- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Here’s the transcript
Scroll down a little
luval … One of the funny moments!
Are page numbers missing?
Ste @_TIDS_
love how the guy is all ‘i didn’t know who he was’ yet he was taking pics of adam just talking to ppl lol
Page numbers on what, ultimathule?
Gelly @14gelly 41s42 seconds ago
“Vogue”! And when you try to save the other photo it’s titled “Climb” I can’t haaa
Good times
We did some software updates which affected the page viewing.
You may need to log in to see more than just the last page. When you do log in, only one long page with all the messages is shown.
We’re trying to fix that but are unsure what caused the problem to appear.
Stay tuned!
ulti … I tried to get back to previous page too but I couldn’t. The page numbers buttons are missing.
You should be able to see the first message posted on 07/01 at the very top now whether or not you’re logged in. Until we get the page feature working again, you’ll need to just scroll up and down through the hundreds of comments.
Ah…now I know what you mean about page numbers. We have a nice looooooooooong page now! Nothing wrong with that!
The new awesome T Shirt didn’t have any red blings in Denver, in Omaha it had. he HAD to add sparkle and RED ofc ofc ILH. So much better ?
LOL! I noticed that about his t-shirt. New red bling! Bedazzler packed and ready!
One of the questions from Adam’s twitter party.
Savita or Hybrid
Cannabis 101: What’s the difference between Indica, Sativa & Hybrid?
Excellent job from the beautiful and talented mlg.
mlg @mlg621
UNOFFICIAL POSTER! @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert CHICAGO 07.13.17 Photo Credit: @Alikat1323, @ALAlwayz, @dianakat13 Poster Design: @mlg621
Asif, your recaps were great!!!
As I prep for Chicago this morning, I remember our meeting in Chicago for the launch of QAL in 2014. So many of us were there, and for the pre and post show partay in the suite of Mils, Jo, and adamaddict 100, such good memories.
Up for a morning swim, then finish packing, and then off to Chi Town and St Paul.
Hope Adam has some energy left for the show, tee hee, Boy’s Town….
Mlg’s poster looks fantastic!!!
We are soooo lucky to have her in our group!
Tonight, side by side, she is so radiant and funny!!
I certainly miss this hair
Basma Mariki @Basmariki 14h14 hours ago
Replying to @adamlambert
Some paintings and sketches I did a while ago for you~ Hope you like them, Adam! ?✏️✨
TALCvids @TALCvids 22m22 minutes ago
Part 3 of 4 BBC Radio 2 ‘Tracks of My Years’ w @adamlambert at 2:09:45
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08x1s9k …
Jailhouse Rock, chat, ends w Mad World
Nice to hear If I Had You in Macy’s today.
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
Great Review: @QueenWillRock @adamlambert The Hollywood Bowl, 26 June 2017 ” Adam :a wild and outrageous showman,”
Danniel McKnight CPC @dannielm 12h12 hours ago
@adamlambert @DrBrianMay we lost 1 of ur biggest fans the night after she saw u in AZ. Her name was Bizzy & she passed in her sleep. RT pls?
The guy who voices Kermit the frog was fired by Disney
Sherry Retweeted
?☮️? @original_high1 18h18 hours ago
Love your Kermit the Frog impression @adamlambert ???
Just posted the thread for the Chicago concert. It was scheduled to automatically post this morning but for some reason did not.
guess he’s home. He’s so cute with his dog.
Lilybop @lilybop2010 11m11 minutes ago
? Sauli’s July 13 instagram story videos
So cute. Little boy on the keys looks like he has fake tats like Adam.
Lori S @LSolit5 6h6 hours ago
@QueenWillRock @adamlambert This is my 7-year-old son’s camp show! They rocked out to Don’t Stop Me Now!
PattiHum @PattiHum 7m7 minutes ago
If anyone in the Chicago area has been undecided about attending Queen and Adam Lambert, front row seats just released for $187! Wow!
0 replies 4 retweets 2 likes
caleb & cory day @pntaIoon
is that adam lambert
Back home in HK…and need to play catch up…have managed to keep up with most of the comments but haven’t really seen any videos for 2 1/2 weeks…
TALCvids @TALCvids 31m31 minutes ago
Part 4/4 @adamlambert on BBC R2 ‘Tracks of My Years ~2:07:30 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08x1tjr …
Bowie’s Fame, talks songs’ impact, Sam Cooke’s ACIGC
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
VIDEO AT Adam’s dressing room , you can hear Adam https://www.instagram.com/p/BWg2vr3jrnA/
VIDEO bigblackboo @adamlambert with friends backstage https://www.instagram.com/p/BWg1SdiDxDC/
bigblackboo The gang! @adamlambert abreealoren https://www.instagram.com/p/BWg5ik0jC6Y/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19985409_113965809237796_7307263031619092480_n.jpg …
@adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BWg9YcUFBsp/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20066153_154523451776263_3645098568991113216_n.jpg …
Reminds me of someone
They’d better call him for the movie
Posted on planning thread. Arriving inToronto on Monday. Any get together planned? Happy Belated Anniversary wishes, Ron!!!
Sparkle, I replied to your comment on the other thread
Stufish @StufishStudio
Its #FrankFriday Everyone! Here’s Ric testing Frank in rehearsals.
For more pictures, head over to our website (link in bio)
Love the deep burly voices
Jan @Janislandgirl 14h14 hours ago
Just heard someone in background say “I thought I wouldn’t like it but I Love it, I Love it” deep burley voice at QAL Chicago
This comic book character is Adam! Thieves!!
Wow! I wonder who inspired @DCComics Doctor Endless character? Looks like @adamlambert!
Why do we care about the rumors babayy? Last night was a dream
I love him! He kissed my hand when I saw the American idol concert lol
Looks beautiful here –
Doctor Endless is so Adam! Even has the eye of Horus around one eye.
I just heard today on the radio that Vanilla Ice claims he owns the publishing rights to Under Pressure. Does anyone know if this is true? And what it means? I coudn’t find anything definitive on the internet.
Hi everyone! I planned to post recaps after the 2 Hollywood shows but didn’t get a chance. As soon as I got home from California, my daughter and her family arrived and then we went to the Caribbean for a week with my family (34 in all). The internet at the resort was woefully bad, so I couldn’t even get on ALL. This is all to say that my silence had nothing to do with how gobsmacked/thrilled/blown away I was by the show.
I managed to avoid any videos, set lists, etc. before the show to maximize my surprise. What a spectacular show! The setting at the Hollywood Bowl surrounded by the glamour of Hollywood was really magical. Our ALL group had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe the first night and at a nearby Italian restaurant the second night. My personal tour guide, cwm, showed me around Hollywood and pointed out some of Adam’s haunts. We even went hiking in Runyon Canyon the morning of the second show. It was gorgeous and we were able to identify many of the places where Adam takes his Instagram pictures. But, alas, no Adam sightings on the trails!
But back to the show. The Hollywood Bowl is in the most beautiful setting surrounded by the Hollywood Hills. The acoustics were perfect and Adam has never sounded better. This show is a totally revamped version of the prior QAL show. It is much more Adam centric. He is no longer “the new guy” and leaves the stage for only short periods of time. The staging, lighting and special effects were spectacular. The pacing of the show was perfect as was the set list and the new versions of some of the classic songs. As much as I dislike Adam’s red hair and feel that it knocks him down several notches in the sex god category, I have to admit that it really works with the lighting and color scheme of the show. In fact, the whole show has a humorous tongue in cheek air about it and Adam’s outrageously colored hair fits right in with that theme, as does Two Fux. I love that song! It’s so silly and so Adam. I also loved the robot head, especially the way he kept batting his eyes and looking around during Killer Queen. He cracked me up! Another highlight was Bicycle Race. Adam was amusing but that in no way detracted from his unbelievable range and vocal acrobatics in that song.
I’m really looking forward to my next show in Toronto and seeing all the ALL’ers there.
Alyona_LR @Alyona_LR 18m18 minutes ago
✌️?Rumer Willis IG Story https://www.instagram.com/ruelarue/?hl=ru #QAL #AdamLambert #Chicago
Gelly @14gelly 19m19 minutes ago
JakeGrez ig story https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15/e35/14912397_670331573157006_6551271611255750656_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTU1ODc5OTM2MjM0MjM3ODE4NQ%3D%3D.2&se=7 …