Welcome to our first monthly chat!   This thread is for general chat, planning get togethers for  St. Agathe en Feux Festival, linking pictures, sharing tweets, etc.  Please read our Guidelines before posting or if you are unsure of your post.  We are off to a good start and let’s all do our best to keep this site warm and welcoming to  all Adam fans!


1,685 Responses to June 2011 Chat

  1. asifclueless says:

    More news (from 24/7 news) about the duet from RCA Ed


  2. asifclueless says:

    now who’s freckles would he be counting?

    The person he is with. (in Speedos) Wink

    Krads, thanks for Sasha’s vid. of SYTYCD.
    I’ll watch it now.

  3. retjenny says:

    nkd says:
    06/03/2011 at 3:01 pm
    Here’s the twitpic link that retjenny posted. Cute!


    Thanks nkd, you sweet thing. You are always helping save my “non technical self” Smile

  4. luval says:

    Here is that song “Hair” that mils keeps talking about.


  5. milwlovesadam says:

    Luval, thanks. Leave it to the Glamberts to make Hair about Tommy! Love the song. I often Google lyrics, especially for singers like Gaga, who I know are all about the “message”.

  6. Kradamour says:

    luval that’s a great vid! Hadn’t realized just how awesome Tommy’s hair is!
    The song…still just meh for me. Sounds like something else, can’t put my finger on just what…?

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    Totally off topic, but too hilarious to resist. Jon Stewart vs Trump and Pizza. LOL. For anybody that has ever eaten a slice in NYC.


  8. luval says:

    Rhianna is really getting heat for her video. I signed in to cnn.com and it was one of the headlines.

  9. adamland says:

    Let’s remember that if Adam wouldn’t go on AI, he would still be making just enough money pay his rent for a tiny studio.

    Actually once Adam went back to “Wicked” he was making $1800.00 a WEEK as the understudy. That was for almost 2 years. He said he saved a lot of that which is why he had a decent nest egg and could take the chance to go on Idol where he wouldn’t make any money for quite a while.

  10. milwlovesadam says:

    Interesting luval. I actually have far less of a problem with this one than with S&M. Maybe it’s a generational shift. But, wow, I didn’t even know what S&M was until I was in college. And, I am not a prude!! People just didn’t talk about that stuff. So, in some cases , I guess I do worry about “the children.” Because kids are watching those videos, and she makes S&M look so “pretty.”

  11. luval says:

    mils…that Jon Stewart video is hilarious!!! Adam would be great on his show. Wonder where it is taped?

  12. milwlovesadam says:

    Daily Show is taped in NY. That’s why that audience was laughing and cheering so hard. The punchline is what did it for me.

    PSST: I’ll be in NY in July to look at colleges. Gonna try to take in a show, any suggestions out there? I’m looking at The Book of Mormon, but I don’t think I can get tickets, it’s a hot one right now.

  13. glambotgram says:

    haha http://twitpic.com/42zy9v

    And off subject I just saw a commercial for Magnum Ice cream bars, they said NOW for the first time available in America. lol

  14. Oksana2000 says:

    Actually once Adam went back to “Wicked” he was making $1800.00 a WEEK as the understudy. That was for almost 2 years. He said he saved a lot of that which is why he had a decent nest egg and could take the chance to go on Idol where he wouldn’t make any money for quite a while.

    adamland, maybe my memory is failing me, but what I recall, he was on “Wicked” then he quit cause he wanted to be in the rockband, then he got his chorus/understudy part in “Wicked” for half a year before auditionig for AI. The Los Angeles production run from Feb, 2007 to Jan, 2009 and my understanding is that he must’ve quit some time before closing date.
    I don’t recall Adam saying that he saved a lot, but I didn’t follow his EVERY interview. I don’t know much about LA, but I assume is compatible with NYC and $1800 a week would not get you too far if you want to live the way Adam wanted to live.

  15. Oksana2000 says:

    retjenny and glambot Thanks for the pictures..hahaha
    I have to say that Adam’s fans are creative.. Smile

  16. jlurksacto says:

    Interesting Sasha Q&A about SYTYCD

    Please tell me the name of the song you and your sister danced to?! I need that in my life (ipod) lol Great job on SYTYCD! GOooo sisters! Smile

    funny thing is we actually used a different song i dont know what they used over but it worked brilliantly… tell me if you find out haha thanks for the support.. ur fricken awesome with a side of cool sauce

  17. Oksana2000 says:

    Totally off topic, but too hilarious to resist. Jon Stewart vs Trump and Pizza. LOL. For anybody that has ever eaten a slice in NYC.


    mils, I’m still laughing.. Smile Jon Stewart is brilliant, and Donald Trump is..well Donald Trump.Yes, I want to see his birth certificate..hehehehe

  18. Oksana2000 says:
  19. adamland says:

    adamland, maybe my memory is failing me, but what I recall, he was on “Wicked” then he quit cause he wanted to be in the rockband, then he got his chorus/understudy part in “Wicked” for half a year before auditionig for AI. The Los Angeles production run from Feb, 2007 to Jan, 2009 and my understanding is that he must’ve quit some time before closing date.
    I don’t recall Adam saying that he saved a lot, but I didn’t follow his EVERY interview. I don’t know much about LA, but I assume is compatible with NYC and $1800 a week would not get you too far if you want to live the way Adam wanted to live.

    Trust me my facts are good. For a studio apt in Hollywood he still had money left over to save. He quit the touring Wicked to be in a rock band. Then later on when they started the L.A. based Wicked he begged to get his understudy job back. Here go and read this:

    Part 2

    Part 3

  20. adamland says:

    I’ve put up all of militaryjanne’s videos from concert on the Moscow thread.

  21. Oksana2000 says:

    Adamland, I remember that 4 part interview with Fred Bronson, actually it was one of the best interviews with Adam at that time.I would even say – the best.

    You’re working. You know you can pay your bills but do you want to do something great?

    Maybe I interpreted this, like “oh , I make enough to pay my bills, but that’s all”. My bad.

  22. adamland says:

    @siamusic: Adam just texted me. Def no collab with xtina planned, although he said he would love to. 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

  23. adamland says:

    Maybe I interpreted this, like “oh , I make enough to pay my bills, but that’s all”. My bad.

    No problem. In another interview he said he had a nestegg saved from his time in the L.A. Wicked but that one I would have to search for.

  24. JOJOSIE says:

    KRADAMOUR, I’m not sure if your a Bradley Cooper fan but he speaks very fluent French. His interview in France is like “going viral”. If your interested just google Bradley Cooper french and you’ll find it. Made me more of a fan. I’m sure that if Adam wanted Sauli in London, he bought the ticket and Sauli is staying with Adam. I think Sauli has his own spending money but with Adam career at the center of their lives I’m sure his is taking a back seat. I think he is interested in design and fashion.

  25. Kradamour says:

    Adam has always been focused on financial security. In high school he was in DECA or something similar. He has talked from the beginning about buying a house and I never had the feeling it was for the sake of the living space, but as a rung on the way to security. He is pretty savvy about the business part of what he does, and obviously takes an interest in it. It is one of the so many things this Virgo loves about him! I was never able to get into the rock stars who blew money indiscriminately and lived wild and financially irresponsible lifestyles, even as a teen/young adult. Another part of Adam’s whole package!

  26. luval says:

    So I guess it’s pretty much confirmed…no collab with Xtina. Fine with me!

  27. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks for that trip down memory lane with that 4 part interview. I remember reading those and just falling deeper into the glitz. That was probably the best print interview with him to date. It was just honest, not meant to be an expose` or to shock, like Rolling Stone was.

    About who pays for what, I honestly don’t care. Everything is just speculation. Whether Sauli is living on Adam’s dime, I doubt it. But, in terms of buying things for your beau, and the point is…what? Haven’t we all had gifts from our beaus? Jewelry, clothes, tickets to see each other, bric a brac and what nots?

  28. luval says:

    mils…thanks for saying that about Sauli. I wanted to for awhile now. Don’t care whatsoever who pays for what. Haha I’ve bought many a “what not” for a guy. I’m the type that goes overboard to a fault. But I love gifting. I think because I love buying!

    btw I just watched the Adam Lambert Idolatry…Great! Part 4 is the best I think. His dreams have come true.

  29. Oksana2000 says:

    My thoughts (as in anyone care.. Frown ) on comments why Adam is renting , not buying a house.
    I read quite interesting article on buying vs. renting. It just happens, that Los Angeles area is the one, where buing is currently NOT recomended. The other one is Manhattan with its ridiculous overpriced condos.
    Adam is really business savvy, I believe that he already weighted pros and cons.
    Obviously there is a group of people that is trying to prove that Adam is a failure, cause he can’t afford to buy a house…

  30. Oksana2000 says:

    I was never able to get into the rock stars who blew money indiscriminately and lived wild and financially irresponsible lifestyles, even as a teen/young adult. Another part of Adam’s whole package!

    kradamour, because Adam is really boy next door. You know, the one that one day will show up at your door wanting to date one of your children. Smile
    (I still can’t get over that bigot that condemned Adam while praising Scotty)

  31. Oksana2000 says:

    mils, the reason I loved Bronson interview was because he didn’t mention Adam being gay even once. It was all about music.

  32. Kradamour says:

    Jojosie, I didn’t know who Bradley Cooper was – but what a great link:
    Thank you! I’ll forward it to my newsletter list of French teachers – good end of year discussion, whether speaking French is hot or not… Grin The comments were very thought-provoking. Good discussion material.
    His French is amazingly good for an American, although not error-free. And I loved how complimentary she was to him both in the beginning and at the end. The French love when we speak French. When I am in Paris, and someone learns that I am an American, I am often bombarded with curious questions. Why did I learn French? Where did I learn French? and then the questions about our politics and culture that require French fluency to answer. Sometimes I feel a little bit like a trained monkey lol…
    Only about 6% of Americans speak a foreign language fluently, BTW. (Not including Americans who learned a heritage language at home.)

  33. Kradamour says:

    Wow. It’s quiet tonight! Nekkid is out dining on Greek food…there must be something on TV tonight?
    hellooooo out there…. Smile

    Okay, I’ll post a quick link and then I’m off to snuggle in the eyebrows.
    Here is a list of celebrity peeps who speak French – not necessarily fluent (though many are) but able to communicate.
    Elton John. (Who knew? but of course!)

  34. eywflyer says:

    Good morning! Do ya’ll realize that the Glam Nation Tour began exactly one year ago tonight in Wilkes-Barre PA? I’m starting to work on recaps for all of last year’s shows, here is the one for Wilkes-Barre:


    Adam tweets, he has been very quiet the last several days. Leaving London – wonder if he’s off to Finland, Sweden or back to LA now?

  35. milwlovesadam says:

    Good Morning! It is hot sunny and gorgeous here finally! My garden is beckoning me….but first I came here for a quick peek. Mwahahaha! What can I say? I like the eyebrows!

    So he’s saying goodbye to London? And he’s off to…? MMMaybe Finland? Or……???? Hoping for plane or airport twitpics from lucky travelers.

    Eywflyer: Thanks for the anniversary thread. Can we comment on it/them? Just to pop in and say, “I was there” kind of stuff? Not to linger and have huge chats. Chat would of course be here.

  36. luval says:

    Good morning… I was there! Or am I supposed to put this on the Wilkes barre thread? (thanks mils).

  37. Suz526 says:

    Ahhhhhh – Wilkes-Barre! The anticipation was palpable! I can still remember the crowd reaction as FYE ended and the lights went out. In the darkness, we could see Adam’s silhouette on top of the stairs. Then we heard those first notes. . . “Moon shine, on the bayou . . .”

  38. nkd says:

    eywflyer, thank you for adding the old concert links. Just another fabulous aspect to this site you all have created. It’s such a convenience to be able to go to that concert thread for videos and the link to the old MJs chat.
    All of the work that you and adamland have put into this site is greatly appreciated. It is just the best evahhh! Smile

  39. luval says:

    Suz…I get chills thinking about those first notes and that silouhette. Where I was sitting…4 rows from the front and on the left…people were gasping! I always wondered what adam was thinking in those moments before he stepped on stage. Don’t remember him ever discussing this.

  40. Suz526 says:

    luval says:
    I always wondered what Adam was thinking in those moments before he stepped on stage. Don’t remember him ever discussing this.

    Me, too – the first stop of a 100+ show tour. Band, dancers, lighting, the works – to create his vision. I can’t imagine the thrill he must have felt. Do you remember his shirt coming apart during IIHY? So many good people and fond memories there. . .

  41. nkd says:

    Suz, it still amazes me how you were able to be so steady-handed with all of the excitement surrounding you. We will forever be grateful to you and the many others that took videos and shared them with us so that we could experience ALL of the concerts! Amazing! Thank you!

  42. luval says:

    Omg, yes the shirt. But I didn’t realize it was falling out of the vest until well after it started. And I remember afterwards telling everyone how family friendly the show was. -Smile Suz did you go to the bus? That was before he did the signings. What fun! I waited and waited…people were cheering as each dancer and band member came out. Then finally…there he was…escorted by several black clothed guards. With his hood up and sunglasses he was rushed to the bus. The first thing he did was lean over and shake the driver’s hand. So gracious.

  43. riskylady says:

    That tour was a HUGE accomplishment. Viewed in the light of what is happening with Adele, her laryngitis and having to cancel the rest of her tour – shows you how brilliant Adam was in taking care of his voice for soooo long, so many shows, such strenuous songs, and giving 150% every time – so much travel, so many time zones He is just an amazing amazing performer, with a tremendous work ethic. I admire him so much.

  44. asifclueless says:

    What a great site this becomes!!!

    Thank you very much for this wonderful anniversary thread. Eywflyer, adamland, and Suz526 … you guys have done an outstanding job!!!

    Love it. Love the info. at the beginning too. How can you do all of this?

    Here is the link again, just in case for your convenience.


    EPIC!!! Grin

  45. asifclueless says:

    Adamquotedaily also has the concert anniversary recap. It’s also awesome with lots of pics, vids, gifs, and fans’ comments.

    Top Ten Reasons the GNT Rocks


  46. asifclueless says:

    If anybody goes to Top Ten Reasons GNT Rocks (link above), could you go to number two … 2) Adam’s Incredible Clothing

    Please give me an advise.

    Should I use photo#4 as my desktop background?

    Am I going to get things done if I have it?
    Right now I have the eyes.

    nkd.. what do you think?

  47. eywflyer says:

    mils, I’m somewhat undecided about opening the recap threads to comments. There would be an advantage to having folks be able to say “I was there” or perhaps contribute any pix/vids they might have for each show, since these recaps are intended to be a permanent record of that show, one that we could go back and review years later (when Adam hopefully has multiple platinum albums and many successful tours).

    However, I do wonder if the chat would tend to become “diluted” among too many active threads (I’m planning to post each recap on its one year anniversary, so eventually there will be a large number of them). What do you guys think?

  48. nkd says:

    Please give me an advise.

    Should I use photo#4 as my desktop background?

    Am I going to get things done if I have it?
    Right now I have the eyes.

    asif…what can I say? NO! You will get nothing done! A little belly flesh and the laces! But, the laces were new and tight!
    Why did you ask me this? You’re trying to get me put in the corner! Smile

  49. luval says:

    I personally don’t mind saying “I was there” and maybe a small recap on this thread like I’ve done already if that’s ok, but I like reading the original comments on the old mj’s concert thread. As time goes by I don’t think we’ll get many more pictures from a year or more ago. True there will be over 100 concert threads! I don’t think there’s a lot of new information on the old shows. So to me, saying a few words here without opening the new thread to chat would be ideal. Hope I’m making sense. ( I’m not sure myself what I just said. LOL)

  50. asifclueless says:

    What?!? …nkd … NO?? Frown

    What about .. I take it to decorate the corner. And then we spend time together there. We can giggle like little kids. You can practice your bopping too. Ron will be impressed. Wink

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