- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Devoted Glambert
2h2 hours ago
Replying to @14gelly @QueenWillRock @adamlambert
Gorgeous photo! I see security could not resist a quick glimpse. Lol. ?
Adam Lambert Instagram
2h2 hours ago
Jordan E Cunningham
5h5 hours ago
@adamlambert it was so awesome to meet you backstage @JamieMusical last night. So glad you loved the show ☺️??
i miss adam
14h14 hours ago
Okay but why are all of Adam’s songs so amazing, I’ve never come across another artist where all of their songs have an effect on me. He’s incredible.
19h19 hours ago
He answers a couple of fans
fashion Info in reference to this pic https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DiEW7nQU8AIlsMt.jpg
Verified account @adamlambert
2h2 hours ago
Saw EVERYBODYS TALKING ABOUT JAMIE in the west end last night- wow! It was soooo good. Laughed and cried. Brilliant message. @JamieMusical
More answering fans. Ouch! (about shaving)
29m29 minutes ago
Replying to @adamlambert
Verified account @QueenWillRock
3h3 hours ago
“I see a little silhouetto of a man…” The latest shot taken from Bohemian Rhapsody the movie.
Bohemian Rhapsody hits theatres across the world from late October / early November 2018. New trailer coming soon… #BohemianRhapsodyMovie
1h1 hour ago
lukeybaker IG – I mean, I’m smiling like a little kid in this pic! Been such a massive fan of @adamlambert since watching American idol whilst at drama school. He came to watch @jamiemusical the other day so had to get a pic. What a nice lad… – https://www.instagram.com/p/BlNxoObH8To/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1m2dez15c0vr7 …
His hair is getting long!
look at him isn’t he the CUTEST
The wonderful @adamlambert came to see us last night and we were so honoured to have you in our audience !! ❤️❤️❤️ #JamieLondon
Hi, luval!
Hi, ultimathule!
He’s at some outdoor concert
Adam with a fan at Hyde Park..
Can he ever not look sexy? (no)
With the cast of the play
3h3 hours ago
look at him isn’t he the CUTEST
8m8 minutes ago
Better photo of the whole stage with Adam Lambert and friends including Shoshanna watching at the side of the stage at #BSTHydePark2018
1h1 hour ago
Ahh he’s at Hyde Park , Bruno Mars is playing too today
Alan Carr
2h2 hours ago
Off to see Bruno Mars with poferrall @scottnealuk realrosco #bsthydepark watch out ladieeeeeeeeezzz #finesse @ Hyde Park https://www.instagram.com/p/BlOEP6kB_Pw/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=s6ihbeidr001 …
2h2 hours ago
? Courtney Bowman ? courtneybowman_ Meeting Adam Lambert was just so delicious ? why am I touching his belly, am I ok?
The two Brian’s
Grammy® Salute To Music Legends
? @Starlight1461
4h4 hours ago
Playing with @adamlambert and #prisma
risma is a photo-editing application that utilizes a neural network and artificial intelligence to transform the image into an artistic effect. Wikipedia
His thoughts on how he looked
He actually looks sexy as hell
An American Werewolf in London perhaps @adamlambert? If looks could kill, shit I’m dead! ?
Horror movie??… Woooahhhhh….i should watch those kind of movies more often if they have this Beauty ????..
Yep, that pic is the definition of “oozing sex”….I hope “somebody” is getting the benefit….
Any info on how Queen were saluted last night?
Haven’t heard a thing, mils. Think I’ll tweet @gelly and ask.
I finally listened to that podcast with Dan Wooten. It was very enjoyable.
Here’s the podcast. Scroll down a little.
That was quick. @gelly replied
4m4 minutes ago
I haven’t
2m2 minutes ago
Adam Lambert’s IG story photos
Older picture with Ollie, Adam shakes hands with Joe Jonas (lead singer of DNC)
Verified account @QueenWillRock
1h1 hour ago
“Look up to the skies and see…”
A new movie still taken from Bohemian Rhapsody.
Bohemian Rhapsody hits theatres across the world from late October / early November 2018. Full movie trailer on the way… #BohemianRhapsody #movie
Sheesh that actor playing Brian looks like Brian.
Jun 27
AL Mighty Sexy Moments-IMPROVED-cover Enter Sandman-Metallica-When AL sings,he’s not just singing.HE’S MAKING LOVE TO THE AUDIENCE,TO THE ENTIRE BREATHING UNIVERSE,LIKE A ZEUS! An incarnation of Apollo,Dionysus and Eros in one body!
Adam Lambert IG https://www.instagram.com/p/BlQUZqJBdff/?taken-by=adamlambert … “Nice meeting ya @joejonas ! @dnce killed it at British Summer Time at Hyde Park.” DL https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/574da8d36b6d3ae22c6335488b7ce9a7/5BE8B898/t51.2885-15/e35/35177416_2249115431986657_7971344844792528896_n.jpg …
4h4 hours ago
When @adamlambert sings, he illuminates fragments of himself to the listener. If the listener is truly *listening*, as opposed to simply “hearing”, the listener might well find fragments of themselves to be illuminated too …
.@adamlambert’s music, in its purest form, is live. “Live” he consistently rivals or outdoes his own recordings, which is no small feat – and quite addicting to behold, I might add.
.@adamlambert’s counsel – his illuminating guidance – comes in several forms. – as music alone, cranked up (my preference), for motivation or quiet reflection – via interviews, when his insight becomes a *need* – and via live shows, because sometimes you just gotta go to church.
Whichever method you employ to get your @adamlambert fix, it’s best done with openness and honesty. Be open to him and honest with yourself, and you just might experience something personally earth-shattering … #mythoughts
On Top Magazine
43m43 minutes ago
Steve Grand Says He Met @AdamLambert In A Hot Tub, Elton John Backstage https://bit.ly/2JpaB20 @SteveGrandMusic #lgbt @EltonOfficial
5m5 minutes ago
So I heard back from ticketmaster US and they told me it’s the event organiser for QAL Vegas who set the Will Call pick up price at $25 a time for international fans. What a sodding rip off including the prices of the best seats!
Tracey @kinkykiedis
Replying to @ScorpioBert
Oh I am. People are telling me to tell Brian and Roger but there’s no way they know about it or have any say in in it. I know they’d be disgusted but I’m not going to be the one to tell them. Us international’s just have to accept it ?
Replying to @kinkykiedis
so I just checked my tickets and one of them was $25 and the other was $55.68 (Service Fee). outrageous but I just paid it anyway, so not just international fans
Those “service” and “processing” fees are definitely a ripoff – just paid $8.25 at Six Flags for approximately $40 tickets –
Why does it seem like Sauli is always on vacation?

RE: Grammy tribute. Read the comments
Dolby Theatre
10h10 hours ago
Rock legend @sammyhagar pays tribute to the great band @QueenWillRock who were unable to attend #GRAMMYSalute The whole theatre is on their feet!
“Adam Lambert on the stigma around sexuality in the music industry”
Rəngli Radio @radio_rengli
Now playing Welcome to the show by Adam Lambert!
Azerbaijan · rengli.airtime.pro
Who would thunk –
Terrance is having an amazing time in New York. I haven’t posted half his IG’s. Not sure if anyone is interested
Only watched about 5 minutes. It’s 53 minutes! Narrated by a bot. His life story
Adam Lambert is ♔
11h11 hours ago
VIDEO: The truth about singer Adam Lambert
From CELEBRITY CBN Pub. 01.07.18
Adam Mitchel Lambert (b. January 29, 1982) an American singer, songwriter, stage actor. Since 2009, he has sold over 3MIL albums, 5MIL singles worldwide.
https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambertFanClub/posts/10155961215689091 …