Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    A @jam2885
    #GhostTown is now 42 on iTunes overall. Up about 20 spots from before GMA.

    @jam2885 omg I thought it was still sitting near 100 lol

    A @jam2885
    @melirose89 lollll nope it’s in the top 50 now! Let’s see if it can stay there!

    Meli The Magnificent @melirose89
    @jam2885 I hope so! Kelly and michael and GMA hasnt aired in some places yet right?

  2. TLKC says:

    Hi ulti! Thanks for the YT version of EITN. I loved it.

    I would like to isolate the problem behind the sudden lack of access to some videos. It could be a Canadian thing or an instagram thing or???

  3. ultimathule says:

    “Superstar Adam Lambert Sings ‘Whataya Want From Me'”

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. ultimathule says:

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
    So proud of Adam! After the AMA cancellation, he could have ranted and railed against GMA but he kept it respectful.. and here we are!!!!

  6. rs says:

    That video of EITN was fabulous! The best…….and it wasn’t shown on TV. Glad our lucky ALLers saw it. I kept looking for them in the crowd but couldn’t find them.

  7. rs says:

    TLKC, I couldn’t watch the short clips either on my desktop, but then they worked on my iPad. It is funny because earlier this morning Instagram vids didn’t work on my iPad Confused

  8. rs says:

    By the way, for those of you who use RealPlayer and like me were sorry when they stopped downloading YouTubes, I downloaded the new version that is called RealTimes and it DOES download YouTube videos. YAY!

  9. ultimathule says:

    Etta @StarchildAL
    Worldwide trend #AdamLambertGMA YAY!!!

  10. ultimathule says:

    From my TV #AdamLambertGMA

    (Love the expression on his face)

  11. TLKC says:

    Thanks rs. I will try on my iPhone.

  12. ultimathule says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    Adam posted this great pic – driving the car –

  14. ultimathule says:

    #AdamLambertGMA now moving up to #2 trend USA (trending for over two hours now)

  15. ultimathule says:

    Dear @twitter: I don’t WANT my Twitter stream “curated.” I want it to show the posters *I* choose, not you.

    WakeyWakeyUSA @WakeyWakeyUSA
    @BattleSwarmBlog @laurakfillault @twitter Going the way of Facebook.

    (Anyone know anything about this?)

  16. ultimathule says:
  17. ultimathule says:
  18. ultimathule says:

    Pat H @PattiHum
    Damn he looks so happy! Me too! Have waited 6 years for a GMA summer series concert! TY DMG and Warner!! ❤️❤️❤️

  19. ultimathule says:
  20. TLKC says:

    Just want to say that behind all the joy and hoopla of the last couple of days in NYC, my heart is sore and sad because of the terrible tragedy in South Carolina. My condolences to US Glamberts and all Americans.

    I have always admired the way Americans are able to pull together and start all over again after a national tragedy and this time it will be no different.

  21. ultimathule says:
  22. riskylady says:

    I have been streaming the album TOH on a loop on Spotify for a few days now instead of using the playlist I had created with the songs. Maybe that’s a good way. You just find it and select it as part of your music, the song list appears next to the album title and voila…

  23. TLKC says:

    That’s what I’m doing riskylady. I’m not streaming the bonus songs because I want GT to be played a bit more often but it’s a quick and easy way to set things up.

  24. ultimathule says:
  25. TLKC says:

    OMG! So glad this video Instagram worked. Cute little boy really putting his all into Ghost Town with a little help from Adam’s Tonight Show performance.

  26. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert performs on Good Morning America + Kelly & Michael”

    Read more at ONTD:

  27. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert Fans Have Yet to Recover From His Good Morning America Performance This Morning”

    (This is sooooo GREAT!)

  28. ultimathule says:

    Taha @MaleGlamb212

    Taha @MaleGlamb212

    Hopin’ that true –

  29. ultimathule says:

    NeNe Leakes @NeNeLeakes
    We dancing in the dark to @adamlambert music…

  30. ultimathule says:

    TOH @MEMadaSkcor
    Adam Lambert’s #TheOriginalHigh is #8 overall and #GhostTown is #38 overall in US iTunes!!!

    TOH @MEMadaSkcor
    Adam Lambert’s song #theoriginalhigh is #120 overall in US iTunes!!

  31. ultimathule says:

    Linderella Wink @ScorpioBert
    If you’re in NY Adam left some signed CD’s at B&N, there maybe 20 left

  32. ultimathule says:

    He looks sooooo gooood <333 OMG <333 #AdamLambertGMA

  33. ultimathule says:

    #Glamberts! We’re sitting down w/ @adamlambert 2 talk #TheOriginalHigh – send us your questions using #ETCanadaAdam!

  34. skaschep says:

    TOH debuted in the Dutch Album Top 100 at #10!!!

    GT also still doing great:
    Dutch Top 40: #21 (from #29) Airplay, streams and social media (no downloads).
    Single Top 100: #15 (from #18) Only downloads and streams.
    iTunes Top 30: #8 (from #6) Only iTunes (around the album drop GT wasn’t available for a little which causes it to drop some).

  35. ultimathule says:
  36. ultimathule says:
  37. ultimathule says:
  38. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Performs ‘Ghost Town’ on ‘Live With Kelly + Michael’

    Read More: Adam Lambert Performs ‘Ghost Town’ on ‘Live With Kelly + Michael’ |

  39. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert Arrives in Style @GMA 6/19/15”

    This is just so great!

  40. Cait1602 says:

    TOH debuted at #20 in the German album charts Top 100

    Ghost Town entered at #37 – first time too!!!

    Not as high as in other countries but better than I had hoped for Big Smile

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. ultimathule says:
  43. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Talks Chasing ‘The Original High’ & The Funky, Housey Sound Of His New Album: Idolator Interview

  44. TLKC says:

    OMG! Adam Lambert is going to be at Chum FM on Tuesday of next week. He is hanging around Toronto for a few days. I am definitely getting an autograph somewhere, come hell or high water.

    TO Glamberts put on your running shoes!

    Think I’m going to ask CBC if they will have him on anywhere.

  45. ultimathule says:
  46. sparkle says:

    That first pic, with his eyes closed and the stars in the background,so magical! Love all 3!

  47. TLKC says:

    Just spoke to Ron and he is tee’d up for Monday morning. He also got an email from luval who is dining with a couple of other ALL-ers and attending The Book of Mormon tonight. According to Ron she is over the moon with happiness. The day was a massive success.

    So happy for her and anyone who got to see Adam.

  48. TLKC says:

    Thank-you skaschep, for keeping us up-to-speed on the Dutch charts and thanks to Cait for the German numbers. #20 sounds like a good debut, actually.

  49. TLKC says:

    BTW, is the guitarist for the GMA concert the same one who has been with Adam all along? He’s usually wearing a cape and a hat.

  50. Ron says:

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