- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Love the True Blood recap, mils!
Thanks, that was by accident, but, for True Blood devotees, it is a fun read. It even includes Office Space references. I find it utterly amazing how fans of certain things, are also fans of other things. Common interests indeed.
Baebae was a huge fan of Office Space, so was Smeggs. ( Red Stapler)
That picture in the studio is just dreeeeeaaaamy….as in, I hope to dream it all night tonight.
Welcome, angelowal! Hope you like it here.
I love the studio picture, too. With that serious expression. And the adorable way he twists over backward.
This is probably the only thing I have in common with Adam: unable to sit straight in a chair for long. Somehow I am not comfortable unless I am formed into some kind of pretzel. Now if I only could make it look that good…
riskylady: a late thank you for pointing out the improved terrapolision videos. They are FANTASTIC. If I was a techie, I would burn myself a DVD with the whole Nashville concert.
Haha turquoisewaters — I’m frequently pretzled into chairs too. I have long legs and they just need to fold up sometimes. Like right now.
I too had to stare at that picture of Adam in the studio for a while (which was oh so unpleasant LOL) to figure out just how he was sitting in that chair. I did manage to replicate it just now, but I can’t say it was the most comfortable position in the world.
Thanks so much for the welcome “turquoisewaters” – what a lovely name – conjures up images of tranquility
As for Adam’s pose in the studio – oh yes, those long legs of his fold up so sensually
Of course my little short legs could do that too – except they’d stay that way and I’d never be able to straighten them again, LOL. We’ll have to get our Ron to recreate that pose for our enjoyment in Ste. Agathe. He’s “got legs right up to his neck”……..
I do?!??
Rumor has it that eywflyer has a … ahem … “leg up” over me as far as that goes.
Let’s ask “Mr.Flyer”
to duplicate “The Pose”. He can use it as his talent portion of the Auction!
We’ll all have our cameras ready to memorialize it and post it all over the Internet. 
I don’t know if this has ever been mentioned but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Adam is double-jointed.
So happy to see you posting here, angelowal!
I just realized that I have no idea of the gender of many of the peeps who post here. I was a little surprised to see the pronoun “he” in reference to eywflyer, not because I thought of eywflier as feminine, but because I had never put a gender with the name. I rather like living in this gender-free little society.
I hope I am NOT late?? for a dinner on July 28th, would you please add two more people. Ron Thank you for the information, as always you are so kind. I don’t want to be starved the day before Adam’s show…lol.
Luval, I wanted to thank you for posting a comment a few days ago (to Ron, I think) concerning cell phone service while we are in Canada. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. So, remembering your post, I just got off the phone with a rep from my cellular provider. I am just a basic phone user with nationwide unlimited talk and text for $59.95 per month. If I want cell service (and I do) while I am in Canada, I will have to do the following (1) borrow one of their loaner Blackberry phones (2) purchase a $20 SIM Card (3) change my plan to the $79.95 per month plan just for the duration of the trip–and pay $.99 per minute (4) (IF AVAILABLE in that area) text messages will be $.60 each for outgoing texts and $.15 for each incoming text. Luval, I’m so glad you prompted me to check on this.
I love this studio picture of Adam. Had to put it on my desktop of course. I like serious poses. Does it appear to anyone besides me that he may have increased the size of the gauges in his earlobes? This picture makes them look a little larger to me. May be just me, though. I think he has said they were already as big as he was gonna go. I’m personally not a fan of gauges, particularly like his Skingraft friend in one of the other pictures and like a guy I saw in a local Taco Bell with just two gaping holes in his earlobes.
Hi Ceddies!!
I thought his gauges looked bigger too but hopefully it’s just the photo. He had said in an interview recently that he was done increasing the size. Ugh is all I can say about gauges. But I guess he could have changed his mind. Not sexy or attractive at all.
Isn’t that something about the phones. In this day and age you’d think with technology the way it is that phones would work anywhere at anytime. Yeah, they might work but not without paying big bucks and going through the wringer to make it happen.
Quick note re phones – I have Sprint, and even though they do not claim to have coverage in Canada, I have always had coverage in Quebec City and points south of there to the Maine border. Just thought I’d add that to the soup, for what it’s worth.
Ooh, looks like the phone thing may need to be checked out on an individual basis, huh? There are probably as many variations as there are carriers. I certainly would have been unprepared if I hadn’t checked on it.
The HDD prediction is in for Cook’s first week sales on his second album – yikes:
Edited: HDD has revised their prediction to 45-50K. Still not good. His first album sold 280K the first week. So the high end of the predicted range would give him second album first week sales at 18% of his first album’s. For context, here is some info from Pulse that was posted in the MJs numbers thread:
I’d like to see Adam’s second album sell at least 100K in the first week.
Stopping by for a quick peek but wanted to say…Thanks everyone for the kind words. Oh and for the kiss!!
Hi eywflyer…Adam must have a powerhouse single. Cook’s was very weak (IMO). I watched him on every show he’s guested on except Regis and Kelly this morning which I taped. Did not like. But I like him!!
Sauli back:
YAY !!!! Sauli is back.
I’m pathetic. Anything about BB and Sauli makes me ridiculously happy.

And yesterday I had a very bad day.
Some f*ing airlines were f*ing up. My journey just from DC to KC took me from 9 am (28 June) to 3 am this morning(29 June). Never had this experience before. And I’ve travelled a lot. Sorry! off topic!! Just want to rant and vent out.
Oh well, BB and Sauli’s reunion makes everything fine and beautiful.
Sauli is coming home after all.
Adam Lambert – Come Home – Upright Cabaret
Before, whenever I listened to this I cried with sadness but now I’m crying with joy. BB is not lonely anymore.
Now!!! there will be a lot of fireworks going on for the home coming and 4th of July at BB’s house.
eywflyer…. I agree, but I also think it can happen. I believe FYE sold approximately 200K in the first week. Keep in mind that this was in spite of a very tough time for Adam — just after the AMAs. I’m not so sure that performance helped his sales a whole lot. Now two years later… He has completed a world tour and has made SOOOO many NEW fans from all over the world, including the United States!!
My expectations are definitely there, even if we are only talking about US sales……
ETA: Most of Adam’s fans love him so much that they will buy his second album sight unseen — or I should say unheard. I know I will!!!
Hey all, I just checked back on some previous photos, and here’s one that seems to show that the gauges in Adam’s ears are the same as in January ’11.
…..and yes, Ron, I agree that Adam is very likely double-jointed. He’s so loose at the knees and his back is so flexible – oh gosh, gotta go have a cold shower now………..
dcglam…yup…unheard and unseen!!! I’ll be first in line to buy a few copies. I have gifted at least 6 FYE’s so I plan to buy multiple copies of “————-”
The title of the new album is important to some people. I loved “For Your Entertainment”, but I know some peeps who didn’t.
Then, of course, there is the album cover….
My vote goes with the recent studio pic! LOL…
I’m really getting excited to hear Adam’s new CD. I hope it less electronically processed and allows his amazing vocals to shine through.
Re cellphone coverage in Canada: I have a pay-as-you-go cell phone with Rogers here in Canada. When I go to the States, it automatically connects with AT&T, and calls are, I think, $1.33 per minute. I don’t mind because I only use the phone for emergency purposes, anyway, so I have a lot of time banked up on it already.
Is there going to be an auction at the dinner in Ste. Agathe? I think I missed something on the previous pages…
I think that studio photo, if cropped right, would be a beautiful album cover. Not sure of course if it would capture the mood of the music, because we are still a bit guessing on that. I am one of those who loved the FYE album cover, because it immediately reminded me of Prince and Bowie, and I just loved that it was so brazenly camp. The title however I did not like. Sounded to me like an afternoon of mixed entertainment at the senior center. I remember thinking “this better have some double meaning”, which was then confirmed when I saw the FYE song lyrics. And then I got really nervous. LOL
The second album first week (that’s a mouthful) sales chart above pretty much breaks down into three tiers (listed by second album % of first album sales):
Carrie Underwood 167% (315K to 527K)
Daughtry 88% (304K to 269K)
Kelly Clarkson 84% (297K to 250K)
These three all remained on track for long term success in the industry.
Jennifer Hudson 76% (217K to 165K)
Fantasia 55% (240K to 133K)
Jordin Sparks 40% (119K to 48K)
These two were iffy at this point. Fantasia has had some decent longer term success in various ventures, while Jordin has struggled recently.
Clay Aiken 33% (613K to 200K)
Ruben Studdard 24% (400K to 96K)
David Archuleta 13% (183K to 24K)
This last group was clearly in trouble at this point. Even the high end of the Cook projected first week sales puts him at 18% on this chart, so he is going to have to defy Idol history to remain successful long term.
FYE sold 198K its first week, so for Adam to reach the 80% mark (top tier) on the chart above, the second album would need to sell at least 158K first week. For Adam to stay above Jordin Sparks, it would need to sell at least 79K. 100K sales would come in at 51%, close to Fantasia, and squarely in the iffy middle ground on that chart.
dcglam, the AMA performance probabably knocked down FYE’s sales numbers, especially the first week ones, by a fair amount. While that was unfortunate at the time, it is actually helpful now as the second album sales number that is needed is not as high as it would be otherwise. I think 100K US sales can happen in the first week, but only with a strong lead single and plenty of promo. DC has been working hard on the promo, but apparently the lead single is not doing very well. Plus he had a really long time gap, over 2 1/2 years, between his first and second albums. Adam should also benefit from his second album (hopefully!) being released during the prime holiday selling season, instead of in June like DC’s.
Mimi the elephant loves Adam Lambert:
Great to hear Sauli is back. He is such a bright light. This is something that I find peculiarly interesting and maybe some of you will too. Michele Bachmann has been in Iowa offically announcing her candidacy for president on the Republican party and in my town. It seems she was born here. She spent her early years living less than 2 blocks from me. My 3 children went to the small neighborhood elementary school with her and her brother. We only found this out as her maiden name and her early years were written about in the local paper. The daughter that was in her class is really freaking. Michele is about as homophobic as any candidate hopeful and Joan is sooo much the other way and politically very liberal. Michele was not a stand out in school(by her own admission) but they all walked home from school the same way for years. It is a small world sometimes. She did one year of Jr High before moving to Minnesota, law school and politics. For those of you who don’t know who Michele is, she is the darling of the Tea Party. Sorry if this offended anyones political views, but I feel most here are liberal and want equal rights for all.
JOJOSIE, at this very moment I’m reading an article in Rollin Stone magazine about Michele Bachmann.
I have never heard about her before, but what I found out about her so far is scary..
Northern Spirit…that video is a hoot!!
Nothern Spirit,love the vid..
Totally OT but I just fallen in love with the latest Katy Perry video – TGIF. It reminded me of the good times I once had, it’s hilarious and I love that Katy is not taking herself too seriously..
Hi all,
Checking in after being away for a couple of weeks. Haven’t read all the thread, so may have missed some stuff. Kradamour I hope your mum is doing well/better.
Have you seen the pic from 2003 of Adam on tour with Hair on 24/7? Gosh he was cute even as a blonde!
As for the history of second albums, I’m wondering where Jennifer Hudson fits into your lineup, eyw.
I’m also thinking that with Adam having more than a million twitter followers, hopefully at least 20 percent will go for the new album sight unseen!
NS – love Mimi!
I think that I just lost a friend due to passing Gay Marriage bill in NY state. She got very upset and said that this bill is an insult to her marriage.Since she is married to an exceptional idiot and total moron I got mad and told her that her marriage is an insult to marriage institution..
I guess, I won’t be invited to an anniversary party..
Big deal.. *shrugs*
Calgary, good question, according to Wikipedia, Jennifer Hudson’s first album sold 217K in the first week, and her second album sold 165K in the first week. So her number on the chart above would be 76% which is very close to the top tier group. For Adam, a 76% number would require 150K first week sales.
Calgary, Adam has 1,100,000 followers worldwide. And to some people (on other boards) only US sales matter.
I am not worrying about Adam. He is so much interesting and current that Cookie. He’ll do just fine…
Eternal optimist…
haha Even some gays don’t like the gay marriage bill. My best male friend who is gay and has been with his partner for 14 years is depressed. When the bill was passed, he asked his partner if he would like to get married. His partner said “no, I like things the way they are”. My friend really took that as a blow to their relationship…that he’s not good enough. They live together, share mortgage, etc. Gay…straight…doesn’t matter. Same ‘ole problems. lol
Time to watch SYTYCD.
Sasha goes first..
I was always for gay marriage bill. Why only straight peeps have to go thru divorce crap? Why only straight girls have to suffer from “old maid” stigma? Ha!!
ooooooo Sasha is wearing the Eye of Horus tee on SYTYCD rehearsal!
So adorable!
I’m going shamelessly vote for Sasha. Always. She is an excepional dancer, anyway.
I want all Adam’s crew to win any competition they enter.
Sutan already won , now is Sasha’s time.
I missed Sasha’s telephone voting number. Does anyone here got it?
Luval, thank you..
I missed Sasha dancing. If anyone finds the YouTube video of it before I do, can you please post?
Oksana, we get to see people’s true colours after this bill got passed.
Don’t want to be a spoiler but one of Adam’s favorite’s just won The Voice! Gosh, anyone and anything that Adam comes in contact with turns to gold….Sasha is next!!!!
How about this for a cover and title for the new album?