Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

Photo of Adam from Frontier Magazine

After months of waiting, get ready for “The Original High” this month. We’ve been treated with 4 songs already but are anxious to hear the full album. Adam is out promoting at various radio stations, on TV and doing phone interviews. With “Ghost Town” slowly moving up the charts, it will be interesting to see if TOH becomes Adam’s second number one album. With timely appearances on TV during the week of the album release, his casual fans should be aware of the new music and help generate sales. Here’s hoping to a successful launch and that it leads to a solo tour!

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

Adam performing Ghost Town on Ellen (4/30/15)

Underground [Official Audio] (5/15/15)

Another Lonely Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

Evil In The Night [Official Audio] (5/21/15)

The Original High [Official Audio] (6/8/15)


3,315 Responses to June 2015 Chat

  1. luval says:

    107.9 in my area is playing GT now and it is sped up. Anyone else notice this?

  2. ultimathule says:

    Beautiful HQ of Adam from liveaid

  3. ultimathule says:

    Wasn’t there some talk awhile back about speeding up of tracks on radio, luval? (If you google the subject, there’s lots of discussion on it.)

  4. luval says:

    I don’t remember that, ultimathule. Guess they want to get through the songs quicker! Wonder if Adam will ever sing it like that?

  5. luval says:

    wow…blurry picture of Sauli & Adam backstage. Sauli is really shaved!

    Oh, so maybe that last picture of the guy with the hat with his back towards us wasn’t Sauli. See him in this picture?

  6. ultimathule says:

    It says Sauli on the left in that pic, luval –

  7. luval says:

    thanks, ulti. didn’t notice that.

  8. ultimathule says:
  9. ultimathule says:
  10. ultimathule says:

    Really nice new (pre recorded) interview with Adam on @RIXFM Spotify Topp 40 this morning =) Listen to it here:

  11. ultimathule says:

    8 hours ago
    Get access to Adam Lambert’s grab it and look like a asshole. #ylex

  12. ultimathule says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    2 minutes ago
    Thank u Helsinki

  14. ultimathule says:

    MJ had a great response to a poster in the 6/7 Headline thread –

  15. ultimathule says:

    Brian Friedman @brianfriedman
    Happy that my first performance working for @adamlambert went well… Now on to bigger productions haha!! #GhostTown

  16. TLKC says:

    The headline thread isn’t terribly pleasant at the moment, though. Two fans are criticizing Kelly for her weight and putting her family over her career. One even suggested that she has psychological problems. Why do fans flock to threads about Idols they don’t like?

  17. Miss Chaos says:

    People look for ways to put people down, if it gets bad enough, MJ will step and and say thats enough. Sigh, its just so easy to sit behind the computer and say things about people, just because they can. Sometimes I think things I would like to say, but just step away, and let it drop, and if you say something too harsh on MJs you get scolded anyhow, lol. But yes she seems to be for Adam, probably cause it brings her hits, but thats ok.

  18. ultimathule says:

    Adam just talked before Swifty played on on Z saying ‘hey it’s AL and just like you I have z turned up loud!’

  19. HK fan says:

    Nice audio interview from Sweden. He has his floors cleaned (I guess a cleaning lady) twice a week.

    I couldn’t get this interview to workFrown….what else did he say apart from about his cleaning lady?

  20. luval says:

    I think mj finally fell “into the glitter” when she saw QAL in Boston. Before that she was very indifferent. But I remember that she couldn’t stop raving after that show. I know the feeling!

    If you feel like voting. Ryan Seacrest top 40

  21. ultimathule says:
  22. ultimathule says:
  23. luval says:

    HK fan…the usual questions. What brought the cleaning lady talk was the DJ asked how you (americans I guess) let people in your home with their shoes on. Adam wondered why they don’t in Sweden…is it germs or dirt? DJ said dirt.

    His favorite app is instagram

    dj: how can you walk the streets here?
    A: just put on my baseball cap

    Talked quite a bit about GT & how it was brought about & recorded. Mentioned the whole album, 2 guests..Tove Lo & Dr. Brian May. Album is a new vibe from him but still him.

    dj: Do you youtube yourself?
    A: Sometimes to see something he did

    It was always clear he wanted to be a musician from a child. Loves singing & dressing up. Nothing’s changed. Biggest fashion blunder …3 yrs & farther back. “what was I thinking?”.

    What’s next. Hopefullly putting a tour together.

  24. HK fan says:

    finland interview

    Thanks for the recaps luval….I must have missed this one..nice interview…apart from the interviewer, how boring was he!!

  25. HK fan says:

    Thanks luval

    just reading the headlines thread TLKC…..I’m sure MJ does like the hits about Adam, but I do get the impression from the things she writes that she has changed her mind about him….she definitely didn’t like him before, but in the last year she seems to be becoming more and more of a fan..

    And re Kelly…it always seems to become about her weight/style…but to be honest I understand that, the style thing anyway…I love Kellys voice and music, but I have always found there to be a disconnect between her sound and her look, they don’t match at all. I don’t have a problem with her being bigger (I’m big myself so can relate), but she does need to dress better. She always wears the same style dress, and it does not suit her size or shape, she looked so much better in a pic I saw the other day wearing jeans.

  26. HK fan says:

    I don’t have a problem with people wearing shoes in the house, although the local custom is to take your shoes off at the door…

  27. milwlovesadam says:


    GT at live aid finland

    Adam with chatty man in the UK (you’ll love this)–emSlxINII&

    finland interview

    GT live at RTL

    And you can’t miss this. Adam trying to speak Hungarian
    He looks unbelievable

    Luval, thanks for all of these links!! I was able to catch Chatty Man the other day, but missed the rest!

    Chatty Man was so many kinds of funny I lost count.

    Gah. Now he’s back in Hamburg. Hope Cait and others can see him.

  28. milwlovesadam says:

    We take our shoes off at the door. Big piles of shoes sometimes…especially when my boys are home and have friends over.

  29. milwlovesadam says:

    If you feel like voting. Ryan Seacrest top 40

    Keep voting he’s so far ahead it’s nuts, but could change on a dime.

    I still have only heard GT on the radio only once. The VH1 countdown is great PR. Is there a vote for that too?

  30. luval says:

    Vh1 countdown doesn’t really have voting but it has some kind of re-tweeting a link. Can’t find it.I think it’s important because of hopefully getting nominated for a video music award.

  31. TLKC says:

    MJ does like Adam, I think, and that it great but she puts up with a bit more than she used to in part because her blog isn’t a busy as it used to be.

    I see comments about Kelly’s appearance all the time, HK Fan. This was much worse. One person said she had psychological problems and another criticized her for taking time out for her family (she plans to have another child as soon as she can after the current tour.) They said she is doing a terrible job with this album (she has two songs on the charts right now!)

    I honestly don’t know where some people get their nerve.

  32. riskylady says:

    @LambertMusic411: US radio charts: @adamlambert’s #GhostTown moves up ends week at #22 on Hot AC & #31 Top 40/Pop (via Mediabase)!

  33. ultimathule says:

    That’s great, riskylady!

  34. mmm222 says:

    LadyNorth– I was so happy to hear that you got tickets to the Live Aid concert. Thanks for the great recap. It really captured the full mind boggling effect of the live performance. He looked and sounded amazing in the video. I hope Adam has a full solo or QAL concert in Helsinki sometime in the next year. It will give us an excuse to visit you in Finland. “Us” meaning me, adamized, and any other willing partners in crime.

    There have been so many Adam goodies to catch up on each night. I’ve loved all the interviews, but Chatty Man was the best. Adam and Alan were absolutely hilarious together. Kradamour– I presume from your comments that you did take note of how stunning Adam looked in that blue suit on Chatty Man. Now you see why the rest of us have had to keep replacing our drool damaged key boards in recent months.

  35. glambotgram says:
  36. riskylady says:

    @GlambertNation: UP CLOSE VIDEO: Adam dance moves that made them scream! Not shown during the stream. Lol just like Elvis!…

  37. riskylady says:

    @piperc23: Adam Lambert, Ryn Weaver Performing on Fallon’s “The Tonight Show”

  38. ultimathule says:
  39. twilightmagic8 says:

    Adam with chatty man in the UK (you’ll love this)–emSlxINII&

    This youtube channel doesn’t take you to the video. They must have changed it?

    This one works, Adam Lambert on Chatty Man–emSlxINII

  40. ultimathule says:

    Radio ENERGY @Radio_ENERGY
    Ihr fragt, @adamlambert antwortet. #AdamLabmbertBeiENERGY

  41. asifclueless says:

    The Original High … OH EM GEE … It will be the song of this summer.

    AMAZING!!! Grin

    LOOOOOOOOVE …. IT!!!!!!!!!!

  42. ultimathule says:

    Hahaha – where’d you get that, asif! It’s FABULOUS!!!!!!!

  43. asifclueless says:

    Dadbert is right! It’s gonna be a big hit …. POP!!!!!

    Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart


  44. asifclueless says:

    ulti …. I hate to post the song out before Adam or the releasing day BUT … It’s out there already. I’m not first!
    Also no way to rip, copy or download.
    Just for us to enjoy!!!!

    I’ve pre-ordered both versions from iTunes and pre-order multi physical CDs both the Deluxe and Edited ones from Amazon … to gift people.

    I’ll go to bed with a mile in my face now.
    Good Night!!!


  45. ultimathule says:

    2 months ago
    “We were on a trip- tryna replicate…”

    It’s all over twitter, asif

  46. ultimathule says:


  47. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Media @devenlane

  48. HK fan says:

    I don’t have a problem with people wearing shoes in the house, although the local custom is to take your shoes off at the door…

    ooops should have said local custom HERE…but have run out of edit time…

  49. ultimathule says:

    Kraken Netiri @n_etiri_zandz
    @AlexanderMorner Not a malicious leak bb. For some reason China got it before anyone. No-one knows why.

  50. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly
    Summertime is stuck on my mind.”
    His voice is so different and so amazing . I AM IN SHOCK AFTER SO MANY YEARS AGAIN

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