- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thanks for the bedtime serenade, Ron! Nice!
But does the LB youtube version have the annoying announcers talking in German while Adam is singing? OOF
Strange decision
Possible explanation:
rs – here you go – an mp3 of LWOG without the dialogue. Hopefully one of these will work for you.
Adam Lambert Videos @AdamLambertVids
HQ MP3 of Adam Lambert’s “Love Wins Over Glamour” – no talking, edited w/cover, more volume; orig. via @La_Lampo http://www.mediafire.com/download/0ml2ji330m4r1j1/Love … …
∞ Mary, Please ∞ S4A @ScorpioBert
mp3 DL LWOG enhanced & edited by me (orig by La_Lampo) without dialogue
thanks cwm
Even Liam McEwan’s Adam Lambert Hour had the version with the talking. Someone should tweet him these “pure” ones.
Just popping in before bed…another exhausting day!
lots of petrol station pics
Why is Adam looking so damn hot lately? First the picture with the sledgehammer, then this one getting gas? I dont know, I know not everyone likes the facial hair, I dont really like just a stach, but the whole face well, he is looking so darn handsome! Did I say handsome? I need a better word! Hey I know, how about “amazing”, a word they used 5491 times during the 2 hour Batchlorette show last nite!

I just need one no facial hair photo for today.
Have a great day .. ALL’ers!!
Oh, thank you sistasif!

I am almost afraid to click on photos these days, they go from bad to awful. Those gas station photos were among the worst…pale spindly legs, flat feet…I felt bad that someone took those photos and posted them, made me really understand how hard it must be to go out for daily chores and realize that no matter how bad you look, photos will be plastered all over the internet immediately afterward. It is one thing to have the paps in your face when you go out for the evening, quite another when they catch you at the grocery store or getting gas…at least they had the decency to not show the license plate.
krads As he has said, paps are the price you pay to be a celeb in Hollywood. For my part, I think he looks great!
Kradamour– thanks for posting about “pale spindly legs” – similar to my thoughts on viewing the pics but I wasn’t brave enough to say anything!
And thank goodness that AL had the foresight to pick a gorgeous picture of Adam without facial hair as the main pic for the month to look at since it may be a while before he shaves it off! I prefer no facial hair or the George Michael scruff look. His face is so beautiful that it’s a shame to cover any part of it up!
Maybe he’s testing us. He knows how he is objectified all day every day on twitter…gorgeous, amazingly beautiful, stunning, what a face, etc etc etc. He wants to be free now of all that. Time to concentrate on the music, on what and who he is inside. What would he look like if he wasn’t “Adam Lambert”?
No…to what I just said.
Well, guess he is who he is. He’ll clean up for a show and the clubs but that’s about it. We used to say don’t worry, he’ll change “it” soon enough. He probably just doesn’t care. I do find it quite odd for him to keep the scruff for this long, though.
For those who don’t go to mj’s: True or not?
Here’s the gist of it
Jennifer Hudson’s negotiations are over and a deal has been hammered out. She would receive a $5.5 million salary or $4 million, according to another source. But, Fox has yet to actually execute the contract.
They are waiting to hear from Kelly Clarkson, who has been contacted by the show to gauge her interest. But Clarkson’s reps confirmed again on Tuesday that “Kelly is not doing ‘Idol’.” FOX likes her, because she’s popular with Idol’s “core” audience.
The producers are still considering having just one former contender return — maybe keeping Keith Urban on and finding one or two other artists. If they go with just one alum, Kelly is their girl.
Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken, have not received offers.
If the show moves forward on an all-alum panel, Adam would be their preference for a spot next to Kelly and Jennifer.”
Because he is filming a movie, TV role, Advertisement, or AI likes the facial hair, for his judging role, what else,?
luval, I haven’t read any tweets to Adam for quite a while, but I did the other day. Made me very sad for him – it was reams and reams of pointless nonsense…I’m in love, you are gorgeous, follow me and I’ll die happy, you are the most handsome thing ever, tweet me back!, sexiest thing ever etc etc without a single tweet of any substance or interest or that gave any indication that the tweeter had a brain in their head or knew anything specific about Adam, it was totally generic and bizarre-ly impersonal.

If I were Adam (which I am not, of course) I would find that hard to take, and frustrating.
The faces that he is making, the less than soignée appearances when not “on”, all lead me to think that Adam is tiring of the superficiality.
Boy needs to get some music out there, or something else if the music isn’t going to happen. He definitely does not seem to be serious about making another album right now.
Would love to sit and chat with him and find out where he is, these days.
Wouldn’t we all, of course.
Little ‘old news’ tidbit here; I would put it on the Lifeball page but I think we have all moved on. One attendee tweeted that she had never heard of Adam Lambert but was impressed by the tweets and looking forward to seeing/hearing him.
So I tweeted her and here’s the conversation:
musicagain @musicagain48 27 May

@AlexMuehlbacher so now what do you think of Adam Lambert?
Alex M
@musicagain48 Good song, he seems to be a lovely guy. Very impressed that he still looked good at 5am when I last saw him @ the cloakroom
08:51 PM – 04 Jun 13
Am still obsessed with Love wins over Glamour. It’s stuck in my head wherever I go! A doctor at work is asking me something and I’m thinking “love wins over glamour”. LOL!
Still feel bad that it’s not being officially released. If they really release a new Adam single, maybe they can release LWOG some time in the future.
HK fan…you are probably asleep now and hopefully you will read the posts back. Here are excerpts of the events in LA from the other day.
lol, Calgary. Adam was probably still on LA time which would have been 8pm. A short visit in Vienna so most likely he wouldn’t take the time to adjust. He must have it down pat now with all the international traveling he does as far as handling jet lag. Well, maybe.
Kradamour, I am not at all worried about those “pointless” tweets that you described. They sound just like the type of tweets that young fans would send and the more young fans Adam has the better. So bring them on and the more the merrier! But interspersed among them are the wonderful, thoughtful tweets that I see every day from peeps like cwm, ovationimpact, riskylady, artistsupporter, Not fit to print, and those are just a few that I follow.
I decided to give the orchestra one more chance. They all trooped in again this afternoon and I told them to PIPE DOWN – that they were too loud last night!
I then taught them a new song. Their repertoire now totals two.
Most kept the volume down but I gotta have a chat with that saxaphone player!
I’m not posting these because I think that I’m fabulous. Far, far from it!! It’s kind of sad actually considering the way that I used to sound a few years ago. (big sigh). Ah well, in some ways. it’s still fun.
At least I look a little more … a little more … presentable here than in the other one.
Remember the song “Didn’t We?” Everyone who made records recorded it back in 1987 and it was Grammy nominated as Song of The Year.
Today it’s all but forgotten.
In keeping with that, here’s my forgettable version:
rs, it is good to know that Adam does get tweets worth reading from time to time! I probably just needed to stick around for another few thousand tweets to find the seeds in the chaff…

Back in the day, it could have been the B side of his new single.

I’ve tried wading through these tweets and have never found anything worthy of intelligence or interest so I just give up. No wonder Adam doesn’t tweet much. No matter what he says it’s always the “I love you’s, you’re gorgeous” that will take over the feed. I suppose every star has this type of following. How boring for them. But I guess it is important to keep the young fans.
More about the Fword…
Wonder if he’ll have anything to do with the concert?
I am not at all sure that the “I love U so much!” tweets are just young fans, unfortunately. A lot of the avis definitely show 29 yr olds, and I recognize some of the screen names (none of us, thank goodness!).
I think if you are following certain people who tweet to Adam (such as our ALLers), and you see their succinct and thoughtful tweets, it isn’t at all the same as seeing those few tweets (if you can even find them) buried in thousands of the banal twats that block the airwaves on his feed.

Such a shame, but I guess it is like the paps. The price of fame. The paps make more sense, though, they are just trying to make a living. Not sure what the motivation would be for dozens of declarations of undying love from the same person on a daily basis.
Okay, maybe someone has already reported this but I’m just so excited! My daughter had the TV on to the Xfinity OnDemand and, all of the sudden, I heard the host talking about Adam Lambert and playing If I Had You! Apparently, for Pride Month, 3 of Adam’s videos, FYE, IIHY and WWFM are available to play! Wow! Now I can watch Adam on the big screen!!!
Well how cool is that, Sparkle!!!
This is like iTunes pride month feature of Trespassing.
Wonder what other music/video resources are showcasing LGBT performers?
Y’all are being harsh about Adam’s “fill ‘er up” pics.
He looks like he’s going for a run or just got back. He probably has to go into the hills to run to stay away from peeps and paps. I think he looks rather cute.
Some of us can’t help that we have pale skin.
Just to clarify, for me, the paleness wasn’t an issue. His legs just looked so skinny and I just wasn’t prepared for them to look that thin, especially after the pic of his arms at the top of the page. Can’t explain it any better than that…
And those comments are probably why he wears so many layers…..
Pic from the homeplanet
Heaven knows I am right there in the pale department with Adam and nekkid…and I don’t find pale to be at all unattractive…tanned skin now just makes me think of melanoma.
My point was just that it was a very unflattering picture in very unflattering clothes and that Adam clearly was just going about his daily affairs with no effort put into his appearance. I hate those magazines on supermarket stands that show stars in unflattering lights, no makeup, ratty clothes, etc. with a screaming headline announcing cellulite.
I “get” that pap photos are part of the job; and that is what Adam bought into.
What no one should have to buy into is photos like this. I think that Adam probably shrugs and says it ain’t deep, but it is part of a media movement that I deplore. “Let’s find celebrities and make them look just like the rest of us, but worse.”
I don’t even think the photographer had that in mind this time, and Adam didn’t look awful – but he looked like someone who did not expect to be photographed, and had thought/hoped to just pull on some comfortable but unflattering clothes and get some gas in his car. Paps should respect that, but I know that isn’t reasonable any longer. But it should be. He should be left alone in these circumsstances to maintain the mystique that is part of what sells his music.
I am probably over-reacting, but as a teacher I am in a tiny little bit of the same situation. The day that I go to the grocery store in something inappropriate is the day I will run into students and their parents. Whenever I go to the neighborhood with the school where I teach, I stop and check the mirror (hair combed? makeup fresh? uh oh better at least put on some eyeliner…can you see the lace of my bra through my blouse? uh oh, better change…navel showing? put on a top that reaches the waistband…spot on my blouse? oops better change), and it is thousands of times worse for Adam.
My two cents, and probably worth no more than that.
Hey, didn’t mean to make a big deal of it. I enjoy seeing him “normal”, that’s all.

I love “handsome showstopper looks” Adam at events and on stage, but I really like these pics too.
He’s just a cutie!
I’d like to add that I miss the days when guys shorts were short!
Oh krad, I hear you there. Those dang students show up everywhere when you least expect it. I have come to accept that they will sometimes see me at less than my best. So what? We are all just human. I hope Adam does not sweat these things too much.
Adam’s casual wear is practically the uniform du jour here in Florida, for any guy going for a run, to the gym, to a barbecue, to Home Depot, to visit friends. Those loose shorts are cool and comfy – every one of my 4 sons has them (and grandsons). The wide legs make his legs look slimmer than usual – happens with hubby and sons too. We know Adam has long slender limbs, both arms and legs, but his legs are a wonder – those thighs! Great proportions.
And running shoes, with the right kind of socks (which come in all colors, I have black ones too). To me, he looks cute and casual and comfortable. I’ve seen a lot worse in this hot climate!
Even more pics of people involved in the FWord campaign….
(A more complete list)
A 90 min set for Pittsburgh Pride??
Yup! Probably similar to his “We Are Glamily” tour set. And in just 10 more days!
from http://www.showclix.com/event/3744296
Now lets just hope that we get the same in San Diego and that he doesn’t tame it down too much for a family friendly State Fair. I just need great vocals and fabulous visuals. Not too much to ask, right? I am coming a very long way, like halfway around the world
to see him.
A 90 minute show in Pittsburgh was the way it was advertised from day one. That’s one reason why I decided to go. They keep adding on opening acts, though. At least two right now?
Riskylady, that photo of Adam with his long leg kicking was just sexy gorgeous!
I don’t even want to describe how I look when I pump gas or go grocery shopping sometimes. Horrifying
I think the gas station pictures were cute, too. I didn’t think he looked unflattering, just casual. I agree with you, Krad, that Adam didn’t expect to be photographed and may have been annoyed by it, and I also agree with you about the sad penchant of the paps and tabloids to degrade the “star mystique.” But I do disagree with you about how he looks here; I don’t think he looks bad at all. Tank, shorts, socks, shoes all appropriate for the occasion and the weather. And with all the press those gas pumping pics (surprisingly) generated in the gossip mags, all of it was positive. I didn’t see any negative posts. Also, it’s easy to forget that Adam’s calves are quite thin because we rarely see them; his thighs seem to have a little more bulk, but Adam’s calves are pretty slim and always have been.
Maybe it helps, too, that I’m one of those who’s not particularly bothered by the facial hair.
Re: tweets to Adam, I agree that at any given random time, the tweets to Adam are fairly banal (although thanks rs for the shoutout!), but when he tweets something interesting or does something interesting, the responses to him in return are generally much more interesting. He has lots of intelligent, interesting fans on twitter, and they are generally activated when he says something or does something; they don’t necessarily tweet him at random times for no reason. Besides, I figure it’s a lot better for him to be getting an endless stream of “I love yous” than the alternative. Just sayin’.
Re: superficiality – I too wonder if Adam is getting tired of the paps and the multitudes of people who want their picture taken with him when he goes out (I certainly would), but (a) notice that he still goes out, so he’s apparently not THAT tired of it, and (b) he just came off a weekend where he got recognized twice by LA dignitaries, in very nice ceremonies with heartfelt speeches, for his talent and the good work that he is doing, so it’s not all superficial lately.
Finally, I just wanna say that just because we see pics of Adam pumping gas or out with friends in the evening doesn’t mean he is not spending time in the studio working on new music or that he’s not serious about new music. Remember that he said in that interview after the Idol finale that he was going to remain secretive about his music creation this time around. So I think we can’t make any assumptions about what he’s up to – or not up to – just because we don’t know about it.
Them’s my two cents.
So who from here is going to Pittsburgh Pride? And who is going to see Adam in Orlando? I know a bunch of us are going to see him in San Diego, but I have less of a sense of who from here is seeing him in Pittsburgh (besides luval) and/or Orlando (besides ellesay).
I agree that the Pittsburgh and Orlando shows should give us a pretty good idea of what we will likely get in San Diego.
Can’t believe these shows are coming up so soon!! Yippeee!!
Speaking of photos being taken while out… Adam apparently went to Evita tonight with Sutan and friends:
He looks great!
And this vine: https://vine.co/v/b32UiB0nPpd
(Personally, I have yet to really appreciate the appeal of vines, but maybe that’s just me. I guess it’s like a gif with sound, but they always seem so random.)
This was the event: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/934093_390084777775685_1152072421_n.jpg
cwm, as usual, your “two cents” are worth a million bucks! You always have a way of putting things into perspective (and saying just what I was thinking, lol)
. I also think that Adam is working on new music right now, when not taking time off to get awards, perform, exercise, or go out a bit. There have been a number of tweets by artists who have mentioned working with him lately. You know the expression about “all work and no play…”
Last bit for tonight:
Apparently Sauli was one of the clients featured in an episode of a Finnish TV show about a tattoo parlor in Helsinki. He came in to get the additional butterfly on his neck.
The most interesting thing about this is that we get to hear him speaking in English! Woot! He talks to the tattoo artist in English and then speaks in Finnish to everyone else. I enjoyed hearing what his voice sounds like speaking English. FINALLY! I think it’s pretty funny that after Adam and Sauli were together for over two years, we finally hear Sauli speaking English after they’ve broken up, in a video filmed in Helsinki (this would have been during his visit to Finland in Feb/March). LOL
His accent is not particularly strong, but it’s cute. He does throw a lot of “likes” in there; probably because English is his second language, he uses “like” as filler when he’s trying to think of a word. Anyway, he’s very cute, as always.
This is the full episode; Sauli’s bit starts at 12:15.
Awww thanks rs! You’re so sweet! G’nite – and SEE YOU SOON!!
new pic via Danielle
Hump day
Studio tweet. Music being recorded!
cwm…Thank you so much for your great “two cents”. I agree with you 100%, you took the thoughts right out of my mind. I had been trying unsuccessfully to put them down on paper in a way that would not hurt feelings, and you did just that. Excellent job, and again, Thank You! Maybe I’ll get a chance to meet you in San Diego.