After a very busy couple of weeks of promo and radio concerts following the release of “Trespassing” on May 15, Adam will head to London early this month to begin preparations for his upcoming concerts with Queen. He will do some album promo and a couple of live performances in the UK as well, where Trespassing is set for a July 2 release date. One of these shows is the “Rays of Sunshine” charity event at the very prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London. Adam will also return briefly to the US for a free radio concert in San Francisco on June 24.

Our featured photo (Brian Ach – Getty Images) for this month shows Adam in a very happy mood while performing at the KTUPhoria radio concert. Enjoy the chat!


2,314 Responses to June 2012 Chat

  1. jlurksacto says:

    Compare the recap from Atop I posted above and the broadcasted show. Maybe
    a little different? Plus the recapper said Adam’s song was cut/edited. yep,
    trivial Brit show. Not worth Adam’s time. What was he thinking?

  2. turquoisewaters says:

    Who is going to San Francisco? I plan to (with my youngest, not sure how this will work out). So I looked at the radio website, they have a link to adam official, and there the featured (latest?) comment is this:

    Hello b****es
    My name is NeverCloseOurLegs and i am obviously new here.Let’s be friends.

    Now that would leave an interesting impression…

  3. Kradamour says:

    glambotgram, thank you! Gotta say her interaction with WillIAm was the best – not sure that could be topped!, – but I loved this link, too. Gonna look for more.

    Here is Adele on Graham Norton, very much the same type of humor. I think that it is peculiarly British; definitely more daring than in the US. Does make me think of Michelle Collins’ humor.

    I think our speculation that Adam was an impromptu invite to the couch is correct, given the other Graham Norton shows where the artist starts out on the couch (like Adele in this clip) and then leaves to sing before returning to the couch.
    Very nice that he got that unexpected approval from GN.

  4. ultimathule says:

    MJ posted the song/couch youtube video. Comments on youtube complain about the loquacious gasbag (bit of redundancy there, but that’s life) as well.

  5. glambotgram says:

    Kradamour My Dad always watched Benny Hill for the raunchy humor so I guess I grew up on it. LOL

    BTW Everyone Amazon UK has a snippet of MAP.

    It’s really good

  6. luval says:

    I love Map. Glad I pre-ordered the UK Trespassing

  7. ultimathule says:

    Think I’m just getting old and cranky about Adam’s reception (or lack of) by those who know little of his magnificent talent. mumblegrumblepissonthemall

  8. ultimathule says:

    My mum loved Benny Hill, too.

  9. ultimathule says:

    luval – Did you get a CD? I ordered the UK version, too, but haven’t gotten it yet. What does MAP sound like?

  10. ultimathule says:

    jlurk – do you think it is a trivial show? Have no idea.

  11. luval says:

    ulti…we won’t be getting the cd yet. I got an e-mail from Amazon that it was delayed. So I’m sure it will come soon after it’s released in the UK. Click on Glambotgram’s post a couple up from your post and you’ll hear a snippet. It’s number 17 on the album.

  12. cwm says:

    OMG, the Map snippet sounds beautiful. Gorgeous vocal. Methinks Map is about Sauli. So sweet. *sniff* *heart full*

  13. jlurksacto says:

    jlurk – do you think it is a trivial show? Have no idea.

    No, not at all. GN UK = Oprah US. Adam on GN is BIG. I get the sense reading
    here that it is thought as being trival. Did anyone read the recap from Atop
    I posted on the last page? From a person in the audience at the live show.

  14. ultimathule says:

    Thanks, luval

  15. glambotgram says:

    I bet it’s about Sauli, he said he wasn’t going to decipher this one.
    ETA Nope I was mistaken, wrong song

    MAP loop

  16. ultimathule says:

    Oooh – looooove MAP – could definitely hear that on the radio.

  17. glambotgram says:

    jlurk I read the recap and get the feeling that all of Adam’s talk was cut. But from the tweet from GN maybe he will be back on sometime. I think it was great for Adam and his twitter followers went up over 2500.

  18. cwm says:

    Also wanted to say that I thought Adam was great on the Graham Norton show. I too could hear his nerves in the first part, but he loosened up as he went on. Looked strikingly handsome. Too bad he had to shorten the song a bit, but he had to do the same with Sleepwalker on Jay Leno. I also wish he could have had an opportunity to say more on the couch, but that Miriam was a crack-up, that’s for sure. A lot of the twitter action I saw when I searched “Graham Norton” when it was trending was about how funny and Miriam were together.

    What a fabulous opportunity for Adam to be on this show! There was definitely a lot of buzz on twitter about this particular show because it was so off-the-chains funny between and Miriam, so I think word of mouth is going to get this show in front of a lot more eyeballs, and that means more eyeballs on Adam, too. Smile

  19. ultimathule says:

    He could sing MAP in concert – it’s unlike anything else on the album. Just beautiful. Mad for it already.

  20. milwlovesadam says:

    Map is soooooo George Michael.

    I missed the stream. Gonna go find what I can somewhere.


  21. josephine says:

    I love Adam’s new looks–he is really feeling the Elvis vibe!!so wish I could go to SF but couldn’t get family to go Cry Sac seems so far away but will be patient Laugh

  22. jlurksacto says:

    Adam said more on the live show but was edited for the broadcast.

  23. josephine says:

    A BIG shout out for Map!!!!! just love the new songs–could listen to him forever—–the weather is really cool here on the west coast so bring a warm coat to SF if you are going!! strange weather this year-no summer to speak of Neutral

  24. HK fan says:

    kradamour,Adams part on GN followed the usual pattern, sing, and then come to the couch for a few words and the end of the programme, thats how its normally done. Adele and Gaga were different in that they were on the couch, long chat, then sang.
    Loved his look, love the male back up singers, much prefer the male voices with his than the female ones. But annoyed that it does sound from that recap, that they cut nearly all of his chat, should definitely have kept in the Queen chat.

  25. cwm says:

    I bet it’s about Sauli, he said he wasn’t going to decipher this one.

    Actually, glambotgram, it was By The Rules that Adam said he wasn’t going to decipher for us. Smile

    He hasn’t said anything about Map except that he did reveal that one lyric to us over twitter: “Now I believe in more than I can see”

  26. luval says:

    Kradamour…just finished watching the WB youtube. I really really loved it! Totally forgot about the interaction he had with the V-Jay-Jay’s! Boy I would have loved to see him in his Club Kid days.

    And I hoped (maybe others there too) he would come back for an encore because the audience was screaming so loud but…no…for another time and place.

  27. glambotgram says:

    Actually, glambotgram, it was By The Rules that Adam said he wasn’t going to decipher for us.

    oops I was going to check that before posting, but I was sure I remembered it correctly. That’s what I get for relying on this 29 year old memory. Wink

  28. Kradamour says:

    So all of the Queen comments were cut from GN? really too bad if that’s the case.
    And I think that WillIAm and the woman were so funny together that many peeps who might not have watched the whole show stuck around and got to hear/see Adam when they might not have cared enough about him – or known enough about him to listen.
    So it’s all good!

    Can’t wait for my UK Trespassing now! But I think that Map would be better live, it sounds like something I would prefer acoustic, that is a lot of electronic stuff around his voice. But even so, I love it.

    Y’know, all these bonus tracks make me very optimistic for album #3.
    Grin Grin Grin

    Our boy clearly has more music in him!

  29. Kradamour says:

    I’m glad you liked the “souvenir vid” luval! There is so much little stuff that gets lost when individual songs are recorded and/or predominantly close-ups. I’m glad my sadly amateur vid is jogging memories of cool interactions. I had forgotten, for example, how animated Tommy was with the audience when he came on stage before Adam.

    And I hoped (maybe others there too) he would come back for an encore because the audience was screaming so loud but…no…for another time and place.

    On the other hand, he was wonderfully generous afterward, staying at the bus to sign for every single peep.
    In Love In Love In Love

  30. luval says:

    haha you are correct, Kradamour. And I’ll bet too that Adam had no song rehearsed for an encore. He has to have everything perfect and since this isn’t the tour, no need for an encore.

  31. glambotgram says:


    @YellowsistaBert The only time AFL needs a map is when he’s in Ireland and maybe Scotland #trufax

  32. luval says:

    btw…I love the look of the back-up people.

    jlurk…it does seem like we were watching two different shows from your post and the actual show. That’s editing for ya!

  33. glambotgram says:

    Adam Lambert was trending in the UK and worldwide
    Dean Piper has sent out a few tweets in support of Adam on GN.
    Matt Johnsons? is saying he is going to try to get him on a show now, ITV This Morning

    Clever fans again

  34. luval says:

    Listened to GN again. Adam says “And I can’t say shit???”

  35. little dutchess says:

    Absolutely love the gray jacket outfit on GN. THought Adam looked spectacular. He does have a way with fashion. This suited the occasion and was not OTT but yet unique. Maybe not the “gloves”…

  36. glambotgram says:

    And another one falls into the glitter umm yellow and black tape.

    Toni McDonald ‏@toniearlybird
    That Adam Lambert has a fab voice, ace performance on #grahamnorton

    Mark Gilroy Music ‏@markgilroymusic
    @toniearlybird Welcome aboard Toni! He’s a legend.

    Toni McDonald ‏@toniearlybird
    Adam? I knew of him but don’t think I’d heard him sing. Impressed. Like the song.

    Mark Gilroy Music ‏@markgilroymusic

    GLAMBERTS ASSEMBLE!! Adam has a new admirer – @toniearlybird ! ‏@toniearlybird
    @markgilroymusic blimey, the man truly has an ARMY of fans! Good support.

    Mark Gilroy Music ‏@markgilroymusic
    GLAMBERTS ASSEMBLE!! Adam has a new admirer – @toniearlybird !

    Toni McDonald is a co host of a BBC morning show

    Remember Mark Gilroy who discovered Adam at the EMA’s? Well check out his twitter feed. He is doing a great job of support today!!/markgilroymusic

  37. jlurksacto says:

    OT but important:

    Jerry Sandusky jury reaches verdict; courtroom closed until all 48 counts are read
    Jerry Sandusky found guilty in sex abuse trialThe former Penn State assistant football coach is found guilty of 45 of 48 counts in the child sexual abuse case.

    Wow, fast

  38. Kradamour says:

    jlurk, once his son testified against him, it was all over, IMHO.

  39. jlurksacto says:

    jlurk, once his son testified against him, it was all over, IMHO.

    Sealed court of public opinion, but jury never heard adopted son flipped
    from defense to prosecution.

  40. Kradamour says:

    jury never heard adopted son flipped
    from defense to prosecution.

    I didn’t know that. Have been following this only intermittently. Too upsetting.

  41. jlurksacto says:

    Read that prosecution would put son on stand if Sandusky testified.
    Sandusky could be asked about son, opening up reason to put son on
    stand. Defense could/probably would ask for delay to prepare for
    son’s testimony if not rebutal to Sandusky’s direct testimony.
    (or something close to this – your field Krad)

  42. Kradamour says:

    Thanks, jlurk. Very tough call for the prosecution. Looks like they felt confident that they had enough other credible evidence to convict without going down that rabbit hole (trying to make this less OT!)

  43. jlurksacto says:

    without going down that rabbit hole (trying to make this less OT!)

    LOLOLOL Good deflection back to Adam.

  44. Kradamour says:

    I’ve about decided that everything cycles back to Adam, the center of our universe!
    Grin In Love Grin
    (and I am only half in jest)

    G’nite, peeps.
    Sweet Adam dreams!

  45. ultimathule says:

    He’s our omphalos, Krad.

  46. Kradamour says:

    Popped back in to see if we had the verdict posted yet (guilty on 45 counts, btw) and learned a new word!

    What a gift, ulti!
    Present Present Present

    Wish I was a better tweeter. omphalos should trend!
    Smile Smile Smile

  47. HK fan says:

    luval, on GN Adam said shit, and the woman whatever her name is admonished him for it….then told a story of a guy masturbating in a tree, who she then proceeded to ‘lend a hand’ to, i.e saying she gave him a ‘hand job’, and Adam said.. ‘and I can’t say shit????…’

  48. HK fan says:

    I just came on here for 5 minutes to see a few comments….went to that article Mark Gilroy had written (don’t remember seeing it before), and got lost in the comments and links for an hour….its fun going back and revisitng some of the old stuff.

  49. apal123 says:

    I thought Adam looked very handsome and sang beautifully. The suit was a very nice color and I believe he looks so young and healthy in lighter colors. Some of those fellows in the Wanted looked older than he did.
    I am guardedly hopeful that the UK will embrace our boyfriend this era. He so deserves to feel some chart love. If the GN show is well viewed, he should have reached some new eyes and ears.
    Today I was driving my daughter to work and heard the most mind-numbing song on B96(top 40 Chicago). This is at prime drive time. Google Daft Punk Around the World. I haven’t figured out how to link yet. My computer savvy son has been too busy for a lesson. The video is slightly amusing but take away the visual and what is left? This is what top 40 is about? Beats only, no melody, no words. I’m at a loss!
    And that is why I will always be a devout Adam fan. I love meaningful or at least fun lyrics, a memorable melody,topped off by a voice that is otherworldly. I guess it must be my 29 year old sensibilities.

  50. nkd says:

    I thought Adam looked stunning on the GN show!

    I only got to see the 9 minute video, so I’m looking forward to watching the whole show on TV on the 30th. The part I saw had me laughing out loud!
    I watched the episode with Katy Perry, Cheryl Cole and a British comic from last week. It was hilarious!

    I love Map! I’m really looking forward to getting my UK cd, probably 3-4 weeks.

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