- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oh my ulti! That party pic!
Adam keeps getting sexier and better-looking. How is that possible!!
Sweet Dangerously Sexy Adam Dreams, ALL!!
(thanks, ulti, for the party pic)
So excited for Chicago! I can’t wait to meet up with everyone starting with luval at the airport in the morning.
Safe travels to all.
rs…I have my hamsa key chain in my purse.
I always think that I couldn’t love him any more, and then….this
What a way to celebrate the beginning of the tour! But then Roger and Brian were probably exhausted, cloistered away in a hotel room with a couple of drinks and then bed, or else hard a work ironing out any perceived kinks in the show.
Safe travels to Chicago. Have a fantastic time, and everyone, give asif an extra hug for me!
See you in Toronto, or New York, or DC!
Congrats Cocoglam!! See you soon!

Big congratulations to you cocoglam!!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
And belated happy birthday to retjenny and kinkykeidis!!
Safe and Exciting travels to everyone driving or getting on a plane today. And have a great dinner tonight, I so wish I was going to be there with you to share the fun.
Me, too, nkd! Pretty much packed and ready to go. Looking forward to seeing you and the toute le gang very soon. Meeting Angelowal, Northern Spirit and Sleepwalker1877 at the airport at 10:30.
I hope little duchess got all her packing done and had a good night’s sleep. She sounded too excited to sleep.
That makes me so happy. May them keep you all safe. Will stock up on some more for those of you I meet on this trip who didn’t get one yet
Ha ha! For those of you who plan to catch the show in NYC: it appears that “Hedwig” might have been a bit too angry at one performance
Sounds as though the matter was blown up but, if Adam every plays Hedwig, there’s a chance we might find out exactly what he thought of the fan who ruined OOL by shouting “Marry me, Adam”!
Part of the show but the fan who called out to NPH was an idiot.
Congrats cocglam. LOLS, ulti, you are too wicked.

cgesq, don’t you have a birthday around now? Hope I am not too late.
Looking forward to seeing you on your side of the pond for a change, lol!
Wishing safe travels
to everyone going to Chicago
(lucky people
) Have the time
of your lives, and cant wait to hear everything, while I and others keep the fires burning over here. So excited
for this concert, its unbelievable that this is happening!
So excited to see what they are going to do. Its GN stepped up all over again, you guys are going to loose it
when he walks out on that stage, our Rock Star god,

Packed and ready in a bit. Serious thunder storms right now. Dammit.
TeeHee…Adam’s coming to the midwest……the weather demons are welcoming him…our rock gawd…..
(( Safe travels everyone. I’ve got several hamsas on board ))
I am bringing you a hamsa from here mils
At the airport with Angelowal, Sleepwalker1877 and Northern Spirit. Nice weather here. Safe travels mils. Neither rain, nor…etc. etc. etc.
Thanks rs. I have something for you too sweetie!
Weather is lifting now, it’s over lake Michigan now. Wow, that was quite a storm. Hail and straight line winds.
Safe travels everyone!!!
Love the eyebrow –
“Finally, we could have picked a massive chart act like Katy Perry or Lady Gaga to represent the USA, but we decided to take a different approach. We selected the artist who gets a LOT of attention on OnePopz. Everytime we publish something about Adam Lambert, we get more comments than usual, and more retweets, Facebook likes etc.”
(Three cheers for us!)
SAVE AS scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpa1/t…
Gelly @14gelly
Another pic LA fingers_mcfartbarf Morning question, who needs 14 semi trucks of shit to do a dress rehearsals? queen! instagram.com/p/pL2LI0Lf6e/
This tour driver is posting pic from the United Center in Chicago. Watch out IF he posts something interesting instagram.com/serge_bigger
(Gelly’s on the alert!)
Hi guys. Stuck at the airport. Chicago isn’t taking planes. Guessing that a few other ALL-ers are in the same boat. If we don’t make dinner at Greek Islands by 6:30 we will come when we can!
Rehearsal vid
Gelly @14gelly
SAVE AS videos-e-10.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xpa…
Flying with Tklc, angelowal and sleepwalker to Chicago. Flight is delayed because of bad weather in Chicago. We may be late for dinner tonight, but we’ll be there
OMG Guys! They called our flight while I was on the phone and I ran to the bathroom. When I came out to wash my hands, I looked in the mirror and realized I was in the men’s’ room!!! A bunch of guys were standing at the urinals and I screamed “omg what am I doing in here! One of them said “that’s what I was wondering!” I ran out without washing my hands (yech!) and got onto the plane!
We are leaving shortly!
tlkc That is so funny
Have a wonderful time tonight.
GUYS, GOOD NEWS!!!!!! LAY ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
What does it mean that it is on the C list? I want it on the A list!!!
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
(Can’t remember if up already – going back and forth between two threads has me dizzy.)
And it’s going to get worse!
We’ll have new threads every other day or so with new videos and photos appearing days after the concert. It’ll be fun making sure the right video goes in the right thread – and then there will be the monthly thread for anything not concert-specific.
Thank goodness for multiple tabs!
Inside Queen’s Huge Summer Tour With Adam Lambert
“”I’m not finished with that,” he says. “I’ve done a lot of work and there’s some amazing music. We’d probably be able to put something out now, but I’m a perfectionist and I have to make sure that I love every song 100 percent and that they’re perfect for me. I maybe want to find even more material. I’m not going to rush a project like this.”
Dang, it looks like it is going to be awhile. And looks like no more Glee. GOOD! That show is so done.
To get a jump on the festivities, the thread for tomorrow night’s concert is already posted. With so many ALLers in attendance, there should be some photos, tweets, posts from them as they enjoy some “we” time before tomorrow.
AL could you please move my last post to the new thread? Thank you!
Done! Have fun!
A big congratulations to cocoglam, for the amazing luck that came her way. The grand baby coming early, and this trip will be talked about for years.
Again Congratulations!
Synchronicity is alive and well. The timing was so unexpected.
I wonder if Adam needs a dresser person. I think it was you, who landed the job with your daughter, for one of Adam’s photo shoots. I know you can’t talk about it, but glad you shared a little bit.
Pure luck!!!

So happy for your good fortune!
Let’s just say you are a very lucky lady!
I put this on the Chicago thread too
Forgot to say, cocoglam – what a beautiful name for the baby – Gabrielle – just so mellifluous – some names are hard to say, but not this one – love it.
Double eyebrow pics
rs says:
06/18/2014 at 7:50 am
cgesq, don’t you have a birthday around now? Hope I am not too late. Looking forward to seeing you on your side of the pond for a change, lol!
Twas Sunday past rs. Tlkc that’s hilarious! Everyone going to the Chicago show have a fabulous time!
Al, Calgary, twilightmagic, mieps got a recorded phone call earlier from Ticketmaster Canada re: Vancouver concert that said there is no
opening act for Queenbert so be on time!!
ulti, al, I’m dizzy already!
Thanks Cher, I got the message too. I got a call and an e-mail. Do they have an opening act elsewhere?
I don’t know how I’m gonna juggle WorldCup, sleep and these concerts – oh and the odd job of course. I look like a ghost already.
Everyone who made it to Chicago, enjoy every minute of this. You’re getting the première. Very exciting!!