- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Well it was a long dinner but was served too close to the bass speaker. Still appreciate the efforts of the server. I’ll add videos to the concert thread later on as they appear.
Queenbert shows up next (starting with the charity event with Elton John in Kiev on June 30). Adam’s next solo concert will be Costa Mesa on July 19.
Thanks eywflyer.
So much speculating to do about Elton and Adam and the show and the costumes and….
Who has the pic of them meeting and hugging with Elton touching Adam’s face so sweetly? As if he were saying, ” oh you dear boy, I have heard so very much about you. I have seen everything you’ve ever done on You Tube. And, I, well, I just adore you.”
Here you go mils
I love this…from AQD…I want to look at this every time I leave the room.
Dunno, luval, that gif was from the beginning of the Graham Norton show when they cut to Adam for a greeting from the couch area. It was a little awkward and Adam’s smile looks uncomfortable to me.

But out of that context it is not at all bad!
It seems that his uncomfortable smile has that slight “V” formation to the upper lip, and his open happy smile has no “V” element.

I have looked at way, way too many pictures with way, way too much interest…
This isn’t new, but we were talking about liking Adam in black. Here he is in glorious all “black and white”!

Some very nice juxtapositions.
Prom date?
Adam’s tag at The Wellington Club.
Adam Lambert the queen
Photo Galleries at summerthing
Alice@97.3 @AliceRadio
Pictures of @AdamLambert at #Summerthing in Golden Gate Park http://cbsloc.al/MSiFnj
So far the best quality .. closer look and very good audio.
Adam took off his glasses and OMG.. sexy like he is stripping.
Adam Lambert “Shady” Summerthing 6 24 12 010
Suz had some crashing but all videos are safe. She’ll upload them later. Can’t wait.
There’s also NCOE + Hot stuff and Naked love by the same person. Check links from SF thread!
Complete silence – is everyone dead? I have been salivating here by myself for Summerthing Shady and Hot Stuff… Many entertainment news sites seem to have shared those videos too
And talking about handsome Adam, also UK fashion polices have noticed his taste in fashion
“Also stepping out for a night on the town in London, UK was Adam Lambert who was spotted arriving at The Wellington Club on June 20, 2012. The celebrated American Idol (who should have won) first runner-up looked every bit the superstar that night in a head-to-toe black ensemble and a coif au courant. Yes, presentation is everything. The Never Close Our Eyes singer was happy to feed the paparazzis’ hunger with a look that says it all: Look at me now! That being said, no surprises that Adam was just named Billboard Magazine’s “Sexiest Man in Music”. Isn’t he stunning!”
LOVED this post from mj’s this morning (in response to someone’s post regarding “Adam’s troubles”:
This was posted by “Tess”, and I whole-heartedly agree with everything she said. I was literally depressed last week, dealing with thoughts that Adam and Trespassing were going no where, but deserved to be. But I kept reminding myself that I know of many artists that I support with CD purchases and show tickets that rarely get any radio play. I honestly don’t know many people who listen to pop radio (and I’m not just saying that to make myself feel better!). I have a pretty good market sample right in my own home, and I am the only one that listens to pop radio (just in hopes of hearing Adam, I have to admit) – everyone else listens to Pandora, ipod or talk radio. I’m very excited to see how the Queen/Elton John appearances go and what effect they have on his UK rollout!
So excited for Adam’s Winstar performance next month! I wonder if he’s ever going to be “naughty Adam” again? (I really hope so!)
LadyNorth, that UK fashion report was fabulous! And (oops, I did it too!), I have to say that he’s included with some of Hollywood’s most beautiful and fashionable women – no other men! The article hits all the high points – my faves are “should’ve won Idol” and “Billboard’s Sexiest Man in Music”.
LadyNorth… Most people are at work right now including me! Hard to sneak a post in.
Texas… I love Tess’s post! She should be over here.
I’ve added the link to Summerthing to make it easier to navigate over there:
I know! I wonder if she’s on the fansite? I would ask her, but I won’t post at mj’s anymore because I told her what I thought about her handling of Adam threads and ended my email with “thanks and good-bye” (I logged out but still check in everyday, hoping she doesn’t know, lol!)
This makes me all kinds of happy!

Thanks Luval, I noticed that Summerthing thread first in the morning
I know most of you are at work, and I happen to be totally in wrong shift
Over midnight now…
Talking about Hot Stuff, before that song always reminded me about the British movie called “The Full Monty (1997)”
. Anybody else seen that? So funny and touching at the same time…
glambotkram and Kradamour, that’s great to hear
What song would be better for that than Trespassing! About Pride parades, I saw this link in my fb today – check the first photo. “times, they’re changing…”
BTW, I put my contact info on the London spreadsheet today, but I don’t know if I am on any mailing list yet…
Adam Lambert on Being a Gay Pop Star:
I vote fierce (albeit sweet) b***ch!
LadyNorth: OMG I totally rememberseeing that movie. It’s fantastic.
turquoisewaters. Was just going to bring that Billboard interview over here!. I think it’s great and he only says “like” a couple of times!!
LadyNorth…I love the Full Monty too. Watch it every chance it’s on tv here.
It’s nice that Adam’s tribute to Donna Summer has received media attention today…
Adam did a great job covering this song — loved his version.
I especially love how his eyes got so large when reciting the lyrics, “Want to bring a wild man back home” — my favorite part of the song!
When I heard him sing Hot Stuff yesterday ladynorth, my first thought was The Full Monty,hearing that song always makes me think of that movie, such a great film.
Re the Billboard sexiest man thing, it shows that some of these polls are worth voting on as they get him extra exposure, several interviews and articles have picked up and mentioned that he’s been voted Billboards sexiest man in pop.
good point!
I definitely noticed him glancing down at the words to Hot Stuff. Maybe he should put down a cheat sheet for IIHY and WWFM.
HD versions of Summerthing:
Toggle/change the resolution to 1080 and full screen. Clear as can be.
ETA: Set it to “autoplay” and just sit back and enjoy.
Suz526 has started posting videos, 2 are up. Links in Summerthing thread.
Just watched the whole show again in HD.
I had the same question you did and I don’t think eywflyer that Adam’s voice was pitchy anywhere during this performance.
I was wrong last night when I thought his voice “faltered” during “Cuckoo” for the “Gotta get out of this straitjacket” part. Instead of forgetting the words, I think he just lost his place for a moment, if that makes any sense, and he covered himself very well. I don’t however like MF. That’s not part of my vocabulary and I find it very distasteful.
I’m wondering now if he really did forget the words during “Broken English” but, yes I’m pretty sure he did. I thought his vamping with his back to the audience went on much longer before this viewing tonight but it was very brief and he recovered from that brilliantly. Anyone there who hadn’t heard the song before would never think anything was wrong.
Wasn’t that little girl adorable? I couldn’t help but notice her reaction to Adam’s BIG note! So glad though that whoever put her on his/her shoulders … took her off.
Hi Ron….one post before sleep!!
I loved the HD videos that you posted and watched all the way through. I too did not like the MF. Since day one I’ve cringed whenever he swears (even though I do). IMO it didn’t “fit” in the song anyway. Sort of random swearing. But all in all he was amazing and the vocals were stunning! On his way to Kiev I guess.
Yes, HK fan, “Sexiest Male” was definitely worth getting. It’s something that catches the eye, that media like to talk about, and people remember (also has the benefit of being true – lol). (Grazing on twitter, saw that it was in a Belgian newspaper – getting around.)
Here is a twitlonger with some information about times around the world for the Kiev concert. Also some possible Dinners! for Saturday.
and “sexiest male” for a gay male…wonderful!
I think it is hysterical that Adam forgets the lyrics to his songs. I thought it might be better for the songs he co-wrote, but I guess not.
Full Monty…the Little Theater of Norfolk performed that live last week. I know because I dropped off my mother and her friend at the theater (they don’t drive). Neither of them had anything to say when I picked them up.
Another movie, somewhat similar, was “Calendar Girls”. Another favorite!
“. . . . at least 50,000 copies fewer than originally predicted. Right now, “Believe” is looking like it sold 370,000 copies–or less. This is way off the 420,00 copies hoped for. But Bieber’s TV special was a bust. And then his numbers on amazon.com significantly trailed off over the weekend. Amazon is now selling a downloadable version of the album for $4.99– a bad sign, as Madonna herself could tell us. The fact is, Bieber is not moving CDs digitally or physically in big numbers a week after “Believe” was made available. The amount of publicity he’s engendered simply is not resulting in sales, or even airplay”
Just read this – have the tweens moved on?
I hope that JB has invested his earnings wisely.
And I hope that he is able to transition to a more mature performing style with more mature fans.
It is hard to grow up in the public eye, especially when that eye is squinted at you and waiting for you to fail.
“What is the most surprising thing of being popular ?
Discipline… People think that singing and being a musician is a permanent party time. Nothing more incorrect, you have to be focused all the time, you have to care about your voice, you have to practice all the time.”
(This was on a Polish interview on AQD – interesting – but not unexpected, I don’t believe, for posters here who know him so well.)
Re: the”MF”language. Wile I don’t typically use the word, my husband is a contractor and for some reason they al talk that way so I am used to it. I don’t really even hear it anymore cuz I hear it so much. Does that make sense? Anywho, what I mean to say is I think in his own circle of friends he cusses quite often. It doesn’t bother me,
The sound on Suz’s videos isn’t so great, but she captures Adam better by not always trying to get just his torso and face. He was puttin’ on some great dance moves, boy has hips that don’t lie! Now, if only lambossessed would do her magic and marry Suz’s video with great sound…..
Here’s a little milestone reached:
And the PRE-show Alice Radio interview (the benefits of jet lag are discussed):
I don’t mind the f*** in cuckoo, or shit etc ,(maroons 5’s [payphone has at least 8 f***s and the same amount of s**t’s)…but really don’t like MF…I never really hear anyone say that outside American movies, don’t think its caught on in many other places thank goodness. I did flinch when I heard it, beacuse of the young kids in the audience, maybe it would be OK at an evening concert, but not in an afternoon family show. I’m not a prude by any means, I just know if someone wants to pick something negative to report about the concert, they will jump on that and ignore all the amazing things.
bummer, that pre show Radio Alice interview is unavailable.
Bieber is suffering on a high level- 370,000 is still a ton. I actually would not be surprised if he would stick around for quite some time. At a somewhat less crazy level, but still very successful.
Hard to believe Adam flew over Saturday, did the show Sunday, and flew back today. That shows some professionalism. Radio Alice has been good to him and I bet he really did not want to let them down. Or maybe there was some deal – we play your song if you do the free concert for us. Anyway, I think he is really disciplined and wants to make the most of all his opportunities. On to Kiew. Learn those words, boy.
HK fan and Ron: I agree with your point re MF. Not so charming. Other words Adam uses don’t bother me. I find it actually fascinating how b**tch used to be a bad insult and now has come to be used as a term of endearment and admiration in so many circles.
Swearing, part of who/what Adam is – not changing him.
Here I go again hoping that I haven’t posted something I’m going to regret tomorrow. (It’s already tomorrow!)
First, I want to thank everyone who has sent private emails to me asking about Gil’s health. Let me thank you again here.
Our 35th anniversary is soon approaching.
I’m maybe kinda sorta trying to put something together with a friend of mine who plays piano at a gay bar here where, with friends, I could sing something to Gil to mark the occasion.
It would be a first for us and I haven’t sung publicly in years! Probably not going to happen though because, as I’ve told you, my voice isn’t anywhere near what it used to be. I used to be in control of it but not anymore. I have no idea what’s going to come out until it comes out.
So, with that utmost in mind, I recorded myself tonight trying to test the waters. This was obviously not meant for public consumption as I have my shirt open, hair is a mess, and I have my glasses on. This is as unguarded a moment as anyone will ever see me.
Except for Gil. 
And, jlurksacto
Would be nice if the sound was better. Not the quality. I mean me.
I mean both!
I think the song would be appropriate for the occasion.
Maybe I should lighten it up a bit …
Better yet, I think I should forget the whole thing!!
Yay. Am heading into work and WWFM comes on! It’s the top station in my area with tons of listeners in this time period. But these are the same dogs that won’t play NCOE. Nice way to start off the day, though.
Ron, that’s a beautiful song and you sang it VERY well. Might I suggest Song on the Sand from La Cage au Folles. It’s lovely also and about a long term relationship.
Wow Ron! How could you consider not singing this song to Gil?! It’s a beautiful song, sung beautifully and from the heart!

Ron thanks for making my morning special. I really enjoyed the HD videos of the festival and your U-Tube love song. I hope you and Gil have a very special anniversary.
Ron, I’ve been thinking about you and your special gift for Gil all morning.
I think that anything from the heart is the best gift of all. I don’t sing, but my “gift” is scrapbooking. I oftentimes make a special tribute photo album for big occasions like this. Have you thought about taking some of the most special photos from the 35 years you and Gil have spent together and putting them in a photo album with some hand-written journalling? You could even include a pocket-sleeve for a CD of your vocal tribute the night of the party!
Ron, I thought you could be trusted to keep a secret. It has been a year tho,
guess that is long enough. And loved the song, thank you – Oh, sorry, it was
for Gil. My bad.