- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I really liked your post, cwm.
Re Pittsburgh: I think that it is just luval, ultimathule, and me.

Anyone else?
cwm, you really nailed it. Great post.
Those gas station pics were cute and “normal” to me. Skinny legs and all! Big deal, somebody has skinny legs, why not him?
I think his casual clothes looked comfy and cool. The shoes and socks were fine, and just what everybody wears that I know. The shirt was long, and covered, well, a lot.
Love that he goes out. Love that he gets tons of innocuous tweets, love that he manages to get press almost every day by just being himself and by being fabulous.
Love that he is in the studio.
Hoping he gets to collaborate with greats again while he’s in Florida later this month.
I don’t give two hoots about his facial hair.
Honestly I don’t.
A 90 minute show?????
Gahhhhh. Have fun ya’ll. I’ll be here in the corner with a big bowl of popcorn and sharing space with lots of friends from here…tapping our toes and waiting for ninja videos.
I do so hope he finally gets a chance to Runnin. And that he skips Shout. IMHO.
mils, I had my usual Trespassing album on in the car today and I was wishfully thinking about Runnin in San Diego and how fabulous it would be. Not holding my breath, but it would be such a treat
Never heard of this. It is from the UK.
Here’s the link to their online magazine article ->
It’s funny , rs., I have tried something lately. I have NOT listened to anything Adam on purpose while driving, since May 1st. I just have been listening to morning talk radio, and have been quite entertained, and have heard some of my favorite pop songs every day, Pink, Bruno, Rihanna, Fun., etc.
I simply cannot stand any rap, any Macklemore crap. I don’t get it. Just plain yuck to me.
But, when something comes on that I don’t like, I just switch channels. I am trying to re-train my brain and ears to listen to something else. I’m not sure it is working. LOL. As I am listening to Napa Chokehold as I type!
I’m not even sure if I understand the reason for this experiment.
aely and AL thanks!
I had to look it up in order to get it to open. And AL beat me to the
mils…would love it if you could figure out the reason for this experiment of yours. Doesn’t work for me since Love Wins Over Glamour is imbedded in my brain and I can’t get it out! I get angry when I hear the crap on the radio and Adam couldn’t get played. I need help.
Yes, luval, Adam is embedded deep in my brain, or, rather, what’s left of it since “mama” was heard.
I used to hear Adam’s voice even while listening to other music. It’s like my synapses are hard-wired with his sound waves.
It truly does something to my brain chemistry. I just listened to Stay/Underneath from Nagoya, and I am so mellow right now, it’s like a brain massage.
See what I mean?
Thanks for posting that, mils. I have no words for that stunning performance…
Sorry guys. I just rarely use a computer. Damn iPad and mobile links. Glad AL always has my back.
You’re welcome luval.
I do love my new job, but it so hard, and so trying, and my patients are so complex and sick, I just need something like that to “wash my day away.”
I’m thinking many of us do too.
Hey, aely, at least you found the story !!
I’m just glad some of us have the skillz to find stuff!
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 2h
Stick em Up! @evitalosangeles http://instagram.com/p/aMU5eouNFy
LOL Chunky cracks me up.
And this happened today.
Rock and Roll???

hmmmm…Here’s Brandon Sammons band. Has a Doughtry feel to me.
mils, I try to listen to the radio in the car, I really do, and sometimes I succeed, like when I need to listen to the morning news, or the hour of “oldies” which usually means stuff from my generation, but when I flip through the channels and find nothing that I can pay any attention to, I just can’t resist punching the cd button. Trespassing is in there now, but it has been alternating this year with the Queen/Adam show from last summer. I am making cher a cd with her favorites so while I am at it I will make myself a new one with my favorite live trespassing tour tracks.
I haven’t been listening to Energy radio that much anymore, but when I check their playlists, I don’t see Adam. Has anybody been following them lately?
Found this on youtube:
It’s a short summary of the Idol finale on Chinese TV. Gotta say, I love how they rearranged this. Most flattering. Couldn’t have done this better myself.
I would not read too much into the “rock and roll”, but the words “in the studio” are music to my ears.
This statement from the Amazepop article was also music to my ears. Dislike him with a passion.
Thanks guys for your kind words regarding my post.
Reese – I look forward to meeting you in San Diego! I know that we were both at the Puyallup GNT show, but missed each other. Were you at the Portland GNT show as well?
Yay for Kradamour, luval, and ultimathule going to the Pittsburgh show! Have a blast and tell us all about it!
Miss Chaos – I lost track. Did you decide on a name for your beautiful pup?
There were a couple of additional tweets by that ohononotjussi guy about being in the studio with Adam today. Funnily enough, he has since deleted the tweets. My goodness, Adam is being secretive.
Anyway, the internet never forgets. They are captured here, as well as a picture.
This is the translation of that tattoo parlor video of Sauli that I posted last night:
Also, as part of Pride Month, Billboard has featured Adam among the 25 Great Gay Moments in Music. They include a great clip from his interview with Billboard last May at Trespassing release time. In the clip, he talks about being a gay pop star. Love what he says. Same themes that he spoke to when accepting the recent GLAAD award and LA Heritage Award.
Here’s the link to the complete 44- minute interview: http://www.billboard.com/articles/photos/live/488806/adam-lambert-live-qa-watch-again
Regarding the recording session yesterday. At a couple of sites I went to yesterday people were saying one of those guys…ohnonotjussi is actually a friend of Sauli’s. That RCA would never have put Adam together with these guys. Not sure if this is true, of course.
But I suppose you could look at it like “and what good did RCA do in Trespassing”. Their choices didn’t help Adam have a hit song.
I personally don’t care who he collabs with as long as he is comfortable with it. (And they don’t go bragging on twitter as to who they are with!)
Ok, so I have to share something with you guys that I’m really, really excited about.
I have mentioned a couple of times that I sing in a choir. I’m a soprano – not great, but good enough for the choir I’m in. I love to sing, I love great voices, and I love to be surrounded by great voices creating beautiful music together.
Much to my amazement and wonder, a group of 5 of us have just gotten confirmation that we will be joining a guest conductor and his choir for a November performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria in…
none other than…
Yep. On November 17 I’m going to be singing on the Carnegie Hall stage in New York City in a choir of 120+ people!! The piece we’re going to be singing, Vivaldi’s Gloria, is gorgeous and a thrill to sing. I can hardly believe my good fortune and I am so thrilled about this opportunity!!
Basically, the music director for our choir is extremely talented and has national connections, and as a result of a connection she has with this conductor, members of our choir were invited to join him and his choir for this Carnegie Hall performance. I totally jumped on it, figuring that this kind of opportunity was likely to roll around only once in my lifetime. For cryin’ out loud, I’m just a little ol’ singer in a little ol’ church choir in little ol’ Eugene Oregon. I NEVER would have imagined this possibility in my wildest dreams. Oh my God, it’s going to be such a thrill and I can’t wait!
It’s going to be a very intense experience, I think. We are expected to arrive in NY knowing the music very well (fortunately, 3 of us in our small group of 5 have already sung Gloria so don’t have to learn it from scratch, but we do need to teach the other 2). Then there are two intense half-day rehearsals in NY with the entire 120-person choir, a brief dress rehearsal before the performance, and then BAM performance.
Oh cwm how fantastic for you!!!!!!!!!!!! (there really should be a jumping up and down with excitement smiley here). This is going to be one of the experiences that you carry with you for your whole life. So glad for you. There is a chance that I might be in New York in the middle of October. Maybe if it works out, I could come and hear you sing.
@cwm..So happy for you. What an honour to sing on the Carnegie Hall Stage.
Wow, cwm! Thanks for sharing your fabulous news with us! It’s definitely gonna be a once-in-a-lifetime experience!!! Thrilled for you!
cwm Congrats on your exciting news. That will be an amazing experience for you.
cwm said:
Hello! Sadly I was not at Portland GNT, but Puyallup was a great show, and so many lovely glamberts were there. I met several nice gals; a couple of them are still friends.
By the way, a big congratulations on your upcoming memorable gig. As they say “break a leg” !!
Very nice, CWM!
cwmCongrats on your Carnegie Hall gig!You sound so excited and happy! This sounds like a lot of fun! What do you all wear, its about the clothes you know. You mention Eugene Ore, I have been there, what a beautiful state. My family lived in Sisters Ore for awhile, what a dream of a place to be. I am stuck in nasty Red Bluff Ca, for the moment.
About the puppy, in my mind she will be Shady, till I get her and finalize it by seeing her in person.
cwmThat sounds like such a thrill. I bet you are singing this song every day in the shower and car already. Congrats. You know how to seize the moment.
Congratulations cwm!!
It’s going to be a thrilling experience for you.
The old joke:
A tourist in New York asking for directions. “Excuse me, sir. How do I get to Carnegie Hall”.
“Practice, practice”.
You’ve obviously practiced!
You’ll be treading the boards that have been stood on by so many of the world’s greatest singers and you’ll be able to say that you were one of them!
Very excited for you!

cwm So exciting reading your post, about this amazing opportunity.

Your happiness, makes me happy! Magical times ahead for you.
cwm of Carnegie Hall! Your news made my heart sing!

Awww, you guys are bringing tears to my eyes! Thank you for all of your supportive posts!
I know! That’s what I am still trying to wrap my head around!
Just about!
Don’t know for sure yet, but it will probably involve black.
If y’all would like to hear what we’ll be singing, this is a good recording of Vivaldi’s Gloria.
My favorite movements are:
– starting at 2:18: Et in Terra Pax – haunting and beautiful
– at 10:18: Propter Magnum Gloria – fun vocal layering
– at 15:39: Domine Fili Unigenite – this one is my favorite. It is SO fun to sing
– at 27:00: Cum Sancto Spiritu – complex layers of vocals, thrilling finish
Again, thank you so much for all the loving support!

I have lost track just being away since Adams lovely duet on Idol. Sure makes a big difference, I feel so out of all whats going on so much to take in.CWM how wonderful for you hard not to feel your excitement.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Del Mar. I live an hour away so I will not being staying over, plus my Grand daughter has to get back. Yes I am not going alone this time, I hated being by myself and not meeting or recognizing anyone at Fantasy Springs. Have we come up with any ideas how to identify each other? Will keep checking the concert post.
cwm Absolutely glorious

Congratulations cwm…..I can feel your excitement coming through the screen
Love reading tweets like these
About A Goy @MyShariaMoor 5h
Just heard @adamlambert new album “Tresspassing.” As a guy w/9500+ albums in his iTunes, this cat is as amazing a talent as M. Jackson was
cwm, What a wonderful honor and a chance for an unforgettable adventure.
Hope all of our Florida peeps are safe and weathering the storms there in good condition.
cwm, what a wonderful experience for you!!! Carnegie Hall, no less! (You must give us at least a snippet in San Diego…
Cwm, After meeting you and being on this blog,I knew you were talented, but who knew you were a singer too. being a gal who kept her cool being on the same plane as Adam I’m sure you,ll rock the stage at Carnege.
My always wonderful, understanding, loving, in my corner at all times, supportive and ever encouraging luval
Well, so much for all of that.
I know it’s awful – I mean really, really awful – but I sent her this Link anyway because we share everything with one another:
Truly cringe worthy!
I was attempting what has always been impossible for me. I CANNOT do an up-tempo song to save my life! Mr. Balladeer here.
(Actually, today I can’t sing ANY song to save my life!)
Always supportive luval emailed to tell me that half way through watching my video … she got up to change the cat’s litter box and that her cat ran out of the room with her!
She further added that she’d rather listen to – Justin Bieber.
Not helping things is that she never heard of the song and she hates it. I should think that everyone knows and loves the classic “History Repeating”!!
I guess not.
We’ve always been 100% honest with one another. I guess we’ll notch that up a bit to brutally honest with one another.
Personally, I like the first 8 seconds of it but then I ruin things by opening my mouth.
To make matters worse, several parts are out of synch right from the beginning and bits look like stop motion! Or maybe I’m out of synch – or the music is out of synch – or we’re both out of synch – it’s hard to tell.
It’s a mess!
The choreography
those spastic movements where I appear to be having a seizureI came up with all on my own right on the spot.Gee, I hope you like it.
ETA: I did a second version of “Embraceable You”. The sound is more balanced than the first one that I did and there isn’t a TV light flickering off to the side.
I have little to no communication with my father but we are “Friends” on Facebook. I’ve confided to you that my father never showed any affection towards me and has never told me that he’s proud of me.
To my surprise, he linked this “Embraceable You” video to his Facebook front page today and sent me an email about it tonight that read:
“Dear Ron, you make me proud. Dad”.
What a wonderful gesture by your Dad. This is a perfect example of where social media is beneficial. Had you sung this song to him live, he might not have been able to express his feelings to you. I know you will treasure this email for a long time! I’m as thrilled for you as I am for cwm – such a wonderful, positive day in our little sandbox!
So I took a little break before the beginning of the fifth set of the men’s semifinal of the French Open to channel surf and what did I see on MTV? VH1 Divas!!!
with the skit where Adam learns to be a diva! How long has it been since the show was aired in the States? It finally got here. So I found when it will be rebroadcast, set my recorder, and went back to the tennis, where unfortunately, my guy looks like he might be fading.