- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Love this one:
He really has to sing the National Anthem in a stadium in front of 50 thousand people and national TV cameras. His voice and the song deserve that.
Have we seen this one, the ending with a salute…
a gif of the salute
These little snippets are so frustrating. They just give a taste and leave me wanting more. Makes it tough on an Adam addict.
But I guess that I will take what I can get.
I know…someone must have taped the whole thing…surely!!
some photos taken in the dressing rooms at the show….some buff bodies there….
no pics of Adam though
For anyone waiting for Adam’s full version of the SSB you can hope over and catch James Durbins version that he sang yesterday at the NASCAR race to fill in till we get Adams.
Happy Birthday RS !!! Looking forward to seeing you again in San Diego! Quite the B’day gift!!!
This could be me! But not next week!
The pretties …
Brian May and Co sure miss Freddie M., dont they.
NEW COLLAGE BY REALERICAGARDENIA, @adamlambert at #BroadwayBares2013
3.bp.blogspot.com/-6uScCDQmlhk/UchU7tKcliI/AAAAAAAAqBM/V2zIRSzBk2I/s1600/REALERICAGARDENIA+COLLAGE+LG.png …
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6uScCDQmlhk/UchU7tKcliI/AAAAAAAAqBM/V2zIRSzBk2I/s1600/REALERICAGARDENIA+COLLAGE+LG.png …
I watch it on repeat. Good quality … clear.
Adam Lambert Broadway Bares 2013 -SSB
Even from that minute and a half it is clear that that is
one ofthe most awesome SSP I have ever heard.Broadway Bares LV @broadwaybareslv
Congrats to NYC #BroadwayBares for raising over $1.3 MILLION! @bcefa must be proud of director @nick_kenkel and mastermind @jammyprod!
Adam teaches vine! LMAO
OT, but this is so darn cute! I love it when they have a good laugh on stage.
Here’s a clearer video from someone else, without the screams:
rs– Happy birthday!!! We’ll all help you celebrate next week. What a fabulous birthday gift you’re getting then!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes and can’t wait to celebrate with all of you next week. Last year we celebrated my birthday in London with Adam and Queen and this year with Adam and even more friends. Truly, what could be better?
Close up video (really good!!)…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJu9d2TVghg&feature=youtu.be

Happy Birthday RS
Adam Lambert Star Spangled Banner 6-23-13 Broadway Bares 2013 midnight s…:
http://youtu.be/eJu9d2TVghg via @toni7babe CLOSE UP AMAZING!
Help! I am making cher’s cd and she wanted a Trespassing track on it. She suggested the Hennessy one in Hong Kong, but I found Hennessy events in Vietnam and Shanghai, and the sound for the Vietnam one is rather low. Can someone please recommend a version of Trespassing that has great sound and where Adam’s voice comes in loud and clear? Thanks
Wow that was some powerful singing – and that quarter turn at the end… he is just too much perfection!
That is interesting luval but I hope it is not the TV event. That is fine as a side project but I am greedy and want a concert/special! But, as always I will take what I can get.
How ’bout this? From the Orlando Sentinel today:
“+ The Summer Concert Series continues at Universal Studios on Saturday with a performance by former “American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert, known for singles such as “Whataya Want From Me” and “If I Had You.” Show time is at 8 p.m., and the concert is included in regular Universal Studios admission. More info: UniversalOrlando.com.”
That close up of the SSB, aely was amazing!
There’s nothing quite like the warm, fuzzy feeling I get inside every time Adam sings. Doesn’t matter what it is; it really could be the “phone book”. But for me, it’s as though everything is somehow “right with the world”. I am so excited to be able to see him in San Diego, because for those two days, everything in MY world really will be right.
I love this comment under the close up SSB youtube:
Malcolm @SXMGlambert
@adamlambert DUDE, who do you think you are belting 5th octave E vowels on ‘free’ and following it up with high Fs? YOU’RE RIDICULOUS!!!
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Such a treat to sing at Broadway Bares last night!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJu9d2TVghg&sns=em …
Gelly @14gelly
His neck veins when he sings is AGHOIGHKFDK;LKLKLH to watch
Reese said
Beatifully said. I feel the I same way.
Few more funny tweets
@adamlambert dude your voice is INSANE!
you should sing all the anthems for everything.
SSB Collage
SoundCloud/DL by @tattoojo: 7 minute loop ADAM LAMBERT singing the National Anthem at Broadyway Bares 23 June… fb.me/2crVd3Lkz
Adam sings the National Anthem at Broadyway Bares 23 June 2013
Hi .. turquoise I have some turquoise in my adorable avi.
Happy Birthday rs!

Have a safe trip too!
Did people only wake up half way through SSB and realize that they should video this awesomeness? Where’s the beginning?
I need it all!
How come when I read the comments about Adam singing the SSB, I get goosebumps FOR REALZ!!! The Goosies!! I cant believe Adam is our person! Why is he just so amazing! He needs to be appreciated by every single person that can breathe!

“He is so talented, it’s ridiculous.” They sure are smart….
What a gorgeous and powerful performance that was. He had a seasoned Broadway performers audience, and it was like an audition. He nailed it. Big time. I can only think of one other SSB that was as emotive and beautiful, and that was Whitney’s.
That shirt, that salute, that turn, so strong and powerful.
Late to the party but Happy Birthday rs
Happy BDay RS