- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Happy July ALL!
It’s Comin’ In Hot!!!
Just a quick yahoo. The “The Show Must Go On” aired on TV in NZ last night. Today 3 different hard-nosed, disapproving Queen/Freddie fans have let me know they bought tickets to the concert (after seeing the TV show) Every one of them thought the tv show was great/awesome/amazing. On the Prime TV channel facebook page I couldn’t see any negative comments. Loved reading them. That makes a change! https://www.facebook.com/PrimeTV/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
So nice to hear, Kiwi! I love reading comments nowadays, too – so much changed from a few years ago!
AL, great selection of pics for July! And thanks for the NY thread, going there now for a quick bedtime fix of live Adam!

Love your post Kiwi. Resistance is futile.
Adam in NYC visiting The StoneWall Inn, June 28 (link: https://youtu.be/tAUBek-OrwM) youtu.be/tAUBek-OrwM via @YouTube
I posted this on the GMA thread too but have to say the cut of his suit is impeccable. Jacket not so short, sleeves perfect.
says when #Velvet Side A arrives,fans will get that Adam Lambert “energy” they’re used to.
“The 2 sides will have slightly different vibes,he explains. “It’s a cohesive album bt..there’s a slight noticeable difference”
(link: https://www.wrmf.com/adam-lambert-says-his-sexy-new-songs-are-an-appetizer-for-new-album-velvet/) wrmf.com/adam-lambert-s…
Wow. Can’t wait to see this new production.
Dr. Brian May
Waiting for my dragonfly. This gives me peace. But only for a moment. Today is Day 2 of Production Rehearsals. Obviously it would be foolish to give details away, but our new set is the most STUPENDOUS rig I have… (link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYlDw4Be_r/?igshid=15ka28yiceca9) instagram.com/p/BzYlDw4Be_r/…
Kathleen Wimpelberg
Ain’t asking much or maybe I am! After 7-8 years of Adam fronting #Queen & b4 the guys “go again”, could the #AdamLambert part of the private jet logo be a little more visible, maybe Purple as it seems to be THE COLOR for the upcoming NA #RhapsodyTour?
from The V•ice AU a small new clip of @adamlambert
giving to one of the contestants advice about the Queen’s song he would sing.
DL for clip in HD (link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/esj3drsexzil5c5/Adam_Lambert_-_The_V%25E2%2580%25A2ice_AU_-_Advice_to_Jordan_-_Finals_3.mp4/file) mediafire.com/file/esj3drsex…
Sarah Todd
I think Adam Lambert is brilliant x
New old picture. Can’t say I’ve ever seen it.
Movie stats over the weekend.
Rocketman has made over 83 million right now
Yesterday made 17 million (producers say this is good)
MTV Music U.K. @MTVMusicUK
What’s @adamlambert’s go-to pizza topping? ? Would he rather fly or be invisible? Let’s go speed dating!
Don’t miss Adam’s ‘Fierce Pride Anthems’ show on MTV Pride (Sky 352/Virgin 318) tonight at 7pm! #Pride2019
CUTE! Speed dating with Adam Lambert
Adam’s fierce pride anthems countdown for mtv omg will be airing on these days at these times this week
Mon 7pm
Tues 2pm
Wed 11pm
Thurs 9am
Fri 2pm
Sat 12pm
Sun 9pm
I imagine he will also be introducing the other pride shows he mentioned in the advert??? #pride #AdamLambert
Adam’s anthems…
@MTVUK Countdown
#FiercePrideAnthems by @adamlambert
Number 20 @cher “Believe” https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYrMRzBZzB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
#CominInHot ? by @AdamLambert is now on 85 playlists on @Spotify with a total of 5,846,027 followers! ? #NowPlaying ? (1 July 2019) Also check out his top 10 biggest playlists #NewMusicFriday https://open.spotify.com/track/1DwBvAUDXhRYKCtvXpXbuS?si=HCFdoKSlRCSwhthMHIaOmg
Happy Canada’s Day!!!
Where are all of our Canadian friends?
We miss you.

sistasparkle: Yes, I remember when you used to make several posts on the last day of the month just so to reach a particular number of posts for the month. It was great.
And you reached 888 posts last month. Chinese people consider 888 are lucky numbers.
Don’t forget your good night sweet dreams sign-off either.
Glad to see you post more now. Miss your sign-offs.
Love your post.
“The Show Must Go On” is really well done. I watched it many times.
Are you going to any QAL concert in NZ?
Have you seen “Yesterday” yet?
I like it. But I’m easy to please so I don’t know about other people.
I’ll write about it later tonight.
Rachel Maddow is on now.
I’ll be back.
Hi asifclueless yes I’ve got tickets to the Auckland show.I loved the documentary…So well done.
I recorded it so I will watch it again..and again..
No, I haven’t seen Rocketman. I rarely go to the movies but I made an effort to see Bo Rhap.
Hi Kiwi,
I’m glad you get to see QAL. I won’t this time.
I checked the concert plan thread, no new post yet.
This Rhapsody tour is starting soon, though. July 10th in Vancouver.
Ron, are you going? It’s special for your anniversary.

Mine too. 37th anniversary, but 10 of them are wonderful!
Anybody is excited about this new summer Rhapsody Tour?
-New clothes, new stage set, new songs add to the song list?
That is a great pic of Adam. I have not seen it before.Very handsome IMO
Simone (@skaschep)
7/2/19, 3:35 AM
Wow! Someone pushed on a promo button in the America’s it seems! ? #NowPlaying @adamlambert – #CominInHot ?? (Official Video) Now 842,751 views! ? (2 July 2019) youtu.be/9h-vd8QiLLw via @YouTube
or link uptop
Adam won’t be playing Elvis anytime soon. It’s dead in the water IMO
Hollywood Reporter
Harry Styles, Ansel Elgort, Miles Teller in the running to play Elvis in Baz Luhrmann’s biopic (link: http://thr.cm/m3v5oX) thr.cm/m3v5oX
But take a peek at the comments. Adam gets lots of votes!
From #KellyClarkson to #MaddiePoppe, here’s a compilation of every #AmericanIdol winner to date (link: https://blbrd.cm/xeFh7K) blbrd.cm/xeFh7K
Adam mention of course in season 8
aria ? (@lambrosiaofgods)
7/2/19, 6:15 AM
I got excited when Adam said he had dressed up as Mel B for Halloween, but then the way he described it wasn’t as pretty as I imagined
(5 fun questions)
Here’s an updated 2019-2020 concert schedule list that includes the two dates in South Korea.
or of course check upper right on this thread
From Adam’s bass player
The Adam Lambert Connection
iamsatarra’s IG: If there ain’t no face there ain’t no bass
is such a gift to play with and this was such a cute capture!
(link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYXpdzFu8P/?igshid=ut5ya3pkaazb) instagram.com/p/BzYXpdzFu8P/…
CIH is over 1 million views now!
I’m sure when I listened to CIH this morning it was 318,000, how has it jumped that much in less than a day??
I was never a Prince fan…maybe thats why its taking me longer to warm up to these songs if he was such a big influence?
Dr. Brian May
Rehearsal Land … a complete replica of the way things will be on tour. Sooooo tempting to leak something … the excitement here is palpable. But no ! All shall be revealed in 10 days time when we open in… (link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BzZjW4jFX3E/?igshid=6zgxqm874jna) instagram.com/p/BzZjW4jFX3E/…
He so wants to spill the beans.
Dr. Brian May
Hello People of the Earth ! There is something about California that makes it easy to focus on fitness and well-being. Love it ! Bri (link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbKt5GBuMs/?igshid=mncvkklvm7et) instagram.com/p/BzbKt5GBuMs/…
A friend of mine just saw The Show Must Go On and was so impressed with Adam & how intelligent & humble he is. His last line (I think) in the show kind of sums it up.
“I know I’m not Freddie but I’m here. So I’m going to sing the songs and do my best. Let’s have a good time & let’s celebrate this band & Freddie and this great catalogue of songs”
“Queen Is The Biggest Rock Band In The World At 2019 Halfway Point”
Hi sistasif! Nice to see you here too! I seem to recall that you and your family are coming east to D.C. this summer even though you don’t have tickets to the show. Am I right? Let me know when you’re visiting and hopefully I’ll be able to see you again. We definitely shouldn’t wait until the next eclipse before we see each other again!!
Sweet Sultry Sexy “Comin In Hot” Dreams, ALL!!
Just for you, sista!
Adam Lambert (Alb. Velvet / Empire) – Comin In Hot
Anamor @Ladymaserati8
How was it working with Adam Lambert?
Adam Lambert is an amazing vocalist but also a great collaborator.
That first hour where you sit down and talk about life, it’s always really refreshing.
Thanks sista.
My Sweet Sultry Sexy “Comin In Hot” Dreams turn out to be hot flashes.
I’ll be in DC late August, last week of Aug to the first week of September.
Let’s meet up.
“Yesterday” is a romance comedy with the Beatles’ music.
It’s light and fun. The audience laughed almost throughout the movie. Ed Sheeran is good. James Corden also plays himself. Kate McKinnon plays a very bad person (a greedy agent). She is so mean and ridiculous in a funny way that you can’t hate her.
The Beatles’ music is always great. The audience didn’t leave the theatre when the credits come up with a couple more songs. I remember I was the only person staying after “2012” to hear Adam’s “Time for Miracles”.
The movie isn’t a biopic like “Rocketman”.
From the movie trailers they showed, there will be a lot more biopic like “BoRhap” later.
I’m glad that BoRhap came out first. People will get tired of the copy cat soon.
OK, this is not a spoiler. It’s a synopsis from the theatre.
Jack Malik is a struggling singer-songwriter in an English seaside town whose dreams of fame are rapidly fading, despite the fierce devotion and support of his childhood best friend, Ellie. After a freak bus accident during a mysterious global blackout, Jack wakes up to discover that The Beatles have never existed. Performing songs by the greatest band in history to a world that has never heard them, Jack becomes on overnight sensation with a little help from his agent.
-I love British humor. It’s just me. HK fan?

I like Feel Something more than New Eyes and Coming in Hot.
It may be because I’ve heard it more often than the others. Will give the other 2 more times.
Here is a good playlist that a fan made.
Love British humour too asif…well mostly
Will be missing in action for a few weeks…off on hols, and always have trouble logging in on my phone although, can see stuff.
So it looks like shaved sides, new facial hair cut.
NEW VIDEO from @adamlambert
instagram stories
Getting in the @QueenWillRock
make up mood