Welcome to our first monthly chat!   This thread is for general chat, planning get togethers for  St. Agathe en Feux Festival, linking pictures, sharing tweets, etc.  Please read our Guidelines before posting or if you are unsure of your post.  We are off to a good start and let’s all do our best to keep this site warm and welcoming to  all Adam fans!


1,685 Responses to June 2011 Chat

  1. asifclueless says:

    I went to Wilkes-Barre concert link and to mj’s chat thread.
    On page 33, I saw dhunken’s posts.

    Miss him. Frown

  2. cato says:

    “I went to Wilkes-Barre concert link and to mj’s chat thread.
    On page 33, I saw dhunken’s posts.”

    I was thinking of him the other day and how much he would have loved this site.

  3. Suz526 says:

    nkd – awwww thank you Smile

  4. asifclueless says:

    Hi cato !

    Dhunken is looking down from high above and nodding his head in approval of this site.

    I also saw so many familiar names from mj’s concert threads.
    How can we cantact and tell all of them how wonderful this site is?

    I’d like them to come here. The more the merrier.

  5. retjenny says:

    luval says: So to me, saying a few words here without opening the new thread to chat would be ideal. Hope I’m making sense. ( I’m not sure myself what I just said. LOL)

    I think you mean – to say a few words about various concerts – here on the current months thread. Right? I agree Smile

  6. JOJOSIE says:

    Don was one of my first twitter followers. He was like a breath air there as he was positive, yet insightful. I came on MJ’s in season 5, I think her first year, and it seems like he came on shortly after. Season 5 at MJ’s was Taylor central just like season 8 was for Adam. I need some current Adam news. I’m sure the lull in Media is appreciated by him but it makes me antsy.

  7. luval says:

    retjenny…I think yes. Even though I was at multiple concerts I don’t need a new (old) concert chat thread. But that’s me. Love to reminisce but just a little bit here. The Wilkes Barre thread is great…all the videos from that night and tweets too! So tomorrow will be Sayreville, NJ.

  8. retjenny says:

    Luval – I have to wait until July in Costa Mesa (both 1st and 2nd night)for my reminisces. Ah, good things come to those who wait.

    Eywflyer – I love the stats at the opening of each concert recap. I remember your stats spread sheet during the tour. Thank for for your work in providing such a detailed account and for you and adamland and Suz for this Adam dedicated thread.

  9. retjenny says:

    I hope Adams next stop isn’t Germany. That e-coli virus outbreak over there is terrible. I

  10. Kradamour says:

    LOVE the anniversary threads!
    I agree that we should not add posts to those historical threads. This chat thread should be the venue for those reminiscences.
    I may or may not always revisit the historical threads, I would like to see peeps’ comments here on the chat thread.

    Having said that, can’t wait for June 30!!! Norfolk!!!

  11. jlurksacto says:


    A year since the first GNT show?! Oh how the year has flown by. I miss my GNT familia, the fans, Arnie and surprisngly that bus of ours!

  12. dcglam says:

    Having said that, can’t wait for June 30!!! Norfolk!!!

    June 28 for me in DC……. I still have my ticket stub!! Wink
    I even remember exactly what I wore, including my purple glittery nail polish that took me days to remove.

  13. Ron says:

    Hi! Very late night thought (or is it very early morning?). I don’t have any kind of “in” with Leila but if someone has her email or can Tweet her, it would be nice if she knew about this Blog!

    I didn’t feel this way but some of you thought that Leila lurked at MJ’s. Well, if she did, all the better that she lurks here. Smile

  14. asifclueless says:

    Where is Adam?

    Is Adam in Miami?


    It can’t be!!! Any ninjas here?

  15. Ron says:

    Hi asif!


    CHER get on this right away! Grin

  16. Kradamour says:

    This is from Adamquotedaily; I just loved the way the thoughts are expressed and ITA:

    Adam said he’s looking for someone who could take care of him this time, with so much going on in his life. Enter Sauli. Delightfully calm and unphased by all the madness that surrounds Adam, he seems to offer Adam peace, trust, support, and a refreshing love that comes from a good, unneedy place.

  17. Kradamour says:

    Ron, we used to communicate with Leila on the fansite but she removed herself a while ago. I imagine she wanted her life back! and likely participated for the first months to help it get up and running, and have credibility, and to get a sense of her son’s fandom. Leila is wonderfully gracious; apples don’t fall that far from trees, as they say, and Leila and Adam prove the saying.

  18. Ron says:

    I love AdamQuoteDaily! I had the pleasure of meeting the woman who runs that site. She lives just outside of Toronto – did you know that? Wink She wasn’t at Adam’s birthday party but I met her at another party at the same location that was hosted by “Xena” who invited me to join in. FUN night! Also met “Juneau” that evening, too. (They jointly host a radio show and co-wrote the book, “On the meaning of Adam Lambert” – but I’m sure most of you know that.

  19. Ron says:

    Hi Kradamour!!

    Maybe mils can contact her. Didn’t Leila respond to mils several times in the past? I think she did.

  20. nkd says:

    Having said that, can’t wait for June 30!!! Norfolk!!!

    Does this mean I have to be quiet until September?!!!

  21. Ron says:

    Does this mean I have to be quiet until September?!!!

    What a refreshing thought! LOL


  22. nkd says:

    Pffft! Smile

  23. Ron says:

    So if Adam’s in Miami, why would Adam be in Miami? Beautiful city, please don’t misunderstand, but I usually don’t associate Adam with Miami.

  24. dcglam says:

    Maybe it is a layover???

  25. Ron says:

    You’ll never guess who I’m listening to now … Gogi Grant. Love her! Go on YouTube and search for “Why Was I Born?” Or, “The Wayward Wind”.

    I’d love to hear Adam sing “Why Was I Born”.

  26. Ron says:

    Obviously, Gogi was the chat breaker. Smile I’m continuing with my one man party with Gogi and will also say good night.

  27. luval says:

    Early here at work. Am part way through the comments from the Wilkes barre thread. The most hilarious part so far is the number of “OMG’S” when Adam sang ROF!

  28. asifclueless says:

    Hi All !
    Pretty quiet Sunday !!!

  29. eywflyer says:

    Good morning everyone! One year ago tonight saw the second show of the Glam Nation Tour, at Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ. This was my first GNT show, and it was an all-day endurance test! GA venue, so waited outside the doors starting at 9a, got in around 6p, then waited on a packed floor for another 3 hours or so for Adam. But it was worth it! Smile


  30. Kradamour says:

    waited on a packed floor for another 3 hours or so for Adam. But it was worth it! Smile

    It always is! Grin

    Ron, I think mils communicated with Leila on the fansite like I did, but I could be wrong. Cool if she has a direct email for her!

  31. Suz526 says:

    Ahhhh eywflyer – I remember Sayreville well!! Our group didn’t arrive until 5:00 and needless to say we were at the end of the line. It was hot, humid and the gravel surface was a challenge. The crowds started lining up at 7:00 a.m. Inside, the venue was quite a contrast to the night before (and the stage was quite small) – but the love for GNT was the same. My first experience with general admission. . .

  32. Oksana2000 says:

    Good morning! Smile
    Yesterday I went down memory lane and read every comment on W-B concert thread. I remember the excitement and seeing GNT (on livestream) for the very first time. I was so captivated watching livestream with thousands of people from all over the world that I didn’t comment at all..
    What a difference a year made!
    I remember heat wave in NY, I swear it must’ve been almost 100F, the worst June ever.I was admiring fans waiting outside venues for hours, that’s what I call a dedication…
    Eywflyer, are you going to post links to L/Y concert threads under “Recent Post” column?

  33. eywflyer says:

    Oksana, the posts from last year’s shows will normally show up under Recent Posts. These first couple didn’t because I had already published them a couple of weeks ago. Going forward, I’ll keep the upcoming anniversary shows in draft form until the day arrives then publish them.

    Related point – read the comments yesterday and talked with Adamland, we feel it’s best to keep the comments on last years shows all in this thread. If anyone wants to post a longer recap or a new photo set from one of last years shows, post it here and I’ll copy it over to the recap post.

    Suz526, wow that was a long line! I remember being amazed as it wrapped all the way around the parking lot. So hot that day too, I think the high was around 100. Too bad we hadn’t met yet at that point! I didn’t meet any of the folks from MJs until the dinner before Costa Mesa.

  34. luval says:

    Suz526…am looking forward to every one of your mini recap memories. I’m sure each will have a new flavor and twist from your amazing adventure of 2010.

    I also can’t believe we didn’t meet up until Paris!

  35. Ron says:

    Kradamour says:
    06/05/2011 at 10:33 am

    Ron, I think mils communicated with Leila on the fansite like I did, but I could be wrong. Cool if she has a direct email for her!

    Hi Kradamour. You’ve refreshed my memory. Yes, that was it … mils received, I think, 3 replies from Leila through the FanSite. I suppose the only way to try and reach her is on Twitter. I finally broke down and registered on Twitter about a month ago. Two weeks into my membership, I received an email informing me that my account had been compromised. Someone was using my name and photo to make posts. I no longer have a Twitter account. Wink

    Suz526 says:
    06/05/2011 at 11:00 am

    My first experience with general admission. . .

    Hello Suz. Ste-Agathe is going to be my first experience with general admission. In the middle of Summer, outdoors, in a field. I hope someone cut the grass! I’m counting on Kradamour to sleep overnight in this field to mark our territory! Grin

  36. jlurksacto says:

    Hey Ron, put a little addition on that territory cause at present plan
    on attending (subject to change/modification) ROAD TRIP – ROAD TRIP! !

  37. Ron says:

    jlurksacto says:
    06/05/2011 at 12:30 pm
    Hey Ron, put a little addition on that territory cause at present plan
    on attending (subject to change/modification) ROAD TRIP – ROAD TRIP! !

    Hi jlurksacto! I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. But then, my Gogi Grant Party last night went on until 4:30am and I’m still not fully awake. LOL

    Thinking “ROAD TRIP” might be a new band added to the Festival roster, LOL I went to the Festival website to check them out. I didn’t find a group there called “ROAD TRIP”. Grin

    I’ve been to that site many times now but for the first time I read the bio of Eric LaPointe. There must be something lost in the translation because this is part of his write-up:

    His album Obsession, propelled him into the firmament of stars Quebec in 1994 with the songs “Promised Land” and “Anything.” His voice hoarse, his music and his lyrics robust flirting with neo-existentialism of Generation X.

    Is the “hoarse voice” part supposed to make me want to see him? LOL

  38. Kradamour says:

    I would have translated it to gravelly voice LOL…

    Ron, no sleeping in fields for me. I’m a city girl. But you can keep a lookout from your tree limb…and so far it looks as though tickets aren’t selling all that well, so there should be plenty of space for us.

    GA in a hot and crowded hall is very different from GA in an outdoor venue. And when Adam had the two opening acts (Allison and Orianthi), so that you had to nail down your spot and couldn’t leave for three painful hours before his concert began…ugh…so I gave up my GA tickets to Richmond and went looking for other relatively nearby venues and went to Raleigh and met cher. And then on to Atlanta for the two-fer, two concerts in one city/two different venues. RayGay! Met fwachdr (Froggie) there. A wonderful month!

  39. Suz526 says:

    Eywflyer – I’m getting very nostalgic here, and looking forward to Quebec – reuniting with old friends and meeting some new ones. It’s amazing we didn’t meet until so much later in the tour.

    Adamland and I go waaaaaaaaaaay back!!!!

    Hi Ron! I swore after Europe, I’d NEVER attend a GA concert again – it’s brutal for filming (crowds are unpredictable)-aan here I am, marching off to Quebec. But, as a concert-goer (minus the filming), the experience is incredible!

    Krad! Are you sleeping overnight in the field?? Maybe I’ll join you . . . Of course, Ron will be there at 5:00 a.m. for the shift change – LOL!!!

  40. Ron says:

    Kradamour says:
    06/05/2011 at 1:39 pm
    I would have translated it to gravelly voice LOL…

    it looks as though tickets aren’t selling all that well, so there should be plenty of space for us.

    I know but I think we might be surprised when we’re there at how many people will make up the audience. I’m sure a lot of people feel no rush at this time to buy tickets for a GA event that’s going to happen 2 months in the future.

    The plan with my group is to bring blankets and lawn chairs and stake out our spot early in the morning on July 29th. We’ll then take turns throughout the day holding down the fort. I don’t know how practical this is going to be but we can’t think of any other way to be as near to the stage as possible. If this doesn’t pan out, I’m counting on Jumbo Trons!

  41. Ron says:

    Hi SUZ!

    Hi Ron! I swore after Europe, I’d NEVER attend a GA concert again – it’s brutal for filming (crowds are unpredictable)-

    You can sit on my shoulders. Grin

  42. jlurksacto says:

    Thinking “ROAD TRIP” might be a new band added to the Festival roster, I went to the Festival website to check them out. I didn’t find a group there called “ROAD TRIP”.

    Edited post to include (driving). Can drive and stay in motels cheaper than

  43. Ron says:

    Gotcha, jlurksacto! Wink

    How long will you be on the road? My little band of merry-mirth-makers Grin and I are also driving. We plan to leave Toronto at 7:00am. Google tells me it’ll take 7 hours and … 1 minute! LOL I don’t think that takes into account traffic, gas stations and restroom stops. Smile I HOPE we’ll be pulling into the Inn’s parking lot between 3:00 and 4:00pm. Fingers crossed.

  44. Suz526 says:

    Ron says:
    You can sit on my shoulders. Grin

    Deal! As a back up, can I join you in the lawn chair festival?

  45. jlurksacto says:

    One way is about 3000 miles, so four days. Stopping midway to
    visit family and take a break. I’m retired, so gonna turn this
    into a 2-3 week trip.

  46. Ron says:

    Suz526 says:
    06/05/2011 at 2:47 pm

    Deal! As a back up, can I join you in the lawn chair festival?

    Of course! The more people the better! We plan on taking turns in shifts. It could be a lot of fun, actually. Hopefully I’ll be meeting new people who’ll be nearby and doing the same thing. I’m otherwise going to bring a book and lots of cryptic crossword puzzles because I love the challenge of figuring those things out.

    jlurksacto says:
    06/05/2011 at 2:48 pm
    One way is about 3000 miles, so four days.

    Wow! Four days … and I thought 7 hours was a long drive! Kind of puts things into perspective for me! But, as was mentioned earlier, “it’ll be worth it”. Smile

  47. Suz526 says:

    jlurksacto says:
    One way is about 3000 miles, so four days. Stopping midway to
    visit family and take a break. I’m retired, so gonna turn this
    into a 2-3 week trip.

    Guess I shouldn’t complain about a 130-mile trip to LA . . .

  48. Ellessay says:

    Been lurking and wishing I could go to Quebec. I can’t wait to read the recaps. I live vicariously through your stories.

    Had an Adam moment today. In the restaurant where my husband and I were eating breakfast, I heard WWFM played on the radio. Cheap thrill to be serenaded by Adam while eating. It was hard to stay focused on the conversation–kept wanting to tell my husband to shut up for a couple of minutes.

    As for Adam in Miami–no problem as long as we don’t have another beach moment! Hope the paps leave him alone this trip.

  49. nkd says:

    I’m otherwise going to bring a book and lots of cryptic crossword puzzles because I love the challenge of figuring those things out.

    So Ron, you weren’t planning on me sitting with you while you hold our territory?!!! If you’re gonna read, I guess I’ll take a different shift! Wink

  50. nkd says:

    Hi Ellessay! I find myself wanting to tell others to hush while an Adam song is playing, also!

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