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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I’m guessing SW Music Box La…mils?
ETA…am thinking the clouds…the teardrop (2nd to last US show).
Kradamour, it’s obvious, LA 12-16-10. He had fog only twice (in LA) and in Music Box he had pompadour.
luval, I beat ya to it..
oh poop, you’re correct Oksana2000. Of course I had to check it out. SW Nokia!!!
New page. Closer to the eyes. One can get easily distracted!
Three minutes for an almost correct response and seven minutes for the final answer! The collective
obsessionwisdom on this site is amazing. Thank you luval and oksana!Incredible performance. How did I forget that one? (facepalm) Bad fan. Bad fan.
ETA: Just went back and re-watched the duet vid, she added the concert info, including that cos2mwiz is the person who made/posted the Nokia vid. Cos2mwiz is so talented! Love her vids. Glad she got credit for this one. Even though I enjoy most of the fanvids that compile clips of youtubes, I cringe when the source isn’t credited (as it too often isn’t).
ETA2: just watched the Nokia performance again. and again. and again. Damn. That is one powerful performance. So much pain, rejection…it hurts to watch it. That might be why I didn’t watch it before, or only the first little bit before I knew I didn’t need to see that during the holidays.
Totally different perspective today, knowing that Sauli is in the picture. Safe to watch it now.
Adam……Sleeeeeeeepwaaaalker……agh……..love me some fierce Adam………….
Hi Mieps and dflowers! Good to see you here!
kradamour – I left you a message on the fan site.
eywflyer – I wrote you a post toward the end of the Moscow thread. I’d be interested in your perspective. Thanks.
And for everyone, a funny little (ultimately positive) mention of Adam on a fashion blog, after the Idol finale:
cwm thanks for the fashion post. Nice to see that they weren’t bitchy and as you said funny positive.
Hi mieps , nice to hear from you!
Keeping my fingers crossed that we get some S&A sightings in London.
Yeah for Sasha and SYTYCD!
Didn’t see Sasha last night so maybe tonight. But many times they don’t show all the audition clips.
Hi,cwm! replied to same.
Here’s a cute video interview with Adam for Cosmo Russia, after his show. He talks a bit about his new key tattoo and the beautiful girls in Russia.
(kradamour- back atcha.)
Hi cwm, I just saw your post here and in the other thread re future concert threads and MJs. Sorry I didn’t see it sooner but RL has been super busy the last couple of days. I’m scrambling to get packed for the airport right now, but just wanted to let you know I saw your message. I want to think that over and talk about it with adamland & suz, will have something more to say in a couple of days I think.
I see you guys are off to a fast start in the June thread, over 100 comments on the first day!
Thanks eywflyer. No worries, no rush. Have a good trip!
BTW, I directed my comment to you just because from previous posts it seemed like you’re the one who has communicated directly with MJ about this site in relation to her site. I totally and completely appreciate that adamland and suz are an integral part of running this site and didn’t mean for my post to suggest that I thought otherwise.
I am very grateful to all three of you for your effort, time, and energy in making this site such a great place to be with friends!
Hi guys!!
Just got back from seeds shopping that my old man sent me to.
So much for working for him.
Have I told you lately that I love this site?
Thanks to eywflyer, adamland, suz, renataademelo, and all of you here.
cwm … thanks for the fashion post and the interview video.
You always provide us with BB’s latest news.
I know that it’s just another meaningless pool, but can’t you throw some votes for Adam? He is already in semi-finals.
I have been lurking and LOVE the new site! Just want to thank EVERYONE for their work and posts. The Moscow thread is awesome! Fortunately I am on vacation and have lots of time to stare at “The Eyes”!!!!!!
So happy for him if this is true!
cwm, thank you for that fashion blog link. Haha, love it! We too, love the way he executes his thing!
He can put together a look!
Hi fwachdr !!!
Yes, the Moscow concert thread is the best evah. We got all the best vids, mlg stunning poster,and lots of gorgeous photos.
All the hard work is greatly appreciated.
It won’t take a long stare to be drowned in those eyes baby eyes.
ms0712 .. thanks for the link.
Adam deserves every penny. Soon he’ll be billionair. For me, he is priceless.
Has anybody seen YOGA ADAM?
Haha yes, asif, I noticed that you have a new avi! Very cute! Is your little Adam in the lotus position?
Haha oh nekkid, there you go again.
Update on Sauli for a slow news day.
Their photos still melt my heart and make me very happy.
I don’t know what happened to my post. poof!
I love YOGA ADAM asif! So cute!
I was referring to the fashion cwm!
Uh huh, yes of course you were nekkid.
cwm .. I don’t know many positions .. of Yoga. Is that lotus position?
I think it’s cute too, nekkid.
Here is the Cosmo Girl interview YouTube version.
Spotted over at MJs Headline thread… a Florida radio station has apparently been meeting with Jive and RCApromo execs about new music. Don’t know if this is true or not, but if true, this is fantastic! One of Adam’s dream collaborations!
YaY !!!
If it’s true …. AWESOME !!!
MJ just tweeted a reply to me asking if she knew(hadn’t seen her headline). She replied:
I really hope it’s true though, and that he and Xtina perform the song on the Voice. *a girl can dream…*
Ha..ha..ha.. funny tweet.
50 cent worth 250 million???/ROTFL!!!!!!Seriously, tho, Beiber is listed at 65 mil, and Adam 5 mil, The Fetus is worth 60 mil more than Adam, WHAT!!!!!Must be The Voice, what else can make Beiber worth so much LOL, sorry for being silly, just want Adam to have what he is really worth, I hope he gets there!!!!!
Just listened to that Cosmo girl interview and Adam says “next year I MIGHT tour again”. Please, Adam….tour again…please.
OMG,his eye’s.Just imagine those looking at you like that!Is this the original or is there one in color?
Yeah I wanna know too? Anyone?
codysmom…you don’t have to imagine those eyes looking at you. If you ever go to a meet &; greet or happen to run into him on the street (lol!), that is EXACTLY what his eyes look like in person. I don’t believe there is one in color.
Well, here are the eyes anyway !
G’night All!!!
My time zone sucks. It’s after midnight.
I never get to play when you all come out to this sandbox.
Cwm no I’m the one who has communicated with MJ directly regardng this site. This is tricky and like eywflyer posted this morning, he, Suz and I will discuss how to proceed in regards to letting posters know where we are.
Gosh, I hope the rumor re the Adam/Xtina collab are true … I saw Xtina in concert a few years ago and she was fabulous. She sometimes oversings (just a bit, IMO
, but there’s no denying that she has a fine voice and is a stunning performer. What a pair they would make!!
asif, even though you’ve signed-off for the day, just wanted to say that I love your new avi – so cute!
Me, too, Texas!
I posted on the MJ thread that I feel that Adam (and his million + fans) could help give Christina the boost that she could use before her upcoming tour (if it’s still a go). I remember reading/hearing last summer when her tour was cancelled that it was rescheduled for 2011.
What a fun collaboration this would be! I hope it happens……
I don’t know about a possible Christina/Adam collab. I’ve always said I never wanted it. She shouts, the “runs” are rediculous…yet when I heard that song from Burlesque I changed my mind a little. She was stunning in that song (can’t for the life of me think of the name of it). A toned down Christina I like. But Adele…would really really love a collaboration there.
Yes, asifclueless….. Your new avi is beyond adorable!!
Wow, luval……
Adele + Adam = no words! The ultimate in performances!
This, too, would be my dream collaboration……
We’ve all mentioned our ideas for collabo’s in the past. I think his dream of Christina is wonderful. And Bowie, but it will never happen. Muse could be an ongoing thing. I don’t think Pink will “give’ him a song again.
He had Gaga. Never released Fever. BIG HUGE mistake, that could have been a huge international hit. Geeez, if Rihanna can sing about S&M, and Rude Boys, why can’t Adam sing there “he” goes??
Anyway, I would love for Adam to collaborate with Katy Perry, for the visibility, with Ke$ha for the pure fun of it, with Beyonce and Gaga for the next big video they do together, and with Adele. For the vocal massage. Adele and Adam = a match made in heaven.
BTW. Chunkey went out of her mind today. Unbelievable.
asif, I noticed your avi as soon as I clicked on – LOVE IT!
Collaborations…I’m on team Adam+Adele!
Adam plus Xtina is meh for me.
Katy Perry just yells, I’m over her. Not loving (or even liking) Gaga’s new stuff, very disappointed, I listen to Fame Monster and The Fame all the time. Speechless is one of the most breathtaking songs ever.
Adam+Beyonce could be wonderful with the right material.
Ke$ha could be fun.
(Notice how we aren’t naming guys. Interesting.)
Sasha was just on SYTYCD. Danced with her sister. Both were great. On the tour I really never noticed her. She seemed very sweet and again a great dancer…on to Vegas! Of course we all know she made the top 20.
Interesting, kradamour…about no guy names! I can’t even think of any guys.lol Maybe Justin Timberlake? No. Most of the guys are lead singers of groups. Where are all the guy singers?
Last year Adam did mention wanting to collaborate with Justin Timberlake.
Hmmm…Bruno Mars? Nah.
Sam Sparro. I can see that. I think I would enjoy watching them perform together.
He could perform Crazy with Cee Lo Green (of Gnarls Barkly)? Um…no. Just no.
Maybe it is harder to think of a collaboration with a gay man and a straight guy, than a gay man and a woman.
How about Adam and Ricky Martin? My eye glasses just fogged up thinking about it!
Adam and Sam Sparro have already worked together. They co-wrote “Voodoo” and Sam sings back-up.