- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Mel @RabbitholeGirl
If u listen to the vids of RGG audience reactions without seeing the vids u’d think it’s a audio clip from a massacre
Hmmmmm –
Like this –
This, too –
Keep crossing everything for the ‘SuperBowl’!!!
? ?

Boy George answers twitter question about TOH
mlg Retweeted
Mrsdorkbert3 @mrsdorkbert3 3h3 hours ago
@shoshannastone @adamlambert This post says only for a small amount for me @adamlambert Thankyou so so much Adam ❤️
I often see people ask “why Q+AL don’t do superbowl”. I’m sure I’ve read that the superbowl artists are unpaid so therefore why would they do it unless they had an album or tour to promote? I may be totally wrong but just asking the question.
Unless Queen do record with Adam, and have that to promote, they could do it just to give his career a push. But then that would need for them to perform some of his stuff as well. Maybe/maybe not….just jumbled thoughts here.
Can vote –
adoresAdamL @adoresAdamL
choose WTTS from the drop down box – fill bot box –
“Queen set to perform at grand prix”
“Queen + Adam Lambert live video from Portugal hits the internet”
“Onair #TRENDING Queen + Adam Lambert “Don’t Stop Me Now” [VIDEO]”
Read more: http://us97.iheart.com/onair/trending-56224/queen-adam-lambert-dont-stop-me-14784212/#ixzz4ArLKeOtv
Adam Lambert- vote GT and WWFM—>
Radio Galaxy: Webvotes
“Queen + Adam Lambert, Kylie Minogue to perform at Singapore GP”
From mjs –
TODAY: Another local newspaper: ‘the newpaper’: ‘QUEEN ON RACE NIGHT’:
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 4h4 hours ago
Glamour awards tonight ???
Glamour awards tonight, Adam did some shopping yesterday, maybe for the awards too? He IS in London, so maybe
I totally don’t understand Queen releasing performance video of Don’t Stop Me Now. Is it for promo? For what? Will it be for sale on itunes? I mean there are thousands of videos already out there of performance DSMN. The tour will be over in a couple of weeks. So whyyyyyyyyyyy?????
Hi rs! Here’s hoping that the stars align on the concert date of September 12th. I work in a medical office and we cannot take separate holidays – the office is closed that week every year because of a professional convention. #fingerscrossed that the concert date is set!!
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Israel. Can you imagine what it will mean to Adam to perform in Israel?
Meanwhile it is so great to see how many fans are excited over Singapore and the addition of other venues.
I’m sure there’ll be several other cities. Didn’t realize Queen never toured Asia. Adam will be a billionaire before ya know it!
Hi TLKC!!!
Hi kiwi! The Super Bowl does pay. They tried to present the gig as an “unpaid opportunity” a few years ago and it didn’t work. Katy Perry eventually signed on that year and made it plain that she was paid.
The artists the Super Bowl wants to feature don’t need the exposure.
Hi luval! Maybe mainland China is next, who knows? It’s all good for Adam.
What is going to happen on the recording front for him – that’s the next big question.
Gahhhhh! I didn’t get to see a single one!

Things change…I wouldn’t take shoshanna’s word in stone.
Adam on instagram lists info on his outfit
Thanks Adam lol COSTUME NATIONAL SKINNY NAPPA LEATHER PANTS http://www.luisaviaroma.com/costume+national/men/jeans/63I-VS6010/colorid_MzA10?AID=10621891&PID=3852549&SID=93703173&utm_source=CommissionJunction&utm_medium=affiliation&utm_content=3852549 …
Trucks in Sweden!
News report on Tallinn concert – anybody?
Streaming numbers GT, ALN.
GT vid on YT nearing 71 million.
Kiwi … I got people on board with me for Adam because of Queen (via Queen).
And this video is another reason Queen should do Super Bowl … Big Audience.
The video makes me smile and satisfied.
Heineken | The Chorus
Hi TLKC!!!

Long time no see!!! I’m sooooo HAPPY to see you here.
I wish more people coming back to post. Just drop a line or two if your time permits from your busy life.
Pretty Please …

rs … YAY … I’m very very happy for you.
Ah!!!! Think about if I were in that region …
QAL might play in Dubai, Bahrain, and
in Asia … Tokyo, Sendai, Osaka, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Manila, Bangkok and more …
rs, HK fan, Axxxel … YAY!!!!
Well – that’s interesting, AL –
just found this. too –
(This sounds familiar – maybe a repeat?)
If Asian tour, hope he brings back IWBTLY – one of my favorite performances – the Tokyo vid is spectacular –
Thanks for the trucks, riskylady. I had lunch today with my drummer friend Frank. He knows about my QAL truck obsession. He says he always looks for the tour buses. He loves the buses!
If he records with Queen I know some on twitter whose heads will explode.

Thank you very much for your post … Miss Chaos! …

Ain’t that the truth!!!!
CMT awards tomorrow night.
My Little Glambert Was So Exited When He Saw He’s Favorite Artist @adamlambert At Macys Today …
Thanks so much acifclueless, for bringing this commercial here. I have never seen this before.
The whole stadium singing was magnificent & gave me goosebumps. I could really envision this happening, if Queen + Adam Lambert played ‘The Super Bowl’.
Adam Lambert says that he’d be up for recording new songs with Queen
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/adam-lambert/94043#xCZxABhKfPvSZDbW.99
Has ‘The Original High” single, been officially released?
Love that commercial, too, asif (and twilightmagic8) – sent it to the troops – they’ll love it –
Yay! Great idea!!!
Hi kiwi! The Super Bowl does pay. They tried to present the gig as an “unpaid opportunity” a few years ago and it didn’t work. Katy Perry eventually signed on that year and made it plain that she was paid.
Thanks for clearing that up TLKC. That point confused me.
Kiwi … I got people on board with me for Adam because of Queen
I agree asifclueless. A lot of my family and friends are the same, and they didn’t even go to a concert. My older brother was staying and said “I don’t like him very much”. I played “Come to me” and he wanted to know who it was…. He said it didn’t sound like Adam so I played him Soaked, kiss from a rose etc. He didn’t say much but the next day ,out of the blue, asked to hear more and admitted that he had to rethink his ideas.
The problem is they make a judgement on a couple of songs. Plus my brother can’t stand Ghost Town. He’s from Australia and says it’s played all the time there.
JFC it’s gotta be those same wankers complaining. Thank goodness I unfollowed them, cause haven’t seen anything. Adam isn’t being held hostage by Queen, and don’t they know how he hates anyone telling him what to do? Don’t like his choices? GTFO. He’s not gonna change his plans. For all we know, he could record a few more surprise singles in July/August similar to WTTS, CGH. Max/Shellback could have them ready for him. And I can’t ever see him recording the kind of throw-away music played to death here. Thank goodness GT was special enough for him to sing, and to get US play. But Queen is putting him on the map in a big way even in countries where he’s already enormously popular as well as here. And mainly, he’s HAPPY and very very rich. IMHO. J/s…..