- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thanks .. jlurksacto for the article.
More about JD’s site.
Off topic but I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to use the above picture for my wallpaper on my phone. So now he’s always there at the touch of my hand!
dflowers … what picture?
The eyes?
It’s Friday and it’s quiet in here.
Well !!!… It’s a deep subject.
I’ll talk to myself.
Well!!! When I said I had just lost my virginity, some of you might have thought WTF.
It’s not what you think … you pervs !!!
I just watched GNL video for the first time last night. Yes, I’m a late bloomer.
I ordered 3 sets of the GNL DVD/CD from Barnes & Noble in March. They had been waiting for me here in the US since.
It’s so old now so I don’t have anybody to flail with.
But the good thing is I’m closer to you guys now. I’m in the US right now.
Welcome back, asifclueless! You certainly know how to grab people’s attention. Hope you had fun watching! I swear the eyes are by now tattooed in my retina.
Just when I cancelled my subscription to RS magazine, they had to have this picture..Aggghhr..
And they had to use this gorgeous picture of Adam…double agghhrr..
Hi asifclueless…yes, Fridays can be quiet. Been gone all day and have to hit the sack early tonight.So you’re in the states…east coast or west coast or south? Doesn’t matter where you are, you can connect with this site! Ain’t the internet great sometimes?
And Oksana2000, you’ve been away too! Just like RS to do that. I’d still rather buy individual copies when I know Adam would be in it than have that subscription to 50 weeks of nothing.
I love that picture of Adam. I can’t wait till August to see his story.
luval,I got mad at RS magazine, beacuse they were renewing my subscrpion without ever contacting me. If I didn’t look at my credit card statement I wouldn’t know. My subcription was expiring in September and they were charging me NOW.
You are right, I’m going to buy single issue if I need one. I don’t really need copies with Snookie or Bieber on the cover.
Hey guys! I agree on RS – it’s not my regular cup of tea so I’d prefer to have a cup every now and then, rather than the full teapot.
Is anyone here keeping track of the New York Senate vote on same-sex marriage? It’s about to be presented. Here’s the live feed link if you’re interested.
Luval, who’s your state senator? I’m watching them all and they’re actually quite an interesting bunch.
FYI, I’m a politically active and have always been interested in civil rights but, have to say, I wouldn’t be watching this feed it it weren’t for Adam. I’m interested in anything that furthers his rights and I wouldn’t know my way around a live feed if it weren’t for glam nation concerts and the invention of the “DH”. OMG! Dunkhen would be so proud tonight.
Hi TLKC. My senators here in New york are Charles Schumer (I like him) and Kirsten Gillibrand. (Don’t really know much about her).
I see they’re in recess right now. But I’m going to say the same thing. Adam is one reason I am watching too but also because of my gay brother out west. But it’s funny…he has had a partner for over 3 years and said he would NEVER get married. He doesn’t believe in marriage for anyone.
He was married for several years, with kids and everything but he would never do it again! But he supports the right of all citizens to marry if they want.
My tv says recess should be over within the hour.
You are so right. I tried watching, and they were talking about cab drivers or something. Did I have the wrong link?
Hey Ceddies, how are you?
I can put the lnk up again if you like. If you click on the video in the article you can see them. Unfortunately, they are talking about other bills re: taxes and affordability. They do have a livery bill, which may refer to New York cabs.
Right now they’re playing music because there is a “Majority Conference” – the bill will be soon.
Ceddies, I checked the link in my post and it took me to an Advocate article where you scroll down and click on the black screen. It’s playing music now ’cause they’re out for a bit.
Here’s the link again, just in case:
Of course, luval, I forgot about Shumer. And Hildebrand replaced Moynihan. A very big night.
Did anyone listen to the 7 minute video of “Keith Olbermann Special Comment on Marriage Equality”. Don’t want to link it because it has the “F” word somehow involved with it. I really appreciated what he has said, particularly at the 6:30 mark. If this passes, I can totally see Adam and many others making the Big Apple their home–that is if the marriage bug strikes him/them.
ETA: I was speaking of the one from last evening (I thought). Now I found that there was also one done on June 23, 2011. (Guess I’m totally confused.)
Thanks, TLKC, I checked on the link you just posted. It’s the same as I was on, they were just talking about something else. I noticed that someone commented down in the comment section that the vote would probably not take place til 11 p.m., so I’ll keep checking back.
What does it mean – The senate stands at ease? I bet they’re sitting in that conference. Although Andrew Cuomo can lounge or even lie on the floor for all I care.
BTW, luval, are you up to a friendly contest of who has the glammier car at Ste-Agathe? Ron is mortified at the thought of driving up there all decked out but I am proposing we glam our car. We have two cars – a convoy or a caravan. A glamavan… What think you?
Just watched WLL from Foxwoods. Wow. No wonder we were all going so crazy last summer!!
Has anyone been following the story from here about the lesbian Lutheran minister on “trial” here because she 1) officiated at a lesbian wedding 2) is a practicing lesbian. I guess it’s OK to be a Lutheran Minister and be gay. You just can’t “practice.”
They found her guilty of officiating at the wedding, but not guilty of being a practicing lesbian. (In a committed long term relationship BTW).
And, our infamous Guv Scott Walker, wants to repeal our state gay partnership registration, and disallow any benefits for state and county workers.
Scumbag piece of shit.Backwards thinking cro-magnon. I don’t like him.Frequent updates on the New York State Senate vote here:
Looks like the vote will be happening any minute now.
Yah! KDD53 is upset ‘cos she had to leave for a movie. I told her it probably won’t happen beofre she gets back.
It’s a small world. I tweeted about a choral concert I saw a few weeks ago and one of the musicians followed me. He has since gone on tour to Australia and just tweeted asking about #NY4M. I asked if he meant the NY Senate vote and he said yes so I filled him in & promised to keep him updated. He was so happy.
Asif, I’m so glad you have finally lost your virginity. I just hope you were wearing protection!! Tee Hee. At least protective eyewear.
I haven’t watched the DVD in a long time. Never any “me” time with summer here and kiddies around all the time.
They are preparing to vote now!
mils…Not familiar with that trial. What the hell is happening in your state? Going backwards is an understatement!
TLKC…funny you mentioning glamming up your car! I was reading mj’s Foxwoods chat and peeps were talking about their cars to the GN shows. I remember Goatiegarden traveling through the south and having second thoughts about the glam car.
Oh yes, gotta glam the vehicles up. My car is minutely glammed up every day anyway with my silver “Light and Love, Adam Lambert” in my rear view window. Never get any responses to it, though.
I left my car glammed up for several months after our Tunica/New Orleans shows. Took some pictures but don’t know how to get one of them over here. Never had any flack about the glamming (except from my brother who said I messed up the look of my car [Pfffft!]
Haha, mils, I have exactly the same sentiments towards our governor Rick (rhymes with *rick) Scott. Must be something with the name Scott lol, we will NEVER EVER even have anything remotely resembling what your guy is trying to repeal. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this guy.
OMG…I think the bill has passed in favor of same sex marriage! At least according to my local reporter.
Watching the NY Senate again. There’s an amendment proposal to protect not-for-profit groups & orgs affiliated to churches (religious corporations) so that they will not be denied gov’t support if they refuse to provide services to married or marrying gay couples. He mentions daycares!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inseverability clause means that, once passed, no one may legally challenge any part of the bill, without the whole being challenged. Yikes.
Poison pill bill.
Yessss!!! Bill passed!
Now you tell me …mils about the eyewear protection. My eyes were bulging out, esp. from Strut on. What a GB.
But .. to tell the truth, I love the look of Maxidrome more. I guess we are all for the more leather than laces now.
Can’t wait for his 2nd album.
Unless I’m confused. What is this Schmuck Diaz talking about?
Amendment passes 36-26, this is the amendment to include the religious exemptions. Now they have to vote on the bill itself. It will be closer but should pass.
Out and proud in Hollywood:
This Diaz guy is really irking me.
The Rolling Stone ad for Behind the Music is funny. Adam Lambert and his wife Miranda standing next to each other.
The religious amendments to the bill have been passed. The bill has not. BTW, the religious amendments stink.
The senators are being polled now on the vote on the main marriage bill. Diaz is the only Democratic Senator whose against the vote. He’s exceeded his 2 minutes.
If he had voted with his party the religious amendments wouldn’t have been borderline discriminatory.
Yes, I did .. many times.
I’ll link it anyway.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann – Comment on Gay Marriage
“A long list of senators who want to explain their vote”. *Sigh* this is gonna take a while. We should have the votes though – unless someone unexpectedly switches.
At least Diaz finally shut up.
Dear senator Diaz. When you decided to live in this country don’t you think it would be nice to learn some english?
Ok, now we have to listen to long winded reasons why they are voting/not voting for the bill. Yes, they want to tell the world but some of us have to go to bed! Enough with the thanking this one and that one.
LOL, Duane’s taking longer than Diaz! They’re going to have to let everyone speak as long as they want, which is probably appropriate because it’s an historic moment
Okay that was funny – can we take it that your vote is affirmative?
“Two more speakers – then announce result”. Final vote tally soon.
I don’t want the speeches to cause someone to change their vote to “no”.
Now this Grisanti guy I can listen to. (although he’s repeated himself several times).
Hey!!! I was a passenger in Goatie’s car on Labor Day weekend. It was in Iowa for the bridge concert with Jo and Madness, then went to Rockford, added me, and went to Peoria. Then, it took Jojosie home and went back to the Twin Cities. The car was soooo decorated. What a blast. Lots of cars and trucks honking.
By all means, decorate your cars for Canada!
Tee Hee asif, I love me some leather and laces.
You know what? Cuomo is Catholic, this guy, Grisanti, is Catholic and Ball, who is probably the deciding GOP vote, is Catholic.
The Catholic church is out of touch with it’s flock.
So, what’s happening here luval? There was a trial in the Lutheran Church, which was important around the world in Lutheran politics. I guess this specific branch allows gay ministers, just not practicing gays. And no gay marriages. So you can be gay, you just can’t “act on it.” There was lots of press about it here. I just hope it got out in the media. It was a “mixed” verdict, and viewed as a success. Because she wasn’t found guilty on the charge of being a practicing homosexual, just guilty of officiating at a gay marriage ceremony. There are stories at jsonline.com
Thanks, asif, for linking Keith Olbermann. The video that I saw was on a site called “F**K Conservatives”, and that was completely spelled out in the link. So, I didn’t think to look elsewhere for it. I was impressed by him.