Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. TLKC says:

    It’s because of the OUT article, axxxel. Also it is PRIDE weekend and Marriage Equality is a hot issue. If SCOTUS rules today or tomorrow and Adam is still in DC look for him to be invited on a few news shows.

    No, it’s not the first time but it’s not the worst time….

  2. TLKC says:

    Link to BB chart. People waiting in real time can re-fresh, re-fresh:

    Patti Hum says the announcement is EST not PST; any time now.

  3. LadyNorth says:

    rs, wishing you Happy Birthday and hoping your father gets home soon! It’s good to know he’ll get some help at home!

    I am behind with millions of interviews, but have enjoyed enormously about all the recaps from concerts, cd signings and promos. So thank you all! Very impressed by Toronto gang, congrats for your private M&Gs, happy for you!

  4. TLKC says:

    Just tweeted:

    WarnerBrosPromo ‏@WarnerBrosPromo · 1m1 minute ago
    Congrats @adamlambert! “The Original High” debuts #2 on the US Album chart!#Glamberts #

    BB isn’t posted yet so I think this must be the HDD chart but give them a re-tweet if you can. They are hashtagging us with major love.

    ETA: Fans are going wild on twitter but WB didn’t say Billboard so we need to keep our hats on.

  5. TLKC says:

    Can we all hope that ulti’s absence on the blog this morning means that she is barrelling towards DC in a car with her grandchildren in tow? Laugh Laugh Laugh

    Please let the ALL lucky streak extend a few more days.

  6. luval says:

    Congrats @adamlambert! “The Original High” debuts #2 on the US Album chart! #Glamberts

    What chart is this I wonder????

  7. TLKC says:

    That’s the $64,000 question. WB does not say BB – they could be referring to yesterday HDD sales chart. There is speculation that BB is delayed due to re-verification of the streams and tracks factors because how could anyone take away Taylor’s stranglehold on #2? But who knows?

  8. TLKC says:

    Adam is #3 on the BB chart. He’s #2 in debuts.

    Look way down in the article.

    I thought he was actually #2 for a moment.

    NVM, WB doesn’t care about TS – debuts matter.

  9. adamized says:

    Yay for our boy! Hope that he and WB’s are really happy with the results.

    Let’s keep streaming and buying so his second week is strong. I wonder when it will be time for the next single? Gosh, I am greedy. Adam is working his tail off and I of course want more.

    I guess it is safe for me to take a listen to JT now. I probably will be bored but am slightly curious.

  10. sparkle says:

    Why couldn’t JT have debuted his album the week before! Dang! On the bright side, #2 is really great!

  11. TLKC says:

    I think JT was aiming for Father’s Day week. Wink

  12. TLKC says:

    We have to keep streaming so that we can get GT onto the Top 100 chart. We also need to push it well into the Top 20’s on the HAC and Top40 radio charts. A successful debut will ensure that Warner Brothers invests $$$$ and energy into the next single.

    FYI, Jason Derulo’s single has dropped from #1 on HAC and Top40 radio charts and he will be getting a new single first. WB will not pit them against each other on the charts – they love both of these guys.

  13. TLKC says:

    Jan ‏@Janislandgirl · 7m7 minutes ago

    A good day yesterday! That is an international total and BB only counts the US portion. Apparently the US streams for GT are low, relative to other countries. It makes sense; GT is charting very well in some countries.

  14. Axxxel says:

    TLKC Sorry for misspelling your username… I see…. So much is going on that is touching the LGBTQ-world in particular.

    It took me a while before I realized that the last sentence of your post is similar to the lyrics of “Soaked”… What a different vibe does that song have compared to Ghost Town…

    And the first time I heard Ghost Town… I felt that it had more of an European vibe… even though I cannot explain what an European vibe is LOL….

  15. sparkle says:

    Mix 106.5 FM just played Ghost Town! First time I heard it on the radio. That’s one of his stops today so I’m pleased that they are playing it!

  16. TLKC says:

    LOL Axxxel, I didn’t notice your mis-spellling but – yikes – I didn’t capitalize your name. Sometimes the edit function is very much missed. Posting speed is more important though.

    Listening to TOH stream on Spotify and The Light is playing. Adam’s voice is as clear as a bell. So beautiful!

  17. luval says:

    Billboard 200: #3(new) @AdamLambert, Original High 47,000 (42,000 pure album sales).

    How is it that the number is exactly 47,000?

  18. luval says:

    Shirley Halperin loves him

    @shirleyhalperin 26m
    Congrats to @AdamLambert! ‘The Original High’ is No. 3 on this week’s @Billboard 200 chart >>…

  19. luval says:

    @Mal23692 38m
    I seriously feel like I could answer Adam’s interview questions flawlessly at this point. Down to his inflection. true. Must be same ole’ questions again! Apparently someone asked something like “what was your inspiration for WWFM?” sheesh.

  20. luval says:

    Nice M&G pictures

  21. leoblueeys says:

    I still do not see him on the billboard 200 chart. It is still showing Muse at #1 and Swift at #2. When will the chart show Adam? Anyone know? Where is everyone seeing these numbers?

  22. mmm222 says:

    Congratulations to everyone in Toronto who got to meet with Adam. I’m especially impressed with Ron’s poster which is now even more amazing with Adam’s personal message to Ron on it.

    I would have loved to have gone to DC or Baltimore today to try to see Adam. I was off from work but had too many other RL obligations. But it’s okay, I had a major Adam fix last week at B&N and the GMA concert. I’ll just drool over my GMA photos instead.

    rs– I’m glad to hear that your father is improving and will be going home soon. Have a very happy birthday! I hope you get to celebrate properly soon.

  23. firstimerob says:

    rs Happy Birthday hope you can find time to celebrate soon. Wishing you all you could wish for. Present Rose Cake

  24. asifclueless says:

    Adam is on Now!!!

    106.5 ADAM LIVE NOW

  25. luval says:

    New two part interview from Amsterdam. (pretty good)
    Part 1

    Part 2

  26. asifclueless says:


    Evil In The Night is on!!

  27. asifclueless says:

    I agree with Adam. This album TOH is great for the treadmill work out! Heart

  28. luval says:
  29. asifclueless says:

    TAOG Party Central ‏@glambertparty · 3m3 minutes ago

    Next interview is in an hour will be streaming Smile

  30. luval says:

    HOT 99.5 ‏@hot995 2h2 hours ago

    Attention #Glamberts! Adam Lambert is taking over HOT 99.5 today at 6pm! He’ll be playing tracks from #TheOriginalH…

  31. little dutchess says:

    rs…so sorry to hear about your father but it sounds like he’ll be home soon.
    As for you, my friend, do hope you get to celebrate your birthday in proper fashion soon! The Duke and I send a belated Happy Birthday and best wishes for a great year where we’ll hopefully meet up again and we celebrate Adam’s new era!

  32. luval says:
  33. luval says:
  34. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic

    10 HQ pictures of @adamlambert – Visiting HOT 99.5 in Washington DC – June 24, 2015:

  35. asifclueless says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY … rs!!!

    May all your wishes come true!!!!

    Hope you get to celebrate your special day soon!

    Heart Rose Cake Present Clover Party Listening to Music Music Note Grin

  36. asifclueless says:

    OOOOPS … Gotta go!
    My internet is going to be off for a while.
    AT&T and U-Verse peeps are here.

  37. Kradamour says:

    Hah! Notice how the photos that the stations post are only of young fans? I totally don’t blame them, tho. Delighted that the young fans turned out!!!

    So did anyone here go to radio promo today? Ulti? Sparkle?
    I really love radio promo but agree with post above that we could all ask and answer the questions he will get – and if he isn’t performing, then online pics are fine.
    Still, the events are fun!

  38. rs says:

    Thanks for the Birthday greetings everyone. Warms my heart Heart

  39. sparkle says:

    Happy Birthday, rs! I like being a heartwarmer!!

  40. skaschep says:

    Happy Birthday rs!!! Present Drink

    Hope your father is well soon again!

  41. TLKC says:

    Thanks for the 2 part interview, luval. The 4 minute mark in Part 2 suggests that ALN may be about Sauli. I wonder when Adam will have “that conversation”. Big Smile

  42. luval says:

    Oh agree, TLKC that ALN could be about Sauli. This interview almost confirms it for me!

    Another event:

    MIAMI magazine ‏@Miamimagazine Jun 23

    We are just three weeks away, Miami! Mark your calendars on July 14th for #SPLASHION2015! See you there!

    MIAMI magazine ‏@Miamimagazine Jun 23

    He’s on radio right now..Ghost Town!

  43. luval says:
  44. luval says:

    Am streaming Ghost Town during the commercials.

    the radio show is pre-taped. he’s in Baltimore now!

  45. TLKC says:

    Go luval! I am streaming the whole CD all day. Wondering if I should be streaming only GT.

  46. luval says:

    Cute 56 second video (ask if he’s ever sexted ) If you keep it running it’s the video of the Roz & Mocha show from Toronto

  47. glitterpatti says:

    I was at the Manhattan Beach Target in southern Calif. They were showing Adam singing Ghost Town on the screen above the CDs. The first week it was released I asked my frieda to buy a CD. Between all of them 15 were purchased, and I purchased five deluxe. I noticed the first week all of the regular were sold out. Does anyone know if the regular and deluxe combine to make sales numbers or are they separate?

  48. glitterpatti says:

    Oops! Meant to say friends not frieda

  49. luval says:

    Awww …Adam & baby (with mom)

    eta: Pam ‏@ScorpTaurCapSag 12m12 minutes ago

    He grabbed her little feet

  50. luval says:

    I know, TLKC…stream Ghost Town or the whole CD???? Maybe I can find something on twitter.

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