Adam_Cologne by AdamLambertSwe
June is an all Q+AL month with 10 shows across Europe and then it’s a summer break for everyone. After six months of touring, I bet Adam will be glad to get home and relax for a few months – and that will give us time to do what we’ve been putting off for awhile…

Enjoy the chat!

Photo from Cologne concert by @AdamLambertSverige.
Video short from Jelling show by @cocooyau from Maria Møller’s youtube.

And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

For those of you going to any shows, check out this spreadsheet from cwm to see who you can hook up with from ALL – and let us know which concerts you are attending too!


936 Responses to June 2016 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    im BlickAmAbend Switzerland

  2. ultimathule says:

    TALCvids @TALCvids
    ? RT @Glambert4everAL: I’ve just seen the commercial of Queen and Adam Lambert concert in Israel in the TV!!! OMGGGG Grin

  3. ultimathule says:

    “Hear Melissa Etheridge’s Chilling ‘Pulse’ Dedicated to Orlando Victims”

  4. ultimathule says:

    Film version of ‘Wicked’ gets its official release date

    Read more at ONTD:

  5. ultimathule says:

    “Heartbreaking: Adam Lambert + Queen sing Who Wants To Live Forever for Orlando victims”

  6. ultimathule says:
  7. ultimathule says:

    You think we are just fans?! We will never let go of his hand. NEVER ♥️

  8. luval says:

    YesYouCan ‏@VAlilac 18m18 minutes ago

    Smalltalk with Brian May (69), guitarist of Queen + Adam Lambert

    Here is translation

  9. HK fan says:

    Hope I manage to get tickets for the QAL show here….should be OK, have a friend that want to go that gets priority booking on Amex…
    Have seen a few acts at Asia world Expo arena, including Justin beiber, Muse, Phantom of the Opera, and cirque du soleil adrenalin….I think maximun capacity is around 14,000 depending on set up. Its a pretty good venue. Easy to get to by car, good parking….about 35 mins from my flat!!

    I might not be on here much for the next few to Sydney tonight for 5 days….wish me luck, already stressing about the flight.

  10. twilightmagic8 says:

    “Heartbreaking: Adam Lambert + Queen sing Who Wants To Live Forever for Orlando victims”

    For anyone who hasn’t seen this newer professional video, of WWTLF’s dedication to the Orlando victims, it’s a Must See!
    Breathtaking in every way! The editing is masterfully done.

  11. luval says:
  12. twilightmagic8 says:
    Go and Vote for Queen + Adam Lambert

    They restarted the count. Queen was 76% of the vote, but now it was 19%. Go figure?

  13. HK fan says:

    just voted twilight…they’re now at 8%….

    the security guards at that Elton John concert sound just like the security guards here….

    Meatloaf has collapsed on stage during a concert, been taken to hospital…in Canada

  14. AL says:
    Go and Vote for Queen + Adam Lambert

    Something odd about that site? Question Shouldn’t it be “Superbowl” and not “Suberbowl”? Thinking They don’t seem to be affiliated with the actual Superbowl. IDK

  15. luval says:

    LOL, AL, I noticed that too but I still voted! Probably some fan driven thing (from another country). All I could think of was Uberbowl because Uber is so popular now!

  16. luval says:

    Max Martin: Here’s How He’s Stayed on Top All These Years Adam Lambert talking bt Max through out the whole article

  17. luval says:

    Cute…they sang Ghost Town (no video, though just pics)

  18. luval says:

    Gale Derosia ‏@GDerosia 11m11 minutes ago

    Plzzz remember to listen to A’s music on Spotify,
    Where it counts towards’sales’ & not on iTunes playlists, where it does not!

  19. luval says:

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay 27m27 minutes ago

    This just released. Bri GET WELL SOON MEAT !

  20. luval says:

    Alicia Keys is done playing nice. Your phone is getting locked up at her shows now.

  21. luval says:

    Queen&AdamLambert Ro

    Important info for those attending #QALBucharest:
    – doors open at 4PM
    – opening acts (3!) starting at 5:30PM
    – QAL starting at 9PM (2h set)

  22. luval says:

    TALCvids ‏@TALCvids 7m7 minutes ago

    Adam Lambert’s snap chat photo

  23. luval says:
  24. riskylady says:

    Just posted this great new review on Brussels thread!

  25. riskylady says:

    Roger answers some difficult questions extremely well in this Polish interview leading up to the Life Festival.
    ETA: English translation Smile

  26. luval says:
  27. luval says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 2m2 minutes ago

    .@xtina I LOVE your new song. #change

  28. ultimathule says:
  29. ultimathule says:

    Who’s the artist??

  30. luval says:

    Shadi Rahimi ‏@shadirahimi 11h11 hours ago

    So hateful Westboro Baptist tried to disrupt Orlando funerals. But hundreds blocked them, some dressed as angels ??

  31. luval says:

    I think this is a new interview about Max Martin

  32. Axxxel says:

    HK fan… hope you had a pleasant flight… You are so lucky to have QAL near your doorstep…

    QAL in Bangkok will give me hope for QAL in Indonesia but I am not sure anymore after they announced a concert in Tel Aviv… Indonesia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel…. which does not hinder indonesian christian pilgrims to enter Israel through other means if they want to visit Jerusalem or other places… So I don’t know what will happen…
    Then again, Adam did a concert in Dubai… so miracles do happen….

  33. Axxxel says:

    HK fan I know you are off air.. but am maybe thinking of going to Hong Kong for QAL…

    I have never been to Hong Kong… if I have to book a hotel, not too expensive… which one would you recommend and how to get best to and from the concert venue…. (public transport ? taxi ?)… I have a relative in HK but I dont know where she lives but I hope to find out and also pay a visit to her place..
    and hopefully I get to meet you ??? before or after the concert… if we do not get tickets near each other ?

  34. rs says:

    I just saw the advert for QAL in Tel Aviv on my TV!!!! It looks great! I still haven’t forgotten that I owe you ALL a recap of the European TOH tour. Have been busy buying a new apartment and am now in the process of trying to sell my current one. And in July I am going to Peru for 20 days. Busy, busy, busy…

  35. ultimathule says:

    Think we’ve seen a couple of version of this, but just love it –

    ZOOM 20″ @adamlambert power walk ?Src

  36. ultimathule says:

    “Queen + Adam Lambert Japan Tour decided!” [TR]

  37. riskylady says:

    This could explain his exuberance in Brussels!!

  38. luval says:

    lol, that Daily Mirror! Anything they can think to print they will!

    Most people know I’m obsessed with the QAL trucks. Don’t think I ever posted the pic from Wembley last year. It’s me hugging one of the trucks taken by the laughing crew.LOl!

  39. Axxxel says:

    rs September is just 3 months away and time flies…. Maybe your review on the Tel Aviv concert will come earlier than the other reviews ? Laugh

    Hope you will have a good time in Peru…discovering new “orginal highs” in maybe Machu Picchu and other places ? Pun intended hehe…if i am not mistaken, it is better to chew on coca leaves to handle the heights in that citadel…

  40. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 2h2 hours ago

    the boys have pretty much learnt to breathe underwater on this one!”
    wow heavy rain

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. luval says:

    Adam was taken in (as well as me & others)by this fake report by a fake ABC site
    The fake story

    Adam’s tweet:
    “ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 55m55 minutes ago
    Bravo! President Obama Signs Executive Order Banning The Sale Of Assault Weapons … via @ABC News”

    and Adam’s reply after peeps advised him:

    “ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 4m4 minutes ago
    ….wishful thinking ;( #guncontrolnow”

  43. luval says:

    Has everyone who has a ticketmaster account checked your account? You make have free ticket vouchers there. From a class action lawsuit settlement.

  44. luval says:

    Adam liked 3 pics on instagram. Love the third one! LOL!

  45. ultimathule says:

    “Possible performance of Queen + Adam Lambert in Shanghai (China)” [TR]

  46. luval says:

    Aw Rufus

    Miachihu ‏@Miachihu 8m8 minutes ago

    Aww, Rufus! ☺

  47. luval says:

    OvationImpact Retweeted
    Feral ‏@shuboogie 6h6 hours ago

    The things you find…. Throw back in a big way. Very old interview with Adam Lambert by Jewish Journal. Fascinating

  48. twilightmagic8 says:

    Has everyone who has a ticketmaster account checked your account? You make have free ticket vouchers there. From a class action lawsuit settlement.

    Yes, this was emailed to me, about the class action lawsuit.
    Thanks luval for bringing it here, for peeps to know about it. Yes Big Smile

    The settlement has been finally approved and all appeals have been resolved. To the extent you are eligible to receive them, your Discount, UPS Discount, and Ticket Codes will be placed in your account and will be available for your use starting on or around June 18, 2016. An active link to access your Ticketmaster account where your codes will reside is provided.

    Class Member in the Schlesinger v. Ticketmaster Class Action Settlement

  49. luval says:

    I never got the e-mail twilightmagic8. Just saw it on TV & checked my account.

    Adam…strawberry face

  50. luval says:

    yikes…2 years ago

    Queen Facts ‏@QueenFacts1991 15m15 minutes ago

    Today in 2014, Queen + Adam Lambert performed at the United Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

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