- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
nkd, thanks for the Ste-Agathe video, great to have an idea of the venue. I think it will get cold when the sun is gone, I’ll definitely bring a sweater. So happy to see so many of us going, wow, it will be a blast
Kradamour, so sorry about your mom’s injury, I hope she will recover soon. If she feels much better in the next few weeks, I really hope you can go to the concert, I want to meet you
Hi Kradamour,
I’ll also be there for dinner on the 28th. Sorry for being so late with my rsvp. Also I’m sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she feels better soon.
I’ve not been on-line for a while but now I’m back and trying to catch up with all the concert talk as I am so excited to be going!
Krad, please add cgesq’s yes to a meal. Thanks. She’s waiting to hear from her guest. More than likely but she still has to ask.
Kradamour, hope your mom feels better soon, and hope you can make it to the concert.
6/27/10 found the Glam Nation Tour at the Ram’s Head in Baltimore, MD:
Washington DC recap coming up on Tuesday, then an off day Wednesday as the tour headed south of the Mason-Dixon line for the first time.
Was just working on Myrtle Beach – the House of Blues must have been seriously tough on cameras. Slim pickings for videos that night.
kradamour, I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s latest injury. Let’s hope that she will be settled enough by late July for you to get away for a few days. *love and hugs*
YES, Calli and I will be having dinner at the Watel.
Blankets for the concert!!! I’m sure we will only need them pre-concert, since AFL is sure to heat things up!
Updated list for Ste Agathe.
Each asterisk indicates a dinner reservation.
Bolded name means no response yet.
Nekkid and daughter Calli **
Luval *
Adamized *
Cher *
Ceddies *
Ron *
Jlurksacto *
MWay *
Riskylady *
Northern Spirit *
Suz256 *
robininny *
margie32127 *
floridagirl *
ladybugs *
tchrsd *
Ake **
Little Dutchess and her Duke **
cgesq and guest *
kdd43 *
eywflyer *
Kradamour *
angelowal *
(tentative) Calgary
Thank you all for good wishes this morning – I’m going to make every effort to attend and I’m optimistic but trying to be realistic, too, so that the disappointment won’t be too great if it turns out that I can’t go.
What an amazing group of peeps! That dinner is going to be one for the Adam Annals!
Hi everyone! I’m a newbie from Canada, and I’ve heard great things about what a friendly group of Adam fans you all are – so this is where I want to be
I just have to learn to navigate your site a bit first.
I’ll be attending the Ste. Agathe concert next month, woohoo-so excited!!!! I hope to meet many of you at that time and I’ll also be joining you for Ron’s dinner on the Thursday evening at our hotel. Aren’t we just so fortunate that Adam chose to perform for us in Canada? D’you think we might stretch that luck into getting to hear Adam debut his first new album single? Or is that too greedy an expectation
Hi angelowal…welcome. BTW, angelowal is DeeWaalace, that KDD43 mentioned earlier, so perhaps someone could switch the name on the dinner list to angelowal.
angelowal, myself, milkywayfairy, TLKC, KDD and Ron had a wonderful dinner together last night. It never ceases to amaze me how we can talk about Adam all night long, tirelessly.
Kradamour, so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope she is able to mend quickly and we’ll see you in Ste. Agathe.
Good morning, peeps!
I just got an email from the mayor of Ste Agathe (I wrote to him about the website problems) saying he will get on it and see what is wrong.
(He was elected on the basis of his promise to mount an amazing event to put Ste Agathe on the map, BTW, so he has a lot at stake!)
ETA: I can access the page now!
Welcome, angelowal!
Angelowal, I firmly believe that we visioned this concert and made it happen. No reason we can’t go the next step and vision a new single. Actually, I think I’ll be surprised if we don’t hear something new, we appear to be his only concert in this hemisphere this summer – perhaps the only before the single and even the album drops – so it is a perfect opportunity for Adam to whet our appetites (as if that were needed!) and get some early feedback in the foothills of the Laurentians.
(squeezing eyes tight for better visioning…! and warming up my pitching arm to send this out into the universe!)
Thanks, NS – I’m going to do my best to be there, but of course my mom comes first. Someone upthread said “oreo generation”, I have also heard “sandwich generation”. (I like oreo better, of course!) I know so many peeps – including of course some on this blog – who are juggling older parents with kids going to college/getting married/beginning their adult lives – and also trying to maintain a semblance of personal life. Fortunately, we are all superpeeps and we can handle it!
Just some morning eye candy for your viewing pleasure…..
ETA: Probably my favorite……
So these pix were from the Knoxville concert…I love that new stuff is still surfacing even after all this time! Thanks for finding/posting, dcglam!
Thanks for the pics, dc! My excitement is really building for all the fun we get to look forward to in the upcoming months.
Kradam, so sorry to hear about your Mom. My mom had similar back-to-back injuries and it was hard to see her so disappointed. I hope she mends and you are able to join us. After all, you are the Muse, the raison-d’etre of this concert! I for one will be very sad not to meet you. You seem to have the Universe on your side, so I hope for the best.
Just thought I would drop this in, it’s an IMPROVED video of WLL/Mad World from Nashville. Really THE BEST SOUND I have heard from a YouTube, and it was a wonderful vocal. There is also an improved Sleepwalker and Fever by this same person. Someone on DDD posted this (they’re always looking for better sound LOL.)
Hehehe, cher, sweet and harmless, that’s me alright. I presume hubby doesn’t know my nickname….
Thanks dcglam for these great pics from Knoxville. I was there, and they were all in good form that night. Oh, and there are three pics of my beautiful Longineu. He has such a great body, and his hands just kill me dead! I really missed him on the last leg of the tour. I like Isaac, but I never really connected with him. We’ve discussed this before, and lots of you like Isaac better–think he’s a better fit.
ETA: I’m usually not a fan of so many tattoes, but I like his. Go figure!
Kradamour, I know you’re busy, but was just gonna remind you to check your email. I sent one last evening regarding your mom and in reply to your last email. And I think you also have another recent one from one of our travel crew.
Hope your Mom is doing better. It seems to be a rough patch for mothers these days. She is in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry for not rsvp’ing sooner. I’m definitely coming, and as Cher posted, I’m waiting to hear from my traveling Adam friend as to whether she can join me. Thanks for arranging all of this and I really hope you can join us.
I’m not going either
Been lurking, not much time for posting. Far too much RL going on!! Let’s see, where to begin…My youngest just graduated from high school so now we are working on getting her ready for college. Oh and my oldest (who’s currently 22 and attending UNLV) has decided that she is getting married on Aug 20, 2011 (yes, 2 months from now) before her boyfriend, soon to be husband, leaves for his second deployment in Afghanistan. It’s not easy trying to plan a weeding in oh, about a week! And finally, my sister decided to up and move to another state without even telling me. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, however, we were both taking care of my mom so now, it’s all up to me. Ummm….Hey sis, did you forget that I’m a single mom and work full time. Where do you think I’m going to find the time and money (considering I now have 3 college tuitions and a wedding on top of every thing else to take care of)?? OK, I’m done. Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully I can find a bit more time to post in the near future.
I do however have the joy of reading all of your posts and living vicariously through you. I sure do wish I could go see Adam with you all to get me “Feeling Good”!!
Kradamour, sorry to hear about your mom’s injury. Wishing for a speedy recovery. I know you’ve been going through quite a bit so I hope you are able to get away for a couple of days and enjoy Adam and friends
Hi Kradamour,
Let me join in the echos of good wishes for a speedy recovery for your mom. Moms are such a special blessing. And how fortunate she is to have you to take good care of her. You are a very special lady
On a happier note – add one more to our dinner plans (my other roomie – robininny). We’re probably going to need a banquet hall!!
Risky Lady – I just watched that Mad World/WWL video that you posted. I think I need a shower now……..
k_in_cal, this is for you…..
Hearing all these wonderful plans, I feel like Cinderella. (I want LOTS of reports upon return.)
Monday humor – – –
wow, k-in-cal…sending hugs, karma, good wishes…you are carrying a heavy load, cherie. Glad you could vent – so many of us know all too well at least part of your burden, lots of sympathy here.
Drawing Adam
Amazing, jlurks. He totally ‘gets’ the eyes!
How about those freckled lips!
He knows nothing about the fandom except we must be nuts. lololol!!
Thanks for the pics!
dcglam….someone is putting their vacay time to good use…or not?
Krad, we hope your mom will be stable enough for you to go. She has to be. You have been willing this concert to happen for months and it really did. I’m impressed. Also, don’t you owe me a bowl of poutine in Montreal? I owe one to Suz526 as well.
k_in_cal…wow.. didn’t know you had 3 kids!! Remember we only met the one daughter in LA? Hang in there. Most of us are at that age where our moms are ailing or have passed on. cgesq just lost her mom in April and mine wasn’t well for months but is feeling better now. She wants to go to Vegas in September and her doctor said ok. However my two older sisters said nay, but my two younger siblings plus me say yea. 3 >2, right? The yeasayers want her to be happy for however long she has and so between Adam and the casinos, I’ll be in debt for the rest of my life.
Haha, cher! I can’t think of a better way to spend my summer vacation than focusing on Mr. Adam Lambert. I only wish I could join you and everyone else in Canada!
I wish all of us could meet up one day!! would be a blast!!
Hi Kradamour, how kind of you to welcome me to your little community, thank-you
I’m sorry also to hear of your ailing mother. I can truly empathize as I was in what you call an “oreo”situation during my boys’ late teen years, when I was responsible for the care of my seriously ill father. Looking back on it now, I wonder how I ever managed to juggle job, motherhood and care-giver roles and still hold it all together, but you do because you have to. The human spirit is marvellously resourceful and determined when it has no other option. All the best to you and try to reserve a little time just for you.
Hello All! Just wanted to confirm dinner as well although I see that Suz has done that for me.
Kradamour, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you…yet, but I wanted you to know that I’m thinking positive thoughts for both you and your mother. As much as you want to go I hear your devotion and obligation to your mom and of course she is your first priority. So many times life throws us a curve ball and the best laid plans go out the window but family first. We do what we have to do.
Thank you for making this event happen and I look forward to meeting you sometime soon. Hugs to you and your family!
One hell of a pic!
unlurking from across the sea to say how excited I am for all of you to see the plans for the St. Agathe festival come together. You will have such a fantastic time reconnecting with old friends and meeting in person people who you have corresponded with for such a long time. I know how great it was when I met cher, riskylady, agathe.hb, mr, and bessiedim. And Suz, in London, of course! And then Adam’s concert!!!!!!!!!! I do hope he gives you (us) a new song. And maybe he will finally sing PUU and ICLYG live (a girl can dream can’t she?) I wish I could be there, but don’t imagine that he will be performing in September when I will be in North America. So enjoy every minute and take lots of pics of the get-together on the terrace and Suz, can’t wait for your vids, as usual.
And Kradamour,I sincerely hope your mother feels better and that you are able to go. There are priorities in life and I know that you will do what do what you feel is right for you and your family.
Morning. Great seeing your post RS.
Kradamour, with all the love and positive envisioning going on from all of us, I have to believe that you will be with us in Ste Agathe.
I have a little Adam related story which will hopefully be enough of a link to make the posting of this youtube not too off topic….
So, several weeks ago I had dinner with my late girlfriend’s two children (20 year old girl and 17 year old boy). There was muzak playing and we were having a great time guessing the real song hidden beneath the layers of utter crapdom that only muzak can make. Somehow we got onto the topic of American Idol and then of course I brought up Adam. To my utter shock and joy both of them said how much they loved him and wasn’t he a great performer, etc. etc. This of course led to discussions about youtubes, etc. We each shared some of our favorites (not all Adam centric)and here was theirs’. Warning – this is Ricky Chervaz’s take on Noah’s Ark. He can be very profane and irreverant. Loved it!
Adamized, you may be right.
I am so grateful for all the positive energy flowing this way…many thanks for everyone’s support and encouragement. It makes me even more excited about meeting some of the great peeps on this blog in person.
This was so beautifully said, angelowal. I printed it out on a card for my mother to keep with her.
Okay, nuff said for now about the travails of the kradamour family. Please keep that energy flowing this way and I have to believe that it will all work out as it should, whatever that “should” turns out to be.
On another note, the photoshopped pic was startlingly funny – can.not.imagine Adam being publicly so undressed! and it is always so amazing to find another Adam fan, Adamized, you lucked out with finding two at one table!
I’d like to welcome angelowal , a dear person and wonderful friend. Thank you again for extending the dinner invitation to me so that I could join you last Sunday. A good time was certainly had by all!
Everyone will come to know the warm, caring and friendly person angelowal is which is clearly in evidence in her recent post to Kradamour.
Kradamour, all positive thoughts are steadily flowing from Toronto down to Virginia for your Mom, you and your family.
Thanks for reaching the mayor of Ste Agathe en francais with our problem. It was resolved quickly. You do so much on this blog that it will be a shame if you can’t make the trip that YOU envisioned. Here’s more good wishes coming your way for your mother’s recovery and hopes that you will be able to make the trip you planned.
Hi, I’m looking for suggestions on staying in Montreal prior to and
after the concert. A hotel/motel.
1. Old Montreal (downtown?)
2. Easy access to road to St. Agath
3. Airport access.
Not looking for toooooo much. Street names in old Montreal would be a
great help. I think this was addressed in the first thread but
haven’t looked yet. Found this on google. Looks like a good list.
jlurksacto, if you want to stay in Old Montreal, the center of that area is called Place Jacques Cartier. Main streets in the area are Notre Dame and Saint Paul. There are many tourist places and activities all within walking distance including the Vieux Port (Old Port). Here’s a website that has good maps and info about the area.
Ha! It seems to be the main website for the hotels that you posted so I’m not sure if it helps.
I’ll get back to you about access to Ste.Agathe from there when I have a little more time – got to do some work first.
Hello all, RL has been kicking my behind, I have been trying to keep up with the thread but no time to post.
First things first. Kradamour I am so sorry to hear about your mother and am thinking good thoughts for a speedy recovery for her and some peace of mind for you so you will feel free to attend the concert.
Some great pictures and videos have been posted, this is always a happy place.
K in Cal My daughter is also getting married on 8/20/11 but mine gave us a year to plan, even so it can be a whirlwind. I do know all about quickly planned weddings though as my other daughter informed us she was getting married 5 years ago and gave us 6 weeks and she got married in Texas. I really feel for you.
We just had two bridal showers for my oldest daughter and my other daughter went back to Texas to get ready to move to DC and left my heart(2 year old granddaughter) here for about 3 weeks until they get everything moved. My son is also moving to DC(PHD at George Washington University) he has to report there on Aug 24, only four days after the wedding. Crazy summer here, and all this is why I too will not be able to attend the concert.
So I am in for wine and chocolate and I thought we had decided to try some poutine in honor of our friends north of us. I am so happy for all who will attend and I think Suz should video some of the dinner and post it so we can see all the fun, sort of a fly on the wall after the fact lol
After checking prices and room availability, all of the 2, 3, & 4 star
hotels are great for a limited number of people (small hotels).
The three 5 star hotels are large and pretty much match prices. And
maybe deals could be made in the large hotels.
Hi all. I haven’t posted here yet, but I lurk on occasion. Slow news is slow. It makes me feel all nostalgic to see all the old names still active. And it make me feel JEALOUS to see how many of you are going to the next show and dinner. So many of the same people that were at lunch before the Club Nokia show. Do a toast for those of us that can’t join in the fun.
I hope it’s an epic show (new song leak??!!) and will look forward to all the recaps.
Kradamour, thanks for emailing the Ste. Agathe mayor, I can access the website now as well so it looks like that problem has been resolved!
6/28/10 brought the Glam Nation Tour to the 9:30 Club in Washington DC:
SunSister Hi! It’s been a long time. I sat next to you when you were wielding your knife at Nike’s in Costa Mesa. Too bad living in So Cal is not upping our ante on getting to a show…lol
I know all of you lucky folks going to Montreal will have a blast. Can’t wait for recaps and pic’s.
eywflyer, thank you for taking the time and effort to bring these awesome concert memories back for us to enjoy. I just finished reading and reminiscing 748 comments!! Now for the vids — haha!
This particular concert was epic in several ways. First of all, it was the first full on Tommy kiss from the tour. I remember being a bit surprised at the time as I surely wasn’t expecting it. Secondly, it was the first time that Adam invited the audience to sing along with him to IIHY. Another surprise for me, but boy that was fun! Also, it was the first time that Adam actually came out afterwards to sign autographs. He obviously was in his glory and felt so comfortable with this show.
Then of course, there was the kicking of the guard with the infamous line, “Take my picture, b*tch!” I personally feel that line should go down in history along with Harrison Ford’s, “Get off my plane!” LOL….. By the way, I have to admit that HF is another one of my favorites!
Your efforts are most appreciated, eywflyer!
ETA: From the comments, Ron….. That was the concert where you and your building were in lockdown mode. Glad that turned out okay for you!
I love the comments on the GN threads.
I’m trying to find my first comment ever. It was sometime after the AI tour.