- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I realize how lazy I am about my beliefs when I see someone like Wendy Davis in Texas. This has been an amazing few days for our country. Hope the tides keep moving in the right direction.
Love Bonnie’s song. It is so wonderfully tongue-in-cheek. They all looked like they were having so much fun filming it. Really great!
I have been purposely silent on the “stache” issue but now that our time in SD is right around the corner I can say my druthers would be to see Adam’s beautiful naked face. I’ve been missing it lately. TG there are millions of pictures including the lovely one at the top of this page to remind me what BB looks like sans hairly lip.
Hi adamized, I will take Adam any way I can get him, stache or no stache (a clean face would be nice though). Just don’t ruin that glorious head of hair(almost any color will do). I can’t wait to hear the VOICE
again and enjoy it with all of you all of you
Have to get packing so I can get on the
tomorrow. Hope I won’t be too terribly jetlagged

Me, too adamized! There are so many amazing people in this world and Wendy Davis is one of them. I did not know about the filibuster rules re: no chair, no leaning etc. She’s 50!!! They are going to call an emergency meeting and push the damn thing through anyway but this sets the stage of response for every other state that might attempt this.
To me the pink running shoes are a potent image: Run, baby, run! For Governor.
Yikes, rs, It’s happening, isn’t it? The beginning of the first trip sort of marks the start of everyone’s. As soon as the first people report leaving home, they start the ball rolling on an Adam bevy. This trip has so many get-togethers I get tired just looking at the list.
That’s what’s so great about the livestream. We can all be there. I love that the videographers and live streamers are so focussed on sharing the moment with us in real time, no matter where we are in the world.
Woot!Woot! Did anyone besides me just hear Adam’s name on TV’s Live with Kelly & Michael? Jennie Blackmore sang and was asked about the song she wrote, and she said, “I was working with Adam Lambert…blah, blah…and then Michael told the audience that she has written for Adam Lambert, Christina Ag, etc!
rs: Have a good flight. Hope to see you in San Diego.
How cute is that Adams name is brought up everywhere, like he is a well known person,lol, and he is mentioned before Christina Ag, he is more famous that we think lol. Who cares that radio doesnt play him, they play crap anyhow. He just needs to win some awards. But look at the big money making movie stars that probably never have won a Oscar, hey has Jonny Depp ever won an oscar? He is the most loved Movie Star there is,, I only bring this up because he reminds me of Adam.
Johnny Depp nominations and awards (3 Oscar noms):
Tonight HBO is showing “The OUT List” – 9:30 PM local time
No Adam though but Jake Shears is interviewed.
Thanks turquoisewaters , If I can ever get my packing finished I will be able to get out of here tomorrow. I always overpack. See you in San Diego.
Still getting some great press from the video, its getting a huge amount of views…
rs, hope you have a great trip.
aww, miss this look
NZGlitterTribeHQ @NZGlitterTribe 1m
Silver-Haired Adam Lambert Pic Tweeted by @LoveMrSpencer: #tbt the bestie and I realadamlambert I love this shot… http://fb.me/OEEUT8Ia
Gale Whittington @GaleChester 4m
3rd Photo Shared by @SnowWhiteplus7 in NYC today: Walking with @adamlambert #bestdayofmylife… http://fb.me/27cZ66uYV
Bonnie Mckees video is almost up to 225,000 views. Hope some of those viewers check out Adam…
Safe travels for folks heading to SD. I am so excited that I was actually acting giddy at work. A first for me! My boss asked me to join in on a conference call on Monday. I said I couldn’t since ill be in California and off line. Yeah!!!
best day of her life
So excited for peeps going to Florida and SDiego!

I would like a concert in the mid-Atlantic, please.
I would like it to be seated, in an indoor venue.
I would like ticket prices to be $10 each.
I would like all seats to be in the front row.
And I would like it to be a two hour set.
Thank you.
@snowwhiteplus7 posted more photos – so sweet!

I love these photos…most of his posed photos with fans look so artificial – he looks genuinely engaged here and she is lovely. Makes me happy to see this casual and genuine encounter with a fan that they both seemed to enjoy so much.
Krads– May all your wishes come true! And when they do, I’ll be sitting there right beside you.
In the meantime, it’s off to San Diego!!! Adamized and I are going to be like a couple of giddy teenagers on the plane. I pity the person who sits beside us, unless of course it’s another Glambert.
GORGEOUS pic….looks like a screen cap from somewhere.
ETA: Sans ‘stache……..
With all of these negative comments about hating facial hair on anyone, you do realize that you’ve offended half of the male members on this blog?!
All four of us.
All of you here who are now packing to go there … safe journey and I know you’re going to have an incredible time and one that will stay with you forever. Latch on to it and enjoy every moment together!
Oh my goodness, ron, how thoughtless of me to post about facial hair when your beautiful avi is on most every page!

May I say that it is so hard for me to imagine you without it that this trumps all other thoughts?
mea culpa
I hope with all my heart that you did not take offense.
And if you did, that you will accept my apology for my thoughtlessness.
Dear Kradamour
You know me – I was just kidding.
Your thoughtfulness towards others is one of the many things that I admire about you.
ooops….sorry, I said that too Ron.
Ok I will update my list of men that look good with facial hair to Adam, Bradley Cooper and Ron
Did he go see Cher?
ETA I think he saw her at the Marquee and perhaps he met her.
She was on Andy Cohen’s show.

Ah, dear Ron and others~
Please forgive me as well for an earlier comment about not liking Adam’s facial hair. I really needed to clarify by saying that it is totally focused on Adam, not all males. After all, my husband has had a moustache forever, and I can’t imagine him without it. The same with you, Ron! I became so used to Adam without the facial hair from Idol and afterwards that it just doesn’t seem natural for him to have it. If he had it from the beginning I would most likely feel differently.
nekkid, so nice to wake up to that tweet from Adam!

Please please please universe, an Adam/Cher performance would be beyond awesome!
I would love that, too, Kradamour!
Good morning, dcglam!
Have a great day, ALL peeps! It is my mother’s 88th birthday AND my older son is here on leave. Bye!

I love your moustache Ron. You wouldn’t be you without it. I believe AL has one, too.
People call it the “George Michael look” but it is also the Errol Flynn look. Didn’t Kevin Kline sport a moustache to much female acclaim in Pirates of Penzance? Douglas Fairbanks, David Niven, William Powell, all of the most urbane and debonair stars of the 40’s and 50’s used the moustache to imply class and sophistication. (Note: Cary Grant is the exception that proves the rule.)
I think George Michael grew one to distance himself from the bopper image of Wham. Maybe Adam is trying a similar maturity on for size. Who knows? Maybe he just grew up identifying with George Michael and thinking he was cute.
Bottomline: it’s the fashion and it’s his prerogative.
We boomers dislike facial hair because we lived with it in the 60’s and 70’s and we are over it. (Sort of like the teak furniture revival in the 90’s. Younger people loved it’s retro feel but we remember seeing it in our parents’ garbage in the 80’s, so it just didn’t work for us.)
When George Michael started getting in trouble and Tom Selleck aligned the moustache with Hawaiian shirts we were done.
The only thing that Adam could do to upset me: tattoo his face.
Hi, turquoisewaters! Looking forward to seeing you in San Diego!
Leaving tomorrow.
I totally agree! What am I doing here at the computer?
Back to last minute packing. See you at the airport in San Diego TLKC!
Info/update for anyone going to Orlando.
nkd Apparently they were both at the same do, Q Thursdays grand opening.
Looks like that beer advert is real (also saw a tweet from a Korean fan who had seen it on tv)
Luke Easton @3ku1 57m
@adamlambert #IIHY used by @psy_oppa in new Ad Commercial confirmed official http://www.hitejinro.com/Prom/Adve/prom
In that order?!??
I get third billing?!
I’m honored to be in such magnificent company!
Thank you, HK Fan.
It’s hard for me to believe but today marks the 1 year anniversary of the autograph session at HMV where I got to meet Adam and shake his hand.
One year ago?
Adam wasn’t the only one that I had the pleasure of meeting that day.
Happy Anniversary, turquoisewaters!
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed our time together. But, maybe I just did.
Wasn’t that in May?
Just asking?
Uhhh, well … isn’t this May now?
I can be a little slow at times but usually it’s in terms of moments. Or a minute or two.
Not months!!
I’m going to pen a new song. Instead of “Whatya Want From Me”, I’ll call it “What’s The Matter With Me”.
Happy Belated Anniversary, turquoisewaters!
Love you Ron!
Ron, WWFM works fine too!
Have fun and be safe to all that are going to Adams shows. Especially since I almost went
Hitting the road now! Southern California here we come!!
I am at the airport, all checked in and waiting to board in another 45 minutes. I remember so clearly that morning months ago when I got notice of the presale of tickets for an Adam concert in San Diego and I realized that I could go since I had to be in the States for a wedding just 4 days later, and by that night Cher got me tickets and a whole group of us had gotten organized to go. And now it is really happening and I am on my way! Yay!
Ron: Never too late! Happy belated anniversary back!
I don’t think I can go to San Diego. I can’t decide what to wear!
Advantage of driving – take the closet
Hi all- arrived Orlando 430pm. Now waiting for rain to stop for a bit so we can go to Universal and check things out for tomorrow. Looking to meet up with Floridagirl, Margie3xxxx(?)& missdfyed before the concert on Saturday. I know it will be crazy re: the lining up for a good spot. I’m just going to do my thing–too hot, too sunny, too rainy, too many peeps to spend all day in line or waiting.
wish i could have! The hardest part of travel is packing!
Man oh man, if you guys could get a load of the full beards on both my son’s faces….
Love them to death. Hair, beard, any old way.
Facial hair is part of my life. Big time.
Good luck, safe travels and have a ball in San Diego and Florida.
The thought of Adam and Cher being in the same space is quite something.
And he does seem to bump into Andy Cohen a lot.
Now Adam will come home to a state where same-sex marriage is legal(again). It’s a beautiful thing.
what a lovely happy picture
@— @lilybop2010 41m
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XTLsTdEZk50/Uc4aiFoYxyI/AAAAAAAAqzM/c6WwwnzGHo4/s1071/ANDY+ADAM+MARQUEE+JUNE+27.PNG …
Happy travels everyone.
Kinda wish I could…
After a day of heat in the Bay Area, I’ll ditch the jacket over a straw hat. Function over form. Sorry, Adam.
Also my best wishes for a great concert day for Little Duches and all others who will be in Orlanda. May the sun have mercy (and the beard be off). Because, really, Adam, only Ron can pull it off.