Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    YTs of previous inteviews –

    “Adam Lambert on Voice Fi, 06. 06. 2015”

    “(Audio) Adam Lambert on MDR Sputnik, Germany 09. 06. 2015”

  2. TLKC says:

    I think streaming the official video GT on Adam’s YouTube channel counts as much as Spotify. I will ask on adamtopia to be sure and report back.

    I don’t want spotify on my iPhone either luval.

  3. TLKC says:

    Can’t wait for Adam to tweet that he had nothing to do with Christina Aguilara leaving The Voice.

  4. Axxxel says:

    TLKC still waiting for that Adam Lambert – Christine A. duet that he wants so much….

  5. Axxxel says:

    Hectic RL…
    so this is my TOH verdict… so far… still hoping for bonus tracks because on the Trespassing album, I love some of those bonus tracks so much…

    I would prefer a brief guitar riff of Brian May instead of that “ooo” or “mooo” in the great song “Another lonely night”…
    Haven’t heard the entire stream but this is my list:
    1. Ghost Town
    2. Evil in the Night
    3. Underground
    4. the duet with Tove Lo
    5. Another lonely night
    6. Lucy
    7. The original high (sorry Adam)…

  6. ultimathule says:

    Not sure if this has been shared yet…but interview with @adamlambert in today’s Herald Sun.

  7. ultimathule says:

    “What Most People Don’t Realize About Homophobia, This Guy Nails It”

    (First paragraph’s my fav – lol)

  8. ultimathule says:

    Hello there


    Thank you @adamlambert for making my dream come true and giving me a few unforgettable moments

    @adamlambert you made the @lambrasoqueens very happy today with that stunning smile!

  9. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert on NRJ Germany, IGvids, 09. 06. 2015

  10. ultimathule says:

    lovesummer22 @lovesummer22
    Holy shit #TOH Album is now #74 overall & #16 Pop on OZ iTunes. It’s making a move!!!

  11. ultimathule says:

    Forget where I ordered this combo –

    (Well – speak of the devil – just got an email informing me of the delay)

  12. ultimathule says:

    NZGlitterTribeHQ @NZGlitterTribe
    Are all the Kiwi Glamberts excited for the release of The Original High tomorrow???

  13. milwlovesadam says:

    Back home after seeing PostModern Jukebox.


    What a show. But, no Casey, no Haley and no Shoshana. Methinks that since their last show was in Chicago, maybe Haley and Casey stayed on and visited with Haley’s family.

    Nevertheless, incredible vocals, performances and fun.

    The “emcee” was Von Smith, I have to Google or You Tube him, he has a siren of a voice, and next to Adam, is likely the single best male vocalist I’ve ever heard. He sang a version of Sweet Child of Mine that knocked me out.

    They performed so many of the songs that were done on Glee last year I was thrilled. I Believe in a Thing Called Love, Roar, and more.

    I highly recommend this show, GA or not. It is a vocal masterclass and the vintage twist on current songs is a pure delight.

  14. ultimathule says:
  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    Hereyago, mils

    lol – he was in Season 8 with Adam –

  17. ultimathule says:

    Jon Manuel @JonManuel
    Glamberts, get ready… A very special @iHeartRadio Live streaming event with @adamlambert set for #TheOriginalHigh release date of 6/16!

  18. ultimathule says:

    lol –

    Chi Chi @ChiChiFrita
    I’m embarrassed at the number of pictures of Adam’s hair that I’ve favorited today

  19. ultimathule says:

    Wow JB Hifi jumping the gun a little. @AdamLambert’s #TheOriginalHigh album already in stores!! #australia

  20. ultimathule says:

    doesn’t surprise me that tommy and monte fans can hear moo………………….

  21. ultimathule says:

    It sure paid to go to Target today @adamlambert

  22. ultimathule says:

    Always good to talk to @adamlambert New album The Original High is out next week. And is his best record to date

  23. ultimathule says:

    @adamlambert #TheOriginalHigh album of the week in The Herald Sun, Melbourne, Australia. 11 June 2015. lv Rosie xxx

  24. cher says:

    Just checking in to say hi. Been awol for a bit but doing fine. Fngers crossed for TOH to sell well so Adam can go on tour. Foot is ready to go! Laugh

  25. TLKC says:

    A lot of people are reading that sticker on the CD as an indicator of the “singles” plan.

    GT, There I Said It, ALN and Rumours.

    Apparently, the sticker for FYE accurately reflected the singles path for that CD.

  26. luval says:
  27. TLKC says:

    LOL guys – apparently some Hilary Duff fans are planning on hiding Adam’s CD next week. The promo for her cd has been pretty poor so we probably don’t have to worry about her out-selling Adam but it’s a bit of a compliment that they see him as the main competition.

    IMHO, James Taylor poses a bigger threat for the #1 spot. I think we can rely on his fans to be a little more mature about in-store display re-arrangements, though.

  28. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 2h2 hours ago

    NEW EVENT! Adam Lambert will be performing “Ghost Town, at Logo Trailblazer Honors on Saturday, June 27 at 8 p.m.”

    This will be in New York City

  29. luval says:

    Not sure if I agree with that singles line-up if it’s true. Where’s TOH? EITN? Can’t wrap my head around There I Said It and Rumors. They are ok. I like the “sort of rapping” in Rumors. If this is a single it’s just capitalizing on Tove Lo’s success. Nothing wrong with that.

    Was at my doctors office this morning. The nurse practitioner & I started discussing days off when I mentioned I’m going to New York next week. She asked why…told her…she’s heard of Adam Lambert from Idol. Then she says “I think I heard him on the radio in my car on the way to work this morning”. Immediately I thought of WWFM. I asked her if she remembered the song. She says “I think it was something like Ghost Town”. lol We got talking about Adam, Queen, his album coming out. She was listening on Pandora which I don’t believe counts spins. But hey! She thought it was very catchy.

  30. luval says:

    Gelly retweeted
    Kevin Hughes ‏@Popprince 59m59 minutes ago

    Adam Lambert confirmed to perform at One For The Boys Fashion Ball tomorrow hosted by Samuel L Jackson. Sia, John Newman & Paolo also there

    Details of this

  31. luval says:

    Gelly retweeted
    Dubai Music Week ‏@DubaiMusicWeek 54m54 minutes ago

    We will be announcing artists soon keep following #DMW2015 @_halyy! @Dubai_Calendar @LiveNationME @adamlambert

    He’s sooooooooo busy!

  32. riskylady says:

    More info…

    @FemaleFirst_UK: Adam Lambert to perform at One For The Boys 2015 Fashion Ball alongside Sia & more

  33. luval says:
  34. Axxxel says:

    Dubai ? I think one of the posters on MJ, I think Nadine B*tch or so, lives in that region….

  35. luval says:

    His hair is getting so long! Love it. Someone on twitter joked he could be putting it in a man bun soon.

    Maybe he’s trying to be a trendsetter & break out of that shaved sides, mohawk-ish top thing. Hate it. Or his friend @greyjoey is an influence.

  36. luval says:
  37. luval says:

    Gelly retweeted
    ☁️Isabell lovemeso☁️ ‏@IsabelRozenblat Jun 10

    @adamlambert on the cover of an Israeli Magazine

  38. riskylady says:

    luval, glad you posted that warning on that first photo! Breathtaking!
    Saw photos from that all over Instagram and was wondering where they came from.
    Gah. I worry that he’s going to Dubai. To me, not safe anywhere around there with things the way they are nowadays.

  39. TLKC says:

    Sort of agree about the songs luval but it is what it is and things can change. I love EITN, too; very catchy and Adam needs something infectious, imho. That said, the label and Adam understand radio better than I ever will.

    “Rumours” is listed last and that makes sense since Tove Lo is busy building her own brand with singles from her current CD. She won’ want to go out with a duet until her CD has run it’s full course.

  40. luval says:

    Yahoo Celebrity Uk Q& A

  41. TLKC says:

    Adam looks sad in all of todays pics. What’s up?

  42. luval says:

    How can anyone concentrate if he’s staring at you like this?

  43. riskylady says:

    GT in the Bubbling Up category under the BB Hot 100, at # 118. The other one is that rolling Twitter chart, he’s been #1 many times. It fluctuates almost every minute so pretty meaningless, except he has been on it pretty constantly.

    Hot 100 + Bubbling Under:
    #2 – Bad Blood – Taylor Swift (6 weeks) : same
    #18 – Worth It – Fifth Harmony (16 weeks) : same
    #31 – Style – Taylor Swift (26 weeks) : -4
    #37 – Blank Space – Taylor Swift (32 weeks) : -2
    #38 – Shake It Off – Taylor Swift (42 weeks) : +1
    #55 – Little Toy Guns – Carrie Underwood (12 weeks) : +4
    #118 – Ghost Town – Adam Lambert (1 week) : DEBUT

    Trending 140:
    #4 – Bad Blood – Taylor Swift
    #11 – Sledgehammer – Fifth Harmony
    #13 – Through All Of It – Colton Dixon
    #15 – Worth It – Fifth Harmony
    #16 – Something In The Water – Carrie Underwood
    #17 – How You Get The Girl – Taylor Swift
    #35 – Ghost Town – Adam Lambert
    #36 – I Still Love You – Jennifer Hudson
    #39 – Unbreakable Smile – Tori Kelly
    #42 – Trouble – Jennifer Hudson
    #43 – Fire N Gold – Bea Miller
    #46 – Little Toy Guns – Carrie Underwood
    #59 – Hope In Front Of Me – Danny Gokey
    #97 – Raging Fire – Phillip Phillips
    #108 – Computer Era – Astro
    #130 – Tears Fall – Jacquie Lee

  44. TLKC says:

    Looks good riskylady!

  45. riskylady says:

    TLKC, I noticed that sadness too. Only smiling in the last pic. Good reviews coming out, inching up charts in U.S., some good gigs ahead. Please Universe don’t let it be any sad news!!!! Getting very nervous with drop date just ahead.
    Stream stream stream!!

  46. Axxxel says:

    cher great to read that your foot has healed !! Is Dubai good enough ? Joking…

  47. Axxxel says:

    TLKC maybe he is a bit under the weather…
    All that traveling… I feel dizzy just reading all these reports about Adam.. what about the man himself who seems to be in motion the whole time ?

    eTA… But despite everything.. he looks so gorgeous !

  48. Axxxel says:

    The only real problem about Dubai is the weather… I guess that in June the temperatures are high … and it is dry over there… not really ideal for vocal cords…

    According to internet in Dubai at 8.34 pm, it is 38 degrees C/ 100 fahrenheit and only 33 % humidity..
    Compared to my place at 11.34 pm: 26 degrees C /79 F, and 83 % humidity.

  49. luval says:

    they are blue

    He looks more spacey to me than sad. From that Q&A he doesn’t need time off.
    “@YahooCelebUK do you think you will go away for holiday after you promote the original high?”

    “@xadamsvoice he said he doesn’t feel he needs to as the promo doesn’t feel like work – he’s having too much fun!”

  50. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 8h8 hours ago

    Adam liked this pic, don’t freak out, some of you Wink

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