- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
OOH! Adam!!
Love the pic!!
Nah, I’m Adam, you can’t be both Kris and Adam, mils.

Great choice of pic, eywflyer!
Love that Ste Agathe vest…
You can’t be Kris and Adam!
This from twitter tonight:
Aawww. I was selfish!! LOL
I gotta be me…I gotta be meeeeee!
Think I’ll request NCOE before I toddle off…
That’s fine, as long as you also aren’t both Kris AND Adam!
g’nite, peeps!

Love the picture eywflyer!
riskylady thanks for the stats.
How’s your project? Drop me a fan mail if you want.
Well – that pic lifted my Irish gloom – love it! And so great that we’ll see that smile every time we log in here. Congrats, eywflyer – much appreciated.
Kradamour, I’ve thought long and hard about it.
I want Adam!!
He’s plenty enough for me.
You can be Kris.

“UH”, “UH”, “But, UH” “And, UH”
I was looking forward to seeing the photo of you and Adam at the top of this page.
Early appointment tomorrow so I’m off to bed now.
Good night.
Ron – You looked like a glamorous alien in that beautiful white and black outfit when you went to see Adam – let’s get a proper planet name for you – will think about that for awhile to get the right one.
You’re so sweet! Thank you!
eywflyer: I was wondering if you could put a little “request NCOE” reminder link under the thread picture. Beautiful thread picture by the way. This is as good a time as any to thank you for the time you are putting into this blog which has become a virtual home for so many of us.
AL: may thanks to you for helping with concert threads. I live on them.
Interesting and thoughtful review of Trespassing. Don’t know where this blogger is located, but has almost 8,000 followers.
I love that he loves Chokehold and Broken English!!! And he GETS Chokehold, and calls the ballads “adult” love songs. YAY!
Thanks for the link to that review, riskylady. MetroWeekly is a free LGBT news publication out of Washington, DC. I didn’t agree with a lot of what the reviewer said, but I respected the thought that went into his opinions, and it was really quite positive, particularly compared to the same reviewer’s opinion of FYE that can be read by clicking the link below the Trespassing review.
I’m road tripping to Des Moines for that park thing. Also going to Costa Mesa
& SF. Can’t pass up a free concert and only two hours away. Know three
peeps from Ca (beside myself) who were at Ste Agathe that are going to
Des Moines. And Vito might show himself. Just saying.
This is a nice video taken at the HMV signing in Toronto where they interviewed a lot of people standing in line waiting. It is interesting how the guys at minute 2:00 are talking about how important to the gay community it is that he is #1 and they hope that people are talking about “openly gay artist” and not just “Adam Lambert”. Little to they know.
Everyone is going to Iowa!!! Now you got me thinking.
What is SF? I thought it was FS…Fantasy Springs.
Okay, mils and luval, you gotta come to Des Moines. Come on, you know you want to!!!!!
I need to share expenses too. Probably most of us would need to in order to have funds if, not when, other venues open up.
ETA: And anyone else who is thinking of going, come on. We’ll have fun in middle America. Anyone wanna make a list of concertgoers??? I’m on my way out of town again in a few minutes. Gotta get off here.
Good Morning!
(This doesn’t reflect my mood. It’s just a rainy day here).
The first 5 pages are photos taken Monday at MuchMusic and HMV.
The first several pics are the black van Adam arrived in for the autograph session and here they show him as he was leaving HMV. I was there waiting in that back alley for Adam to exit the building but then most in my group decided that we met him, got his autograph, and let’s go to dinner. I didn’t see him leave.
There are some really great shots of Adam signing autographs at the MuchMusic window.
I think this is a particularly nice one:
You took some awesome pictures, Ron! Thank you for sharing them. You got a lot of great shots of Adam’s gorgeous smile. He looked so genuinely happy!
Hi Teri!!
I should clarify that I didn’t take these photos. They were done by “JP” whom I met when he was in Ste.-Agathe last July. He and his wife/partner travel extensively and have been to many of Adam’s concerts/events. They’re a lovely couple! I believe their next stop will be London so we should get some great photos of Adam with Queen.
Adam reading excerpt of 50 Shades of Gray
missdfyed Yes, definitely- leave your email address in Spring/summer concert or I will leave mine-whichever you prefer. Another Naples FAN! Yay!!!
Am just finishing up in the May chat blog but will check Spring/summer frequently.
FYI all-No FAULT at my house either. I do recall the editor/prublisher saying 2-3 weeks ago that if they didn’t get sent by a certain date(& that was 2-3 weeks ago) we would get them and get reimbursed for the magazine. So ist let’s hope we get them and 2nd let’s hope they’re free! Let’s face it–they made a lot of money on this issue!!!!!
eywflyer thanks for a wonderful, very HAPPY pic for this month. Just what we all needed after the angsting during the last day or 2. just finishing up some of the Canada stuff;must say our BB looked so HAPPY with that group of young ones singing to him and the Queen songs too. Made my morning!!
Well since i’m alone here, I’m going to tell a silly little story about the Duke. Some of you met him and you know he is a fan of Adam and is my partner in crime at these concerts. He’s just not a Glambert or as OTT as some of us are!. Well, he’s getting ready to go to the bank where he’s made a friend of one of the tellers-Michelle- who is an Adam fan but doesn’t know everything that’s going on the way we do although the Duke has told her about our ALL blog.. She also knows we went to last week’s concerts and is excited about our going to London for Adam and Queen.
Well, anyway, as he’s about to leave he says to me “Do you think I should show Michelle my autographed yellow tie?” (Those of you at WB know what I’m talking about.) Now if he’s not a Glambert, I don’t know what he is!
He’s a Glambert!!!!!
Aw, little dutchess so nice that you have a “partner in crime” in your own home. It is something very few people here have. Can’t wait to meet the Duke in London.
ETA bold fail. Sorry
eywflyer thank you for that gorgeous photo for this month! It makes me smile every time I look at it.
Hi little dutchess! I told the Duke that he was officially a Glambert at WB. A glambert is simply someone who is a part of the glamily, IMHO. And the Duke is definitely part of this glamily!!! Wear the tie, Duke, to the bank and everywhere – and keep talking to folks about Adam Lambert!!!
I am watching Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall on TV now. She can’t believe that she is there. And in a few short weeks our BB is going to be singing there, too!!!!!!!!!!! The idiots at the US radio stations can go stuff themselves. Adam F. Lambert is performing at the Royal Albert Hall! It is such a magnificent venue. And soon after that he will be performing with f**king QUEEN at their request!!!!!!!!! He is living his dream. He lives to perform, and it doesn’t get much better than this. All the promotional stuff and radio is really just to make sure that he can perform. After seeing what happened to Beiber in Norway, I wouldn’t wish that on Adam, or anyone I care about.
A little longer reading of 50 Shades of Gray. Audio only.
I could listen to books on tape by Adam Lambert!
Luval says:
06/01/2012 at 6:14 am
Everyone is going to Iowa!!! Now you got me thinking.
What is SF? I thought it was FS…Fantasy Springs
SF Golden Gate park free concert. There are lots of VIP tickets left for Des Moines. You have to bring a chair or blanket for that event though. Ask Jlurks
to bring one for you if you’re going.
From the site that must not be named …..
“Aw I love this writeup on Adam! Some really gorgeous pics too. (FYI it loads a bit slow though)”
“I followed Adam for a day in the life photo project, and found he truly has a limitless capacity for graciousness. He runs from event to event and just never quits. He will always sign one more autograph, he’s always laughing, and he will always answer your question – even if it’s offensive, and he’s been asked it 497 times before.”
“But, incidentally, the new album is killer. During an autograph session I started jamming to the music in the background, asked the publicist what was playing (like a tool), and it was (of course) his new album. So I legitimately, bias-free, really dug it.”
Just got back into the city. Guess what was awaiting me leaning against my front door…..Yes, it was my FAULT magazine. Maybe some of you got/will get yours today as well.
Thanks for bringing that over zzatrms!
Loved the b&w photos and she even managed to capture someone we know from here! I’ll let everyone see if you can find him in the photos on her blog.
AL…deleted part of my post! I like your’s better.>
Thank cher…SF free concert rings a bell now.
This was on AQD but no link:
107.9 The End @1079theend
#EndFest2012 Starring @Ddlovato @AdamLambert @KarminMusic & More!! Friday July 20th @PBPav. Tix start at just $25!!
found it:
It’s in Sacramento, California.. Three in a row. Cosa Mesa, Sacramento and Fantasy Springs.
Thanks for the pics, Ron. I could even peel out one of Adam signing my (7th?) copy of Trespassing Deluxe. In retrospect I do think you win the prize for best outfit.
little duchess: you and the duke are one if the most lovely couples I know. You know how to have fun together. A real inspiraiton.
Good afternoon. I added some text to the photo above – didn’t have time to do that last night before work. There is a challenge for someone to track down the location/source where that photo (glad y’all like it!) was taken, as in my hurry I didn’t note the source last night and now can’t find it again. First one to find where that photo came from wins the toaster oven
I found him.
I know the picture was KTUphoria but no idea who took it.
ETA The uncropped photo
Found the photo! I’ll donate the toaster oven since I have a few already.
I got my Fault today. No brown paper cardboard in the back but not in the front, sad it got dented. Adam is so preeety. I am in So Ca.