- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Can you all write to the radio stations and ask politely why/what is their reason for not playing Adams songs, especially those stations he’s done interviews/concerts for.
I love BTIKM and NCOE, and I think they were both good choices for radio, easy to listen and sing along to, nothing remotely offensive about any lyrics in anyway, stellar vocals, radio friendly, mass appeal like WWFM yet radio still won’t play him.
one station that does seem to love Adam is Philly Q102, and they have a fan army voting thing going on at the moment, and Adam is losing to Alltimelow…..whoever they are!! Go and throw a few votes there , show that station some support.
we need a few of the big names that he’s always supported to throw a couple of tweets out, like Katy Perry etc
I’ve tried that. I request it, and get no response. I ask why they aren’t playing it, I get no response. They are still playing WWFM, and they seem to love Kris. I’ve only caught them playing BTIKM once, NCOE not at all. It’s not on their playlist. NOT happy in Florida. We don’t get to see him or hear him.
I had some “insider” knowlege of Adam’s new music early on and some were wondering why RCA let Adam make a “hybrid” album, which would fit so well in the 80s and early 90s but would not fit Pop music now.
Pop music today is simple, the most simplistic it has ever been even in the beginning. Adam’s music is not simplistic, his vocals are not simplistic and I have asked many college students if they like it and each one has said no, it was a weird retro sound which was hard to “get into.” Those are the targeted Pop aged buyers! Pop isn’t about the “big voice” now, hell Xtina can only get played on Pop radio if she records with Maroon 5! Kelly Clarkson has 2 big Pop hits and probably another on its way up the charts but she has learned to scale back her vocals and simplify the music.
Another reason is he took way too much time out of the public eye with no new music. He performed on US television on Idol April 14, 2010 then again on Jimmy Kimmel in April 26 2012. A two year absence from the public! He disappeared while on GNT, which was out of the public eye in many ways.
His being gay would be the big reason if WWFM wasn’t played all the time on radio, and it sales are almost 2 million today. I even still hear IIHY on the radio. Music that connects will be bought and requested and played.
And believe it or not, MANY of the college students I have talked to still DID NOT KNOW Adam is gay. Yes it will affect people still but why play some of his music and not other if his being gay was the big reason?
Well, I sent my e-mail to FM97. We’ll see if I get a response. I think I will just because the station is not that large. If I get a response, I’ll definitely share it with everyone here! And, thanks, Kradamour, for taking the lead on this!
I certainly did not mean to trivialize this.
I kept an eye on my local radio Alice 97.3 San Francisco all day and they played NCOE 3 times. 4am, 1:30pm, 6pm.
The other San Francisco station Star 101.3 played NCOE 4 times today, WWFM 2 times. Can’t complain. But this seems to be an exception. Maybe it’s really because San Francisco is very gay-friendly territory.
What you appear to be saying, adamland is what that blogger said about Adam’s music – it just may be too good (sophisticated? interesting?) for today’s pop radio audience?
Hi guys. Been away in real life the last couple days.
Got my Iowa ticket today. So glad to hear that others are getting theirs too, and that so many are going.
I have another thought about the “no radio” discussion. My theory is that “we” are partially to blame. Because so many of the hard core fans are “29” that show up in droves at his M&G and showcase radio performances. Adam gets us. His reps get us. But, the PTB at the radio stations see “us” and think that Adam won’t sell because we are the wrong demographic. I sometimes do wonder if this fanbase hurts him.
And that it’s not just the “gay ” thing.
Please don’t throw tomatoes at me. I’m gonna be a fan for a long long time.
On another thought, I caught up with teh Adele special from last night just now, and couldn’t help thinking about Adam playing in that very same venue, so soon, Royal Albert Hall.It is so beautiful and old and elegant. Just like the theaters that Adam loved so much on GN. And, Adele told Matt Lauer that she had always dreamed of playing there. And she’s from London.
So, it is very important booking/gig for BB. I just hope that there is good ninja video from there.
Good point, mils – and could be a problem, but no way of knowing, of course – which makes it so frustrating.
Sometimes I feel I was a lot younger when I started out on this trip back in ’08.
You didn’t trivialize it. I have to know now I made it sound that way but that isn’t what I meant at all. I do apologize.
Today’s our 1 week anniversary.
Waiting for the first vids from London – that’ll cheer me up for awhile.
Have arrived at my conception of your home planet, Ron. Considering how you dressed to meet Adam, I see you in the fantastical Renaissance world of Orlando Furioso – of earth, but apart from it.
Re the Grammys, I was thinking of Esperanza Spalding, 2011 Best New Artist
Okay … welcome to my world, ulti.
Where I’d like to live and spend most of my time.
My first grade teacher wrote the same thing on my report card!!
This is fun to watch – Kylie Minogue at the Diamond Jubilee Concert in front of Buckingham Palace – Royal Family there, of course, plus Elton, Sir Paul, etc.
Huge crowd – ginormous.
Ron: Happy 1st week anniversary back!
calgary: I do wonder how someone like Esperanza Spalding does financially. I like her and bought her album, but I don’t know anybody who even knows her.
adamland: you make good points about music being very simplistic. (According to a certain blog, Stefano Langone seems to have struck simplistic gold – I want to throw up.)
I think actually that the industry is at fault by dumbing everything down. I do think many people would appreciate good music if they only had a chance to be exposed to it. Heck, my own preteen girls seem to have no problem telling crap from quality. To me it’s all very confusing and frustrating.
No tomatoes from me. I have thought this before. And cringed at times when I saw audience shots. Luckily it seems to be less of a problem abroad. But I certainly understood when his management asked that the TV fan-audience was all under 30s, as they did in the Much Music appearance in Toronto.
I’m not going to throw tomatoes either mils, you may well have a valid point. The audience in all the Canadian promotions were so much younger, as are the majority of fans abroad, but in the US it still seems, at least at the radio promos that a large proportion are shall we say..more mature fans. But then why would radio alienate that older demographic that do listen to radio, when we all know that young people don’t listen to it.
i can’t remember who it was that wanted to buy NCOE video, but its now available on US Itunes.
Wow…a little depressing starting the day today after catching up on the posts from last night.
Mils Happy Election Day Hope that the vote turns out as I feel this has national ramifications. Go Milwaukee!!
Good morning Adamlambertlive.
Let this little Sunshine brighten up your day!!!
Love it!!! It’s on my desktop now.
NCOE MV is #7 on iTunes now.
Going up, going up.
Something funny to wake you up.
Hilarious!!! Adam Lambert -name checked!!
That’s My Boy Trailer – Samberg Cut
Asif….good morning! Always nice to see your cheery posts. I’ll buy the video when I get home from work.
I saw that boy group The Wanted at the Springle ball and they were awful. Cute but absolutely no stage presence. I’ve heard them in interviews and they admit it. They don’t dance and they wander aimlessly across the stage. And I’m not joking when I say half the kids there could care less. They weren’t paying them attention and were texting. They’ll be gone before we know it. I’ll take my Adam any old day.
Trespassing Japanese version arrived at Tower Records and sold out like hot cakes (no, like hot mochi.)
I used to go to Tower Records in Osaka when I lived in Kobe.
It was a huge place, 4-5 stories. I don’t know about it now. People can buy music from iTunes, Amazon, and other outlets nowadays.
Anyhow, Trespassing has many shelves stocked up. Kris’s TYC is tagged along as Disc #2. Look at the next photo at the bottom shelf. )
Last I looked NCOE vid was # 3. I’ll write more when I get to my comp. Writing on tablet sucks.
Hi … luval.
I’m glad you’re here. I guess you’ll go to work soon.
It frustrates me that all these new boy groups get popular overnight and sell tons of their records inspite of their crappy stuff. Adamland has a point. Adam’s music is not simple. It’s too sophisticated for some to get it.
luval … Have a great day at work.
Oksana… YAY .. \O/ .. #3 now, just behind Maroon 5 and Bieber.
Move over Boyfriend!!!
Number 2!!! Yay!
Good morning! For a quick update since I last posted: Hubby is doing very well, just trying to keep an eye on him and his time in the heat (which is all the time, since it’s already hitting 100 degrees here!); graduation party was fun and a success – lots of good food, family and friends. Served the most delicious Pink Lemonade Champagne punch – so good!!! While visiting with my 24-year old nephew at the party, who is completing his last two courses to graduate this summer, learned that his living arrangements are, well, un-livable. So… he has already moved in with us! In addition, my husband’s sister is due to arrive around 4:00 – we’re pretty much running a boarding house now! Seven of us… living here … eating … laundry … Calgon, take me away!!!
I’m pretty bummed over the chart updates for NCOE, and am starting to feel my hopes and dreams for this album start to fade a little, at least for U.S. success. I still think he has a really good chance at hitting it big overseas – and I also am very hopeful for Grammy recognition for this amazing collection he has put forth. I agree with earlier posters that maybe it’s just too good for current pop radio. I do think he will have a very successful tour and we have all the Queen goodness to look forward to.
In the big scheme of things, Adam (and his fans) has (have) alot to be thankful for! He has earned opportunities that other artists would kill for. I have to remind myself that it’s not an “all or nothing” situation – he is a very successful artist!
Does anyone here check out other blogs? I go to Adamtopia and AQD and don’t see any signs of angst about the album.
Yip luval. I sometimes think I’ve somehow slipped into “the blog that shall
remain nameless” when reading here. Expect “doom and gloom” there. And on
Adamtopia, AQD there is more talk about requesting/talking to radio stations.
How to promote Adam.
I think we are doing as much as we can to promote Adam. I’m at a loss as to what else we can do.
On the first page of each daily thread of Adamtopia is a listing of radio
stations US and internation that accept requests for songs http://atop.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=daily&action=display&thread=932
Radio stations that recognize requests only locally and the ones that accept
request from anywhere. Spamming radio stations is a no-no. Once or twice
a day is good. tweet, call, email
Has Obama ever said “never close our eyes” or even the word “never” in a speech? Saw on CNN there’s a company called BaracksDubs that does mashups of words from his speeches. Apparently Obama said “call me maybe” and it’s now supposed to
be the earworm of the summer. That song is by that Carly Rae Jespen. Just what she needs…a bigger boost for that song.
I need translations for these quadruple negatives: (worse than trigonometry for me).
same sex marriage – good thing
ban on same sex marriage – bad thing
struck down ban on same sex marriage – good thing
resonsider striking down ban on same sex marriage – bad thing
refusing to reconsider striking down ban on same sex mariage – good thing.
So this was a good thing – yeah!
A picture posted by Shoshanna Stone. Adam’s room? Looks like his phone on the desk. A red jacket??? Color in BBs wardrobe? What?!!!
Shoshanna says in another tweet that it’s a styling session, trying on lots of clothes, but not her!
turquiose: I’m with you. All those triple and quadruple negatives confuse me too.
I’m soooo sick of politics. This recall of our crap-weasel of a “Governor” has gotten ridiculous. The relentless ads, the billboards, the non-stop phone calls and e-mails.
Anyway, this recall is historic and landmark. It could set a precedent, especially if it actually happens and Barrett wins. It could indicate the end of Tea Party politicking. If Walker wins, ugh. It makes me ill. I actually feel sick when talking about him.
Anyway, I voted.
And to tie it to something Adam, Walker is so conservative, he makes Romney look like a liberal. I will expect him to repeal the same sex registry here. I will expect him to repeal same sex partner benefits for state employees. He has already slashed and burned women’s rights ( same pay ) and Planned Parenthood budgets. As well as slashed funding for programs for the elderly and disabled, and mentally ill. The federal government forced him to put back some programs that he de-funded. It had to do with a cap on Medicaid.
I’m sorry to rant about politics here, but, I know I have a sympathetic ear here, and this affects the whole country, not just Wisconsin.
I’m trying not to be bummed about Trespassing in the US.
1) He had the #1 album. On several charts. That cannot be taken away.
2) He has a best-selling video now.
3) He is getting adds on radio. Slowly. But they are adds.
As far as International:
1) He has a top 5 worldwide best seller ranking.
2) He has #1 in several countries for CD and #1 for NCOE in many places as well
3) He’s in LONDON. With Queen. He has a huge concert scheduled and a gig at G-A-Y. And promo and more promo and QUEEN
Those shows are going to sell a lot of CD’s. And he will be huge in Europe. HUGE.
4) Glambrits. Damn it. They are going to win him.
5) And he has a red jacket. Probably from NCOE video. Baby does recycle.
NCOE video #1 on itunes!
Oooh! That will make Kradamour happy! Hope she knows it’s finally available.
Hey, do we have 4 new adds? Top 40 Add from Boston,Reno,Boise, Greensboro?
Sorry, I am not too experienced with these charts, but learning fast.
Plus: #1 music video on itunes
Thanks for moving over for a sec, Justin. How was that possible? Did he need a second to pull up his pants? Did he walk into another glass wall?
“He (Adam) needs a good video.” – That’s what a salesperson in the (other) HMV Toronto told me when I asked him how Trespassing was selling. So this is good.
Just bought NCOE video!
Lovely list, mils…very uplifting!!!
Oh, and I bought 2 more cd’s to replenish my stock.
eta: lovely list except for #4 international.
mils/luval: Where do you see these world wide / international charts?
Weekly album sales – HDD final estimate:
FYE dropped 9% in its third week, from 51K to 46K.
With 94 of 155 stations reporting, NCOE has four adds in Reno, Boston, Greensboro and Boise. Boston is a large market Clear Channel station, the other are small to medium (Greensboro is #46) market independants.
eywflyer, some time ago you posted typical 4 week drop for new albums. If I recall it was something like 60%,40%,25%,25%.Or maybe more. I think that we can’t look at Idol first album, cause the numbers are usually skewed. I’m really curious what Scotty sophomore album numbers will look like, after all the novelty excitement will wear off. Maybe the genre he is in will be more forgiving.
mils, I’m the last one to throw tomato at you, cause this was exactly what I was thinking (re: older fans showing up at radio promo. I mercifully did not comment on average weight)
adamland, you might be on the right track regarding Adam music, but it only made me sad, cause I like some sophistication in my life and Adam is just that.He can numb and dumb himself and produce masterpieces like “Boom Boom Pow”, but in the long run I would find him unlistenable. Even Beatles evolved from “Love me do” to “Eleanor Rigby” and “Day in Life”.
And I’m still pissed at RCA for single selections. This will not change.