Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    lol – confused about these interviews, luval – getting them mixed up –

  2. ultimathule says:

    Marquee: Adam Lambert Live
    Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:00 PM
    Marquee New York

  3. ultimathule says:

    Pretty great day if you ask me

    Another yesterday pic –

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. ultimathule says:


  6. ultimathule says:

    The Canadian Press @CdnPress
    VIDEO: Adam Lambert says new album reflects his ‘real life’

  7. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert says new album reflects his ‘real life’ | Watch the video – Yahoo Yahoo Canada

  8. ultimathule says:

    Jarett Wieselman @JarettSays
    Adam Lambert covers the Aug issue of OUT Magazine

    Senior Editor, Entertainment at Buzzfeed News

  9. ultimathule says:

    Rudy Blair
    Listen today on @680NEWS for my chat with @adamlambert about new album #TheOriginalHigh and @QueenWillRock

  10. ultimathule says:

    Linderella Wink @ScorpioBert
    US peeps will be able to buy OUT 100 at B&N stores

  11. ultimathule says:
  12. ultimathule says:
  13. luval says:

    I’ve been voting on CHR from work but I think it blocks me out after a bit. Wonder how many times you can vote?

  14. riskylady says:

    Ok, the elephant on the blog, the numbers aren’t final yet!!! I’m wondering if there is dispute over streaming….could some bots be involved? (Not for us, but “others”)? I think Warner would not tolerate that, plus they have agreements with Spotify. First, grrrrrr, and second, pins and needles are killing me!

  15. luval says:

    I almost forgot about the numbers!!! Today is the 23rd. Interesting about your thoughts on streaming, riskylady.

  16. luval says:
  17. TLKC says:

    No worries riskylady. Today’s HDD Chart is sales only. The HDD SPS Chart (Sales Plus Streaming) will come out tomorrow.

    Also, the BB Chart doesn’t come out until tomorrow. It include the singles and the streaming as part of the Album count. Adam sold 30,000 downloads of GT this week which will show as 3,000 extra CD’s on the BB chart. (I got this from Adamtopia.)

    Adam’s CD streamed about about 3 million last week, but that is worldwide and some people think that the US is only a third to a quarter of that total.

    I don’t know where the fans get this info but Q3 usually knows her numbers.

  18. ultimathule says:
  19. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @ 14gelly
    WAIT : LOGO will be held on Thursday, June 25 and airs on Saturday 27″…
    So Logo AND Marquee event in one day?!

    LORD AND JESUS. He will run from Logo event to the Marquee which starts at 11.00 . HARD WORKING ADAM!!

  20. ultimathule says:

    Entertainment City – Adam Lambert Interview
    from ScorpioBert PLUS 42 minutes ago ALL AUDIENCES
    edited to just Adam Lambert 2015-06-23

  21. TLKC says:

    Hello rs! I am sorry to hear about your Dad and my thoughts are with the both of you. Please take care and keep us posted. Sending much love your way.

  22. TLKC says:

    Adam got 41,112!!!! FINAL!

    ETA: now if Q3 is correct, Billboard will add at least 3,000 to that for GT downloads plus the streaming figures tomorrow.

    That is where Taylor Swift comes in: her singles downloads and streams are probably very high.

  23. ultimathule says:
  24. little dutchess says:

    Ron- The Duke was lurking on the blog earlier trying to catch us both up and came running to tell me about your adventure today. Now I’ve checked and it happened!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!! And what a great comment. That boy is sharp and quick! Good going!!! Grin Grin Grin Grin

  25. TLKC says:

    Okay, Melissa asked me to do a recap of her meeting with Adam this morning. First of all, I slept in and arrived at ChumFM 5 minutes after Adam went in. When I got there, Ron was waving his poster and CD at me and smiling from ear-to-ear.

    At that point, I was on the phone with M, who was stuck on the freeway with P and almost in tears. We told her to keep coming because Adam would be in there for at least 30 minutes.

    When she arrived we had to calm her down – she was so excited and scared at the same time. We positioned her beside the door of the building and stepped far back because we knew Adam was in a hurry and would be most likely to stop if there weren’t too many people.

    Ron and I moved down the block to scope for the car and spotted it almost immediately. When the driver put it in motion we called out to M and told her to keep her eyes on the door. (Adam had a tight schedule and I cannot tell you how fast he can move from car to door when he needs to. He’s a speedy little devil.)

    The car stopped before the door, then moved a little past the it. Ron, P and I called out to M to move to the other side of the door and keep her eye on it. She was trembling and almost started to cry. I felt like the mother of a 6-year-old with a touch of stage fright who was about to perform in her first figure-skating competition.

    When Adam came out they connected immediately and he couldn’t have been sweeter. He signed her cd, posed for a photo and talked with both her and P. They mentioned seeing him in Glam Nation and with QAL in Hammersmith, NYC etc.

    He was very relaxed and very nice to her and then he was gone.

    Ron and I stood back but as they were leaving I said: “We are all on the same blog and we all love him.” One of the Warner’s Guys looked at me and said: “Thank-you!” (I think he remembered me from yesterday.)

    luval you would be so proud of M. Almost the first thing she said to him was “Please make TOH the next single!”

  26. little dutchess says:

    And TLKC…So thrilled for you and your group too! You made a great opportunity a great opportunity!!! Spectacular that you had him all to yourselves! And that get well card for angelowal was inspired. So happy when good things happen to friends in our great blog!!!!

    And angelowal …. if that card doesn’t make you get better nothing will! You should be up and going in no time!

  27. luval says:

    Good number TLKC!!

  28. luval says:

    Great recap! and thank you M! I am obsessed with TOH after hearing it live!

  29. little dutchess says:

    OMG!!!!! M !!!!! YOU did it too!!! I guess this was a Canadian trifecta for our gang. Congrats!!!! I’m SURE P took a great picture or 2!!!! So happy for everyone! Might have to leave the heat and humidity of Florida and hang out more often in Toronto. You guys know how to do it!

  30. luval says:

    Waiting for Ron’s recap!

    One by one we All’ers will all get our couple of minutes with him!!!!

  31. TLKC says:

    This is what Q3 had to say about the BB chart versus the HDD chart, which we now have:

    But that is not the FINAL number. HDD uses reports from eight retailers to estimate the sale numbers and at least one very big retailer does not report to HDD

    Soundscan is the official sale number in the music industry and that will not be out until tomorrow afternoon. And Billboard maintains the charts that matter in the US and a few other countries.

    Read more:

    I am keeping the link so that the more curious among us can follow the conversation there.

    I wonder who the 8th retailer is? Hope it’s not Walmart…..

  32. sparkle says:

    Thanks, TLKC, for that sweet and moving recap! SO PROUD OF ALL THE TORONTO ALL’ers!! So happy that I came up to Toronto in July to go to QAL and meet all of you! I’m living vicariously through all of you and it’s great!!

  33. luval says:

    This stealthy-ness reminds me of back in the day where we would search Adam out. At least I did a couple of times with no success. But today we are smarter & more tactful…always have our ducks in a row as to where, when, how to complete the mission. Love it!!!!

  34. ultimathule says:

    The Canada peeps strike again! Lovin’ it!

  35. TLKC says:

    Ron is working with P to post some pics.

    Thank-you to everyone for being so nice about our great good luck.

    We were so happy that we decided to extended our original high by having coffee at Ron’s, visiting the the HMV to make sure TOH was properly stocked and on display, and then lunch.

    The best part of the HMV visit: they started playing Heavy Fire over the sound system. M and I both Shazammed it and it worked. When Shazam invited us to check out the rest of the CD, we both played GT. YAY!

  36. ultimathule says:

    Warner Music SA
    Woohoo!!! The top 3 tracks on @Shazam’s South African chart belong to Warner Music Wink That’s just how we roll Wink

  37. ultimathule says:

    Announcing @AdamLambert Live at @MarqueeNY THIS THURSDAY to kick-off #PRIDE. Adam rocked Matinee two years ago and is one of the most talented live performers #Psyched

    Great IG –

  38. TLKC says:

    The search for Adam is a lot like a scavenger hunt, luval. Searching for clues and thinking strategically. Very motivating and a lot fun. Can’t wait ’til next time.

  39. luval says:

    This sound cloud interview may have been posted but there are “rapid fire questions” from the DJ.

    One is Botox? He says NOOOOOOO!!!!! NO-TOX. lol!! Maybe he’s thinking (not at the moment Smile )

    Very nice interview

    eta: oops forgot to post the interview

  40. TLKC says:

    SPS Chart out now. Adam is now at 44,341. He is #3 after Taylor Swift:

    He missed #2 by only 2000! Very, very good!

    ETA: Billboard tomorrow with that all-important 8th retailer. #fingerscrossed

  41. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 49m49 minutes ago

    Being out of the pop music scene for 3 years I think 3 it’s incredible

  42. luval says:
  43. luval says:

    Pat H ‏@PattiHum 4m4 minutes ago

    Squuueeeeee! Sounds like Terrance is performing with Adam in NYC

  44. luval says:

    Terrance D. Spencer ‏@LoveMrSpencer 12m12 minutes ago

    Fresh cut – ready to head to #NYC tonight to perform and celebrate with the ♠️ Stay tuned……

  45. riskylady says:

    YAY!! For the numbers!!!!!
    Also, big congrats to M, and the Canadian gang! Your diligence is amazing!! So happy for you. I can only imagine Adam’s happiness too at seeing such lovely dedicated fans showing up for him. HIS fans! He must have gotten a kick at the adorable M too. (P, you’re adorable too, hehe, just not as perky about it!)

  46. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Covers Out, Talks Scrubbing Down, Chilling Out And Looking Forward |

  47. luval says:
  48. luval says:
  49. luval says:

    Ad just now on my tv. Nate Ruess performing for free at my fair…New York State Fair. Aug 30th.

  50. ultimathule says:

    The top google result is “gay,” luval? – don’t know how google “arranges” their search answers, but that question is still around? ludicrous –

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