics from 4 years ago. time flies
Gelly @14gelly 22m22 minutes ago
Open the hq pic and LOOK AT THAT FACE https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13391500_1371158002910625_1235966760064597226_o.jpg …
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1371158002910625&set=pcb.1371158709577221&type=3&theater …
fuzzy beard
but perfect
Greece X-factor WWFM
loha @lohablondie 3m3 minutes ago
loha Retweeted Ste
Nice one –
Perhaps when Adam is in the Middle East next he can stop in at this barbershop –
Shoshanna says Isle of Wight to be televised
Wonder why she had to be asked that –
Like this older pic and love the outfit –
Thanks for posting the review ulti. The writer did a great job of capturing the essence of the show. “Fast Shoes” was a favorite of mine though I hadn’t heard it till that night. Really fun!
I truly believe that if Season 8 wasn’t so jammed packed with great singers and one absolutely over the top amazing singer AND Kris had been given a half way decent coronation song he would be much bigger now. Oh well, he seems like he is happy and he has a lovely family and great band mates. Plus he got to room with Adam. His life ain’t so bad.
crops worth saving –
oy. Might be a muddy mess.
adamized and mmm222…great to see you went to Kris Allen’s show. Always liked the guy. Hope he has a long career. If he’s ever in my neck of the woods I’d go see him.
The Trump/We are the Champions furore has reached NZ news
It’s all over the world, Kiwi – Germany, France, Asia – if you google it, tons come up –
Yay! First song I hear at @LAPRIDE is @adamlambert Ghost Town! Great way to start weekend
(Adam fav’ed)
Such shocking news about Christina Grimmie from The Voice…..so sad and senseless.
I know, HK Fan. Here’s mg’s thread
Waiting to see who did this & the motive. Hope it’s someone she knew … not just someone random.
Miachihu @Miachihu 2h2 hours ago
Sauli at the gym ☺?
Gelly @14gelly 6m6 minutes ago
Wightdrone – Saturday morning at the 2016 Isle of Wight Festival Site.
Damn this is huge https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1081585855262425 …
I use to go to the Isle of Wight every other year on holiday as a child…a beautiful little island, have very fond memories of the place.
CNN having a new conference now. Sounds like random but they are still investigating.
Celebrities have to be so careful these days. The world is going nuts.
Swedish review translated