- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Well, luval – blew the pic up and got out my magnifying glass (really), but can’t decipher it – where’s Sherlock –
Looks like he fancies that Romanian hat –
Weird photoshop in paper –
I fancy him in that Romanian hat! I think it is one of the best looking hats he wears
mmm222 Thank you.. Such a dream that is now within my reach… Was hoping for QAL so strongly, while reading all your recaps here in ALL…. Just ordered my planetickets… it will be a short stay but meeting HK fan is very high on the bucketlist..
Brian, not Adam, gets lots of love from the interviewer here
(bits of these may have already been posted)
When you are Q+AL af and you manage to get the best of both worlds ?❤️ @DrBrianMay @QueenWillRock @adamlambert
Gelly @14gelly 10m10 minutes ago
Adam Lambert: Robyn saved me from a break up http://www.therecord.com/whatson-story/
Not loving coverage from Israel so far. Videos give Adam about 30 seconds screen time. And that photoshop in that newspaper is off the wall, designed to create controversy. In ALL THESE YEARS of the collab, NO ONE has done that.

And so much FM, haven’t Brian and Roger explained enough???? It has been 25 years and a number of worldwide shows with both PR and Adam already. I’m so over that. I expected better, sorry.
Agree with everything you wrote risky lady.
You always write brilliant thoughts & analogy’s.
You would think they would be focusing on the fact that, Queen is coming to Israel at all. The fact that Adam is a ‘gift from God’, that even made this possible should have been of addressed.
Also, the knowledge of Adam’s Jewish heritage, should have made all the difference. Not just anyone can sing, ‘all’ the fabulous songs of Queen!
Does anyone remember if the judges on XFactor perform? Of course they do on The Voice & AI but just don’t recall XFactor.
I have to get a copy of the article and then I will let you all know what it says. The title of it was The Show Must Go On. Adam has gotten very positive press here before, albeit mostly in youth magazines, but his music hasn’t made it to the major radio stations. The interview about Brian’s hair was just a clip. The whole thing will be broadcast tomorrow. I won’t be home but I will try and tape it.
luval I did a search and saw a few articles about judges performing.
This week marks first week @adamlambert #GhostTown isn’t in any weekly top 200 in @Spotify since release! Some stats
Snaps from Israel interview –
Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been absent so long. Work has been nonstop and quite stressful, so I’ve really had my nose to the grindstone for the past couple of months.
Of course, I still keep up with Adam happenings the best I can, as well as current events. My heart hurts over the Orlando shootings and I felt Adam’s pain during that aftermath. Somehow being connected with all of you here and with Adam’s and QAL fans around the world makes me feel even more acutely the sting of all of the political upheaval and drama here in the US and around the world. It’s so lovely and heartening to be part of such a warm, loving, and embracing global community as an antidote to the negativity and divisiveness in the world. Hugs and love to you all!
On a positive note, I’m so happy and proud of Adam, Bri, Rog, and the rest of the Queen guys for yet another widely successful tour. They’re just crazy good together. What a match made in heaven. I still have to pinch myself sometimes that Adam is the lead singer for QUEEN. Freakin’ QUEEN!! And it’s going on 5 years now! He has worked so hard and he has come sooo far.
And now we turn our attention to X-Factor Australia! Really looking forward to seeing how that goes. Never a dull moment as an Adam fan! I hope that Adam gets some quality downtime at his beautiful house in LA and gets a chance to relax on a beautiful beach somewhere remote for a while after he’s done with the first part of his X-Factor stint next week.

Oh birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY rs and mlg!! Much love and happiness to you both!
I’m super excited to announce that I am the new host of @thexfactor_au !!!
Whatta cutie –
Yes, Happy Birthday, rs and mlg – here’s to you both!
Thanks ALLers for the birthday wishes. Too busy with other things to think about it much.
A truly wonderful review of Padua (so happy to see this) –
Adam Lambert snapchat 2016-06-25
3 snaps unflipped
Unofficial Poster @thexfactor_au @adamlambert, @creativesharka pic thx Alex ‘wu’ Barbulescu #XFactorAU #adamlambert
cher, thanks for your wishes !! wow front row !!
HK fan don’t know yet where my seat is…will inquire… row 10 seems still very close to me… of course it wont beat the front row… then again, if I get the front row.., I would be too busy fawning over Adam and throwing adoring looks at Brian and Roger and totally forget about the music LOL…
If they have the catwalk I don’t think front row is a great spot. You might have a better all around view hkfan without having to turn around. I kinda told my friend not to get front row and I mentioned the catwalk but I guess she didn’t understand. Oh well. axxxel, you’ll be fine where you are. Take it all in!!
Blow them candles out
Snap chat leaving Venice.Looks like he got a hair cut.He looks fresh!
Another nomination for July
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
Thank you Adam for this photo https://www.instagram.com/p/BHGmV_9DZfN/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/13534144_260811787624140_81249301_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI4MDg3OTc4MTU3OTk1NDEyNQ%3D%3D.2 …
A different Israeli interview.
Hope you like this one better than the snippets, riskylady.
Really nice interview, luval – have a suspicion that clip of Adam’s singing in Hebrew may have put an idea in Brian’s mind –
ultimathule…so you think it put the idea of them playing in Israel from that clip? Interesting. Never thought about that but I imagine Brian & Roger were trolling around youtube for a long time & finding everything from that to the Zodiac Show to everything they could find so it makes sense.
Just watched the interview again. Brian quietly says one in a billion about Adam’s voice.
His comedic timing is just so good – lol
What I was thinking, luval, was perhaps Brian might want to include that in the Israel concert (not sure if this interview was before or after the announcement of the concert (?))
Am gonna watch the “numbers” on youtube for Song for Peace.
I see, ultimathule. That’s an interesting thought too.
Oh, and Brian referring to Time for Miracles when he mentions he was in LA with a producer he was working with.
Pretty sure I posted this recently but here’s his quote
““I have to say I was completely blown away … it’s truly sensational. In fact it’s so obviously a number one smash, any bookie would be mad to take bets on it. I am not kidding. I’m not easily moved to jelly by male vocalists … but Adam’s voice reaches out with sensitivity, depth, maturity, and awesome range and power which will make jaws drop all around the world. Its an awesome performance. No doubt about it. The world of Rock has a bright new star.”
from here:http://www.mtv.com/news/2576427/adam-lambert-new-2012-song/
Little did Adam know what was coming!
On a plane?
Many gay pride parades & celebrations today all over the country.
Probably on his way to Australia
TALCvids @TALCvids 31s31 seconds ago
@mmadamimadamm it’s already the 27th in Australia and filming starts on the 29th. Flight time probably 22 to 24 hours…
Is it the lighting or does Adam have his hair really shaved at an angle near the sideburns.
Not so great experience or show from Rabbithole in Padua
aww, that Israeli interview is great, love the hat….and the interviewer is cute
Elena @Luna201308 3h3 hours ago
Roger Taylor. Birthday gift from Brian May
(not sure when this pic was taken Roger’s birthday is 7/29)
This is probably the airline Adam is on –
Etihad Airways A380 First Class Apartment – Abu Dhabi to Sydney.
Translated Adam parts of reviews from Italy
Will put in Italy post too.
Re-posting Israeli interview again.
marisa @marisa_965 10h10 hours ago Sao Paulo, Brazil
I love that Adam is all “My hair sucks” and Brian is all “Listen to that VOICE!”
Best affair ever.
I’ve watched this multiple times. This time I watched Brian’s face all he way through. And his voice…so soothing when he says “years & years & years”.
ultimathule, you may be on to something. I can see a couple of lines from Song for Peace just before they start WWTLF. Like in Morongo when he started GT with OOL. It was amazing. Just brilliant. And of course Brian saying to Adam “let’s do it, let’s do it”. I missed that part the first time.
Thanks for that translation link, glambotgram. I still can’t get the links directly.
Pretty sure he was on that airline, ultimathule. The pillows match the ones in his snap chat. First class all the way, baby!
QAL live in Bangkok ad
Loved that Israeli interview and interviewer. Lol. He’s such a Glambert. He got lost in videos…