Adam calendar photoshoot - Lee Cherry of Cherry Soda Studios

Adam calendar photoshoot – Lee Cherry of Cherry Soda Studios

After what seems like an eternity after announcing the Queen + Adam Lambert tour in March, it will finally happen. Adam is in London preparing before the show kicks off in Chicago on June 19th! Plenty of ALLers will be attending the shows and as usual, we will be creating souvenir threads. Cannot wait to see the videos, photos and recaps!

Enjoy the chat!

Hangout with Adam – AT&T Live Proud LIVE – 06/14/2014 – starts at the 4:50 mark


1,535 Responses to June 2014 Chat

  1. aely says:

    Pictures from London tonight…Smile Lucky girl!!Wink (looks like she was Scaramouche!)

    And cute tweets:

    Danni Dee @LegsOfLondon
    @philipdehany AAHHHH @adamlambert Saw me perform when I first started!!! Hope he comes back Wednesday to see us!

    @LegsOfLondon @philipdehany @adamlambert OMG!!!!! @LouiseColes5 OMG!!!!!!!!

    Evan James
    Gutted I wasn’t at Freedom tonight! @adamlambert you’re a dream! Talent for days! If your still in London come and see us at Book of Mormon!

  2. aely says:

    This is like the 4th “album release party” tweet I have seen. Didn’t really pay attention at first but saw this again. So strange.

  3. angelowal says:

    Mils here’s the link for the Toronto ACC seating map, just click on seating chart and zoom in until the seats appear on screen.
    I can’t find and think that perhaps Chicago doesn’t have the same seating map as some of the other locations. This is the best I can locate:
    I did find one chart where you can zoom in to reveal seats but it only shows stadium seating and nothing of the floor area or “the thrust”.

  4. ultimathule says:

    Edmonton Journal summer concert article

  5. ultimathule says:
  6. sparkle says:

    Sweet Adam Hugs Dreams, ALL!!

    (See aely‘s first twitter photo at the top of the page!)

  7. ultimathule says:

    May have seen – but whattheheck –

    new/old pic – 16th party

  8. ultimathule says:

    Some snippets from the Grove three years ago – there are a bunch more –

  9. cher says:

    AL says:
    06/02/2014 at 12:58 pm
    Guess who is coming to dinner? Mieps!

    Oh you’ll have such a good chat together!! Smile

  10. rs says:

    mils, could you please email me our seat numbers for the Toronto show. Need to visualize where we will be sitting. It will help me get through the next month! Thanks

  11. HK fan says:

    Thanks for posting those Idol tour vids on the last page…..I have actually seen virtually nothing of the AI tours….so it was great to watch day I will try and revisit some of them.

  12. HK fan says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    Channel 7 are now airing the interview across two segments now in the June 15 show.

  14. Lilybop2010 says:
  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    That hair – just utterly fabulous, lilybop

  17. ultimathule says:
  18. nkd says:

    shoshanna stone @shoshannastone · 20h
    Looking fwd to the glamour awards tomorrow night

    Apparently going with Adam. Red carpet in just a couple of hours.

  19. asifclueless says:

    Metal Glambert ♂ ‏@metalempress RT AdamSauli4Ever
    World Clock for UK Glamour Awards … …

    Gelly ‏@14gelly

    Shosh is going with Adam at the Glamour awards yayyy

  20. ultimathule says:

    Is there a stream of red carpet?

  21. ultimathule says:

    Haven’t heard of this seller before –

  22. ultimathule says:
  23. ultimathule says:

    The Lambrits
    Adam Lambert attending RT @GlamourMagUK: One hour until the #GlamourAwards kicks off! Follow us for ALL the red carpet action as it happens

  24. ultimathule says:
  25. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Events @adam_events
    Twitter Lists for 2014 North American Queen and Adam Lambert Tour. If you are going and want to be on the (cont)

    Twitter lists for NA Q/A Tour

  26. ultimathule says:
  27. ultimathule says:

    Vivienn ♔ @GlambertHU

  28. ultimathule says:

    Сome here Adam… Kity-kity-kity

  29. ultimathule says:

    OnePopz @OnePopz
    All the Glamberts out there will be jumping for joy at our new Adam Lambert Planet App! Go download it now!

  30. ultimathule says:
  31. ultimathule says:

    UKGlambert @UKGlambert
    Glamberts around the World are waiting with baited breath for an @adamlambert pic Smile@GlamourMagUK

  32. ultimathule says:

    Glamour Magazine UK
    Phew, that’s a wrap from our live red carpet feed! We hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more goss from the awards #GlamourAwards

    Watch out Glamour – they’re comin’ with flaming torches and pitchforks – lol

  33. ultimathule says:

    @14gelly Well, that guest list was miles long and they had, what? About 12 people on red carpet?

  34. M says:

    Hi Allier:

    Thanks so much for all the great posts, pics & links.

    This is funny!

  35. M says:
  36. ultimathule says:

    Hahahaha – M! – where’s Waldo?

  37. ultimathule says:
  38. ultimathule says:
  39. ultimathule says:
  40. M says:

    ultimathule Hello resident. Thx for all your lovely posts Rose Hope to meet you in July. Big Smile

    jlurksacto I am so happy for your GREAT news. Looking forward to seeing u soon! Big Smile

  41. asifclueless says:
  42. asifclueless says:

    Hi … M … Sooooo happy to see your posts. Grin Rose

  43. asifclueless says:

    Alrighty … gotta go.
    On Sunday night we got a storm and our tree fell.
    Had to call tree peeps to take it down, dig the stump, mulch it and haul everything away.

    The cost of all these …. ARRRRRRGH … We could have gone to Q+AL concert for one or two more.

    Life is so unfair … and Mother Nature is not on my side. Cry Frown

    Sorry for venting.
    I know … I gauge my happiness upon seeing Adam and chances to meet you guys.

  44. ultimathule says:
  45. ultimathule says:
  46. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    Chicness abounds at the @glamourmag #GlamourAwards

  47. M says:

    Hello asifclueless You’re so sweet, can’t wait to meet you. I will bring a bottle of wine.Liquor Grin Heart

    Adam looks so happy, it makes me so…happy!

  48. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly
    Oh!! RT @GlamourMagUK: Presenting the Band of the Year Award is @adamlambert. And the award goes to…@LittleMix #GlamourAwards

    On stage –

    Bigger pic

  49. ultimathule says:
  50. M says:

    asifclueless Sorry to heard that, I know how you feel. We have to replace our fence because of our bad winter. When it rain it pours. Frown

    Just focus on this summer with Adam Grin

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