- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Here’s another Queen performance I will never forget. I remember it so clearly. Watching Live Aid. When Queen came on it was around supper time. We had company over, I was living back at home after grad school, and I was an MTV addict. Guess I’ve always been a music and pop culture addict, anyway, we all were just riveted to the TV watching this, slack jawed, ( sound familiar ) and when it was over we just looked around at each other as if to say, “what did we just witness?”
Sparkle, what were the winning songs?
Here’s part 2 of Queen at Live Aid
Adam has a lot of Queen legacy with fans to “prove himself”. It’s a lot of pressure. As proud as I am of him, it is quite daunting. I do feel his response to the BBC radio interview was quite appropriate and humble.
And here’s part 3. I see a lot of EMA Adam here.
Top Five for Queen:
1. The Show Must Go On
2. We are the Champions
3. We Will Rock You
4. Bohemian Rhapsody
5. I Want to Break Free
I love that pic of Adam going into the BBC – the composition, the colors, everything is so appealing.

But what is with the chicks who have their backs turned to him? WTF? Do they NOT KNOW?
sigh. No, of course they don’t.
Does anyone know what Adam’s tweet was about today? About people having him sign stuff and selling it on eBay? He sounded pissed.
Hi Kradamour!
Did you see this news piece on Cher? Sounds intriguing. I thought you might be interested.
Maybe a trip to New York is in your future?
Not sure, but when I googled Adam Lambert autograph on eBay, I found an brand new unopened copy of Trespassing, personally signed by him, listed for $155.99. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Adam-Lambert-Trespassing-cd-signed-autographed-American-Idol-/160807857855?pt=Music_CDs&hash=item2570e52ebf#ht_500wt_1202
Trespassing is his baby, and I think he’d rather have people listening to it rather than using his name to make a profit from it.
Here’s part 5
Look at all the stars there!!
I have a feeling he knew that they weren’t actual fans, just hounds out to make a buck on somebody’s back.
Ron, thanks for the news on Cher. All i can say is this:
Now, I am really really really glad that both of my sons plan to be in NY for school for several years!!!! I always knew I would take in some shows while visiting, but, wow!
I can’t even imagine how great that show will be!
I can easily see her joining the very limited number of greats who have won Grammy, Emmy, Tony and Oscar. Whoopie, Liza, Barbra, Marvin Hamlisch, Rita Moreno,I think Hepburn, who else Ron?
turquoisewaters, I saw your comments on the AOL Sessions page. Good girl!

nkd , link please.
I think you’ve got the bases covered there, mils. I’m not sure Hepburn won a Grammy. If she did, it would have been for a “spoken word” recording. Of course, Barbra never won a Tony in a competition but was awarded one in 1970 as Star of The Decade. That must have been the first and last time that award was given to anyone because I’ve never heard of it again. I think it was specially created for her. It’s a very small select group. Maybe Pacino is among them. Not sure and I’m going to bed now so will check on these tomorrow.
Good night!
From Wikipedia:
To date, eleven artists have won all four awards in competitive categories. They are: actors John Gielgud, Helen Hayes, Audrey Hepburn, Rita Moreno, Whoopi Goldberg; composers Marvin Hamlisch, Richard Rodgers, and Jonathan Tunick; director/screenwriter Mel Brooks; director Mike Nichols and producer Scott Rudin.[3]
Three other performers, Liza Minnelli, James Earl Jones and Barbra Streisand, have also won all four awards, although one of the awards was non-competitive, i.e. special or honorary in nature (Streisand’s Tony, Minnelli’s Grammy, and Jones’ Oscar).[3]
Adam’s AOL Sessions page with comments.
So Elton’s event is tomorrow? Reading that article about past balls, they mention performances by various artists, some impromptu. I hope Elton doesn’t
doespull Adam up to sing something. If bb isn’t ready, he won’t know the words!Pictures of Adam all dressed up in white tie and tails, stiff shirt and all, get me excited!
mils, you and TexasWHE need to communicate about kids in college in NY. Your paths could cross at some point!
It never ceases to amaze me how the anonymity of the net affords people the ability to spew hate at their whim.
Thanks nkd and turquoise for rebutting the nastiness over there.
I can’t usually post in places like that because it comes up under my son’s names/ID’s.
Thanks, nkd. And thanks to Ellessay for pointing out the nasty comments. Got me into protective mom/ teacher mode. I flagged a whole bunch of comments too.
If you listen at the beginning of this video, you can see where the pissed off tweet comes from..
Oh and Mils, he definitely got the peace sign the right way round on those radio 2 pics…
Love the way his t-shirt matches the floor, and really love the shoes.
Ahh… They used another gorgeous photo of Adams.
Adam Lambert Surprisingly Comfortable Fronting Queen, Paying Respect to Freddie Mercury
Good morning ALL,
It’s a beautiful morning because my little sunshine tweets.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Beautiful morning in London! Morning free to enjoy my tea and the sun peaking out.
I can’t wait for the televise of the concert from Kiev.
17 cameras …
Adam Lambert’ fans @AdamLambertRUAB
17 cameras from CTБ channal will shoot Queen & Adam Lambert gig in Kiev!
Adam Lambert’ fans @AdamLambertRUAB
Elton’s and @QueenWillRock’s Kiev gigs will long 1.5 hour each >>>
Adam Lambert’ fans @AdamLambertRUAB
@josirose we DO hope that links for TV streams that we twittered earlier will work.
Adam Lambert’ fans @AdamLambertRUAB
REMINDER: Twitter-list for @adamlambert & @QueenWillRock Kiev gig https://twitter.com/#!/AdamLambertRUAB/kiev-show & Links for possible stream
Hi asif, I’ll join you on this lonely planet…
Queen hysteria is obviously spreading. Sparkle, thanks for the info about Kiev poll! The top three – songs that Adam sang in EMA. Very possibly now too. I don’t think they will do Bohemian, because there’s so many parts which are difficult to do live. But maybe they do something like this (from the concert with Paul Rodgers – playbacked live & album recorded parts + live parts).
Freddie is incredible, but if I compare live performances of the same songs, Adam’s singing vocals in EMA’s gives me more chills. But it’s just my feeling, not any professional opinion. There’s more Adam’s voice tuned neurons and receptors in my brain, I think
But I can’t say anything more yet, because with Adam it’s been just a couple of Queen songs and with Freddie a long career, long tours and long concerts. But after (hopefully) good dinner from Ukraine and two live concerts in London I have more insight. All I know is that Adam’s live performances and singing is usually so amazing that I am SO excited about this!
Asif, thanks a lot for the Ukraine info! I have never used live stream, so I hope I can make it. Any useful advice? Well I come here if I can’t make it, it’s the time when everyone is awake…
While Adam is preparing for Queen, Trespassing is doing well in South America:
@LambritsUK @AdamLambertHelp @LambertUK First day sales of #Trespassing in Brazil . And look, is almost SOLD OUT!!!! pic.twitter.com/kFPpC16k
I read somewhere else yesterday, that some radio station in Brazil is playing a lot of Adam. DJ just played “By the Rules” and it quickly became one on the most wanted songs to play. I can understand that – I love latino rhythms and I immediately liked By the Rules a lot.
For those interested in white ties: it’s going to happen for Adam
Sam Sparro @sam_sparro
Lovely chat with the charming and sexy @OfficialMelB. Now to pamper for Elton John’s White Tie & Tiara Ball this evening with @adamlambert
Brian and Roger are in Moscow…
I don’t know how easy it will be to watch the Kiev concert, thats our first night in the UK, so I’ll probably be asleep, with jetlag.
I had a small Adam moment yesterday. We had an old friends daughter staying with us for a couple of days from NZ on her way to Montanna to study. Anyways I was watching the Summerthing concert on the computer, and she walked past and said what are you watching. I said, a concert. Then she said’ oh is that Adam Lambert, I liked him on Idol,(!!!!!), I’ve heard his new song on the radio, its really good.”
So that made me happy, that she’d heard of him, knew he had a new song out and liked it. Wish I’d had a spare copy of his cd I could have given her.
ladynorth, thats sweet to see Sam Sparrow and Adam are goin to the party together, they seem like good friends.
Is Nile still in the UK……..
If Elton Johns party is at his house in Windsor, that is only 20mins drive from where I come from in the UK…..he’ll actually be visitng my neighbourhood….kind of!!
Took bunch of kids to see “Brave” yesterday (Southern Maryland), and TV screen in lobby was showing NCOE video. Such a thrill.
Is it just me, am I a total lunatic, or, am I just counting the hours until the Queen show on Saturday???? Waiting on pins and needles????
Call me nuts, I dare ya’all!!
( I have a funny feeling I’m not alone here in my corner… ))
Has the world clock been posted yet for the timeline of the show? Must have Central time zone.
Crazy and selfish. Yup. That’s me.
Did anyone catch Adam’s “dewy” tweet to Sam Sparro? It was there when I checked his twitter and then promptly disappeared.
But. First things first.
Puttin’ On The Ritz tonight.
Speculating: White tie and tails with white top hat?
Black tails with white tie and black top hat?
White gloves? Walking stick?
Matching look with Sauli?
…..Tiara??? …..
Wonder if Adam and Elton will plan a duet for Kiev? Wonder if there will be more press buzz after tonight for Kiev? Wonder if anybody besides Glamberts even know or care about all the greatness about to be unleashed? Wonder if Rolling Stone, or E,or People or any other respectable news outlet even knows or cares????
Gah. Even a spot on TMZ would be happy news.
There it is again. Probably just was my own tech fail.
Did they spa and sauna together?? Maybe a {{{ massage }}}
Too much information Adam, and yet, not enough!! LOL
ETA: Not together, together, just at the same time, as friends.
ETA to my ETA: LOL. They coulda just come to my city!! It’s a sauna today, nearly 100 degrees and humid as all get-out. I think I’ve lost my mind from the heat…
I know, all the news outlets talk and talk about Beiber, blah, and Adam is doing something epic, and deserves to be on the news and talked about. He sings like an angel and is with Sir Elton John, and Fetus croaks and he gets full national coverage. Whatsa wrong with this picture?
No, Mils, you’re not alone: I’m right there with ya. I’ve been chatting about it so much that when I just called to check in on my husband at work, he commented that I must be getting so excited for Saturday. LOL!
As far as the world clock goes, I did see something the other day, and it appeared, if the chart was right, that the concert will begin at noon central time.
Picture posted by Sam Sparro that Adam must have been referring to
mils…I am right there with you. So so excited!
World clock for Kiev concert which is 8pm – midnight local time.
12 – 4 pm for us mils.
Mils, sorry to disappoint your sauna dreams
I guess Adam was referring to this… But maybe deleted when realized people don’t see Sam’s photo and wild rumors take place…
Sam Sparro @sam_sparro
Pre Party Pamper http://instagr.am/p/MbFurJogxO/
LadyNorth, I can’t even imagine the reaction you might have seeing Adam live for the first time singing with Queen. Don’t forget earplugs.
All of you preparing to attend one or more of these concerts with Queen, I am really excited for you and very envious! Have a great great time!
Adam’s voice on those powerful songs…OMG!
Oops, simultaneous posting…
BBC Review of Trespassing. Ok, but I disagree about the latter part of the album. That’s my favorite, ok I am boring then.
I bought another ticket yesterday, one evening was not enough. So now I’ll join the others on Wed too (if the venue box office has my tickets then). I tell you there are corners all around my home! Can’t get anything (else) done – well I have done some planning for the London, found out my tube routes etc., but I really am excited, this is a wonderful feeling!
I am happy it’s quite cool and showers here, I could not enjoy summer now when I have so much to wait! I haven’t eaten much for two days because of the excitement. But I wait saturday too, how it goes and what they will perform…
That’s right, nkd! mils, I thought I remembered you and your son visiting NYU last summer/fall. My daughter is going to Fordham at Lincoln Center – just down the street! Maybe we can catch Adam or Cher in NYC!
HK fan
So that made me happy, that she’d heard of him, knew he had a new song out and liked it. Wish I’d had a spare copy of his cd I could have given her.
What we learn about this – we should always have an extra copy of TP to give someone potential
If someone had given me FYE after it was released… I have started to brainwash my mother. Well she doesn’t need brainwashing concerning a good voice, but she’s never been into pop. But she is interested indeed – she told she watched a half an hour tv interview of Adam… And told he seemed very nice and smart person.
Texas, send me a message on the fansite, and we’ll talk about colleges. Not NYU. I wish. Not his choice.
ETA: You have fanmail