Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. ultimathule says:
  3. ultimathule says:

    jeepftwTARGET Commercial on NBC @adamlambert @WarnerBrosPromo @wbr You guys Rock The Promo!!!

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. Ron says:

    Special birthday wishes for a special lady. Happy Birthday, retjenny! Cake

    Home after a lovely lunch with the always lovely TLKC after purchasing TOH at HMV.

    Two things to point out about HMV.

    Of all the new releases, TOH was at the very top of the stall and was the only one that had TWO rows (shelves) of CD’s. James Taylor was directly below with one row and the others – Florence and The Machine comes to mind – shared the same row with a different CD release next to them.

    So, Adam was prominently featured, at the top, with two rows unlike any of the other new releases.

    When I was paying for it, I very eloquently ( Razz ) asked the cashier something like, “Are others buying this?” She enthusiastically answered, “Oh, yes! LOTS. Did you know that it’s brand new? It was just released today”. I told her that yes, I was aware of it. Laugh

    It was just one store among 1,000,000 others in North America but what TLKC and I both saw and heard was very nice, more than I expected, and very encouraging. Yes

  6. ultimathule says:

    Lovin’ that, Ron!

  7. ultimathule says:

    @14gelly they said Adam was going to have an interview on KIISFM LA at 4(ish) pm

  8. ultimathule says:

    “From ‘Idol’ to Queen, Lambert Spans Generations of Fans”

    (In NYT from AP)

  9. twilightmagic8 says:

    Special birthday wishes for a special lady. Happy Birthday, retjenny! Cake

    Home after a lovely lunch with the always lovely TLKC after purchasing TOH at HMV.

    Two things to point out about HMV.

    Of all the new releases, TOH was at the very top of the stall and was the only one that had TWO rows (shelves) of CD’s. James Taylor was directly below with one row and the others – Florence and The Machine comes to mind – shared the same row with a different CD release next to them.

    So, Adam was prominently featured, at the top, with two rows unlike any of the other new releases.

    When I was paying for it, I very eloquently ( Razz ) asked the cashier something like, “Are others buying this?” She enthusiastically answered, “Oh, yes! LOTS. Did you know that it’s brand new? It was just released today”. I told her that yes, I was aware of it. Laugh

    It was just one store among 1,000,000 others in North America but what TLKC and I both saw and heard was very nice, more than I expected, and very encouraging. Yes

    Thanks ever so Ron, for sharing this information & your wonderful encounter.

    This is such a change from Adam’s other albums. Many of us, going to our nearest store to rearrange his CD’s, and also requesting more orders to be sent to the store’s.

    Just knowing it is prominently displayed and that store clerks are so enthusiastically praising it. Yes Music Note Star Star Star Star Star

    Music Note Announce This just warms my heart, and I feel we have a ‘Grammy’ coming Adam’s way. Fingers Crossed Smile Cool Clover

  10. nkd says:

    Finally escaped Bill! He was beating at my behind!

    Resting in our room in NYC to get ready to go out later. We are going to see Book of Mormon and unfortunately not the IHeart album release party.
    Is it streaming live?
    Hoping for great video and lots of flailing here!

    I knew I loved TISI but didn’t realize how much until I opened the album last night and immediately played it. His vocals are gorgeous in that song, in the others as well.

  11. nkd says:

    Ron and TLKC, so happy to hear your report of your shopping excursion!
    Go TOH!

  12. asifclueless says:

    Love all the good news for Adam. Heart
    He must have been on cloud nine right now. Grin
    Guess … he is watching TOH climbing the charts with us. Heart

    He is more than deserved to his success. It’s long overdue. Star Star Star

    I just turned on my laptop and found him all over my Yahoo Homepage news with lots of gorgeous photos with the articles. In Love Heart

    Some may duplicate what were posted here already.
    Too many goodies I can’t keep up with.

    From ‘Idol’ to Queen, Lambert spans generations of fans (many gorgeous photos.. some new ones)

    Reviews and rates on metacritic

    The Original High : by Adam Lambert

    Adam Lambert & James Taylor Among Albums To Check Out

    From ‘Idol’ to Queen, Lambert Spans Generations of Fans

  13. asifclueless says:

    OH..WOW!!! Grin
    While I’m typing this I have The Talk on then I heard “Ghost Town”, looked up and it’s GT video new trailer.
    It’s Target’s ad for TOH album. YAY!!! Grin

    Adam is everywhere now.

  14. asifclueless says:

    jeannine ‏@cantergirl

    Adam is here for sound check in leather pants. He looks gorgeous!!!

  15. asifclueless says:

    Brad Bessey ‏@BradBessey

    Yes, @adamlambert friends. @KeltieKnight with #AdamLambert on @TheInsider tonight: “All I have to do is be myself.”

  16. asifclueless says:
  17. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert On The British Media | Loose Women

    I really really love his hair here.
    He is very handsome and debonair!!! In Love

  18. asifclueless says:

    Rand Duren ‏@RandDuren

    Loving @adamlambert’s new album #TheOriginalHigh… funky and, man that voice. Get it here, and thank me later:

  19. ultimathule says:
  20. ultimathule says:
  21. asifclueless says:

    Adam is dancing with Nene and Michael. Grin Dance

    Love his leather pants with lots of zippers. Evil Grin

  22. ultimathule says:

    Warner Bros. Records @wbr
    Check out @adamlambert’s #TheOriginalHigh Mixtape on @pandora_radio ->

  23. asifclueless says:

    If you all want to go out to buy TOH cds from Best Buy, Target, Walmart and other retail stores today … Here is the tip from Q3.

    *** 5 CDs of TOH in a US retailer is perfect! ***

    If you are out CD shopping today — and you want to buy all the CDs a retailer has, today is the day to do it. Many stores will get restocked on Thursday or Friday IF they sell out today. The inventories are really lean on CDs now since sales are so low.

    4,000 Walmarts with CDs — many Walmarts do not have music, 689 B&Ns + over 600 college stores + 1,934 Targets + 660 Best Buy + about 1,000 major music departments …
    That is about 8,500 retail locations. If they sell 40,000 units in Brick and Mortar stores (that would be huge) = 4.7 units sold per location. So if you see 3 – 5 TOHs in a store that is perfect.

  24. ultimathule says:
  25. asifclueless says:

    Sorry … Off Topic … but couldn’t help! Laugh
    Excuse the Pun

  26. ultimathule says:

    Playing the CD on my setup – sounds incredible –

  27. ultimathule says:
  28. ultimathule says:

    Says June 16, but think it’s sort of a repeat –

  29. ultimathule says:
  30. LadyNorth says:

    What an exciting day! To celebrate TOH release, I plan to stay awake and watch the iHeart thing. It will start 2am here. I hope there’s functioning stream for me or I’ll scream loud! Usually iHeart sites don’t work outside US. Streams from mmadamimadam’s site, calendar:

    Fan stream

    Audio stream

  31. leoblueeys says:

    He is #6 on US overall I-Tunes and #4 on US Pop I-Tunes. Hillery Duff is #1 on both!!?? WTF??? Bubblegum Pop!! I am still hoping he can make it to #1!! If he doesn’t,that is going to suck. I have heard her single “Sparks” and it is bubblegum pop! I am praying that he dubuts at #1, because if Duff beats him out, there is something so wrong about this!

  32. asifclueless says:
  33. luval says:

    So I watched GT again on Fallon on my big tv! Just amazing, the best so far (Finland comes close). Fallon was so crazy over him & I don’t think it was fake. He says “insane!!!!!!!” to Adam after the hug. Maybe he didn’t hear the rehearsal. Maybe this was the first time he’s heard him live and was flabbergasted!

    Almost forgot about taping today for Kelly (or NeNe) and Michael. Will set my DVR for Friday.

    So much going on today/tonight. The Insider…7:30pm EDT., Iheart stream 7:00pm EDT. I’m sure I left something out.

  34. luval says:
  35. leoblueeys says:

    what network/channel is The Insider on? I live in Houston,Tx.

  36. asifclueless says:

    Please vote … This one will help a lot of spins on radio.
    You can click on Adam’s name .. faster than in the circle … and you can vote many times.

    Thanks!!! … Rose Rose Rose

  37. luval says:

    leoblueeys. I believe The Insider is syndicated but here in syracuse NY it’s on ABC at 7:30pm eDT.

  38. Miss Chaos says:

    You know we are small fish in a big world of people, there must really be a lot of interest in Adam and the album, and it feels good, and so happy for him, but I do have to say, how in the world does he know where he is and where to go, the grownass man that forgets the words to his own songs!!

  39. TLKC says:

    Word to the wise:

    Clearing out a store of all stock on day one is not a good idea. I won’t go into buyer’s math but I don’t recommend it. Always leave one unit in the store.

  40. skaschep says:

    OMG OMG OMG. They just aired the Tonight show from last night here on Dutch Television. I knew they were airing it and when they announced Adam I checked out where they were in the episodes. By coincidence they just aired the episode with Madonna. That indicated they were about 6 weeks behind compared to the US, but now they aired it tonight already!!

    Gladly someone on twitter posted something about it. Was just in time for the recorder. Had just watched it online and got all emotional for him and how great that performance was. I can’t believe they also aired it here! Ded….

  41. LadyNorth says:
  42. asifclueless says:
  43. HK fan says:

    Thanks asif….just managed to get on there in time to watch ALN…wow!!!

  44. Kiwi says:

    Wow thank you IHeart!!!!!!! The new songs are fantastic performed live.

  45. retjenny says:

    Ron – Thank you for the birthday wishes – you have a knack of always making a lady feel special!

    I have a tip I have been wanting to share with you, re: streaming: I plug my earphone into my computer – then I leave them on my desk (not in my ears) and I can play it as loud as necessary (so that TPTB can hear it, lol) and it doesn’t bother the whole household.

  46. HK fan says:

    Saw the last 3 songs….EITN….so good live…he looked gorgeous and sounded greatSmile

  47. HK fan says:

    I do that too retjennySmile

  48. LadyNorth says:

    OMG I am hardly alive after that… All the songs were incredible live, and so was the performer. How can he be so damn sexy and fun at the same time? He was pretty high tonight, natural or disco nap, who knows Grin

    Not gonna sleep for a while.

  49. luval says:

    That was chilling!!!! Amazing! TOH…rapping, wailing…improvising on Underground.

    Think he’s gonna hit the sack now.

    Hope upon hope there’s a tour. Will he translate the songs differently? This iheart show was simple, just him & the band (and a background track). But he wants all the bells and whistles he’s said. What could that look like?

  50. Cait1602 says:

    I am high, literally high. He is the best natural drug out there.

    His happy, carefree, goofy, charismatic, outgoing personality just blew me away again. This man needs to be on the biggest fucking stages all around the world. Who else is so amazingly confident, amazingly perfect on stage??? Fuck I love him

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