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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Miss Chaos … How are you doing lately? Hope everything is alright now.
Ellsey is adorable.
Yes, since the puppy is a girl and a collie and to relate to Adam .. Born to be wild … Ellsey … would be perfect for her.
Love, love. love this one… an excuse to post it again.
ASIF Getting a little better, still hard to eat, eyesite still blurry, mouth is sore, but dealing with it. Ya know its hard to chew food because I guess the saliva gets effected, and gross, but the food sticks all over the inside of mouth, so I need to remember to rinse well.
Gosh, that picture of Adam is so awsome, kinda looks like my puppy, how odd.
Thanks for your update … Miss Chaos. It still sounds painful. Please take care.
Awww … Adam and the puppy look alike … cute and adorable.
Adam and Eve then. Eve would be a good name for the puppy.
At least Eve gets a rib from Adam. So you can say you have Adam’s Bone.
Sorry! I don’t know what I’m talking about.
I’m kind of confused. My DD finished her job and went to South Africa. She was suppose to go back to graduate school but went idealistic to save the world, to work with the NGO, research and find the cure for HIV, .. etc …
I guess, she is trying to find herself.
Oh well!! Good thing, we can talk on the internet.
I miss her so much. South Africa is so far away.
Sorry guy!! I’d better go to bed.
Good Night.
I looked at the puppy photo again. Agree with nkd … Shady is her.
Even the Mayor can’t resist. LOL .. I would do the same thing.
mmm222 … Welcome back.
Please share your travel experience with us. I’d love to hear about it and to see the photos too if you can post them.
Morning, the minute I saw the puppy pic, “shady” came to my mind.
Sounds like it was like a carnival
I just posted on the planning thread. Anyone arriving on he 29th, late morning, noonish, please look. Thanks
Haha, thanks, Jojosie for the new site, made a BIG difference!
Thanks, Glambotgram. I guess that is all we are going to know, and it is way too little!
I have read that dogs need a hard consonant either at the beginning of their name or at the beginning of a stressed syllable for best interaction.
Suggest Shadiva. (Shady Diva, of course)
I like “Eve”, too, but of course there is no hard consonant there.
Sistasif, so sorry to hear of the temporary loss of your daughter…yup, they gotta sprout those wings! The best parens are the ones who are able to let go…but it can be very lonely to be a best parent…
Thanks for the update, MsChaos. Hoping that time is working its magic to bring you back to full recovery!

Thanks … sistakrad.
I’ll have to let her go. Can’t function anything right now. I was hoping to see her this week but she flew out from Korea directly to Pretoria.
She is the only child. I’ll have to come here and enjoy berting for my son Adam. Heh!
The weather is nicer today after all the tornado watches and rain and storm. I’ll go out to mow the lawn.
See you all later.
I don’t think Wendy Williams likes Adam. Nice to his face but nasty otherwise.
Here’s something. Can’t be the same song.
And another one
Rune Westberg co-wrote Outlaws of Love
luval if you rea the comments, and believe them, “Want” was registered in 2009.
Photo from last night:
There were no comments when I posted that about “Want”. Still not sure it’s the same song.
Did a little research. This guy wrote “Want”
From a link from mj’s”
The people magazine poll apparently has been “BOT” blocked by a Clay person since 2pm yesterday. (lol really don’t know what that means except Adam’s votes are not counted.)
Wow she’s tall! (or is it he?)
From Wikipedia
luval, here is Cetine Dale:
If you google her, you will also see Justin H. Dale, which I assume is her birth name.
If she is a transvestite, she is probably the best I have ever seen. Very convincing.
She sells cosmetics at Nordstrom’s, is very interesting.
Thanks, glambotgram.
And thanks, Kradamour. Cetine is lovely.
OMG another singing show, I just saw a commercial for this new show.
Funny you mentioned that, glambotgram. Was reading about it last night.
I just got back from a lovely long visit with mieps who is soon about to start her odyssey around North America. She’a got an amazing story! I hope those of you who haven’t yet do get to meet her on her travels.
Oh boy, the replies he’s gonna get from this!
Hating that facial hair more and more…

Love this!!! Rawk On Allison!!!
“I wanna be yer sledeghammer.”
LOL. Everything with Adam is a music reference….lyrics…classic rock ( well, 80’s rock )…
“Hating that facial hair more and more…
Am getting close to agreeing with this!
I’m with you krads, Melvin needs to go….it ages him too much.
Alison looks and sounds great on that video mils, but I do not like that song at all..
No one answered my question about the awards….about how come there was 2 awards on 2 days by the same people. Was it the same award with 2 ceremonies, or 2 different awards?
HK fan. Both were connected. This is from adamlambertevents.wordpress.com
May 30: City of Los Angeles LGBT Heritage Celebration to honor Adam with the Hope of Los Angeles award. Opening celebration event time 6:00pm – 9:00pm PT at City Hall South Lawn. May 31: City Council Presentation from 10:00am to 11:00am at the City Council Chambers. [Source | More info | More event info | Heritage LA facebook | Press release]
Adam must have seen the Wendy Williams clip…
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 39m
@WendyWilliams How YOU Doin?
Thanks luval.
Mustache or not, he’s making his way into TV and blog stories every single day.
I like short scruff on a lot of guys, including Adam.
I’m just not a fan of a porn-stache on nearly any guy.
Maybe he’s just hiding zits.
I know I always grow a mustache to cover mine!
photo from The Newfword
Good to see that Allison is still making music! I liked this but didn’t love it…but def can see that others would.
Nice to know that Adam and Allison have stayed in touch, or assume that they do or he wouldn’t have retweeted.
Hi Calgary!
I’m so glad you were able to get together! That’s wonderful!
Next stop Toronto?
mieps and I have Skyped but I’m looking forward to meeting her in person.
Miss Chaos – One last suggestion for a name for the pretty pup – how about Kale? I have a friend who named her little girl that (although I believe she spells it Cale). I think it’s a really cute, unique name and it conforms to Kradamour’s hard consonant requirement!
Adam filling his tank
Earlier this evening, I had a 48 piece orchestra assembled in my living room so that they could supply a little background music while I attempted to sing a few songs.
As it turned out, all 48 of these musicians only knew how to play one song!
Can you imagine, 48 trained musicians and they only know how to play one song?!
It was “Embraceable You”.
I know the melody, sort of, but I don’t begin to know all of the lyrics and they didn’t bring any sheet music with them!
I’ll never hire this group again, that’s for sure.
This is our first “take”.
Actually, this was our first and last “take” because they drowned me out with their overly loud playing while I struggled to read the lyrics on my computer screen. So I threw them all out.
It was a nightmare!
Mandatory: you MUST listen with headphones or ear buds!
Actually, you don’t have to listen at all!
BUT, if you do – click on “like”.
Even if you don’t like it, click on LIKE!
After all, this is how Justin Bieber was discovered.
P.S. I don’t have a vain bone in my body –
– but I look awful! The flashing light is the TV screen that I forgot to turn off and I didn’t do hair or makeup. 
Enjoy –
Aw ron, now I fully expect a personal concert when I come to visit next month. Get ready
A thought about the song listing that luval posted earlier.
Adam posted a picture of Justin Hawkins tattooed fingers in early February on Instagram. I have a feeling those were also Justin’s speakers that had a Pink Floyd setting. Maybe they worked on something then, or had a planning session.
Now to view/listen to Ron’s masterpiece!
Looks like Life Ball has decided NOT to offer LWOG as a download. I wonder why. Seems like an easy way to make some additional revenue. But maybe it’s more complicated that I’m aware of.