- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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So hope so, luval. Adam does know how to pick ’em.
haha Al…very good
My prediction is that it will definitely have a black/white cover. The “eyes” from this thread would be perfect. It would suck in all the non-adam fans.
LOL…. This is great, AL! Love it…..
And yes, luval, the “eyes” would make an incredible album cover. After all, who could possibly resist those eyes?!?!
AL, how I would love for that to be the cover! Serious studio
AL, I like that. A lot. A LOT.
I do think that the cover of FYE had a negative impact on sales. I got where Adam was coming from, but I agree with the person who posted back then that no straight and few gay guys would ever be seen taking that CD up to the register to pay for it. Love the studio photo, it has an edgy James Dean thing going on and the scene is visually and intellectually interesting.
I’m gonna duck before I say this next, and ask for forgiveness, but I really don’t like the eyes at the top of the thread. Too much liner around them and the brows are too bushy/dark, I think the eyes are actually diminished and a little bit creepy. I’ll be glad when the photo changes on Friday.
BUT that is just me. Please don’t hate me.
Updated list for Ste Agathe.
Each asterisk indicates a dinner reservation.
I think that we have heard from everyone now, except cgesq’s guest and Calgary.
Nekkid and daughter Calli **
Luval *
Adamized *
Cher *
Ceddies *
Ron *
Jlurksacto *
MWay *
Riskylady *
Northern Spirit *
Suz256 *
robininny *
margie32127 *
floridagirl *
ladybugs *
tchrsd *
Ake **
Little Dutchess and her Duke **
cgesq and guest *
kdd43 *
eywflyer *
Kradamour *
angelowal *
(tentative) Calgary
Kradamour, I think you are correct re the FYE album cover hurting sales. I am a gay guy and would have been a bit embarrassed to take that album up to the register to be honest. Of course my copy was preordered online, but I could imagine some folks in the record store deciding not to buy FYE because of that cover.
Wow…no AMA’s, different album cover and title…what could have been…………oh well, get over it, luval. It is (or was) what it is!
On line voting for Sasha:
Phone: 1-888-836-7601
And Adam is who he is, and one of the things we love about him is that he has the strength of his convictions, and is willing to lose some fans if they aren’t willing to board his boat. We’ve had some interesting conversations about his future on this blog and mjs, and about what he really wants and what would make him happy. I don’t think Adam looks back in regret. Ever. But he learns for the future, and these are all things to love.
I happen to love the “For Your Entertainment” title and thought it was perfect for the type of debut album Adam put out.
Yeah, the cover pic not so much.
And dcglam…Yes! But I liked the cover too!
This is why it will be so interesting to see what he decides to go with this time around.
Just saw a help-wanted ad for Ste Agathe festival. It was in French, of course. The list of names for the winners of free tickets are also all French. Bring your dictionaries, peeps! We may be the only English there…
Fr***cking, fracking, sh*t, goldarnit!! GAAAAAH!!!
I had the most aggravating, unbelievable tortuous adventure in “customer service” today after work, with the delivery and damage done to my home of my new washer and dryer. And, no, thank you very much, I STILL can’t do laundry. They have to come back with a part. AGAIN. And fix my DOOR TOO!! AAAARGH!!!!
Okay. Need some coolin’. Feel better now.
ETA: Just listened to acoustic WWFM. Nerves soothed.
Need to go catch up on the Voice and Sasha.
A & E Biography is just now doing a piece on David Bowie with an Adam mention. We get this on Channel 229. They were discussing people who have been influenced by Bowie as well as glam rock. Next on the list for Biography is Freddy Mercury.
dcglam, Adam may be the catalyst that gets a television into my house lol…
Kind of a sad story, actually. They talk about Bowie’s severe drug addiction and that at one point he weighed 80 pounds from not eating and just doing drugs. He also would make records and have no idea he even made them until he heard them played on the radio sometime later.
It gets better….. He eventually worked himself out of his addiction, but later in life had a heart attack while on tour in 2004. They talk about “Let’s Dance” as being his most successful record. Kind of makes me want to go back and watch a Bowie Medley video from the AI tour!
By the way luval….. his home base is New York City.
Just checking in – lots of interesting posts here tonight. Agree with Kradamour about the “eyes” pic on top – not my fav actually. Of the pics I’ve sent out to people, the one that garnered the most enthusiastic responses was that of the beautifully freckled Adam with baby Riff – man – did people love that one. And, Kradamour, my TV’s in the basement gathering dust – don’t bother getting one – it’s old tech.
Funny about gauges – was in Best Buy yesterday and clerk had these big empty holes decorating his ears – small, though, compared to the pic someone sent me of a guy with his iPhone in his ear. Never out of touch.
As far as double jointed is concerned – actually looked it up (google? wikipedia?) and, apparently, there really isn’t such a thing. But, I’ve noticed, as I presume most of us have, Adam’s extreme flexibility. His arms and finger gestures are very graceful – and I won’t go into his ball-bearing hips – geez – think some people are just born that way – others are like stumps – nothing you can do about it.
As far as Rolling Stone and Bachman are concerned, I discount everything I read in that rag. Cancelled my subscription months ago after they, for all practical purposes, ignored Adam’s monumentally successful tour after so many “big” names like Rihanna were cancelling theirs. All they’re concerned with is wrinkled rockers and boring alt groups – good riddance.
Must have been channeling everyone, as, as soon as (lots of ases) I saw that pic, tweeted Adam (sure he took notice right away) that the pic would be great on his new album. Like the vibe. Certainly a helluva lot different than his first one. And, speaking of the FYE album cover, one DJ (gay? not U.S.?) said it’ll be iconic – definitely a keeper.
The gay marriage bill fallout is really interesting (almost as interesting as Scalia and Thomas being on completely opposite sides). It’s far more complicated than it appears and will raise even more questions. Arm yourselves.
Then, speaking of sales – seems impossible to judge what’s really going on and any comparisons with former years not worth the time. Speaking personally, the difference in how I get my music, even in the past two years, is vast. To determine success, check the tax returns – unless, of course, the performer is just into his/her “art.” Remember Adam, in that funny split pants interview, when asked by the hilarious gal interviewer what the big difference was now for him, Adam looked up and answered, “Money?” Hope he gets heaps of it. Maserati time? lol
well, first af all, surprised at that Kradamour and ultimathule don’t really like the eyes pic…I love it, and would love it blown up and hanging above my bed…but each to their own.
As to the cd cover, I brought the US version and the UK version, the UL one had the metalled hand in front of his face whuch I think is the better cover. But I have never brought or not brought an album because of the picture on the front, and can’t believe that people would be so shallow as to not buy a cd because of the picture. If you really don’t like it then you just change the picture when you get home.
Thanks for the album sales numbers eywflyer. I so want Adams 2nd cd to outsell his first…
I’ve asked this on another site, but have never gotten a reply. But does anyone know why digital downloads are counted for sales classification for singles, but not for album sales. I saw the sales figures a couple of months ago for FYE, and it was about 835,000, plus digital downloads of about 130,000 (can’t remember the exact figures), but on every article etc about sales and how many it needs to sell to be platinum they only ever mention the hard copy sales, and it seems digital downloads are never included. Why would this be in a time when so many people download their music?
We have two Happy Birthdays today. Ceddies and Sunsister!
Have a fantastic day ladies!!!!
Krad, Cgesq’s guest is coming so you can add her to the list now.
Kradamour, I have to agree with you on that black and white photo. I love it because it has seriousness about it, a James Dean (maybe even Dylan) pensive look to it.
Update on Ste Agathe concert location:
Perhaps you all know this already, but I thought I’d post this just in case others are in the fog about this as I am. I sent an email to the festival to see if I could get more information on where the concert would be. This is their response, sent to me at 11pm last night….they are on top of things!
“”The Adam Lambert concert is right across the street of the Plage Tessier. After the concert, the Plage Tessier is reserved for the people that attended the show, so you can see the International caliber fireworks included in the price of you ticket.“”
Plage Tessier is on the little peninsula across the little bay that Hotel Watel is on. The beach is where the green arrow is and the hotel at the top of the “G” on the map shown here: http://www.quebecvacances.com/plage-tessier_carte . I checked Google Earth (you can also check Google Maps, and switch on the satellite view), and you’ll notice that there is a large field clearing across from this beach, so I guess that is where the concert is. Google Earth says the distance from the hotel is 1.09 km (0.68 mi) from the hotel.
I’ve sent an email back to them to see if they could give me information on parking near the concert. It’s definitely walkable from the Watel, if we don’t have much gear with us.
Morning all. Caught up on the last few pages of posts and of course feel like I need to add my 2 cents:
1. Love the Mimi love Adam’s vid. Cute, funny, and a tiny bit dirty…perfect
2. Love the eyes! I find them mezmorizing not creepy at all
3. Agree that b/w cover with a James Dean feel would be perfect for album#2…afterall it is supposed to be deep and real and honest. Al – loved the Twist of Fate title you gave it
4. I really am impressed by the calebre of dancers on SYTYCD. Haven’t really watched past seasons. Sasha was great last night. She has made me cry the past two weeks.
Off to work. Have a great day everyone.
Love seeing Adam’s name mentioned right along with other top “celebrities” such as Obama, Biden, and Clinton…
After just less than a year of its creation, the “It Gets Better” project has received more than 10,000 videos and attracted the attention of celebrities including Ellen DeGeneres, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, singer Adam Lambert, Justin Bieber, Hillary Clinton and many more.
My best birthday wishes to Ceddies and Sunsister for a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Thank you NS for sharing your research about the location of the Festival grounds! I thought it was going to be a matter of we’ll find out when we get there. Good to know that it appears to be within walking distance.
Now I can have my beer without worrying about driving – walking/staggering
Re: album cover & title-
AL- love he studio pic and “twist of fate’ that you came up with.
I could also go with “the eyes”!!!
Thank you for the info on the Ste Agathe festival location. Any idea where the Super8 is in relation to Plage Tessier for those of us staying there?
We’re going to get along famously!
I’ll go into detail in a message to you on the Fan Site if need be but I first want to ask you here: Are you still open to sharing your room? It would be with a male, 40-something and huge Adam fan. Thing is, he’d be a complete stranger to you. If I was asked this same question, I’m not sure how I’d feel about it but I’d probably be hesitant.
What are your thoughts?
This just in from NS …
Thanks, NS! Sounds good to me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ceddies and SunSister!
NS, thank you for the concert info, and I love Mimi!
AL, what a great album cover and title! I tried sitting in a chair like that! Adam’s tall and lean body must help achieve that position.
Hey, little d! If you go to the link that NS posted, you can select lodgings and then the Super 8 is among the “view next 10 results”. It’s about 1.9 km away along Rue Principale.
SunSister, here’s hoping you’re having a great day. Happy Birthday!! Glad to see your post a day or so ago and to know that you are still around. I knew your birthday was coming up, so I thought I had better unearth you to give you birthday wishes.
Just got back from taking Mom to a followup doctor appt. Haven’t had time to read back upthread since last evening. Will do that later today.
HKFan, I totally believe it. I don’t think Adam lost any sales to his fans because of the cover, but we knew what is inside.
For the average person strolling the aisle at Target or Best Buy, who may or may not have ever heard of Adam Lambert, the cover was the marketing. I have many times bought a CD from someone I don’t know or don’t know well, based on cover art, on the belief that if the artist chose that art, and I really like it, then I will probably enjoy the music also. Surprisingly often, it turns out to be true.
Gotta say, I would never have bought Adam’s CD if I didn’t know him already. That cover’s message had little to do with the content inside, IMO.
Northern Spirit, great research on the concert location! There has been a lot of speculation and concern, thank you for going straight to the source for us!
ultimathule, loved all of your post and its closing reminder of that wonderful interview with the pleather pants! That was such a fun interview. I wonder if the interviewer knows how often we make mention of it?
Another “Adam in the Studio” pic by Lee Cherry from the ALF site. Wonder what album title goes with this one?!
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ceddies and Sunsister!
I love that picture, too!
Maybe this was the album cover shoot. Keeping it real!
I love these shots of Adam working in the studio.
Does anyone know the answer to this? Are digital downloads included in total album sales for certification purposes? If not, why not?
I have physical copies of FYE, but normally I buy an album digitally.
AL–thanks for the information re: map for Plage Tessier. Super8 not so far either!
Wow, so much wonderful/useful information in the last two pages!
Don’t forget this foto, first posted by angelowal:
I think it’s really beautiful, just the right amount of graininess, but still prefer the bendy-chair-Adam for an album cover. From the far-away look in his eyes, I figure his thoughts at the time were in Finland. Sooooo happy to hear that Sauli is back! But maybe the longing Adam must have experienced during this absence made for some GREAT recording!
Jojosie, thanks for the info re: Bachmann. Agree, she is scary.
Went to the U2 360 concert last night. WHAT A SPECTACLE!!!! The largest concert stage ever built. It was basically a spaceship. Opener was Florence & the Machine, very Celtic rock, loved most of her songs. Took them 3 days to assemble the stage, the Marlins had to move a home game to Seattle because of the construction.
Anyway, stadium was sold out, more than 75,000 people. Laser effects were EPIC. Bono sounded wonderful (love his voice)- Florence’s set was 45 minutes, setup for U2 was (wait for it) ONE HOUR, but then U2 played for 2+ hours. The space ship had a wonderful digital screen that opened out into a mesh column at least 3 stories high, with holographic-like images inside.
Now, I would have been happy just to hear U2 sing on a plain stage with a few lights, so this was all just bonus. I still LOVED Adam’s concerts, and admire that he did so much with so little. The BIG thing there was THAT VOICE. I hope he never feels that he has to be U2 to please us!!!
Happy Bday, ceddies and sunsister!
Hello Everyone!!!! I have been lurking mostly lately, but I haven’t been far. Happy Birthday Ceddies and SunSister!!!!!!
I like the top of the thread pic, but he will be more creative with the cover I think..black and white sounds spot on!!!
The UK cover is also my fav over the two for FYE. I agree that a straight guy would pass on the other cover if thinking about picking up the CD of a new artist, totally.
I was on Vacay in MI last week, off to Atlanta for the 4th this weekend and then WI for a family reunion mid July….so back to lurking again. Love this blog, thanks to everyone for supporting and maintaining the site! Have a great holiday weekend, and if I don’t get a chance to post before, to all who are attending the concert….HAVE A BLAST!!!!! If you get the opportunity, take a sniff for me (you know what/whom I’m talking about!!) Arghhhhh so jealous
Bye for now
Happy Birthday Sunsister and Ceddies. Hope you have a fabulous day!
I like the eyes above, so much so they are now my main page on my phone.
I think the VERY intense photo of Adam in the studio or the other twisty one would make a great albumn cover. He did say this next one would be less glitter more leather and organic so they fit.
Oh hell, who am I kidding, I just want to see him, glitter, no glitter, leather, lace, cotton, hair up, hair down, eyeliner, no eyeliner, clothes, no clothes……. any way is fine with me!
Oh, forgot to say: I love Adam’s studio recording of “One” SO MUCH MORE than U2. He just gives the song so much more meaning and depth, to me. Bono sounds great on the song, but his take is much more mundane and pragmatic IMO…
Hi PlanetFierce,
It’s good to see your post again.
Have a great vacay and fun family reunion.
Happy Birthday Sunsister and Ceddies!!!