- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Love the tattoos at that photo, love the pose
This is specially for some git at the New York Times – ha ha ! Yes it’s real !!! ?with love – Bri
eral @shuboogie
Replying to @Angel_nDisguise
I hope not. He doesnt deserve that @nytimes always crap at reviews. If I recall correctly they got song names wrong & called Roger, Paul
The Jon Pareles review from 2014 at MSG –
“With all its overdubbed guitars and vocals, Queen was very much a studio group. Onstage, augmented by keyboards (Spike Edney), drums (Rufus Tiger Taylor, Mr. Taylor’s son) and Neil Fairclough on bass, who replaced Queen’s longtime bassist John Deacon after he retired in 1997, there were some suspiciously perfect (probably canned) backup vocals filling out many choruses.”
(Looked Pareles up at the time – he plays flute/piano – degree in music from Yale – from then did nothing but music criticism – couldn’t leave comments on review – lol.)
Alisan Porter @alisanporter
Change – Single by Alisan Porter
PHOTO|@AdamLambert on Instagram story:”MASK for MASK” Yup, still gorgeous…?
This is my favorite forever!

BACKSTAGE lauradanielled @adamlambert #awkwardprompose
Nick @TheFattHatt
Replying to @ericpierre53
You know I was really skeptical tbh
But when you see Adam and the gang up close he really does have chemistry with them
Had to look that up –
Git (slang) – Wikipedia
Git is a term of insult with origins in British English denoting an unpleasant, silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying, senile, elderly or childish person. As a mild oath it is roughly on a par with prat and marginally less pejorative than berk.
(They’ll be in New York in a week – advance info to the NYT/Pareles?)
OMG, that IG from QAL nkd posted at 2:13am is a forever keeper!
THR InternationalVerified account @THRGlobal
Justin Bieber banned from China over his “bad behavior” https://goo.gl/yJ5rfa
I have had to cancel my trip to NA this month. I was hoping to just miss the Toronto gig and catch our 4 concert jaunt next week, but it is not to be. As much as I love Adam and Queen there are priorities in this world and I am very sure of my decision. Aside from missing the concerts, I am sorry that I won’t meet up with my old friends. I was especially looking forward to finally meeting dear asif in person. But it will have to wait for another opportunity.
I haven’t been watching many concert videos (not that I had the time) since I knew that I would be seeing 5 concerts, but now I have to watch. I am glad there are whole show vids from Toronto. I like that so much better than individual vids of the songs.
So whoever is going to more shows, ENJOY! And send the boys some special love from me

cocoo @cocooyau 9h9 hours ago
Queen acapella. Classic! Lightened and zoom ?Src https://instagram.com/p/BWy7yoGDVXp/ 7.20.17 TY @DrBrianMay @QueenWillRock
Sorry you’ve had to cancel your trip to NA, rs. But you made the right decision. Most of our tickets were purchased months in advance…much farther out than the first tour. So it goes that anything can change & you take care of the important things. Take care!
TALCvids @TALCvids 10m10 minutes ago
Screencap of Adam Lambert’s snapchat photo
This is such a gorgeous photo of Adam & Neil…Tyler in the back. Mr. Dimples, I mean Neil, is a handsome man. Could be Adam’s father but he’s actually not old enough. I believe he’s in his mid 40’s.
ADAM LAMBERTVerified account @adamlambert 27m27 minutes ago
Check out my cover of THINK on the Captain Underpants soundtrack.
make sure u see the film! It’s so fun.
Maybe the movie just went to video or something. Not sure why he’s tweeting this now.
Rs, I am sorry to hear your news, but feel better that you are so secure about your decision.
It would have been wonderful to see you again, but there’s always next time.
Funny about Biebs, he’s always stepping in it.
Love the backlash to NYT, that a capella vid is gorgeous.
(although DJ says “Roger’s son”) Great audio
Gelly @14gelly 23m23 minutes ago
Blaine gets to know how Matt and Lauren liked the Queen/Adam Lambert concert last night.
https://audioboom.com/posts/6128335-gotta-get-down-on-friday?utm_campaign=detailpage&utm_content=retweet&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter … via @audioBoom
rs– We will really miss you!
I love Brian’s pre-concert gift to the NYT. It’s beautiful!
This is just too beautiful @creativesharka Omg!!! Bravo!!! ❤️??❣️??❤️
VIDEO: 8 things you didn’t know about Queen’s Brian May and his passion for photography
Hana Frisons @HanaFris
.@adamlambert ‘ s snapchat 2017-07-21 ‘ Oh Hey Ohio’
Getting political for just a LMFAO moment here!
The new communications director’s name is Scaramucci. Tweeters are going on & on quoting lines from BoRap. They all fit! Mostly “will you do the fandango”.
I tweeted out the DC date at the Verizon Center on 7/31 if they want to see/hear the real thing.
Please share luval. Lol ing here too.First thought that came to my mind….
Adam’s IG…thanks ET Canada
Here’s that Entertainment City extended interview 10 mins on you tube finally.
Here are some (will only post partial so as not to be politcal on this blog).
Scaramucci (can you do the fandango) told us more than six times………
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very fright’ning me
SNL anytime soon.
T’s voice: “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me”
Chorus:”He’s just a poor boy from a poor family…”
New nickname for Scaramooch – “Fandango”
I thought I was the only one who thought of Queen while saying this dude’s name???
During the presser I was singing the Bohemian Rhapsody bridge with Scaramucci’s name. Didn’t quite work but it was fun. GF appeared alarmed.
OMG! Thunderbolt and lightening, very, very frightening me! (I thought I was the only one!)
Thx, now I have that song in my head all night… clearly, Beelzebub had a devil for a son… and his name is….
Ever since I saw his name that tune has been in my head
Ohhh, THAT’s the song I was trying to remember (oh mama mia, mama mia let me go)
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go? Bismillah! No, we will not let you go. (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go.
Haha every time I hear his name Bohemian Rhapsody pops into my head!
Looove those interviews!!! It’s been a minute since we’ve gotten to hear him talk so much.
Yes, luval, please share funny tweets!!!
Second thought on the announcement today was “oh no, what will Melissa McCarthy do now???”
Swords crossed!
Thanks luval! !!
Regardless of politics, darn, love AS’s “longgiland” accent – just like mine and all the people I grew up with – even looks like some of them – gonna be fun –
It’s not ending
Susie Fierce @SusieFierce 3h3 hours ago
LOL, Sam Bee is doing tweet ode to Spicer w “Mad World” lyrics and ofc BoRhap Scaramucci jokes are rampant. It’s an @adamlambert-themed day
Hahaha – I can’t either, luval –
An adamlambert-themed day! Nuthin’ better –
This’ll divert me –
Hello handsome!!
Maybe posted in the past?
QueenVerified account @QueenWillRock 15h15 hours ago
.@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert Lambert ‘VR The Champions’ Live Experience – Check out the 30-second free trailer @ http://VRTGO.COM/Queen .
Mystery solved – when @adamlambert goes to the side of the stage he uses this microphone to talk with sound guys
Both streams are on.

Live Nation Dallas
.@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert’s North American Tour is one show you #MustSeeLive! Grab tickets for at @AACenter: http://lvn.tn/1tl
I’m very sorry to hear your news … rs.
I was sooo looking forward to meeting you.
Yes, there will be another opportunity for us to meet and it will be wonderful.
You made the right decision. What a great daughter you are!!
Dan … scubadan is taking a lot of beautiful photos.
ulti and luval might bring them here later.
@adamlambert you know u made it when your on a Timex box??
Asif, which shows for you?
One of the best pics from this tour IMO
SureFireWinner ♏ @rainierstar
Loving Adam’s headspace right now. He’s got the right attitude. He’s in a place where he wants to focus on craft over competition in market
feetchick @feetchick
Yes me too! Great attitude
Happy Birthday … Dear ulti!!!

Have a wonderful day filled with love, joy, happiness and Adam.
Thanks for all the things you do for our joy here at ALL.
Here’s a dose of reality from Dr. Bri…another bunch of entitled people, I don’t call them fans, b/c there’s no thought given to the guys!?
Thanks, asif – very thoughtful of you – you’re the best –
Loved this actor