- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hi dcglam!
Yes, those were troubled times here in Toronto. I’ll never forget it but I did forget that it was a year ago tonight!
I’ve avoided reading the year old chat threads until this evening. I felt sure I’d read some of my comments and feel like cringing!
Instead I hardly recognize that person posting with my name.
I was S-O-O-o-o-o polite and s-w-e-e-t to everyone! Whatever happened to him?
What a difference a year makes. 
Hi luval! I’d be curious to read my first post. I lurked for weeks and weeks, a couple of months, maybe and don’t remember how I came up with the courage to jump in. I can’t imagine what I said that first time. If you find your post luval, let me know how you did it.
Welcome angelowal! It’s nice to have another of Ron‘s friends here.

Hi Ron! You are still very polite and sweet! (to most everyone)
eywflyer, thank you for putting the concert anniversary threads together. It’s fun to look back at, if not the entire concert, a particular song or two! I love watching the progression of the performances on the tour.
Ummmm….. As far as I can tell, that exact same guy is still here with us.
BTW, colligahou still has a room reserved in Ste Agathe, but she is not able to attend. If anyone is in need of a room in SA for the 28th and 29th, speak up!!!
Hi everybody – I found this yummy photo❤ of Adam earlier today on Twitter and have to share it with you – it was taken whilst he was in the studio on June 14th –
I haven’t posted a link here before, so fingers crossed that it works✌
Holy crap…angelowal…what an amazing picture. It’s HUGE!!! (the picture I mean).
eh, Ron…I gave up on trying to find my first post. Went to mj’s archives to where I thought I started to post and my computer locked up so I quit.
Yummy indeed, angelowal! Thank you for finding/posting! I love black and white photos, this one has a great grainy rawness to it. Mmmm…
Ron, I don’t remember your very first post(s), but I do remember that you were the first one brave enough to reveal a photo of yourself and encouraged others to do the same. I think that was really the catalyst that turned the comments on the Adam thread into a more personal and reciprocal place, it really gave us all permission to share more about ourselves and to create this community that we all enjoy so much now. I pretty much consider you the godfather of our happy band because of that.
This one may be a little easier on the eyes (photo-qualitywise).
the enlargement is awfully grainy though.
I like my Adam pics big and bold♡ ,LOL, but that’s just me
Hi nkd! I will be traveling with AKE whom you’ll meet in Ste.-Agathe. It’s her friend Stephan who will actually be driving us though. She just booked a room from him at the Super8. I’m sure both AKE and Stephan would prefer staying at the SpaWatel.
Oh, wait … is that where colligahou has the reservation?
I love that hairstyle on him. My favorite of the past two years, I think.
I love that picture angelowal!
Love those jeans! It’s always about the pants! lol!
My favorite hairdoo too, kradamour.Love the high hair any way, though…pompadore, spiked, etc…the higher the better. Makes Adam soooo tall and superstar-ish.
Am trying to figure out Adam’s legs in that second twitpic. Kinda bendy. How is he sitting in that chair? Must be my eyes.
No, her reservation is at the nearest hotel to the SpaWatel, just down the road, I think!
I had lunch with colligahou today. She’s so much fun! I had such a great time!
I had no idea you felt that way. That’s very nice. Thank you! As I recall, only Ceddies was using a photo of herself at that time. I now remember encouraging others to use a photo of themselves but that suggestion was met with a resounding THUD.
luval, I think Adam is sitting to the side in the chair with one leg over the other, and then turned to the back of the chair with his torso!!! 29 yr olds are oh so flexible!!!
Ron, I’m so nervous for everyone to see me when we meet, much less put a picture on the internet!!!
nkd…I’m gonna try that move right now. Call 911 if you don’t hear from me in 5 minutes.
luval, don’t hurt yourself! These moves should be performed with caution.
Well, tried to sit like that…not very comfortable. My leg went to sleep and my foot stuck out the wrong way. Won’t try that again!
About that hot pic…..
Doesn’t he have luscious arms??? I believe that may be the only part of Adam’s beautiful body we haven’t dissected as of yet.
I see. Thank you. In that case, I’m sure AKE will want to keep the reservation for Stephan at the Super8.
So, that’ll be eywflyer, jlurksacto, Stephan and Me
surrounded by 5,000+ women.
Maybe we should auction ourselves off.
All proceeds will go to my favorite charity … me! 
Adam is scheduled to appear at the VH1 Do Something Awards!
August 18!
So do you need Canadian dollars, Ron?
Umm. Hi.
I do believe there was much arm dissection whilst on tour. As in, it looks like he’s working out, I love how the glitter stays put on his arms, I love how the glitter melts off his arms, OMG, let’s count the arm freckles, were those bruises on his arms? Who hurt our BB? Oh, look, the bruises are still there? Were the bruises from a night of aggressive love-making? Oh look, a new tattoo. Crap, he IS working out, those arms are so delicious. I love how the vest shows off his arms, how does the glitter stay on? ……
And, let’s not forget the whole underarm hair dissection project. It was almost as big a subject of dissection as the nipple-piercing-gate.
So, yeah, you could say we have discussed the arms.
Loonies, nekkid.
But, you’ll see when you get here that we don’t have one dollar bills in Canada. We have a large coin that equals $1.00 that’s referred to as a “Loonie”. Why? Because there’s a picture of a loon on the back of the coin. We also have what’s called a “Twoonie” – another coin worth $2.00.
I only mention this to you so that you’ll be prepared to stuff coins in my G-string during the auction instead of paper bills.

TeeHee, luval, you and I think so alike., I saw that bendy picture of Adam over at 24/7, and I was actually twisting my head to try and figure out how the boy was sitting. I think if I tried that twist I would need and orthopedic surgeon!!
Ron, I always suspected you were a ” loonie-tic!!”
luval, this is the only vertical hairdo I have liked…HATE the pomp, it makes him too Liberace-ish (for me). But this style is a little bit edgy, fun, has a little bit of wild going on.
Yup, that pose has a definite Houdini vibe. He looks so focused on what he is hearing, wish we could hear it, too. Ooh, wait, maybe we will! Hoping hoping for sneak peaks in Ste Agathe…
Re quick response by mayor to fix the weblinks…his political career is hanging on this festival, as I understand it. It was less than 5 minutes after his reply to me that the links were fixed!
It appears above that Kradamour was referring to me as a loonie, too.
Oh my. Pompadours, vertical hairdo’s, Houdini, bendy Adam, arms dissection. Loonie-tics.
{{Sniffle }} I love being a fan here.
LOLOLOL…… So then I suppose that leaves NO body part undissected??? But I still say that his arms look especially scrumptious in this pic.
I thought she was calling me a loonie!
But it’s a dollar, right?
(Raised eyebrow) (shocked voice)
Of course not, Ron cheri!
And Nekkid, never!
BTW I’m not sure we have ever discussed Adam’s nose at length. Love his nostrils.
Oh dcglam, yes, he does look scrumptious in that pic. The only thing that makes it even better is that he is the studio, listening to his own music.
Truly scrumptious, you are truly scrumptious, you’re the answer to my wishes. ( Chitty Chitty Bang Bang anyone?)
His nose? Septo-plasty versus rhino-plasty. Camera on the stage filming UP his nose. Adam saying, get that camera off the stage, and stop filming my nose hairs!! Perfect nose.
Ankles anyone?
The back of his neck? Have we discussed that? Besides wanting to lick it?!!
His ankles are nice! They have freckles on them!
I even remember a funny discussion about the dirty bottoms of his feet, when he was sitting on his knees and barefoot on some stage during soundcheck, he took off the Ugg boots, too hot for his tootsies. He was kind of sitting back on his feet. I remember a comment about how even his under sides of his toes were cute!!
( What I ate for breakfast today? Can’t recall.)
In the corner you go, young lady. March!
Bueler? What is that?
Check out these beautiful pics.
Ferris Beuler’s Day Off.
Whoops. Wrong link. But this is funny too. I’ll get Ferris Beuler.
Ankles may be the only part left. I know we have even talked about his feet and his toes….. LOL! They were nekkid during the Opening Medley of his tour.
ETA: You beat me to it, mils!
Sorry, the only thing worse than the Harem/Cossack pants is TWO pairs of them. UGG. Even if it is Skingraft guy himself.
Like the silver nail polish though.
Heck, we’ve even discussed his uvula.
And, no, that’s not a dirty word!!
Both guys and gals have them.
It’s the hangy downy thing at the end of your palate. Adam has a big one. And it vibrates. When he sings.
Source: The Nikka Costa video.
I’m off to my corner now.
Night night!!