- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Have to watch the videos tomorrow… Sleepy time now
But just visited twitter, leaks about the songs. There will be “Who wants to live forever”. Happy sigh.
Anna Lytvynenko @aisha_crus
@ms_julliette we will rock you, who wants to live forever and I’m too excited to remember
luval: you were totally right about itunes – you can buy an item you already have. But why don’t they sell a NCOE six pack?
I am getting so excited about tomorrow. I just hope there will be great video available. What a trip! Can’t wait to see the “cute” outfit!
mils: I think you should get off your treadmill for a while. Skinny-bottomed-girls just does not have the same ring.
Lets see, tomorrow morning, PST 10:00, we will have dinner, but what about breakfast, I think I’ll bring Mimosa’s to celebrate, some scones? What are you’all bringing???
re: Hot or not? Adam was really great with the kids, did not talk down to them at all. Participated and was interested in what they had to say.
That’s one of the most wonderful qualities about Adam… He takes an interest in anyone and anything he is participating in. It’s like you are the only person on earth for that fleeting moment. And if he’s looking in your eyes at the same time you are a goner!
I’ll bring the chamomile tea to calm our nerves! We can make a Hot Tottie!
Anna Lytvynenko @aisha_crus
Some songs were duets(Under Pressure), some were sung by Brian May alone(Love of my life). Everything was perfect! Even the lights!
Under Pressure … OMG .. I can’t wait.
I think this may be the whole download show:
Miss Chaos
Champagne. I think we might want to pop that
lockcork after the concert!It’s starting to get started! TLKC phoned to tell me she and Northern Spirit were on their way to the airport to go to London. HK fan must have reached her destination by now. Others soon to follow!
Very exciting time to be an Adam fan! This is fun!
On twitter it was mentioned that Adam was brought up on The Talk today about how handsome he looked with eyeliner. Maybe someone recorded it.
Good Night All.
It’s 1:00 am here. I’ll save sleepless nights for tomorrow and later.
Squeeee! I am beyond excited about this concert, it feels so like his first Glam Nation concert, we sat and heard all that gurgling under water, and were so over the moon about it. I got actual goosebumps when Adam walked down the stairs in that purple outfit singing! Ill never forget that. The same with the EMA concert, I was holding my breath, and out came Adam in all black, and started singing, The Show Must Go On. And now hear we are number 3, Singing with Queen, I feel like I could puke, I need to bring some Tums to the party!!!
All of you that are going to be there, how you must feel, I cant even imaging, have the best time of your lives!!!!!!!
You’re right, Miss Chaos! I didn’t make that analogy but it does feel the same way!!
It’s Pride weekend here so I’m going to go out now and see what kind of trouble I can get into.
Miss Chaos…you describe it so perfectly…the first GN concert…goosebumps…holding your breath…even the puking feeling.
Ron…is it really Pride weekend?
Here is The Talk from Hulu.com. Starts very early in the show about 2:08 minutes in. They show a gorgeous photo of Adam.
Pulling a kradamour.
Tomorrow I don’t have to stay up late because I have the same time zone with Kiev *20:00. YAY !!! .. \O/ …
DC. will be at 13:00 Hour
Los Angeles will be at 10:00 Hour
Denver *11:00
Minneapolis *12:00
Honolulu *07:00
worldclock for the event
Adam tweeted his view.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
My view during the Kiev soundcheck… So excited for tomorrow! @QueenWillRock! http://pic.twitter.com/1VJH0Etc
So I guess that square will be filled with thousands and thousands of peeps!
Was this posted?
You can hear them talking quite a bit about Adam right at the beginning about 5-ish minutes..starts at about 1:40. Behind the translater’s voice if you listen closely, Brian says of the Queen shows with Adam “it may be an experiment or it may be the only time it ever happens”. I take this as him saying that if they are a success they will definitely keep going and I’ll bet they’ll come to the US or Canada! I remember Adam saying it’s Queen’s call if they have anymore shows.
That Friday Download is all kinds of awesome. Love it.
So our boy flew practically around the world this week and I have not seen one airport pic or tweet about someone seeing him. Do you think he is being squired around on a private jet?
I wish I could be here to flail with you tomorrow, I am leaving in the morning to go pick up the grandbabies to bring them home with me for a couple of weeks. I do have a travel router but I have no idea if I will be able to get a signal. I might have to watch later, but I should at least be able to follow the twitter list.
So exciting!! It’s Queen
Gosh, I feel like I missed so many opportunities to say congratulations (Ron, Sparkles (anyone else?); Bon Voyage (to all the peeps boarding planes, trains, and automobiles); HK Fan hope your crossing wasn’t too rocky and to Kradamour – happy belated birthday to your Mom and lots of safe wishes to your son.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a lovely long lunch tomorrow with or without champagne. Miss Chaos, ITA,there is nothing quite like the excitement of being in the moment when anything can happen. The EMAs were surreal. My heart was in my throat the entire time. I don’t think I truly enjoyed it though until I could watch the tape knowing that his performance was phenomenal.
Adam seems to be enjoying himself in the UK. He has been looking drop dead gorgeous. The head shot from last night goes right up there to number 1 for me. Loved his interactions on Hot or Not. So charming and funny and relatable.
I am so in love with Brian May and Roger Taylor. Such class acts. They are so excited and proud to have Adam with them and so open about their feelings. I believe that if things go well, we will see Adam and Queen in the states. You all better save a seat for me because there is nothing that would keep me away.
UK bound peeps, so happy for you. Have the time of your lives.
ITA adamized. Ditto on everything you said.
And I have just one thing to say:
I am so exited I don’t have words.
A list from Mils in honor of Queenbert:
“How to Prepare for the Awesomeness of Tomorrow”
( List may not be in chronological order, no tomato throwing please)
1- Avoid caffeine in order to get a proper night’s sleep.
2- Call loved ones and explain that they are not to call, visit, pop in, or even think of communicating with us from 11:30 Central Standard Time until 4 PM Central Standard Time
3- Inform loved ones who dwell with us not to even try to plan any computer time tomorrow during above mentioned hours
4-Inform same loved ones of the rules stated in #1 above. Plan to have them go out for lunch or dinner, ‘cuz mama is officially off duty. Period.
5- Set alarm clock accordingly. Plan enough time for grooming, cleansing, and juice making prior to the show.
6- Thoroughly clean and polish bifocal spectacles for proper viewing pleasure.
7- Go to sleep as early as possible tonight.
8– Eat a hearty breakfast. You will need energy for flailing, brow mopping, fist pumping, chair dancing, jaw dropping, singing along, exclaiming ” Oh My Gawd” over and over, and other such Berty behaviors.
9- Prepare for medical emergencies. Stock up on floor scrapers from Glam Nation Tour. Dig out the keyboard protectors and Glam Towels. Glambulances may be needed.
10- Do finger exercises. Must be keyboard ready.
11- Have twitter lists, dinners and multiple sites open in multiple tabs.
12- Warn the family at home that if they hear strange sounds coming from you, your computer, your computer room, home office, laptop, private areas, that they do not need to worry or concern themselves. Everything will be fine. These will be quite simply be the sounds of sheer and utter joy.
13- And NO. Just NO. They cannot stand over your shoulder and watch Queen/Adam./ Elton. NO. This is a very private and personal matter. All flailing must be done in private. To share it with those who do not share in a similar chemical reaction to Adam would be far too distressing.
Unless they can be nice about it.
14- Inform those who share your dwelling that they need to keep the nearest, um, powder room, free and clear for your personal use during above stated hours. Should nature call, and it will ( dammit), one must be able to access said facilities in a timely and efficient manner. Missing Mr. Lambert perform even one note would cause severe heartbreak.
15– Allow sufficient time post-show for further Berting and flailing. Surfing multiple sites for reviews, photos, tweets, pictures, streams.
16- Drag yourself away when your eyes can no longer focus on the bleary images in front of you and your fingers can no longer strike the correct keys to post anymore.
17– Try. Just try to go to sleep Saturday night. I dare you. “Cuz you just know that you’re gonna sneak back to the computer later on and look for more goodies. Yup. That’s right. You’ll be thinking of this list, and giggling to yourself. Mmm-hmmm. And I’ll be right here with you. Laughing at myself too.
Who Wants to Live Forever
Fat Bottomed Girls
Jayna Aerial Silk Act to Kickin In by Adam Lambert
Saw on atop:
Younger generation
Current Weather A few clouds, 13 deg C , Humidity 88% , Wind calm http://goo.gl/6aVFL
(done, too many NOH8 faces)
One more:
(free mag rack)
Some great stuff, jlurk!
I am SOOOOOO nervous!!!!!! Please let the REAL Adam loose and show the world what we love—-If Queen and Adam come to the U.S< I am so there—-this is worse than "having a baby!!!!!"

Popping in for just a few!
ellessay, I thoroughly loved your articulate post a page or two back. It should be required reading on all blogs. Written with grace and insight. One of the best pieces of writing that I have seen for a while.
LOVED that Lee Cherry photo! Of course, I love all Lee Cherry photos…but this one is extra-loved.
Also chuckled maniacally at the post that brought the tweet or blog post about what “my” idol is doing now (Queen). Too funny! and charming snark.
I have no idea what these Queen songs are that y’all are bandying about but def I am “getting” your excitement. Tonight would be a good time to be Adam (is he just getting up now, perhaps?)…going to bed, lying there thinking about the morrow…imagining what it will be like…looking at the “cute outfit” and imagining himself in it (please, universe, not a singlet, I’ve seen those pix with the other guy and just no) before a crowd of more peeps than I can even imagine, all of them there for Queen and HIM, not a lineup of random performers (I think I am correct about that?). Worrying a little bit – imagining what could go wrong – but finally relaxing and drifting into a light sleep with a smile hovering on his lips…
Well I have decided to wrap up everything with this!
If we didnt have American Idol—-we wouldnt have tomorrow!!!
It all started with–Mama I just killed a man– and now we are here with Mama I just killed a man– how much of a 360 is this???
Wow … what a night!
luval, you’ve just gotta come here next year for Pride Weekend! I thought about you all evening and wished that you were by my side.
(ETA: If only I didn’t feel the need to say that luval is not gay but I think I should say that she is not).
I was feeling kind of shady as I was trespassing outside to join in with the gay community here and those feelings started kickin’ in but I knew underneath that there would be no naked love with any of these out laws of love because, after all, I’m a married man!
Never close our eyes though to someone who might speak broken english or, just because I’m a married man, could pop that lock.
I was approached tonight but because I do know better than I know myself, and didn’t want any kind of chokehold, I found myself runnin’.
I’ll join in with you if you think I’m slightly, or largely, cuckoo.
Off to bed to dream of nirvana.
Ron , it’s a good thing you didn’t, ‘cuz then you might Have to TAKE BACK what you did, and you might have needed a MAP to get there!!
Glad you had a good time tonight!
Damn! Missed that one! Fluck!
OMG Kradamour. I’m laughing ( not at you sweetie ). The “other guy” is Freddie Mercury. An absolute legend. An icon. Held up in the highest of the highest regards in terms of rock greatness. A legendary writer, singer, performer. He of monumental stage presence. Performed in front of gi-normous crowds up to 500,000 +. Had “perfect pitch” and a multiple octave range.Flamboyant. Openly gay/closeted at times. Died of AIDS way too young.
He was Queen. He was legend. Adam is stepping very bravely into Freddie’s world. His fans are loyal. His fans are skeptical of this new guy. His fans are ready to tear Adam apart. Some of Freddie’s fans are just
looking forward to Queen. This new guy “Adam” is someone just singing Queen songs.
This is why Adam has been so humble in so many interviews. Freddie is one of very few true legendary rock icons. He needs to be careful not to “step on his shoes”. It’s a tricky dance Adam is doing.
True Rock Legends:
Michael Jackson
Madonna ( pop/rock icon?)
Elton John
Maybe Gaga or Bon Jovi will join this list in time. We are hoping for Adam, Paula Abdul thought he could be an icon. Adam has a long long way to go before becoming iconic. These Queen gigs are a step in the right direction.
Sorry, I don’t mean to be “preachy”, I’m just a rock fan from way back. I have known and loved Queen since the 70’s. I remember seeing Bohemian Rhapsody on TV, I can’t remember if it was Ed Sullivan, or American Bandstand or the Midnight Special, or all of them, I just remember seeing that video with the faces montage and being blown away. Blown Away. It was a rock revelation to me. I bought the single, put that little yellow disc in the middle and played it to death on my record player. LOUD. I have listened to Queen ever since.
When Freddie died, it was painful. The music world mourned like I hadn’t seen since Elvis died. And yet, the mourning was different. The French salute in ballet to him was simply wonderful. The memorial concert at Wembley was amazing, I still watch parts of it on You Tube.
There will never be another Freddie Mercury. But, we have Adam. And, oh baby, have we got Adam.
Dear Ceddies
Happy Birthday my dear friend, and many, many more.
Sorry I missed the excitement tonight. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s concert! See you all here.

Let’s hope for a decent livestream.
Ron, did you party BY THE RULES?
World clock & possible live streams:
Happy Birthday Ceddies!
Did you pick that day or did the day pick you?
Mils loved your list but I cannot sleep tonight. Big storm moved in at midnight. Many folks without power in DC area. So lucky mine is fine. Can you imagine, no Ac and no Adam. Would have gotten in my car and drove somewhere.Happy Birthday dear ceddies! AL, thanks for the goodies. Going to try and get some sleep. Night all.
Just about now somewhere half way around the world Adam might be rolling out of bed and starting this amazing day. I hope he feels all the positive energy that Glamberts worldwide are sending him.
Having fun late morning breakfast with your stories
Ron, your description of the pride night was so clever! You’re a talent.
Mils, what a beautiful story of you and Queen! First loving Queen and then, your new love performing Queen! Have a happy Journey tonight (today for you). Your list was fun
I can imagine your excitement when GNT started. I love this excitement here on the site, because it’s the same feeling I have too. The show is always a show, so much more than just singing the songs. I watched my GNT DVD yesterday (haven’t had it for long) and I just thought, gosh that guy is great, every person should see his shows…
Mils … love, love your list.

Ron .. Your TRESPASSING Pride Weekend journey is brilliant and hilarious!!!

jlurks and nkd, Thanks for all the goodies. They’ll come handy tonight … all the links , twitters and ustreams. Can’t wait.