- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hey mieps, AL, twilightmagic where are you guys going to be this afternoon, evening? My sis has to go to a wedding and will leave it in time for us to go to the concert, but maybe I can meet you all before.
Otherwise, we are going to be sitting in section 117, row 10. How about you? If we are close maybe we can come find you just before the show starts, especially if, like Calgary, it starts way late!
Another big one from the magazine
cropped other pic – if there’s a better profile out there, wanna know who it is –
Sutan RAJA @sutanamrull
Can’t wait to see @adamlambert with #QUEEN !!!! Gonna be an epic night in LA!
Atlantic City sign
Andrea ♥ @powderpuffnails
VANCOUVER Scoop: Adam sat in section 105; low down row for Cher, he was Cyndi’s guest. I have a connection at the arena
VERY nice –
Older gif – watch the hair
Hi Calgary! If your cell number didn’t change, I’ll text you. If it did change, we’ll be first row on the left hand side. Hope to see you!
Calgary, mieps will be contacting you with the hotel and dinner details.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it to the concert.
Thanks to ALL who were supportive in trying to make it happen but alas, this “Once in a Lifetime” concert will have to wait for another lifetime!
The positive side is that I will be able to host tonight’s thread!
Queen/Adam Arenas
1 in a billion voice @TrespassingAL
‘Lay Me Down’ has moved up from Radio 1’s C List to B List : pic.twitter.com/n93Ui4LS6Y. Yay! @Avicii @nilerodgers @adamlambert
More thoughts – had to do the 18+ sign-in
Sanja Z. @DreamerzWings
#AdamLambert #NileRodgers #Avicii #LayMeDown video has reached #1 on MTV Adria TOP 20!!!
mtv.com.hr/top-liste/top-… pic.twitter.com/LwcIvE9mZA
AL…I’m so sorry you can’t make it to the show tonight.
And for anyone who is going it looks like the time has changed from 8pm to 7:30pm
Whatever time it is…GET THERE EARLY! From the Chicago experience, lines were sooooo long getting in we thought we would miss the opening. Barely had time to go to the rest room before the show and had NO time to check out merchandise table.
Rumor on twitter that Cher acknowledged Adam at the show last night. But no video proof yet.
The eyes have it –
Great photos from Chicago … The gift that keeps on giving.
So Adam’s been wearing the black vest over the lace shirt ever since Chicago. Wonder if he looked at the videos and thought too much skin was showing through? I loved that shirt without the vest.
AL … I’m sorry you won’t be able to make it to the concert.
Right here is the best seat of the house though. And you’re hosting it.

nice fan drawing –
AL, what a bummer you can’t make it. Don’t know the circumstances but that just seems so unfair. Just last week I came through Vancouver, walked the streets for an hour and was thinking of you and what a great job you do for the blog. Thank you.
New thread is up. From what I read on twitter, we may not get dinner tonight. If you find someone streaming tonight, post the link in the thread.
Al, sorry you couldn’t make it in person but we’re so glad you’re home to host this thread.
So disappointed you can’t make the concert, AL – would have loved so much to read your experience. Well, the rest of us ALLers who aren’t there will be with you here tonight – I’m sure we’ll have fun as the vids and pics roll in. Looking forward to it.
Part 2 of 3 – will put on Calgary, too
AL I’m so sorry you can’t make tonight’s concert! I’ve been thinking of you all day…excitedly. But “you have to do what you have to do” ! Next best thing to ‘live’ is right here at ALL–front and center sometimes.
You’ll be in the middle of it! Thank you for all you do and enjoy!
No worries rs I will make sure to look after myself. Don’t really eat them anyway. But thanks
Sorry you can’t go to the show AL can only imagine how you must be feeling. It’s not much comfort but I’ll be doing my best to record as much as I can at the shows I’ll be at. Thanks for all you do here.
The show is shot on 5 cameras every night.
There may be 5 cameras every night, but they never have one on Adam when he is bike riding!
And seriously, when he is on that couch, every second needs to be on the BIG screen!!
Ya can’t tell me that everyone in that audience doesn’t want to see that!! Even Queen die-hards!
Yeah – what’s with the lack of bike-riding filming – it’s inspirational to couch potatoes everywhere!
Here’s to the couch!!!!!

ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Happy PRIDE!
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
#Pride instagram.com/p/p133GruNNq/
I am really enjoying the fact that Adam is much more okay with showing his shoulders/arms/chest. Time was when he wasn’t as comfortable, and I for one am grateful that he’s definitely come out of that shell. Only two days to San Jose, then LA, and I will have officially, spontaneously combusted.
Just saw the “We Are the Champions” Audi 3 commercial. Cool!
Todrick Hall @toddyrockstar
So excited to sing in the SFPride Parade tomorrow!!! Then gonna meet up with my boo @adamlambert and take the night!
Sweet Spontaneous Combustion Dreams, ALL!!
(thanks Reese!)
Special birthday wishes for a special lady.
Happy Birthday, Ceddies!
Kevin Hughes
Loving the new @Avicii feat @adamlambert single now playing on @CapitalOfficial Great Summer tune and amazing vocal from Mr Lambert..
Showbiz Reporter Global Radio UK-Capital, Heart FM, LBC/Host The UK’s Hit Music Chart Show/Agent
Only Glamberts will get it –
You’re most welcome sparkle !
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
“@NowOnRadio1: ♫ Lay Me Down – by Avicii amzn.to/1row78S #bbc #radio1 #np”
(can write a review)
New photo at PRIDE
He looks great, asif – so vibrant and healthy.
UKGlambert @UKGlambert
FAB article on the UK chats explained and why is gonna be impact to stream @adamlambert (cont) tl.gd/ne3huk
After party
OMG ….The critic guy Steve Newton of Adam’s BLAND voice.