Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. ultimathule says:

    selinaglambert His face when we sang Ghost Town for him at the airport in Hamburg.

  3. ultimathule says:
  4. ultimathule says:


    (Also got this pic in an email from MyPlay because of delay)

  5. ultimathule says:

    Hey it’s our new bff @adamlambert! He’ll be treating attendees to a performance of new single Ghost Town #One4theBoys

  6. luval says:

    I got that e-mail & picture (stunning!) too, ultimathule

  7. ultimathule says:

    ‘Tis a beaut, luval

  8. ultimathule says:
  9. ultimathule says:

    “(Audio) Adam Lambert on BBC Radio 2, UK, 12. 06. 2015”

  10. luval says:

    Adam in Entertainment Weekly

    eta: not a really a review…that may come later.

  11. milwlovesadam says:

    Tried to copy this from MJ’s. Great interview.

  12. luval says:
  13. milwlovesadam says:

    luval to the rescue once more.

    Well, today my faves are There I Said It and Lucy.

    I just cannot wait to hear him slay and wail and ….Lucy.

    I do truly believe that Rumors will go to radio, Tove Lo is so popular right now, if he can ride her coat tails, let it be. It’s so current, I really think this one has legs.

    On another note, I love hearing him refer to having been offered the Hedwig role on Broadway. I also believe he was quite wise to turn it down.

    And on another note, I have had several people say that they have heard he has an album, that it is supposed to be really good, and that he has been doing a lot of promo.

    I had my hair done today after work ( new color and fun highlights in multiple colors and straight hair.) Anywho, my gal said that she saw him last night on CW’s broadcast of the Pool Party. I showed her some pics from here, and she gasped and said, OMG he’s even more gorgeous and so thin! It was that Billboard pic of his his tats and the mirror.

    BTW. That pic is a stunner. It made me gasp too.

    To the corner…. Devil Devil Devil

  14. luval says:

    I Heart Lucy!

  15. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    I’m on the @WkndThrowdown w/ @JaggerOnAir this weekend! Click the link to find out where & when you can hear it-

  16. ultimathule says:

    Pat H @PattiHum
    Ha, ha! My friend @laurirose told me there is an Adam TOH poster on fences in Oakland, every block, for about 10 blocks!

  17. ultimathule says:

    feral @feraltwirler
    Adam: “It might be interesting for you to find out how much input I had” = ‘do your fucking research FFS!’ hahahaha

    Thank you, Adam – lol

  18. ultimathule says:

    feral @feraltwirler
    Adam Lambert slays that LA Times critic who whined about QAL ROFL… Seriously, dude has a huge ego yet not much sense!

    K Thomson @Glambertoo1
    @feraltwirler @QuietRetreat what was that guy trying to prove ~ QAL was a hit & took incredible talent~strange~love Adam’s response

    feral @feraltwirler
    @Glambertoo1 @QuietRetreat He even links to his review just so people can read how awesome he is at whining!! ROFL

    Ana Glam
    @feraltwirler @Glambertoo1 Guess he wishes he could rewrite that review.

    K Thomson @Glambertoo1
    @QuietRetreat @feraltwirler thanks guys for reminding me, now I get it, it’s his own ego that he was trying to save~

    (Makes sense)

  19. asifclueless says:

    New Adam’s instagram layout

    Love all those gorgeous photos.
    Got my new avi from there. Grin

  20. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert – “Ghost Town” [Official Music Video]

  21. sparkle says:

    GT MV at 4,663,587 views! (+4,000 in 10 minutes – don’t think so. Something is off!)

  22. asifclueless says:

    I’m very far behind to catch up.

    Just listened to the bonus track “SHAME”.
    I think I’ll play this song when I have a Dim sum Date with TLKC. Laugh

    Love TISI and LUCY.
    ANOTHER LONELY NIGHT, TOH and TISI are awesome on my Night time playlist.
    Evil In the Night and Lucy are great on my treadmill playlist.

    Love all the songs. RUMORS is very current and it could be a single. The young fans love it. Tove Lo is big to the youngs.

  23. sparkle says:

    Hi sistasif!

  24. ultimathule says:

    Just seen this on capital radios new music page.

  25. ultimathule says:
  26. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert On His New Album, ‘The Original High,’ And Why He Turned Down ‘Hedwig'”

  27. asifclueless says:

    Hi … sistasparkle! Heart Waving

    Miss you and everybody here.

  28. ultimathule says:

    Singletons! @adamlambert is single and ready to mingle, but there’s a problem…

    love this pic –

  29. asifclueless says:

    Jimmy Fallon is having lip-sync battle with Lena Dunham right now.

    Lena is singing Queen -Fat Bottomed Girls.

    Can’t wait to see Adam on Fallon Monday Night.

  30. ultimathule says:

    Hi, asif!

  31. ultimathule says:

    Mickivick @mickivick
    TOH moving up on Amazon’s Best Sellers at a nice pace – yesterday am at 20 tonight at 12.

  32. asifclueless says:

    I got 12 out of 13 on Are You the Ultimate Glambert? Too fast on Charity Question

    Take Our Adam Lambert Quiz

  33. asifclueless says:

    Hi … ulti! Heart Waving

    You must be the Ultimathule Glambert!

    Did you get all 13 right?

  34. asifclueless says:

    I’m waiting for Jimmy to announce Adam’s name as a musical guest this Monday. Grin

  35. asifclueless says:

    OMG … Adam is peeling a banana the opposite way of mine. Laugh
    DD will love this because she does the same as Adam.

    And his eyes!!! In Love … drinking water!

  36. asifclueless says:

    Mix 106.1 @MixPhiladelphia

    Wanna win passes for @AdamLambert’s exclusive album release party in NYC on Tues?! Tweet #Mix106HeartsAdam (Must provide own transportation)

  37. Tothebeat says:

    Finally listened to the full stream, so much sonic wonderfulness! Contrary to many others, I am loving Heavy Fire – the voice, the voice! So incredible.
    I cannot get itunes to download properly on my computer, so I’m satisfied to pre-order from Amazon, I guess, and stream GT as much as possible.
    Thanks, as always, for all the goodies – links, opinions, IG pics, etc., from the regular ALLers! Yes Yes Yes

  38. ultimathule says:
  39. sparkle says:

    Sweet Cinnamon Roll Dreams, ALL!!
    This one is especially for luval, who is all about the hair!

  40. ultimathule says:


  41. ultimathule says:

    Bad quality picture and I look awful but I met the man who’s songs have inspired me

  42. ultimathule says:

    In Rock Music @inrockmusic
    AdamLambert: RT @billboard: Adam Lambert: “Life’s about exploring new things and getting into relationshi…

  43. ultimathule says:
  44. ultimathule says:

    iheartradio#AdamLambert said it best!

  45. ultimathule says:

    “Review: Di Weekend”

    4 of 5 stars

    “Pop music in the 2010s doesn’t get any better than this.”

  46. ultimathule says:
  47. ultimathule says:

    Huge thanks to @adamlambert for supporting LGBT resource network

  48. TLKC says:

    OMG … Adam is peeling a banana the opposite way of mine.

    I was thinking the same thing when I saw that photo, asif

    Playing TOH right now. EITN is blasting away in the early morning and I have the window open. Waking up my neighbourhood Laugh

    ITA, mils, that Rumours will be a single. It’s one of the songs on the CD sticker and they must be highlighting it for a reason.

    IMHO, it will probably be one of the later releases to radio. For the long term, Adam will want to show the industry that he can deliver a hit on his own. Also, Tove Lo is still driving up the numbers on her own CD and will want to realize that opportunity to the max before she starts selling someone else’s.

    I am surprised that EITN isn’t on the sticker. It is so catchy and it makes the most of Adam’s vocals. It also feels like a song of summer. You can see guys turning up the volume on this song in their cars as they drive around on a Saturday night.

    That’s the way it looks to me but I am not a POP radio listener so what do I know?

    FLOVE the CD. Not skipping anything.

  49. TLKC says:

    Again Adam was asked about SS. Some fans hope their will be a collab between them in the future…

    Is it bad that I hope there wont be one?

    Nope, Cait, you are not bad. Smile It’s a bit of a gimmicky idea coming from people who only see one thing: their sexuality.

    It is interesting to see Adam use questions about Sam to bring up the whole matter of how sexuality isn’t exactly relevant to the music and can, at times, take the focus away from it.

    Of course he is getting questions about Caitlyn now but he is using the moment to say something important.

  50. luval says:

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