- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
What a great way to welcome June, Eyes Baby Eyes!
Oooh, looks like I’m Kris! (but maybe Adam if someone else is typing as I type this LOL)What a fabulous image to start off our new chat thread! Woot!
And THANK YOU again to everyone involved in this splendid new site! mwah!
ETA: I’m Adam!
OMG, what a wonderful feast for the eyes at the top of this thread! And to think we get to enjoy it all month long!! Woohoo!!
Sorry Kradamour, actually I was thinking Kelly Clarkson because she was the real Number One
I loved the picture today of Addy walking in London, No Papps bothering him, just a friendly fan stopping him to say hello.
It reminded me of a Neil Diamond song: “I was a free man in Paris”. I’m sure our boy was enjoying the freedom to just to be.
I love that song, retjenny, one of my favorites. But I thought it was Joni Mitchell? and that she wrote it about being free of her agent, people wanting things from her, etc. while she was there, very à propos for Adam.
From Wikipedia:
Great, now instead of coming on here 5 times a day like now, I shall have to come here at least 10 times just to see those eyes!!!
LOL! I’m devious aren’t I? Get you here and you never leave.
I have been looking but haven’t found it yet but I’m sure he covered it. It was about the same time he wrote “I am I said”. I think he was at a low point in his career. I saw him in concert several times.He is the only artist that had the same effect on me as Adam but in a different way. I loved N.D voice and songs, but I LOVE Adam! Every thing about him!
Neil Diamond’s the ultimate performer. I first saw him in concert in the late 70s. He performed for almost 3 hours. We danced our a$$es off that night! Not one person sat down after he went on stage.
kradamour, Free Man In Paris is on N.D.Album, “I’m Glad Your Here With Me”
Oh hey! There are comments here! I haven’t been able to scroll past the eyes baby eyes!
I wonder who Adam is writing songs with in London! No clues, no tweets?!!!
Adamland, did you see him at the Forum? maybe we were at the same concert
turquoisewaters, I just posted that concert recap and interview in the Maxidrom concert thread!
Hi cwm,
can I just wave to you since we both seem to be criss-crossing threads?
staring into his eyes baby eyes!!!
Thank you turquoisewaters and cwm for the interview link. That was fun! You can always see how everyone that interviews Adam is taken in by his charm. I love it!
Back to staring into the eyes!
haha — that we are.
Thanks for posting that new concert video on the concert thread. Great visuals AND great audio! {hint hint to everyone to go check it out!}
Hah, funny…I always start my day checking “24/7” and was going to post the interview. Great minds think alike. I love how Adam charmed the male interviewer. That boy could charm the hide off of a snake.
Question for our esteemed blog hosts: Is it the correct protocal to keep our continued discussion of the Moscow concert under the Moscow thread or can/should we continue any post-concert flailing here????
Thanks again for this lovely site.
Thanks for nothing eywflyer, Adamland and suz626! How the he’ll am I supposed to do any work with those eyes up top? Guess I could just turn off my iPhone.
adamized, I think that all Moscow
flailingrecaps, vids, pics, interviews and comments stay in the Moscow thread that will stay open indefinitely for those things.But for other stuff, we are supposed to move along to this chat thread.
Did I get this right, adamland et al?
I want a gold star!
Ahhh Krad, still a teacher at heart!
Dang, that Moscow radio interview was removed by the user. I wonder why. It was really cute.
turq, The vid that you posted link to seems to be removed , but I found another one.
When Adam was asked what is he using for his hairdo “beer or mousse” I suddenly felt nostalgic and started to smile. When I was young(er) we did not have such a sophisticated products as hair mousses or hair gels. Or hair sprays. If you wanted your hair to look like Adam’s that what you used – BEER!
Looks like Adam thought that interviewer was joking, but he wasn’t.
Oh good, Oksana — thanks for finding that! That is the same video, posted by someone else. Phew!
It didn’t take too long for someone to create split-screen video of Adam and little Ivan singing Sleepwalker.
What Ivan needs is a little ear piece to fumble with and a little Monte on the guitar…
(I moved this post to the tour thread but want to thank turq and Oksana for posting the terrific vid!)
Just hear on twitter that Sauli is now in London. His Finnish radio announced it. Seems he’s there buying flowers for his Father’s garden.(That’s what they call it now)? It’s cute that they just can’t stay apart very long. They’re happy so that’s what count’s. Hope it last a long time.
JOJOSIE, I heard that too.
Britons are famous for their flowers, when I was in London I loved flower baskets hanging everywhere. So obviously Sauli has to spend some time selecting the best seeds and whatever.
Do you know that Sauli has Twitter account now? I translated some of his finnish tweets and seems that he is very happy person right now.
“Love is like a roller coaster. It is a wild, intense and sometimes scary, but it all seemed unbelievable, and you do not want it to end.
I am the happiest man in the world. He completeles me. I’m finally happy with.
Awww Oksana! That translation of Sauli’s tweet makes my heart melt!
Sooo…buying flowers for the garden! Maybe some eggplants?!!
nekkid, eggplants you said, eggplants?
We will need much bigger corner soon so you can join luval, mils and some other peeps… hahahaha
It’s those eyes baby eyes!
nekkid, I have those eyes as my computer background. My desktop monitor has 22″ , wide screen, you can’t even imagine how it looks like. *sigh*
Oksana, so how exactly are you able to post and read comments?
That split screen Sleepwalker is amazing!
How many times have we all listened to Adam and sang along with dance moves and arm motions?!! Just me?!!! Watch out while I’m driving with Fever playing!
For any of you if you want to follow Sauli on Twitter here is the link
He needs moar followers!
nekkid, cuz I’m faster than a speeding bullet..
Drowned in eyes baby eyes !!!
I’ll be talkative today. My elevator is being upgraded today (Reads: not working) and there is no way I can climb the stairs in 90 degree heat. So I’m stuck at home and bored…
Hi asif!
Oksana you could always sit and look at your screen! Do you have AC?
nekkid, what do you think I’m doing?

Of course I have A/C. It’s nicely purring right now.
My co-op managment decided to do some serious work on the elevation of this beautiful pre-war building. I have happy crew hanging on the scaffolds outside my windows (or above and below) working with some very noisy drills. So I can’t watch TV (not that I ever watch) either. Well, that’s life.
I will get better..
Don’t you think that is about time to get picture of Adam and Sauli in London taken by some merciful photo ninja and posted on Twitter? (I know, I know, I’m totally pathetic)
*goes to the corner to join others*
OMG, I laughed so hard at this…I LOVE YOU GALS SO MUCH!!!!! Keep it coming!!!!
Oksana, I’m glad you are keeping cool!
Hi nkd !
I’ve been busy counting glittery, and creamy chocolatie freckles.
Are you in or out of the corner?
Oksana …make sure you keep your A/C meat locker cold. BB or the person I’m with (TradeMark Sauli) is too HOT HOT HOT !!!
retjenny? Where is the picture of Adam in London?
PF, you can count on that…
The only choice I have is to go to MJ and pretend to be excited about Scotty sales. As if I care…
asif, thank you for your concern…

Time for afternoon coffee. With some pastry. And whipped cream…
PlanetFierce…here is the link to the story and picture of Adam in London.
I love eggplants – parmesan eggplant, eggplant cavier, grilled eggplant, eggplant topped with miso paste !! Yummy !
Anybody at the corner wants some?
asif, this is not the EGGPLANT that nekkid was talking about (rolling eyes)..