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I think Adam would LOVE the decorated vehicles! Throw a little leather and studs in and it’s perfect.
ewyflyer, thanks for posting the Foxwoods videos. I was at that concert and it’s bringing back a lot of great memories.
TLKC, glamcar….I like. But I don’t think it will be my car
A United Methodist minister acquitted Wednesday on a church charge of being a “self-avowed practicing homosexual,”was sentenced Thursday to a 20-day suspension for presiding at a holy union ceremony for a lesbian couple in 2009.
As part of the penalty, the Rev. Amy DeLong must work with Wisconsin church officials to craft a document that will help resolve future disputes in a more collaborative way in an effort to avoid trials.
Both sides heralded the penalty and split verdict as just.
“I feel good about what the church has done. I think we’ve sent a message that the United Methodist Church will not throw out its gay and lesbian people, and that it has opened the doors for a more inclusive church,” said DeLong, who has long acknowledged to church officials that she is a lesbian in a committed relationship.
The Rev. Tom Lambrecht, a Wisconsin elder who served as church counsel in the trial, said the penalty recognizes that DeLong harmed the clergy covenant and that there are consequences for such actions.
“I think the suspension is just the first step,” said Lambrecht, who had asked the jury to suspend DeLong indefinitely until she agreed not to officiate at same-sex unions in the future. “What’s important is Rev. DeLong’s written work that will look at ways we can resolve issues without creating that adversarial spirit and doing harm to the clergy covenant.”
DeLong, 44, of Osceola, is executive director of Kairos CoMotion, a United Methodist advocacy group that promotes, among other things, greater acceptance of gay and lesbian people. She was appointed to that job by her bishop.
By the book
She had been accused of violating the United Methodists’ Book of Discipline, which allows the ordination of gay clergy as long as they remain celibate and bars ministers from officiating at same-sex unions.
Wisconsin church officials charged her last year after she divulged, as part of her annual accounting of ministry, that she and her partner had registered under the state’s Domestic Partnership Law and that she’d officiated at the union of a lesbian couple.
DeLong was acquitted on a 12-1 margin on the “self-avowed practicing” charge after she refused to answer whether she engaged in prohibited sexual activity with her partner.
The question had never been asked during the investigation into the charges, as required by the Book of Discipline.
The book also allows clergy to be charged for failing to answer a question. But Lambrecht said the church did not intend to do so in DeLong’s case.
Spirits renewed
Hundreds of United Methodist pastors in recent weeks have signed statements saying they were willing to preside over same-sex unions, and some have said they’ve already begun to do so.
In addition, 40 retired bishops signed a statement earlier this year calling on the denomination to change its sexuality laws.
The DeLong jury of 13 ordained elders deliberated for seven hours Thursday, clearly struggling to strike a balance in the penalty, both sides said.
“I obviously was not in the room, so I don’t know. But they worked very hard to craft a response that was restorative in nature and healing to the church, and not simply punitive,” said the Rev. Scott Campbell, a Massachusetts pastor who represented DeLong at the trial.
“The day will have to come when the United Methodist Church will have to stop dealing with matters of conscience punitively. And this jury indicated a way in which that can be done.”
Ayes 33 Nays 29, gay marriage has passed in New York State!
Historic moment!!
Now my friends Peter and Vit can get marry, after living together for 8 years. I’ll have wedding to attend!!
Wow. If only Harvey Milk were there to see it come true.
\O/ (If that means YAY!!!!)
30 days after Governor Cuomo signs the bill, marriages can begin according to Anderson Cooper, CNN
Can anyone even imagine what will be going on in New York gay bars tonight???? It boggles the imagination!!
Oh Mils! I’m so sorry to hear what’s going on in your state. Dan Choi is in Kansas fighting another battle as well. It’s sobering at a time like this to realize that there are so many more battles to fight. Let’s take some joy in this, though, I thing the religious amendments and the inseverability clause are sort of depressing.
I’m so happy to be here among people with like minds tonight. It means a lot to me, a straight female from Mississippi. Love is Love. Period!
Oh, so now Anderson can come out? That’ll be the day…
CNN has been showing videos of the celebrations off and on. ha mils, Anderson Cooper has the best poker face I’ve ever seen.
Ceddies, me too. As a supporter of human rights in general, I love to be among like minded people.
It’s so funny. To me, everybody knows he’s gay. But, he’ll never come out. His “friend” owns a very popular gay club in New York. He’s afraid of losing his news “cred.”
Hi … luval!!!
Guess … where I am.
Yesterday and the day before I went to the Mall.
Visitted the Air and Space museum, Sakler, American History and American Natural History Museum. Had a wonderful time.
Today I went to Annandale .. to..Seoul Plaza and had the best Korean food. No English on the menu .. had to point at it randomly but everything was heavenly delish.
Neil .. are you lurking? I can recommend you where to have good Korean food. My daughter’s Korean is terrible. Didn’t help us at all.
You could hear them cheering outside the Senate Chamber after the religious amendments were passed. I’m sure the bars are anticipating their arrival.
(LOL, we were a little slow on the uptake there: you don’t pass the amendments unless you’re going to pass the bill!)
\O/ YAY!! YAY!!! YAY!!!
Way to go NY!!!
This is funny.
Txting with my ex-bf who lives in NYC and is at the Stonewall Inn on Christopher St right now, he says it’s a huge celebration there. This is gay pride weekend too, what a weekend it’s going to be!
I personally don’t have a problem with the religious exemptions. There are plenty of churches that will be happy to marry a gay couple, I don’t need to get married in one that doesn’t want to. Religious groups that have objections should have the right to do what they want within their own churches or ministries, as long as they don’t try to impose their morality on others, or use tax dollars in a discriminatory way.
Yaaaaaay, New York!!!!
Gay Marriage – A Change is Gonna Come – Adam Lambert, MLK, Obama
Love me some Michelle Colllins
Rainbow Empire State Building
How about this one:
Hmmmm, I’d say you are right here in my neighborhood, asif!
Eyeflyer: I understand what you are saying about church marriages. I feel pretty much the same but the reference to ancilliary services and daycares worried me. Now that I have read Gov. Cuomo’s statement, I see that the application is much narrower than I thought.
I still worry about the unseverability clause. If someone’s rights are challenged he/she should have full recourse under the law, without the feeling that he/she will jeopardize the rights of a whole lot of other people if they go forward.
Still, if/when that happens, the majority view will be pretty much in support of marriage equality so it shouldn’t be a big problem.
asifcluless: thanks for the link to ACIGC. So appropriate to the moment. Never a wrong time to hear that, though.
G’night guys!
Yeah, I’m outta here tonite too. Later peeps!
dcglam.. You are right.
OMG .. yesterday I bought a rainbow watch at the museum gift shop at the National Art Gallery.
What a celebration!!!
Good Night, ALL.
We are all going to bed with a smile on our face.
How about this one. Aren’t we all “Feeling Good?”
Love the National Gallery of Art! Every year I take my students there for a field trip. Enjoy that rainbow watch….
mils, the studio version of “Feeling Good” is unbeatable, although I still do love watching Adam strut down those stairs!
ETA: Like this….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJX_EI5lbCA
Oh!!! I have to pull a kradamour!! (my tradition)
For all the people who are going to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts QC Festival, I’ll call you ALL SAINTS from now on. We are not mjers anymore. And ALL is AdamLambertLive site.
Do you like it …All Saints?
dc, I agree. I just listened and watched the Idol Change, the LA Change, the studio Feeling Good, and the Idol Feeling Good. My faves from Idol. The studio version of Feeling Good is what the voice experts called one of his best vocals ever. Then, there’s Soaked, which is also their favorite. But, for tonight, these two songs just seemed so appropriate.
I hadn’t listened to Feeling Good in a very long time, maybe since before the tour started last year. Man, I kinda forgot how powerful and incredible that vocal was.
asif, I like that. Except, when it comes to our boy, well, we’re not exactly “Saints.” If you catch my drift…
Goodnight, this fan is too pooped for the party.
Yes, love that place. Always eat at the cafeteria by the fountain (waterfalls) under the pyramid, and people watching. Had the best gelato there.
LOL….. You are too funny, mils!
mils .. you’re all saints to me.
dcglam ..yeah I enjoy watching this Feeling Good again.
And Randy ..too theatrical…and Simon…the cow moos…funny.
Good night All and ALL SAINTS !!!
Sweet Adam dreams.
glaad GLAAD
GLAAD staff are celebrating #MarriageEquality outside of Stonewall in #NYC now:
http://twitpic.com/5gfnuu #NY4M
One more time before I go to bed.
Gay Marriage – A Change is Gonna Come – Adam Lambert, MLK, Obama
Governer Cuomo has already signed the gay marriage bill, and it will go into effect in 30 days:
So gay marriages can begin in New York State in late July. Also (differing from Massachusetts) there is no residency requirement for marriage in New York, so out-of-state couples will be able to get legally married there. Unlike in California, where it was fairly easy for anti-gay forces to place Prop 8 on the ballot and it needed only a simple majority of the voters to pass (it passed with 52%), reversing this action in New York State would require among other things a constitutional convention, and is quite unlikely.
Yay for NY! I am looking at all the pictures of all these happy couples celebrating .. what took us so long? Why can’t this already happen for all states?
One by one, turquoisewaters, one by one!
Stonewall celebrates…..